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47 minutes ago, Doko said:

Or dont toucth city of sigmar and increase the cost of fullminators as everyone ask(i am sc player and they are absurd,their cost must be around 300)

Raising their points won't change their damage output

The problem is Living City giving them a 3" charge out of reserves

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Oh, that's a bit unexpected. But nice! I would like to live in a world where we get small FAQ updates in a timely manner without having to wait until there is enough for a big drop. With Nighthaunt for example, they could totally have done nothing until the next battletome comes out, so I appreciate the quick bug fixes.

In this case, it seems like it's mostly clarification of how Nagash works in Nighthaunt. It has been clarified that he does not benefit from the ability of Hexwraiths to bodyguard your general in Emerald Host, which is what most people expected to happen. He still acts as a nexus for other Nighthaunt allegiance abilities, though (broadcasts that 6+ ward bubble), even though he does not benefit from them.

Other than that, the only thing that happend is that the Nurgle portion of Wrath of the Everchosen has been invalidated. That stuff has been integrated into the newest Battletome, so that makes sense.

LotFP can no longer take skaven daemons :(((((

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2 hours ago, Sokhar said:

 Tome of Champions 2020 was released in middle of Dezember 2020 so I would have expected this one to be planned to release around the same time originally so it gives us a rough estimate how much time they are behind their original release schedule  

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A thought about Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics, based on previous boxed games of similar size, the new Warcry tome and the box art and pictures.

It looks to me like the bad guys on the box art are all based on Underworld Warbands (Eyes of the Nine, Zarbag’s Gitz, Spiteclaw’s Swarm, Ironskull’s Boyz, and the Sepulchral Guard). Bladechosen came with cards to add in minis from other Warbands and the first Space Marine Adventures Boardgame came with exactly the right amount of enemy tokens to match the number of figures in the Necron kits at the time.

It makes me wonder if this will use various Warbands exactly as the monsters so you can build it out with the minis.

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10 minutes ago, EonChao said:

A thought about Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics, based on previous boxed games of similar size, the new Warcry tome and the box art and pictures.

It looks to me like the bad guys on the box art are all based on Underworld Warbands (Eyes of the Nine, Zarbag’s Gitz, Spiteclaw’s Swarm, Ironskull’s Boyz, and the Sepulchral Guard). Bladechosen came with cards to add in minis from other Warbands and the first Space Marine Adventures Boardgame came with exactly the right amount of enemy tokens to match the number of figures in the Necron kits at the time.

It makes me wonder if this will use various Warbands exactly as the monsters so you can build it out with the minis.

That would be pretty cool.

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23 minutes ago, Vastianos said:

Any rumors as to what the summer order book could be? GW normally likes to hint with their releseases but what springs to mind with "ever-vigilant" is stormbringers. So perhaps Cities of Sigmar?

Sylvaneth and Skaven seems to be some of the hints from our overseer.

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28 minutes ago, EonChao said:

I do wonder how much of that is just wishful thinking on our part though. That said Sylvaneth vs Skaven both feels right in story and both armies feel ready for a decent release.

With DoK getting another 'tome already, I honestly wouldn't apply any logic to Battletome releases.

Throw a dart at a board. The result is about as likely as any other guess.

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

With DoK getting another 'tome already, I honestly wouldn't apply any logic to Battletome releases.

Throw a dart at a board. The result is about as likely as any other guess.

BoC is in such a tricky place.  If they weren't getting the Feb Tome Celestial update, i'd say they are really due as well by now - aren't they now the oldest after nighthaunt?

The question is whether the Tome Celestial's actually mean much anymore.  If nothing is coming for the next 6 months anyway, does it matter if they get a TC now?  I'd reckon probably not at this point...

I think the one thing that is likely is it will be these summer releases that are big (or at least bigger) - it doesn't seem like we have much more coming for Fyreslayers, Idoneth, or DoK - and maybe there's a surprise or two for Nighthaunt based on rumor engines.  Really reads to me whatever is coming in summer is going to be the 'big' update, and then a thought of:

1) who needs it the most (Rules/Minis)

2) who deserves it the most (Rules/Minis)

3) which is going to be the most profitable for GW

4) whatever GW decides because while they may be cognizant of the above, I doubt any of it really matters beyond unknowable whims of their own 😉

I personally doubt it's going to be a completely new army yet, tho...  

Someone should really be doing odds on this stuff 🙂

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1 hour ago, Ratboy genius said:

no its the new campaign book in july, august is the lumineth book to fit the new units

I’ll take anything with a glorious campaign book of the advancing plot lines in the Mortal Realms attached. Possible River Temple lithe aelven water wraiths and sea spirit pachyderms a big bonus. :D 

But yeah, Sylvaneth is my guess with those “Lady of the Vines” rumors. Hoping for insect cavalry with the bug leg rumor and since it’ll likely be against Skaven maybe we can get those winged revenant units from the background of this art vs the Skaven. 

(and no, not the Arch-Reverant. You can see more winged ones in the far background on the right)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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12 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Random lore tidbit, but the Harrowdeep book confirms Halflings are a thing in the Mortal Realms. I know most people guessed so by Glutos' chef, but I remember some people still being sceptical. 

So what you're saying is, the next new army is Halflings? Checks out...

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55 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Random lore tidbit, but the Harrowdeep book confirms Halflings are a thing in the Mortal Realms. I know most people guessed so by Glutos' chef, but I remember some people still being sceptical. 

Tbf, the Hedonites tome did confirm that to be a humonculous like the other small deformed humanoids in their army.

It also mentioned Slaanesh Duardin that crafted flesh golems which is really cool.

As for Harrowdeep I’m not surprised as the realms already have countless bizarre races like Aetar eagle people, Valay squid smiths, insect Silent People, empire-building sand reptilian Sanskrits, shadow daemons from the Ulgu & Azyr moons and Cogmen but with how that bit coincided with Kruleboyz I wonder how much was a wink to “the Hobbit.”xD 

For anyone inspired by it though remember the Bloodbowl halflings with some Gryph-hound & Gloomspite Gitz kits can make amazing troops for your Freeguild cities.


Would fit the hungry lands and ragtag armies for a Realm of Beasts free city or very desperate Dawner party.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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I don’t think it throwing darts on the wall but rather base on what they manage to finish up first like which one off hero model the miniature people complete and put in a box first and then the rule writer get those books out first. 

granted it made sense that Nurgle, IDK, and Nighthaunt got tomes earlier since those where three of the oldest tomes and 2 of them where more of 1.5 tomes. There may have been push a little bit harder. 

sometimes i feel they hold certain tome back because they plan for them to have more stuff being release in the future (like CSM for 40K) or they procrastinate too much and they only got it done at the end (Seraphon)

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5 hours ago, Vastianos said:

Any rumors as to what the summer order book could be? GW normally likes to hint with their releseases but what springs to mind with "ever-vigilant" is stormbringers. So perhaps Cities of Sigmar?

It's all but confirmed* that the summer books both have two choices:

- Halflings or Valaya dwarves

- Chaos dwarves or an entire faction of Chaos familiars


* Confirmed by noone except me, without any sources or even logical expectation that even part of this might happen

Edited by zilberfrid
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8 hours ago, EonChao said:

I do wonder how much of that is just wishful thinking on our part though. That said Sylvaneth vs Skaven both feels right in story and both armies feel ready for a decent release.

Skaven vs. anything feels kinda right, if I may add that comment. 
Even a skaven vs. skaven box release would feel just like a natural perfect fit.


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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40 minutes ago, TreelordRecent said:

Mischief would fit skaven.

ever vigilant could be pretty much anything… cities, seraphon, lumineth…

The shield looks like a warden shield but I am not sure if that means anything.

I think, it is pretty clear at that, even If I wouldn’t have minded waiting for a good range update.

but there is literally no other chaos faction that even hints towards a mischief unlike the skaven.

Even if we consider the word mischief for well having done something mischievous the rats would be the only faction really fitting that description.

as for order, it is either going to be lumineth or sylvaneth, what else could there be.

cities and seraphons very likely won’t be getting a tome, thx to their update in the white dwarf, ko, are dwarfs, and not even the real sturdy dwarfs we know and love, and we are already getting a naked dwarf battletome, so they are very unlikely to get one either, and with stormcast already having theirs, we are basically left with well the already mentioned factions.


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