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Can only repeat what others have said. Bland additions, especially considering the creative canvas both armies have available to them. I would be very surprised to see IDK get a battletome while Fyreslayers get ignored or souped, though.

If Skaven are coming, does that mean the same for Seraphon? Any hints or rumors? All I want for Christmas... is for the stars to align!

Edited by Magnusaur
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4 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

They will learn that the fans HATE both factions and remove their support.

Haha, unfortunately this. Looks like a repeat of Blood of the Phoenix from a few years back - worse, even, since this box only has two new models out of 43. GW seems to learn nothing.

Another foot hero for Fyreslayers in particular, when the army is desperately crying out for anything but another foot hero, is just beyond shortsighted and lazy. 

Edited by yukishiro1
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1 minute ago, Captaniser said:

They will learn that the fans HATE both factions and remove their support.

I don’t think that’s necessarily the case here. They KNOW that idoneth is infamous for being eels only every time. It’s clear this box is targeted toward idoneth players knowing they likely don’t have namarti thralls. I think it’s safe to assume whatever the battletome following gives them, it will be marketed toward a healthier playstyle.

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4 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Its a self fulfilling prophecy. Faction is unpopular so they dont support them, Faction is unpopular due to no support

I hate this because it was what happened to Brets and TK and when AoS started the consensus was that GW had changed and such blunders would never happen again...

And look where we are now.

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It looks... fine? The Fyreslayer hero is kind of cool, if no more original than I was expecting. I think the version of the Idoneth hero on the novel cover was maybe better, but still fine overall.

No idea whether I'll get this one, I guess it depends on the price. I'm not overly fussed about the new heroes, and have all the other troops, so if its a really good deal it would "finish off" a couple of armies quite nicely, but if its not then its an easy one to pass over.

They could have done much more with the theme, but really, its pretty much exactly what we all expected from the rumours.

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28 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Can only repeat what others have said. Bland additions, especially considering the creative canvas both armies have available to them. I would be very surprised to see IDK get a battletome while Fyreslayers get ignored or souped, though.

If Skaven are coming, does that mean the same for Seraphon? Any hints or rumors? All I want for Christmas... is for the stars to align!

Or they just decide to soup both...

No army deserves to be souped though. It is such a death sentence for proper support and new models.

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2 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Its a self fulfilling prophecy. Faction is unpopular so they dont support them, Faction is unpopular due to no support

Do you know what people like about Idoneth? Sea creatures! The models that are popular (other than the eidolon) are the turtles, octopus and crab.

Literally the last thing that existing players want and the last thing that is likely to draw new players to the army is a footslogging bald elf.

Also even though I expected a foot hero you managed to disappoint even my low expectations by 1) Not making the model a Namarti hero (which would have been something different at least) and 2) Not making a female hero (which I hoped for from the gotrek cover).

The new book will be something, but honestly I haven't been thrilled by any of the 3rd ed rules. 

So I don't mean to sound salty (no pun intended) but I really think this might be my cue to step away from the hobby for awhile.

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5 minutes ago, Talas said:

When the Shadow and Pain box was announced, did they show all the new units that came afterward?

No, but even then it was not universal. Slaanesh got a massive mortals release many many months later; Daughters of Khaine got some endless spells and I think that was it for new models after that set (I forget when the Shadow Stalkers* appeared). 


Some armies will get lots, some will get less. There was hope that Fyreslayers would get a chunky release to bolster them up popularity wise and design wise to make them more diverse, more interesting and more fleshed out as a force. GW clearly likes them as they feature a lot in the lore, but right now model wise they are very sorely lacking.



Predicting what armies GW will and won't focus on is nearly impossible. Eg Necrons are a huge front page Xenos army for the current 40K edition; featuring a massive update to most of their core army. Almost the entire model line save for one or two models and hero sculpts are now in very modern plastics. 

And yet Necrons before that were still in a good position whilst Eldar were languishing with huge chunks needing updates. 


Again its impossible to predict. Idoneth and Fyreslayers could just as easily spend 3rd edition without any additional models; or get a massive line update that adds twice as many models as they have now. 



*Technically they've not even had their AoS main army release box! They are still only sold on the Warcry pages. 

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6 minutes ago, Talas said:

When the Shadow and Pain box was announced, did they show all the new units that came afterward?

I remember they reveal Sigvald and the mortal foot infantry range right after the box release. Nothing for DoK except for endless spell which where way later

of course there are many other battleboxes that lead to nothing but just the book too

Edited by novakai
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11 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

Do you know what people like about Idoneth? Sea creatures! The models that are popular (other than the eidolon) are the turtles, octopus and crab.

Literally the last thing that existing players want and the last thing that is likely to draw new players to the army is a footslogging bald elf.

Also even though I expected a foot hero you managed to disappoint even my low expectations by 1) Not making the model a Namarti hero (which would have been something different at least) and 2) Not making a female hero (which I hoped for from the gotrek cover).

The new book will be something, but honestly I haven't been thrilled by any of the 3rd ed rules. 

So I don't mean to sound salty (no pun intended) but I really think this might be my cue to step away from the hobby for awhile.

To be fair it is Akhelian, and we have only 1 Akhelian hero. 

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2 hours ago, Azamar said:

This hasn’t shown up yet- more fyreslayers yet to come or is it chaos dwarfs after all?


I've not given up any hope, not until the Battletome is out in the wilds!! There is still a great a chance as any that both Idoneth and Fyreslayers could still get a unit or two for their Factions.

For all we know these Factions wont get their BT release until March time and we will have plenty of time to tease them before them.

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At least people will know maybe understand why I hate missed opportunity be it rules or units and their design, or batletomes. 

Bad product leads to lower potential popularity and lower playrate and purchases that leads to this kind of bad minimalist updates. The only thing why I am still hopeful for Slaanesh is because it is the major plot point in the lore. They being chained etc. other than that I don't have much hope for Fyreslayers/IDK at the moment...

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