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1 hour ago, Kenk said:

And there’s our new Idoneth hero. Double falchions which completely match the rumour engine!

Quite what she needs a volt spear, two swords AND a dagger for I’m not sure.

yes thats the new hero for sure. and it is sooo dissapointed, it is 99% gereric baldy with sligthy different choker and weapons.


in morathy book she promised us powerful cithay souls, so new idk like volturnos, i mean even better than akhelians, fully powerful sea elves, not this useless baldy :(

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2 hours ago, Overread said:

I think some of the old Demon themes will weaken a bit as they are shifting from being parts of an army to being armies of their own. Eg the only ranged weapons used to be magic or the Khorne Skull Cannon ,but now we've seen Tzeentch and Slaanesh getting archer and ranged units of their own and such. Heck I expect at some stage we'll see artillery added to all the gods not just Khorne. 

I'm going to go to my chaos bible here; the Alpha and the Omega that is Realm of chaos Slaves to Darkness,

I loved khorne as instead of magic it got technology and chaos dwarf artillery and war machines.

I was great, you could equip your units with random 40k tech so a chaos warriors unit would be armed with bolt guns 🤣


But you make a really valid point about new unit additions.  As you say, all armies are slowly getting a thing to cover all bases.  But why?  I think it adds so much flavour if armies have obvious weaknesses.

Lets take my beloved khorne, no magic, but again back in der day, a khorne army was amazingly effective at shutting down magic phases as a result, and other than technology which was a random chance, they had no effective range - they were a melee blender army, and as an opponent you really really didn't want them to get into melee at full army strength.

Admittedly if you want a laugh read the daemon entries in that book, the daemonic legions were a whole different back of crazy!

While im on my skull throne soapbox, the other thing I'd love to see in a khorne army is the literal interpretation of "cares not whence the blood flows" and it be the only army where you can actually attack friendly units to trigger stuff, it would be nuts and also add a whole new dynamic.  I'd also like the cutting your nose off to spite your face rule that a khorne army cannot hire or have mercenaries - after all as RoC:STD said, nobody in their right mind would be stupid enough to work for a khorne army as they knew that as soon as the battle was over they'd be next.

Anyway back to rumours.. :)


On a slight digression, do we not think that the guys who did the cinematic trailer for Space Marine 2 should just make a whole feature length fillum? - it's great, and if they could do that as a mini series for AoS that would be amazing.

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9 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

Once upon a time there was a beastman centauroid...

But he knew beastmen club suck so he join destruction side because it was they where cooler and they where more relate with beast stuff then those chaos worshipping goats that don’t do anything relevant 

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56 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

But you make a really valid point about new unit additions.  As you say, all armies are slowly getting a thing to cover all bases.  But why?  I think it adds so much flavour if armies have obvious weaknesses.

I think that there's a difference between armies having a theme and armies having distinct missing aspects. It's one thing to have, say, a close combat focused army which has very few ranged units, but some; from one which has no ranged unit options at all. IT's one thing to have a weak aspect but another to have no aspect.


Eg Khorne could have the no spells thing perfectly with no magical element what so ever, not even prayers. Thing is that means they have a whole phase of the game where they can do and can counter nothing; it cuts players out of a whole layer of the game to play that force. And in the end there isn't anything else they can "give" the army to make up for it in the close combat area besides making them stronger. The mechanics would remain the same there. 


So yes as the Demon armies have become their own forces instead of parts of a single force; we will see more and more a general covering of all bases. As I noted before I'm eager to see Artillery options for them arise and perhaps some unique warbeasts/monsters as well that count in the large categories as right now that's mostly just Greater Demons. I'd love to see some Slaanesh artillery and some bigger beasts/monsters/constructs for them; same as I would for the other Chaos forces. 

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3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Gotrek killing Elves. Can't get much better than that.



2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:


Set in the aftermath of the Siege of Excelsis.


2 hours ago, xking said:

So we can finally learn something about  Kragnos.

BLPreview Books Dec11 Kragnos

What a ****** epic selection of novels coming for AOS!! Honestly this has excited me as much as Blackpowders Bucaneers!! 

Hallowed Ground sounds like an awesome ride and who doesnt love more Gotrek?

I'm most looking forward to Kragnos, hopefully we see some of the novel written from his perspective and that of Destruction. Regardless having Destruction as the antagonist is pure chefs kiss. Hopefully this showcases the Mawtribes moreso than BR Kragnos!!

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2 hours ago, novakai said:

But he knew beastmen club suck so he join destruction side because it was they where cooler and they where more relate with beast stuff then those chaos worshipping goats that don’t do anything relevant 

Apart from provide massive amounts of canon fodder because ya know… beasts..

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3 hours ago, Kitsumy said:

yes thats the new hero for sure. and it is sooo dissapointed, it is 99% gereric baldy with sligthy different choker and weapons.


in morathy book she promised us powerful cithay souls, so new idk like volturnos, i mean even better than akhelians, fully powerful sea elves, not this useless baldy

Gotta say that as an IDK player this doesn't excite me either. What worries me is that she has an eel looming behind her. It makes me think that she might be a foot hero with a trained eel, similar to SCE heroes and their individual griffhounds. I don't want this. There are so many amazing sea monsters they can use and I already have plenty of eels. Foot hero with eel sidekick feels pretty bland and uninspired. Especially considering the many obvious gaps in the range which could be filled.


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5 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

Inconsistent design constraints is bad design. Period.

Breaking your design constraints either means they were bad from the start so you justifiably get rid if it (everything designed with that constraint becomes suspect), or you're breaking a good design principal which will hurt the product.

If each battletome is designed in a vacuum they might as well throw balance out the window too.

You're not exactly wrong about that being how GW operates though, its just frustrating that its the case, especially when they put out articles on their design goals. They seem to understand good design, but are never disciplined enough to care.

GW axed unique battalions with the new edition and then started adding them again.
The inconsistency of battletomes is modus operandi at this point

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50 minutes ago, Orbei said:

Gotta say that as an IDK player this doesn't excite me either. What worries me is that she has an eel looming behind her. It makes me think that she might be a foot hero with a trained eel, similar to SCE heroes and their individual griffhounds. I don't want this. There are so many amazing sea monsters they can use and I already have plenty of eels. Foot hero with eel sidekick feels pretty bland and uninspired. Especially considering the many obvious gaps in the range which could be filled.


Mechanically and aesthetically it seems like a pretty lame IDK hero, I agree. Aesthetically just a combination of existing elements and Mechanically...we've already got the Soulrender and the almighty Lotann as dedicated infantry support heroes, and uh...no one uses those guys either.

Still, you never know, there might be more for IDK. Just adding a new, tougher infantry unit could do a lot to open up alternate playstyles.


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5 hours ago, Kitsumy said:

yes thats the new hero for sure. and it is sooo dissapointed, it is 99% gereric baldy with sligthy different choker and weapons.


in morathy book she promised us powerful cithay souls, so new idk like volturnos, i mean even better than akhelians, fully powerful sea elves, not this useless baldy :(

you knew what you signed up for when you picked the faction of elf-pattern baldness, rogaine won't help

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Anyone else note the potential hints to the future now that the Great Unclean One got an enormous face-lift to where it's now a 500 point beast with 18 wounds? Not only is that cool and representative of how powerful a Greater Daemon should be, it makes me wonder if the other gods' greater daemons will eventually get similarly big upgrades in their new books (i.e. gaining 2 wounds to 16, greatly improved abilities and weapon profiles) or if the GUO being so much 'more' than the others is just the way it's supposed to be? For reference, the GUO was on the cheaper side of the greater daemons at 350 (only Bloodthirsters were cheaper) prior to this new book, so clearly it's meant to fit a bigger role in armies now. 

Edited by Jaskier
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2 hours ago, Jaskier said:

Anyone else note the potential hints to the future now that the Great Unclean One got an enormous face-lift to where it's now a 500 point beast with 18 wounds? Not only is that cool and representative of how powerful a Greater Daemon should be, it makes me wonder if the other gods' greater daemons will eventually get similarly big upgrades in their new books (i.e. gaining 2 wounds to 16, greatly improved abilities and weapon profiles) or if the GUO being so much 'more' than the others is just the way it's supposed to be? For reference, the GUO was on the cheaper side of the greater daemons at 350 (only Bloodthirsters were cheaper) prior to this new book, so clearly it's meant to fit a bigger role in armies now. 

Would be fine for keepers and bloodthirsters. 500 point LoCs would be tough to balance since they're taken mainly for their casting prowess.

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10 hours ago, Orbei said:

Gotta say that as an IDK player this doesn't excite me either. What worries me is that she has an eel looming behind her. It makes me think that she might be a foot hero with a trained eel, similar to SCE heroes and their individual griffhounds. I don't want this. There are so many amazing sea monsters they can use and I already have plenty of eels. Foot hero with eel sidekick feels pretty bland and uninspired. Especially considering the many obvious gaps in the range which could be filled.


While I do agree that this new hero, if that artwork really is the new IDK hero, doesn't seem too exciting it's at least a little less generic than the only new model.Maggotkin got.

Edited by Maogrim
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It has the exact rumour engine sword that was shown off a not that long ago, so the hero on the cover is most likely the new IDK hero bar very extreme artistic and interpretation. It quite possible that the rumor boxset is actually related to this book and it just extra marketing for it release.

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Does anyone else wonder whether they'll release Maleneth Witchblade (Gotrek's Daughters of Khaine/Order of Azyr) female companion for Age of Sigmar one day? While you could argue that Order aleady has a lot of stuff, I think that would be pretty amazing! Daughters could really use a hero to represent Khaine's assassin aspect. 

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12 hours ago, Jaskier said:

Anyone else note the potential hints to the future now that the Great Unclean One got an enormous face-lift to where it's now a 500 point beast with 18 wounds? Not only is that cool and representative of how powerful a Greater Daemon should be, it makes me wonder if the other gods' greater daemons will eventually get similarly big upgrades in their new books (i.e. gaining 2 wounds to 16, greatly improved abilities and weapon profiles) or if the GUO being so much 'more' than the others is just the way it's supposed to be? For reference, the GUO was on the cheaper side of the greater daemons at 350 (only Bloodthirsters were cheaper) prior to this new book, so clearly it's meant to fit a bigger role in armies now. 

It would be interesting to see what if anything (why am I even typing this of course they won't!) forgeworld do with their exalted greater daemons.  By this reckoning the exalted thirster should be an absolute 1000pt wrecking ball of omigod.

But more than likely it'll just be easier to put an exalted greater daemon in your list as it's cheaper! 

funny old world.

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3 hours ago, Maogrim said:

Does anyone else wonder whether they'll release Maleneth Witchblade (Gotrek's Daughters of Khaine/Order of Azyr) female companion for Age of Sigmar one day? While you could argue that Order aleady has a lot of stuff, I think that would be pretty amazing! Daughters could really use a hero to represent Khaine's assassin aspect. 

to fulfill criteria of all centrepiece heroes and so they can say the model is 10cm tall she will obviously be standing on a rock which is actually the top of the pillar that the mountain of bodies (preferably elfs) is piled up against yes?

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2 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

It would be interesting to see what if anything (why am I even typing this of course they won't!) forgeworld do with their exalted greater daemons.  By this reckoning the exalted thirster should be an absolute 1000pt wrecking ball of omigod.

But more than likely it'll just be easier to put an exalted greater daemon in your list as it's cheaper! 

funny old world.

Just to note that FW don't do anything any more - GW central does all the rules. It's on them if they don't do anything with the FW models. That said considering that the AOS line has been utterly gutted and about the only thing they've kept are the shared models (Greater demons) and the goblin stuff (which was about the only FW models to actually get any marketing on the community pages when the Gloomspite Gitz book went live); I think that GW just kinda pretends that FW doesn't exist for Age of Sigmar. 

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