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3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Man Reads Book reads book again.


I just love Ash's genuine excitement for each release, even though he mostly focuses on the rules he genuinely loves the lore, painting sections and model showcases. I remember being a really shy and anxious kid and going to the GW store he worked in as a young man and he was always this excited and enthusiastic. 

The book also seems really fluffy and fun, no real complaints on my end but I will say it does feel fairly heavy on book keeping between disease points, corruption points and the cycle of decay I feel like it would be too difficult for my poor memory skills. Hopefully Ogor Mawtribes and Slaves to Darkness maintain their simplistic ruleset of charge forward and smash the opponent. That I can remember.  

Edited by Neverchosen
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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

Seems everything is fine. A lot of better profiles overall and a lot of diferent styles to play. 

What do you think?

I'm probably going to start the army after getting a start collecting Nurgle mortals box as a gift recently. I have some likes and dislikes as a potential new player:


I can build the list I want, which is an elite list of mostly mortals that should hopefully come in at sub 30 models. Both Blightkings and Blightlords seem pretty good and there are several interesting support and centerpiece hero choices. If you don't go summoning focussed, the summoning board you need seems managable, too. I can knock out a unit of Plaguebearers in a weekend if I really have to.

The army seems to play like I would expect it to. Every unit is super fat and tanky, but they are generally slow (with notable exceptions and movement shennenigans, though). The game plan seems to be to get onto objectives early and be an immovable wall. Plus, you slowly grind down your opponent just by existing from disease points.



Between summoning, the wheel and disease points, the design seems a bit unfocussed. I would have preferred at least one of those subsystems to go (preferably the wheel).

I am not yet sure how impactful disease tokens will be. There seems to be a potential for lots of incidental mortals over the course of a game. I don't think they are weak. But I also don't think you can use them like you would want to use mass mortals usually, to burst down hero models.

Competitively, it seems like the book might have a hard time. The combination of being slow, likely not meeting the Sons of Behemat DPS check and having few bodies for the objective game makes me think that this army will be hard to win tournaments with. I am not confident in that prediction, however.

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So sc got deleted the 100% of their ca and every scrolls got deleted the 70% of their skills.

Now sc scrolls have 0 ca and 1! Skill only but seems next tomes only gonna be a direct buff to 2.0 without loose nothing?

Glad that i have 5 armys and my 4 non sc armys wont be deleted as was sc, but sad for my sc because i wont have a reason to play them when every other army gonna be funnier to play.

Sc are too much simple now and cool for new players,but boring to play if you are a veteran

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53 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Gotrek killing Elves. Can't get much better than that.


And there’s our new Idoneth hero. Double falchions which completely match the rumour engine!

Quite what she needs a volt spear, two swords AND a dagger for I’m not sure.

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3 minutes ago, Doko said:

So sc got deleted the 100% of their ca and every scrolls got deleted the 70% of their skills.

Not exactly. As Sam Pearson (Bottles) said in twitter, 3.0 is shifting to put more power on profiles and warscrolls than abilities and sinergies as we had in 2.0

I'm glad about that.

I know that is going to be an slap in the face for tournament players because not all Battletomes are in the same 3.0 ground, but I prefer to see some bandaids (FAQs) than just a full army race (again).

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5 minutes ago, Doko said:

So sc got deleted the 100% of their ca and every scrolls got deleted the 70% of their skills.

Now sc scrolls have 0 ca and 1! Skill only but seems next tomes only gonna be a direct buff to 2.0 without loose nothing?

Glad that i have 5 armys and my 4 non sc armys wont be deleted as was sc, but sad for my sc because i wont have a reason to play them when every other army gonna be funnier to play.

Sc are too much simple now and cool for new players,but boring to play if you are a veteran

More rules don't translate directly to better or more fun, and too many rules can be overwhelming and hard to keep track of.

What really matters is the quality of those rules, and I think Ironjawz illustrates this best. Ironjawz don't have many rules, but they really make you think and plan around stuff like smashin and bashin and ironjawz waaagh!.

I'm not a sc player so I can't really comment on if they're too simple or not. Bonesplitterz did lose depth in the new book though, as most of their rules are paper thin.

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2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

3.0 is shifting to put more power on profiles and warscrolls than abilities and sinergies as we had in 2.0


lol. literally SoB got stronger because of things like additional WD rules (synergy) and general external artifacts (amulet of destiny/tome), looking forward to SBGL layering additional layer of rules from the upcoming WD and people pretending they have become stronger because of their warscrolls and not because of rule layering. Zombies already have one of the best true  extra pile ins in the game not a surprise that they perform very well but having a strong warsrcoll and then giving it extra layers? it just compounds. 

With the amount of WD issues per year and the amount of factions we have it is a bad way to introduce  rules. 

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5 minutes ago, Feii said:

people pretending they have become stronger because of their warscrolls and not because of rule layering.

What? Gargants are a 2.0 army, they are not even in the same ground as SCE, Orruks or new Maggotkin (3.0 armies).

I've already pointed out that the problem is still 2.0 vs 3.0 battletomes and bandaids are just that, bandaids...

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6 minutes ago, Beliman said:

What? Gargants are a 2.0 army, they are not even in the same ground as SCE, Orruks or new Maggotkin (3.0 armies).

I've already pointed out that the problem is still 2.0 vs 3.0 battletomes and bandaids are just that, bandaids...

they got some of their rules in 3.0 

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23 minutes ago, Kenk said:

And there’s our new Idoneth hero. Double falchions which completely match the rumour engine!

Quite what she needs a volt spear, two swords AND a dagger for I’m not sure.

So something for Namarati at least. Seems it is acompanied with medium sized eel too at top of all arsenal of weapons :D

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2 minutes ago, Feii said:

they got some of their rules in 3.0 

Na, they got some "bandaids" that didn't work (it got worst) in 3.0.

They don't even have a 3.0 battletome and I'm not sure that the rules team is the same as the ones in the WD...

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4 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Na, they got some "bandaids" that didn't work (it got worst) in 3.0.

They don't even have a 3.0 battletome and I'm not sure that the rules team is the same as the ones in the WD...

not talking about how fun/fluffy the SoB rules are but they are one of the best armies in the game right now. 

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12 minutes ago, Feii said:

not talking about how fun/fluffy the SoB rules are but they are one of the best armies in the game right now. 

Yeah, I know.

Not sure if "one of the best armies" are the right words. They are just an army that is stomping a lot of other armies just because interactions, rules and my main issue with them: the result of becoming a 2.0 army using/abusing 3.0 rules (Heroic Actions, Monster Rampage, damage check, body count for objectives, Ward5+, etc...).

Imho, they are really, really bad for the game. They don't belong in 3.0 and they are just a big wall of bricks for a lot of armies, but that's just an opinion from a random dude in this forum.

(Anecdote: one week ago, another gargant player won a 16 man tournament).

Edited by Beliman
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24 minutes ago, Aleser said:

So something for Namarati at least. Seems it is acompanied with medium sized eel too at top of all arsenal of weapons :D

Looks like a soul-having aelf to me, so not Namarti, but might buff them! A nicely posed eel-rider would be neat.

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