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Cities of Sigmar souped a lot of factions up together and is probably one of the better books GW has produced and make a lot of the older 'obsolete' range feel new again.

Soup isn't bad at all.

Throw KO and Fyreslayers together, throw in a small release of 'Neo-Dispossesed' and you've got the framework of a pretty good release.

Yes, the pointy-ears have 4 books (and cities) to your one - but this is GW and elves sell more stuff.

WFB to AOS wise - one dwarf book to three elf books, and AOS really just looked at the DElfs, who got unsouped, and WElfs getting told to leave out the back door.

 We tried two Duardin factions - one didn't sell - I doubt GW would look at that and release a third

Edited by Dreddships
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On 5/26/2021 at 1:30 AM, Chikout said:

I think you may have to prepare yourself. With every additional hint I'm starting to think that a mixed Duardin book is on the cards. 

I'm still not convinced it's a terrible idea though. The warclans battletome is a pretty good one which gives interesting ways to play both factions individually or combined. There is potential to produce something that gives all Duardin armies a new lease of life. 

It's also possible that there will be a Slaves to Darkness style book that is its own thing but can pull in units from the other books. 

It does give more depth to the armies, but as someone who only cares about the models and doesn't buy infantry heroes, it'll also mean I don't care about a poorly written battletome that has some flimsy excuse why the only non-religious faction in all the mortal realms needs to be folded in with religious fanatics just so GW can avoid making non-elves.

The design language from KO is awesome, and the kits are inspired. For Fyreslayers, get the designer of the Blood Bowl team and just let them go off, they need facial expressions and dynamic posing even before more variety in what troops they have.

No kits will also mean no female dwarven kits. We already have awesome art and named heroes, and none of the dwarven bodies reads even remotely female. Let alone ancestor masks.

But everybody needs to lock steps and be slaves to some gods or another, it seems.

It does mean savings, because I don't care about the Ironclad if the faction gets its identity ripped out. If it doesn't get new models, it is dead.

Edited by zilberfrid
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It's not about a full Fantasy army that was divided in to 3 or 4 armies and then become united again.

It's how AoS micro-armies build their own lore, design and all the cool stuff to be different enough from their previous (if any) incarnations.

We already have an example with Ironjawz. They were the first Orc Boyz for AoS, and you expected to see more things about them: more lore, more named characters, more miniatures (more cavalry, new monsters, characters, specialist units, etc...), more bestiary, more Ironjawz sub-themes,... A LOT MORE.  And I'm not talking about rules. 

I expected that after the shift from 1.0 small armies to bigger ones with 2.0 (Old Fantasy armies being united again and Lumineth 2d wave). Instead, we had a souped army without any new kits for named characters, new miniatures, minimum lore and no new sub-themes.

What I expect from KOs?

A lot of new sub-themes (pirates, big game hunters, alchemists, smugglers, etc...), assaulting KO units , new "blackbeard" admiral character from Barak-Mhornar, new ships, a submarine or a new type of vehicle, "swashbucklers" (offensive melee unit) and "copperheads" (defensive melee unit), KOs terrain sets (Zonbecks), Black marines, Lieutenant-like hero (Arkanaut Captain), air mines, new race that only works for KOs (something like vespid from T'au, even a new type of greenskinz to make it clear that KOs are not just Fantasy dwarfs with ships could do the job), "Conquistador" dwarfs assaulting new islands and continents,etc.

I can go on and go on, but the whole thing is that I'm not sure that a souped army-book will bring anything relevant to my KOs that is not "more rules".

I really hope to be wrong.

Edited by Beliman
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19 minutes ago, Dreddships said:

Cities of Sigmar souped a lot of factions up together and is probably one of the better books GW has produced and make a lot of the older 'obsolete' range feel new again.

Soup isn't bad at all.

Throw KO and Fyreslayers together, throw in a small release of 'Neo-Dispossesed' and you've got the framework of a pretty good release.

Yes, the pointy-ears have 4 books (and cities) to your one - but this is GW and elves sell more stuff.

WFB to AOS wise - one dwarf book to three elf books, and AOS really just looked at the DElfs, who got unsouped, and WElfs getting told to leave out the back door.

 We tried two Duardin factions - one didn't sell - I doubt GW would look at that and release a third

It's always tough to say, and impossible to know, the numbers that GW is looking at behind the scenes. Kharadron Overlords remain incredibly popular for their unique playstyle and thematic models, but Fyreslayers are a tough sell. Naked mohawk dwarves? Not many people want to look at that. 

But, it doesn't push out the idea of a new Dwarven faction. GW has been pretty indecisive with certain AoS factions, like the beastclaw raiders and ogors. They split them up, only to mash them together again, despite trying to give each a very different thematic feel, lore, and style of play. 

We'll see what happens. Dwarf players tend to be as stubborn and resistant to change as the lore of the models they collect, whereas elf players seem pretty pleased with just about anything. 

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This is obviously a topic that gets people upset. I want to make my own position absolutely clear. I hope the Duardin get a third battletome that give the opportunity to do a soup army but the KO and Fyreslayers keep their own books. I'm just not sure how realistic that is. 

I do find some of these reactions a bit strange though. The Duardin used to be one army with slayers and steam Copters fighting together. The KO aren't atheists, they just don't trust the gods. Aether gold is known as Grungi's breath after all, so they must respect him at least a little. 

As for Aelf soup, it wouldn't surprise me if DoK and Malerion joined together. They could even add the IDK after the Broken Realms alliance. I personally hope that the Kurnothi are part of a new Sylvaneth army when they come. I would love to be able to play a version of that army that doesn't rely on trees. 

The danger with all this souping is that AoS starts to look like Warhammer fantasy again which I don't want. 


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19 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

It does give more depth to the armies, but as someone who only cares about the models and doesn't buy infantry heroes, it'll also mean I don't care about a poorly written battletome that has some flimsy excuse why the only atheist faction in all the mortal realms needs to be folded in with religious fanatics just so GW can avoid making non-elves.

The design language from KO is awesome, and the kits are inspired. For Fyreslayers, get the designer of the Blood Bowl team and just let them go off, they need facial expressions and dynamic posing even before more variety in what troops they have.

No kits will also mean no female dwarven kits. We already have awesome art and named heroes, and none of the dwarven bodies reads even remotely female. Let alone ancestor masks.

But everybody needs to lock steps and be slaves to some gods or another, it seems.

It does mean savings, because I don't care about the Ironclad if the faction gets its identity ripped out. If it doesn't get new models, it is dead.

I can understand your point and mostly agree with you but IF (hope not) combined book for dwarfs will come out I can assume that it will have option to play pure KO, pure FS and combined army with different synergy and allegiance abilities. Plus I believe that to make this type of army work we need third faction that will become something in between. 

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Orruk Warclans is a great book that contains all the ordinary content of a seperate book with a specific way to play them together. No one can claim that Iron Jawz and Bonesplitters somehow don't exist as proper and distinct factions,.

In all respects the combined book created a 3rd distinct faction with its own design influence on unit selection and army composition. While leaving the 2 other factions with a solid update. 

The lack of new models and combining of a book aren't synonymous, it just is what happened with Orruk Warclans.

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2 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

The lack of new models and combining of a book aren't synonymous, it just is what happened with Orruk Warclans.

And Cities...

And Skaven...

And Nagash until his battletome was replaced...

So far not very impressive with new releases. It's almost as an excuses for GW. Hey you won't get a single new model since start but look! New rules! 😑 

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Just now, cofaxest said:

I can understand your point and mostly agree with you but IF (hope not) combined book for dwarfs will come out I can assume that it will have option to play pure KO, pure FS and combined army with different synergy and allegiance abilities. Plus I believe that to make this type of army work we need third faction that will become something in between. 

That'll probably just be the Disposessed kits.

They are as static as the fyreslayers, but at least wear clothes.

If not THAT doesn't make sense. Can't really stay this way if their gods return.

Going from full battletome to soup is NOT the same as cities, who only had two pages in the GHB at most per subfaction, it also can't be done without ruining the identities of both Fyreslayers and Kharadron.

It'd be like Richard Dawkins and Bill Nye shacking up with Kenneth Copeland and Ken Ham.

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11 minutes ago, Chikout said:

This is obviously a topic that gets people upset. I want to make my own position absolutely clear. I hope the Duardin get a third battletome that give the opportunity to do a soup army but the KO and Fyreslayers keep their own books. I'm just not sure how realistic that is. 

I do find some of these reactions a bit strange though. The Duardin used to be one army with slayers and steam Copters fighting together. The KO aren't atheists, they just don't trust the gods. Aether gold is known as Grungi's breath after all, so they must respect him at least a little. 

As for Aelf soup, it wouldn't surprise me if DoK and Malerion joined together. They could even add the IDK after the Broken Realms alliance. I personally hope that the Kurnothi are part of a new Sylvaneth army when they come. I would love to be able to play a version of that army that doesn't rely on trees. 

The danger with all this souping is that AoS starts to look like Warhammer fantasy again which I don't want. 

I don't mean atheist as not believing in gods, I mean that as not serving them.

But there is no place not to identify with zealots in GW's products, it seems.

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23 minutes ago, BrocknerTheBear said:

It's time to take this "to soup or not to soup" conversation to it's own thread now. 

It's clearly a topic worth debating, but in it's own space.

Now......why isn't it saturday yet!?!

I know! This week is going saaah slaaaawwww! I needs me some greenskin reveals goodness!

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Haven't seen anyone complaining about orruk soup with the warclans book. That's one of my favourite battletomes from GW.

Two distinct armylists, if you want to run pure fyreslayers, or pure KO. And maybe a third list under Grungni, if you want to soup.

Its still possible to run your same army that you've always run, I don't get the drama over this. As a fyreslayers player, I ordinarily run a gunhauler anyway as an ally in my hearthguard heavy list.

I think what would be cool is if they release some new units for Grungni's souped list, like automata. Either way, this is exciting for me. More options for list building is a great thing.

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1 minute ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Haven't seen anyone complaining about orruk soup with the warclans book. That's one of my favourite battletomes from GW.

Two distinct armylists, if you want to run pure fyreslayers, or pure KO. And maybe a third list under Grungni, if you want to soup.

Its still possible to run your same army that you've always run, I don't get the drama over this. As a fyreslayers player, I ordinarily run a gunhauler anyway as an ally in my hearthguard heavy list.

I think what would be cool is if they release some new units for Grungni's souped list, like automata. Either way, this is exciting for me. More options for list building is a great thing.

  • It kills hope of new kits.
  • Either Kharadron or Fyreslayers have their identity ripped out. Probably the only faction in all of the Mortal Realms that were not serving some god or the other.
  • Essentially halves the battletome for KO or FS.
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I'm genuinely excited to see what new beasties the stormcast get. Everyone says they're just like space marines and they are except instead of square blocky bikes and tanks, they get Gryph chargers, dracoths, dracolines, tauralons and stardrakes and the heroes have Gryph hounds as pets. The idea of sleeker dragon cavalry is enticing. 

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3 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:
  • It kills hope of new kits.
  • Either Kharadron or Fyreslayers have their identity ripped out. Probably the only faction in all of the Mortal Realms that were not serving some god or the other.
  • Essentially halves the battletome for KO or FS.

Dont agree with any of those points.

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9 hours ago, PJetski said:

I really hope we see new Fyreslayers, Bonesplitterz, Ogors, plastic Saurus, and flesheaters before we see more aelves of any kind

*Shadow elves teleport behind you*

“Nothing personnel kid” 

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58 minutes ago, BrocknerTheBear said:

It's time to take this "to soup or not to soup" conversation to it's own thread now. 

It's clearly a topic worth debating, but in it's own space.

Now......why isn't it saturday yet!?!

When people are talking about any rumours that means you are all caught up on all the news. 

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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

And Cities...

And Skaven...

And Nagash until his battletome was replaced...

So far not very impressive with new releases. It's almost as an excuses for GW. Hey you won't get a single new model since start but look! New rules! 😑 

Cities is getting two new models next saturday (and technically even got all those heroes from Cursed City already) and you can't in good faith claim that LoN "didn't get new models until it got new models". There is no reason not to count the new Soulblight stuff as new models for the old Vampire Counts range.

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All I'll say on the potential Duardin Soup BT is that I feel for their players that dont want it. Besides both being Duardin they have about as much in common as Lumineth and Sylvaneth. It may work from a rules perspective but from Lore? It's not for me.

That being said if they do get souped and Malerion releases in a few years and ISNT souped with Daughters of Khaine that would be ridiculous.


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7 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Besides both being Duardin they have about as much in common as Lumineth and Sylvaneth.

Bit different. Sylvaneth have their god, and Lumineth have their respective gods. If a faction shares a god or otherwise a warlord to unify disparate groups (like Gordrakk in warclans), then that's definitely more than enough reason to put them in the same tome.

Edited by Jagged Red Lines
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3 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Bit different. Sylvaneth have their god, and Lumineth have their respective gods. If a faction shares a god figure (like Grungni), then that's definitely more than enough reason to put them in the same tome.

Kharadron do not need gods and Fyreslayers are clearly aligned with Grimnir.

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