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5 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

They just renamed the big boss on spider and shaman on arachnarok. 

They confirmed yesterday that Scuttlings are not in the battletome, because they are out of production. 

I had the feeling they were flushing an idea away by merging Spiderfang into Gloomspite.

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8 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

The more staff you have the more projects you can run parallelly.

This is true to a point.  Eventually dumping more people onto a team becomes counter-productive within that team.  Honestly, I expect that any major “rules writer” staffing has been used to develop other games without impacting the main 40k and AoS teams.  Recently the non-core games such as Warhammer: underworlds, Kill Team, Necromunda, Blackstone Fortress, and even one-off games like Speed Freeks have been much much higher quality compared to past efforts.

But my original pithy comment was meant more in regards to that GW has rarely let quality of rules prevent them from making a release.  They have done much much better of late, and especially for AoS, but looking at 40k you can see that they still occasionally phone it in and make a lazy effort.  I expect that the decision to release a wave of models is only minimally effected by the state of the accompanying book.

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12 minutes ago, Fairbanks said:

I had the feeling they were flushing an idea away by merging Spiderfang into Gloomspite.

if you are referring to the scuttlings, I assume the idea for them came after the idea came to merge moonclan and spiderfang, as they are clearly a mix of the two.  may still get them later, but not this year. 

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27 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

There is a gloomspite gitz thread now for discussion on this stuff... 


This is artwork not miniatures, so let's not make too much speculation from it.  But my assumption was that dankhold troggoths are large (they grow to whatever size their cave is) and that a unit of dankhold troggoths is 1 model.  The dankhold kit can optionally make a trogg boss.

If the rockgut kit also made dankhold, i think that would be disappointing, not enough differentiation there. 


They just renamed the big boss on spider and shaman on arachnarok. 

They confirmed yesterday that Scuttlings are not in the battletome, because they are out of production. 

Whilst also being  a RUMOUR that the Rockgut kit is a dual kit to make Dankhold Trolls.


if you compare the older sourbreathes to the old rockguts there wasnt much difference there. The main difference is there facial features and the texture of there skin, other than that they have the same pot bellies, squat orcy legs and lanky forearms. I dont think its far fetched to see the rockguts as a dual kit. Whilst they have shown off all the new kits, it doesnt mean we have seen all the options. We havent seen the loon boss on mangler squig (except for the leaks) for example, but we know he is there. Art work usually does reflect the units they are portraying, this is seen in 40k codex and AoS battletomes. That art work is showing 3 troll types, it is probably used in the battletome that has the page desribing the 3 troll types. If they had a picture of a gitmob warboss for a loonboss warboss then they arent portraying the right unit.

Just looking at the fluff pieces of my BoC book, the pictures attached to each page of that lore section matches the thing being described. Its not impossibe to think that itll be a dual kit, i think its more impossible to think the majority of dankhold troggoths all live in huge caverns yet Mollog has been described to live in a small ass cave. It would be more thematic and plausible if the average size and most common height of dankhold is the one in that artwork. They arent old enough to be covered head to toe in shrooms, they have yet to wander off to find there own stomping grounds and huge caves to slumber in.

Having all dankholds the size of the boss just makes the boss look weak and weedy. This is Destruction, might makes right. Tyrants are bigger than normal bull ogres, a warboss/megaboss is bigger than his orc subordinates, bigger giants are the bosses of little giants, spiderfang grots follow the leaders on bigger spiders. Thats the whole schinkt of Destruction, the bigger stronger creature lords over his underlings, to throw his weight around, show dominance, win the bigger fights, as after all there god is Gorkamorka, the God of Beasts.

Whilst the 3 Gloomspite Git factions all venerate Da Bad Moon they all still creatures of Gorkamorka and they still worship him aswell. You can also see this height difference in gobbos too, my Skarsnik is taller than a normal gobbo, Zarbag is taller than the other of his gits (measuring them off there bases including skarsnik and not counting hat height).

So in light of that, if i were a Dankhold troll and my boss was the same height of me, id wonder why arent i the boss, why do i have to listen to him? the only boss of me is my gut and its telling me that gobbo looks mighty tasty right now! Trolls might be dumb, but like all animals they respect/fear the bigger alpha male. In that regard it isnt so crazy to think that maybe that artwork reflects the fact that the Rockgut kit may have head and other options to make Dankhold. As after all, no matter what fancy name they call their clubs, they are still always the same in stats.

Edited by Ekrund Oath Splitters
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2 hours ago, michu said:

Still in game (as shootas and rockgut, no sourbreath)

So since they are not mentioned as a faction elsewhere, can we assume the Gitmob have been incorporated in the Gloomspire battletome without getting allegiance abilities? Or it’s just few units?

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6 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

So since they are not mentioned as a faction elsewhere, can we assume the Gitmob have been incorporated in the Gloomspire battletome without getting allegiance abilities? Or it’s just few units?

i dont think they are included in this battletome, will likey just be allies.

Edited by Ekrund Oath Splitters
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Just now, JPjr said:

@Ekrund Oath Splitters it's pretty clear here the Rockgut & Dankhold Troggoth kits are different.


It may be a catch all term they are discribing for the troggboss. We wont know until the book comes out and the sprues are reviewed. Not once in that article do they even say its a troggboss either....

"Antisocial and reclusive, these behemoths dwell in the darkest… well, dankholds, where they slumber away the decades, awakening only to feast on the magical fungi that grow upon the realmstone deposits in the roots of the Mortal Realms. Such raw magic doesn’t kill the Dankhold Troggoths as it would lesser creatures, but instead mutates them into the vast, lumbering monsters you see here. This gigantic plastic kit comes loaded with spare bits, enabling you to make a boulder club-wielding Dankhold Troggoth with a variety of alternatives. We’ll be showing you each in detail in the near furture."

Whilst we know thats all the kits that have been previewed, we dont know exactly what each kit can make, old and new. For all we know the Troggboss might be armed with a unicorn pet and a bag of angry dawi slayers! Or he maybe taking his giant centipede out for a walk around the block. All i have simply stated is dont be so closed minded in thinking that there will be more options and possible unit in the kits to come. The sneaky snufflers may have a dual variant called the angry shroomblowers that launch 50 shrooms a second from there snouts!!!

Until we have the book in our green grubby mitts we can only guess what else there is. 

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2 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

it may be a catch all term they are discribing for the troggboss. We wont know until the book comes out and the sprues are reviewed. Not once in that article do they even say its a troggboss either....


I think you may just be in a bit of denial? it clearly says "Dankhold Troggoth". which to me means, the kit described 1 paragraph up does not also make Dankhold troggoth.  Why would the organize/describe the article otherwise? Why would they call the next kit what the previous kit can also make? 

Also, the fluff snippet you posted mentions how they are covered in fungus. And you can clearly see that on the model they call "Dankhold Troggoth".  arms, legs, torso, everywhere. It could not share a kit with the Rotguts, which do not have fungus and are made, partially, of stone. 

Finally, Mollog is a small Dankhold troggoth. Had the Rotgut kit also made Dankkhold troggoths, they would have called it a normal/medium sized Troggoth...

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Happy 2019 everyone, this year's gonna be good !

The Soul Wars follow-up that was announced on WarCom, along with the confirmation of a Slaanesh release and the 99.99% confirmed Darkoath release (MP Herald, Underworld warband, other rumors, etc.) will IMO play out like this : 

- Q1-Q2, after Gobbo, I think we'll get the next  Soul Wars chapter ; how Order, Destruction and mostly Chaos (i.e. Archaon) react to the Necroquake. If it's a campaign supplement ala 40k Vigilus, it could also be time for GW to release Order scenery (the cities and buildings we see with great consistency in artworks since 2016 Seeds of Hope), see attachment.


- Q2-Q3, we could see a big Darkoath / Slaves To Darkness / Everchosen release, to tie-in with the focus shifting once more to Chaos in the lore. 

- Q3-Q4, we could see Slaanesh (KoS, new Mortals, etc.) : the God won't free her/him/itself just now IMO, but its whereabouts could be the next story arc after Nagash, leading to Light / Shadow Aelf releases in 2020.

In between, new updated Battletomes and Endless spells for existing armies, as announced / rumored. Pretty cool perspectives anyway :D 

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53 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Happy 2019 everyone, this year's gonna be good !

The Soul Wars follow-up that was announced on WarCom, along with the confirmation of a Slaanesh release and the 99.99% confirmed Darkoath release (MP Herald, Underworld warband, other rumors, etc.) will IMO play out like this : 

- Q1-Q2, after Gobbo, I think we'll get the next  Soul Wars chapter ; how Order, Destruction and mostly Chaos (i.e. Archaon) react to the Necroquake. If it's a campaign supplement ala 40k Vigilus, it could also be time for GW to release Order scenery (the cities and buildings we see with great consistency in artworks since 2016 Seeds of Hope), see attachment.


- Q2-Q3, we could see a big Darkoath / Slaves To Darkness / Everchosen release, to tie-in with the focus shifting once more to Chaos in the lore. 

- Q3-Q4, we could see Slaanesh (KoS, new Mortals, etc.) : the God won't free her/him/itself just now IMO, but its whereabouts could be the next story arc after Nagash, leading to Light / Shadow Aelf releases in 2020.

In between, new updated Battletomes and Endless spells for existing armies, as announced / rumored. Pretty cool perspectives anyway :D 

This fits what I've been thinking and I'd be delighted if it were true. It would mean I have 3/4 months to save for the new StD goodies, that some of the microfactions that need a battletome but not necesarily new models would get it and it would let me get my armies ready for the global campaign that would culminate in Slaanesh's escape. Good stuff.

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31 minutes ago, AshCrow said:

This fits what I've been thinking and I'd be delighted if it were true. It would mean I have 3/4 months to save for the new StD goodies, that some of the microfactions that need a battletome but not necesarily new models would get it and it would let me get my armies ready for the global campaign that would culminate in Slaanesh's escape. Good stuff.

This is not really a micro faction if you think that this tome gather StD Darkoath and everchoosen. Add to this, the already seen darkoath miniatures (skimish and leader from last year) and you have a rich battletome to develop...

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1 hour ago, sorokyl said:


I think you may just be in a bit of denial? it clearly says "Dankhold Troggoth". which to me means, the kit described 1 paragraph up does not also make Dankhold troggoth.  Why would the organize/describe the article otherwise? Why would they call the next kit what the previous kit can also make? 

Also, the fluff snippet you posted mentions how they are covered in fungus. And you can clearly see that on the model they call "Dankhold Troggoth".  arms, legs, torso, everywhere. It could not share a kit with the Rotguts, which do not have fungus and are made, partially, of stone. 

Finally, Mollog is a small Dankhold troggoth. Had the Rotgut kit also made Dankkhold troggoths, they would have called it a normal/medium sized Troggoth...

Im less in denial and more optimistic that theres still more to see that we have yet to be shown. I was purely giving my insight and findings on the matter. The middle troll in the artwork is a dankhold, there is no doubt about that (colouration and ear shape). We can move this to PM but i havent closed down anyones ideas, i am just not closed minded when it comes to a full revamp of the Gobbo line. We know just the tip of the iceberg and my own personal oppinion on the revealed dankhold troll is that it is a bit too busy with the mushrooms. When i get one i will be removing 75% of them and using them as basing material. I hold the same view with Mollog and i have already de-shroomed and greenstuffed my Fungoid to look more inlike with the classic night goblins. I love all the new things (going abit off with the rockguts, more i look at them the less i like them, im more of a sourbreath troll fan myself) thats coming out but i am less a fan of mushrooms growing out of things unless they are dead creatures. 

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21 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

This is not really a micro faction if you think that this tome gather StD Darkoath and everchoosen. Add to this, the already seen darkoath miniatures (skimish and leader from last year) and you have a rich battletome to develop...

Oh, I wasn't talking about the StD tome when I said microfaction. In any case, after the amount of resculpts Gloomspite Gitz got I'm positive the tome will include StD, Everchosen, Daemons of Chaos (So Be'lakor, Furies and Soulgrinders) and Monsters of Chaos (Giants, warhounds, chimeras, cockatrices, etc), which indeed is already a really good amount of units, I'm positive at least marauders (we basically know it already), chaos warriors, chosen, exalted heroes and furies will get new plastic models. Add a couple of new heroes and units and there you go, a faction that could almost rival Stormcasts in the amount of webstore entries (still around 20 less, but hey).

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4 hours ago, sorokyl said:

This is artwork not miniatures, so let's not make too much speculation from it.  But my assumption was that dankhold troggoths are large (they grow to whatever size their cave is) and that a unit of dankhold troggoths is 1 model.  The dankhold kit can optionally make a trogg boss.


I think it is worth pointing out that with Age of Sigmar GW has seemed to intentionally base all of their artwork heavily off the miniatures.  In the past GW would often use artwork that did not have associated miniatures.  Sometimes it was obvious concept art, other times it seems they let the artist have more free reign in what they produced.  But the last few years GW seems to have intentionally shifted their artwork to almost always be specifically based off of miniatures.  To me it feels that it is now at the point where if artwork leaks out for something without an existing miniature that it is fair to expect that a miniature is probably coming.

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1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:

I think it is worth pointing out that with Age of Sigmar GW has seemed to intentionally base all of their artwork heavily off the miniatures.  In the past GW would often use artwork that did not have associated miniatures.  Sometimes it was obvious concept art, other times it seems they let the artist have more free reign in what they produced.  But the last few years GW seems to have intentionally shifted their artwork to almost always be specifically based off of miniatures.  To me it feels that it is now at the point where if artwork leaks out for something without an existing miniature that it is fair to expect that a miniature is probably coming.

Aye, all GW art these days is basically just a literal painting of a model, pose and all. One of the few aspects of the new GW I’m not so fond of. 

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5 minutes ago, Nos said:

Aye, all GW art these days is basically just a literal painting of a model, pose and all. One of the few aspects of the new GW I’m not so fond of. 

That has been GW modus operandi for quite some time now. This started way back during Kirbys time. Under Roundtree GW started moving away from that a bit.

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26 minutes ago, Nos said:

Aye, all GW art these days is basically just a literal painting of a model, pose and all. One of the few aspects of the new GW I’m not so fond of. 

I agree.  I preferred when artwork was not as closely tied to specific models.  It gave a lot more inspiration for conversion and other hobby projects in my opinion.  But it is a minor gripe for me.

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1 hour ago, JPjr said:

If this policy means that one day we’ll get a ginormous Forge World cosmic Slaanesh in Aelf bondage model then I for one heartily approve.


Ah yes I too love the scene of Slaanesh being trapped in a non-consensual bondage hate f#$% scenario after she vored the Elven race and their gods are currently trying to get her to regurgitate them onto them. (If this is too much I can remove this)

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