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1 hour ago, Bloodmaster said:

And skaven aren't chaos ;-) 

Skaven are 100% Chaos, in the background, in rules, in AOS, in Mordheim and in WFB.

The releases order (lol) for Chaos should be : Slaanesh, Darkoath, Skaven (either a Legions of Nagash style book, or Eshin / Skryre, or both).

@Arkiham do you have more info on that book ?

We just know it should be more end May / start June than June /July, and that it will probably have an "Etheric Vortexes" scenery line coming with it, alongside Stormcast Wizards and Nighthaunts.

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2 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Skaven are 100% Chaos, in the background, in rules, in AOS, in Mordheim and in WFB.

The releases order (lol) for Chaos should be : Slaanesh, Darkoath, Skaven (either a Legions of Nagash style book, or Eshin / Skryre, or both).

@Arkiham do you have more info on that book ?

We just know it should be more end May / start June than June /July, and that it will probably have an "Etheric Vortexes" scenery line coming with it, alongside Stormcast Wizards and Nighthaunts.

Well there was somebody ones saying (I think it was Archaon) that the skaven  are also a part of chaos

But we all know the truth about the skaven having their own corruption.

afterall Chaos is interested to destroy and kill everything in their way, and the skaven race is more interested in enslaving everbody, doesn’t matter if you are a part of chaos or of a different factions.

the skaven race would take part of any battle fighting with or against another army  doesn’t matter if the others are from the order or destruction allegiance, as long as their desires can be reached with some help of some other stupid-meatthings, which will be eaten or betrayed by the skaven afterwards.

so literally said there should be a Grand alligaince skaven, since they are  they are the only factions which has a Highscore when it comes to betrayal 


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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2 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Skaven are 100% Chaos, in the background, in rules, in AOS, in Mordheim and in WFB.

The releases order (lol) for Chaos should be : Slaanesh, Darkoath, Skaven (either a Legions of Nagash style book, or Eshin / Skryre, or both).

@Arkiham do you have more info on that book ?

We just know it should be more end May / start June than June /July, and that it will probably have an "Etheric Vortexes" scenery line coming with it, alongside Stormcast Wizards and Nighthaunts.

Na, man, skaven will never be chaos, no matter what gw writes. These rats are vermin, unworthy to follow the dark gods and unable to bring glory to the holy pantheon of the glorious four. No matter how hard that uprise of a horned rat tries, it is nothing more than a laughable pawn, granted entrance to the eternal halls of chaos only for the amusement he brings to the older gods. 


In other words: yes they are part of chaos now, but will never be accepted as true followers outside of the Fluff 

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12 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

Na, man, skaven will never be chaos, no matter what gw writes. These rats are vermin, unworthy to follow the dark gods and unable to bring glory to the holy pantheon of the glorious four. No matter how hard that uprise of a horned rat tries, it is nothing more than a laughable pawn, granted entrance to the eternal halls of chaos only for the amusement he brings to the older gods. 


In other words: yes they are part of chaos now, but will never be accepted as true followers outside of the Fluff 

Well I wouldn’t say that the skaven are unworthy, but rather, them being very untrustworthy.

 we will give you battle yes-Yes, Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle must all die-Die.

there can only be one true chaos God!!

(and it will be the great horned one??)

just wait and see-sniff when we skaven come-scurry  back from beneath, and show you weakmeats, how it feels like to be overrun by a true Vermintide.


((ps: this isn’t meant as a threat or anything similar but rather more like a joke) I might have read to many skaven story’s uips?)







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30 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

Na, man, skaven will never be chaos, no matter what gw writes. These rats are vermin, unworthy to follow the dark gods and unable to bring glory to the holy pantheon of the glorious four. No matter how hard that uprise of a horned rat tries, it is nothing more than a laughable pawn, granted entrance to the eternal halls of chaos only for the amusement he brings to the older gods. 


In other words: yes they are part of chaos now, but will never be accepted as true followers outside of the Fluff 

Haha, get ready to rumble!!!!??

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30 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Well there was somebody ones saying (I think it was Archaon) that the skaven  are also a part of chaos

But we all know the truth about the skaven having their own corruption.

afterall Chaos is interested to destroy and kill everything in their way, and the skaven race is more interested in enslaving everbody, doesn’t matter if you are a part of chaos or of a different factions.

the skaven race would take part of any battle fighting with or against another army  doesn’t matter if the others are from the order or destruction allegiance, as long as their desires can be reached with some help of some other stupid-meatthings, which will be eaten or betrayed by the skaven afterwards.

so literally said there should be a Grand alligaince skaven, since they are  they are the only factions which has a Highscore when it comes to betrayal 


I think you have got a few things the wrong way around. Chaos has a whole has no unified interest in killing and destroying anything whatsoever. The motivation and methods of the followers of Chaos are as manyfold as their ranks, but also inconsequential to Chaos itself, as in the end they all contribute to the victory of Chaos itself.

As a greater force, Chaos is all about absorbtion. The gods of want to claim and corrupt the mortals and pull the Mortal Realms into the Realm of Chaos. Specifically each Chaos god wants to absorb them into his own Realm and gain Champions in order to get ahead in their great game. Sometimes they go about this by killing and destroying all in their way, but remember that even the forces of Khorne build fortresses and enslaved populations during the Age of Chaos when Chaos ruled supreme. And they actually kept their Slave populations going. Remember that all descriptions of Skaven enslavement has been the genocidal death camp kind. Arguably, Skaven are actually more about killing everybody else than the servants of the four, who also seek converts.

The Horned Rat goes about this a bit differently from the other power, noticably eshewing the claiming of Mortal Champions or employing the many children of Chaos Undivided (Beastmen, Thunderscorn, etc.) in favor of its own Spawn. Essentially, the Great Horned Rat is cheating in the Great Game, employing only Children of Chaos that already belong to it body and soul from birth actually should not work in the great game. This might change though, in Malign Portents, it, like the other four, sends out visions into the mortal Realms. And it does not do so to its own children, but to the Warqueens and mortal (i.e. mostly human) tyrants. Might be we see mortal Champions of The Great Horned Rat one day.

But the superficial differences aside, Skaven are children of Chaos and the Great Horned Rat is a power of Chaos. The corruption of Skaven is a mere variation of the corruption of Chaos. The Realm of Blight City is a Realm of Chaos, just as the Garden of Nurgle is. And while Warpstone is these days appropiated by Skaven and called a product of Blight City, it predates either both in and out of lore (in fact, the oldest mention of Warpstone I could find, in the lost and the damned, connects it with Minotaurs).

As for Skaven openly fighting alongside members of any force not of Chaos, there is no precedent of that in AoS I can think of. Even in WHFB, I do not think there where many cases of that. Contrast that with Fyreslayers and Beastclaw Raiders, who are called out as potentially fighting for anyone, and yet get held to Order and Destruction allegiance.

Now, shadowy dealings, intrigues and plots, particularly in the settlements of Order, there are many, but the members of other Chaos forces and the Undead do those aplenty as well. But so far, in AoS, the other forces of Chaos seem to be the only ones willing to tolerate Skaven as part of the same fighting force. Skaven chronically backstabbing these same forces of Chaos is no argument either. Skaven chronically backstab Skaven as well, it is what they do. But even in doing so, they still work to grow the Realm of Chaos, just as the brayherd or rotbringers do in their own way.

51 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

Na, man, skaven will never be chaos, no matter what gw writes. These rats are vermin, unworthy to follow the dark gods and unable to bring glory to the holy pantheon of the glorious four. No matter how hard that uprise of a horned rat tries, it is nothing more than a laughable pawn, granted entrance to the eternal halls of chaos only for the amusement he brings to the older gods. 


In other words: yes they are part of chaos now, but will never be accepted as true followers outside of the Fluff 

They are not accepted as true followers of the (real original) four in the current lore either. But the four are only the top dogs of Chaos, ultimately they are only the biggest expression of the of Chaos Undivided. Dominant, yes, though that dominance is called into question with the GHR ascendant, but Chaos has always been bigger than the four and their chosen servants, and it always will be.

So, yeah, the four and their servants will never accept the skaven and GHR, but that is, as I have said, inconsequential. They are all a part of the true glory of Chaos. Always have been. Always will be.

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Chaos is all about freedom, liberty and passion. Each god originally was mend to represent certain aspects of humanity and humanoids. Over the years the representation evolved, but in general its still all there. It's  similar to the way Sith are portrayed, wrongly seen as evil but more about not following strict codes and rules. Skaven on the other hand are, well, rats.

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17 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

Chaos is all about freedom, liberty and passion. Each god originally was mend to represent certain aspects of humanity and humanoids. Over the years the representation evolved, but in general its still all there. It's  similar to the way Sith are portrayed, wrongly seen as evil but more about not following strict codes and rules. Skaven on the other hand are, well, rats.

Let’s go a little bit further.

Rats which will stab-kill you from the back?

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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10 hours ago, Bloodmaster said:

Chaos is all about freedom, liberty and passion. Each god originally was mend to represent certain aspects of humanity and humanoids. Over the years the representation evolved, but in general its still all there. It's  similar to the way Sith are portrayed, wrongly seen as evil but more about not following strict codes and rules. Skaven on the other hand are, well, rats.

Chaos has an 8 breasted ant-eater snake, a roid rage bat ogre, a walking infected zit, and whatever the hell a mutalith vortex beast is supposed to be. I don't think it's about any of the things you said it's about.

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11 hours ago, Swooper said:

Has anything about the mechanics been shared yet? The starter set comes with two d10s so I expect it's the same old d% system... anything else known?

"WFRP4 uses ten-sided dice, and a tuned-up version of the familiar d100 system. You can tailor the rules to your preferences or different in-game situations, choosing from a menu of fast ‘roll under’ Simple Tests, Dramatic Tests giving success levels where you need more than a ‘yes or no’ result, and even barely rolling at all, if that’s your style."



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So !

Warhammer Legends is up : https://www.warhammer-community.com/legends/

It's apparently a reworked and updated version of the Legacy compendium but without the "fun" rules. 

It also acknowledges directly that the AOS core rules may change in the future !

 And that "Grand Alliance" factions may end up in Legends as more and more new pure AOS factions are released. 

I'm fine with that. It's a nice move for AOS-rules-but-with-WFB-fluff-only hobbysits :) 

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19 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

So !

Warhammer Legends is up : https://www.warhammer-community.com/legends/

It's apparently a reworked and updated version of the Legacy compendium but without the "fun" rules. 

It also acknowledges directly that the AOS core rules may change in the future !

 And that "Grand Alliance" factions may end up in Legends as more and more new pure AOS factions are released. 

I'm fine with that. It's a nice move for AOS-rules-but-with-WFB-fluff-only hobbysits :) 

I think it may be a safe bet to assume at the very least that the compendium stuff will phase out of the current game and go Legends only and will no no longer have matched play points(I'm really expecting this to happen with GHB18, but it could take longer). I don't know that the wording necessarily foreshadows any kind major house cleaning of current stuff in the near term, but just that as models go out of print and get left behind with new editions(which has already happened from time to time with WHFB and 40k in the past), they'll always have some kind of rules. I wonder if they'll wait to do build to order runs before putting out the rules for future factions, or if they will start trickling out soon.

EDIT: I just checked and this does for sure replace the old dark elf compendium. Another interesting note is that they've removed the AoSy stuff from the keywords like Order and Aelf.

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I think it depends on how quickly they do other Legends armies. I hope that it takes a good while personally, as my own army has a chunk of older Dark Elves like Bolt Throwers and the Sorceress on Drakespawn! 

I'm guessing though they'll be dumped sooner rather than later though, just cos that's my luck. 

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This is better than I had wished for, as they updated the rules for the whole range. No points, but they are easily derived from the current and the old GHB for friendly games if needed. Waiting eagerly for the wood elves, dwarfs and high elves. 

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Tbh i don't like it. What's the point of this if there are no points, they already got smashed in the face for AOS as it was in the beginning, this is no use.

What's more for the dark elves 90% of the models were avaiable as sub factions with their respective warscrolls already re-designed for AOS.

Now you have 2 warscrolls for same units lol, legacy and modern one lol.


Wonder how will they handle Brets and TK, the compendiums already re-designed these armies for AOS removing all old world fluff.


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Well that's the point. These scrolls are for playing with Dark elves in the Old world, the newer are for same models but they are named Aelves, which live in a different world and are split to minor factions. It's good to keep them separate as mixing them together would easilly  just lead to all sorts of shenanigans, power gaming and complaints of brokenness. Naturally I assume that every one understands that they don't want to change the new aelves back to the old elves so this is sort of the best compromise. 

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I think this is a great move, theres a clear split between these rules and AoS matched play. I absolutely do not want GW to waste resources trying to balance discontinued armies with points and allegiance abilities, but this provides a happy medium for when i want to dabble in old world history in open play.

I imagine there will be uproar when they get to TK and or Brets, and i admit i would be a bit uncomfortable if they were to make great plastic kits like the warsphinx or pegasus knights available for a week without adapting them into a new range... we live in interesting times!

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1 minute ago, Captain Marius said:

I think this is a great move, theres a clear split between these rules and AoS matched play. I absolutely do not want GW to waste resources trying to balance discontinued armies with points and allegiance abilities, but this provides a happy medium for when i want to dabble in old world history in open play.

I imagine there will be uproar when they get to TK and or Brets, and i admit i would be a bit uncomfortable if they were to make great plastic kits like the warsphinx or pegasus knights available for a week without adapting them into a new range... we live in interesting times!

Thats what troubles me, for Dark Elves - 90% of their models are avaiable in the mini factions. But TK and Brets? The compendiums are already striped of any named characters & lore  - how will they handle it to allow both matched play & old world guys,

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Well my guess is that when, (or if)  it comes to their turn, they just release a bunch of classic metal characters and update the rules. As they did for dark elves. Fey enchantress, Louen Leoncour, the Grail reliquae, The trebuchet are good candidates, maybe even some of the fun stuff like the Robin Hood group from 5th edition. 

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8 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

So !

Warhammer Legends is up : https://www.warhammer-community.com/legends/

It's apparently a reworked and updated version of the Legacy compendium but without the "fun" rules. 

It also acknowledges directly that the AOS core rules may change in the future !

 And that "Grand Alliance" factions may end up in Legends as more and more new pure AOS factions are released. 

I'm fine with that. It's a nice move for AOS-rules-but-with-WFB-fluff-only hobbysits :) 

I also have to say that I am getting bad vibes from this. 

I was always waiting for a Gutbusters battletome and hoped that they will continue to support Ogors in the new AoS setting.

Now I fear that they will turn Gutbusters and eventually also Beastclaw Raiders into Legend factions, because they were not exclusively designed for AoS.

I only started with Age of Sigmar, because I could still play my old army (I know i can still do it after that, but tbh it will be hard to get an opponent who will fight an old and discontinued army without any points). 

I hope that I am wrong with that. But I fear that this might happen...

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