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The Rumour Thread

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8 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

There's nothing left to take.

They made Destruction softer hitting, slower and easier to kill.

They eviscerated the GA Allegiance Abilities, and replaced it with nothing.

They took the GA with the worst Battleline options by far and made it significantly worse.

Other than nerf Kunnin Rukk properly this time, the only way is up.

Glad you’re still having fun ?

on a personal note although I understand that destruction isn’t winning the big tournaments anymore, if you are playing with friends, at a club, they are still fun, they can still challenge a lot of armies. So I’m still enjoying it. New models, tomes, let them come. But until then I’m still having fun with my ogors. 

Also I seem to remember that destruction armies only did very well because of ‘cheesy’ lists right? Spamming that arrow boys battalion, as many thunder tusks as possible for the six mortal wounds, etc?  

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Yeah, it would be nice to give destruction some variety. I still have fun and win with ironjawz, but it is really noticeable now that all their abilities are the next combat phase, or til next hero phase including your opponents. Not keeping their buffs more than their own turn hurts.

Edited by Soulsmith
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1 hour ago, Kramer said:

Glad you’re still having fun ?

on a personal note although I understand that destruction isn’t winning the big tournaments anymore, if you are playing with friends, at a club, they are still fun, they can still challenge a lot of armies. So I’m still enjoying it. New models, tomes, let them come. But until then I’m still having fun with my ogors. 

Also I seem to remember that destruction armies only did very well because of ‘cheesy’ lists right? Spamming that arrow boys battalion, as many thunder tusks as possible for the six mortal wounds, etc?  

Haha Yeah, sorry if that came  across like a rant! It was intended as a comment specifically on the prospect of Destruction getting a nerf in GH18, which is surely unlikely. I just really hope we get some tools to work with. 

I'm still loving my orcs and goblins, still loving AOS, and still officially #GeeDubs4Life ?

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**Cough Cough** Rumours please!!! :D 

Just a quick recap / Forcast.... (from my point of view so this can be wrong!!!)

Idoneth Deepkin (April)

As many people know, we have the Battletome, Namarti Thralls, Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers, The Eidolon of Mathlann and Gloomtide Shipwreck up for pre-order this weekend (14th April), and I think we can expect the rest of the stuff over the next few weeks (Yes I know there are dice and paint and cards, but I'll stick to the 'main' bits). I think by the time we see Warhammer Fest in May, all the models should be out.

Warhammer Fest (May)

So this a weekend of showing off all the cool stuff GW do in a big venue with lots of gaming going on. I would expect to see a lot of stuff around 40K if I'm honest as I think they we will see the next batch of codexes released in May as they will be quick releases and we have the Indoneth Deepkin still having stuff released so I think it will be a AOS light month but I think we will see some teasers for the next Battletome and phase of Malign Portents....

Age of Sigmar Open Day (June)

The Open Day is towards the end of June but I have a feeling we will get a big reveal on it. This will either be the rumoured Nighthaunt Battletome (rumoured due to video teaser with Black Coach) as well as bit more focus on the stuff to do over the summer which I think will be a Firestorm type campaign set based upon the next bit of the Malign Portents and we will see some new models like the old favourite - Purple Sun! I also suspect we will get our first proper look at the new Age of Sigmar box set which will most likely have all this stuff in it! (Probably Nighthaunt vs Stromcast).

July / August / September

Summer Holidays but I think it will be a lot of stuff around supporting the new box set. Personally I am not expecting this to be a 2nd edition but a quick release in line of Blightwars or 40K Forgebane, which is part of the moving the story along but not a core set for players to pick up. As we head towards the end of August and into September, I'm expecting to see Generals Handbook 2018 which will contain a lot of the stuff people are thinking about are for the 2nd edition.

Rest of Year

Personally, I think this will take a bit more of a 40K focus as we will probably see the last of the remaining Codexes to be released before people start exploding in excitement for the Adepta Sororitas release. However I think we will see something for Age of Sigmar and I'm hoping it's Slaanesh related but I think it will be a Battletome based upon his/her/its followers searching for Slaanesh rather than a full blown jail break. Also hopefully we will see Adeptus Titanicus but that's for another forum! :D 


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2 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

Haha Yeah, sorry if that came  across like a rant! It was intended as a comment specifically on the prospect of Destruction getting a nerf in GH18, which is surely unlikely. I just really hope we get some tools to work with. 

I'm still loving my orcs and goblins, still loving AOS, and still officially #GeeDubs4Life ?

Haha no worries, it’s all meant in jest.

some more tools would en cool, bur looking at the rumoured release schedule (see what I did there ;)) it seems unlikely that it will have to be in the next general handbook. Which is fine in my opinion because that really blew some new life’s into my darkling  covens and disposessed! 

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5 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

Beepbeep, new Rumor Engine up:





Talk of "cunning" makes me think "cunnin but brutal" Mork. That really does not compute with the image though.

I think my best guess is another magical vortex like the Purple Sun.

Didn't the new Stormcast on that book cover have a pretty feathery hat? Feathers on new Stormcast wizards. Assuming that the summer release rumors are true, it's about the right time to be adding them to the rumor engine.

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Well, one of these could fit the fancy plumage on the Stormcast head:


However, we have here two very similar, but not exactly same textures going into each other. It could be some sort of plumage or hair wipped up so much as to bend into itself, but I do not really see how that would make for a convincing miniature.

But, then again, many of these rumor engines do not exactly show parts that are very exciting or convincing without context. There where some rumor engines that I really liked that really show something tpo sink your teeth into without giving away to much (the lion head, some of the terrain bits, Cawls set of keys, the Stormcast icon that has yet to show up), but most are just dips and daps of texture and standart design elements that more often than not, proof impossible to place, and without context really do not look so great.

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"The second type of Namarti, the Namarti Reavers, will be out in the next few weeks with a kit of their own."

"Make sure to keep an eye out for the Namarti Raiders in the coming weeks, too!"

The article is about Namarti Thralls, so have I missed/misunderstood something or is there another type of Namarti we don't know about yet?

^ Posted this over in the Idoneth chat, looks like this melee unit are the Thralls and we know about the bowmen.

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1 hour ago, Caladancid said:

It looks to me like they either didn’t mean to reveal Raiders or it was a mistype. The article now just says Reavers everywhere as the next unit. 

It was a typo. They corrected it already.

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I've just realised we are probably having 5 new releases this year and for the past two years we only had 4 battleforce boxes per year. As a person who has so far purchased four of those boxes I expect that either all new factions will receive their box in December or if there's got to be 4 boxes this time they will omit stormcasts who already got two boxes and not Deepkin or Daughters. 

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10 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

**Cough Cough** Rumours please!!! :D 


Warhammer Fest (May)

So this a weekend of showing off all the cool stuff GW do in a big venue with lots of gaming going on. I would expect to see a lot of stuff around 40K if I'm honest as I think they we will see the next batch of codexes released in May as they will be quick releases and we have the Indoneth Deepkin still having stuff released so I think it will be a AOS light month but I think we will see some teasers for the next Battletome and phase of Malign Portents....

Age of Sigmar Open Day (June)

The Open Day is towards the end of June but I have a feeling we will get a big reveal on it. This will either be the rumoured Nighthaunt Battletome (rumoured due to video teaser with Black Coach) as well as bit more focus on the stuff to do over the summer which I think will be a Firestorm type campaign set based upon the next bit of the Malign Portents and we will see some new models like the old favourite - Purple Sun! I also suspect we will get our first proper look at the new Age of Sigmar box set which will most likely have all this stuff in it! (Probably Nighthaunt vs Stromcast). (...)


Well :D I'm still not on the same page as you about the "new edition" !  

I really think (or hope ? Maybe it's just one of those "I want to believe" kind of moment :P ) that there will be a true "new edition", at the very least a true new starter set (so not blightwar style) in June. 

However... As you said, we really should / need to start to see news about June for AOS (obviously IF it's gonna be big!).

Warhammer Fest should be on point (read : the very last occasion) to start the teasing of the lets say "changes" AOS will undergo in June !

Of course it's the enthusiasm speaking but I'd really want to see previous like we got for 40k 8th (little weekly articles, trailers, etc.) last year ...

EDIT : in fact, given the rumors (around 15-20 June) and Souls War release date (6 June), the AOS Open day should happen AFTER the new edition / changes / starter set / new minis we'd get in June ...

Edited by HorticulusTGA
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I may have missed some discussion earlier in this thread, but what are people's thoughts on us seeing the rumoured "light" and "shadow" Aelves any time soon? Signs seem to be pointing at GW being done with Aelves for now, but I'm really hankering to see my favourite brothers back in the game.

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59 minutes ago, J.J said:

I may have missed some discussion earlier in this thread, but what are people's thoughts on us seeing the rumoured "light" and "shadow" Aelves any time soon? Signs seem to be pointing at GW being done with Aelves for now, but I'm really hankering to see my favourite brothers back in the game.

I don't think anything has been confirmed in regards to Malerions shadow beings or Teclis+Tyrions angelic aelves.

That being said, my gut feeling given we've just seen 2 Aelven races is that we're not likely to see those two ranges this year. Those would be pretty large Idoneth sized releases, and I think that between upcoming death release, 40k, specialist games, and whatever else GW has in store we're unlikely to see more Aelves this year.

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3 hours ago, J.J said:

I may have missed some discussion earlier in this thread, but what are people's thoughts on us seeing the rumoured "light" and "shadow" Aelves any time soon? Signs seem to be pointing at GW being done with Aelves for now, but I'm really hankering to see my favourite brothers back in the game.

If I were a betting man I’d say any further elf stuff is likely to come after a Slaanesh release for an elves vs Slaanesh campaign. I’d say that’s more likely next year’s thing.

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If I were to guess I'd say new aelves are more likely to happen in 2020. We already have 3 aelven factions (Sylvaneth, Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin) while there are still needs in Destruction and Death. This however doesn't have to prevent Slaanesh from appearing. Nobody said there must be a Slaanesh - Aelves campaign. 

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A lot of people would argue that Sylvaneth aren't an Aelf faction, with them having none of the keywords, but I can see what you mean.

I agree - Death and Destruction could do with some fleshing out, but that has never stopped them being ignored in favour of Order (or Stormcast) so far. So I could completely see them pushing more Order armies out in the next year or two, especially when the old world Aelfs are still so splintered as a faction.

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58 minutes ago, Aryann said:

If I were to guess I'd say new aelves are more likely to happen in 2020. We already have 3 aelven factions (Sylvaneth, Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin) while there are still needs in Destruction and Death. This however doesn't have to prevent Slaanesh from appearing. Nobody said there must be a Slaanesh - Aelves campaign. 

I think it would likely be strange if Slaanesh and Shadow/Light Aelves weren't interlinked though. The narrative has kinda driven that direction in that when Slaanesh escapes, it will surely have consequences for those two factions (and probably to a lesser extent, the Daughters of Khaine).

That being said, I do certainly agree that there are a lot of other factions in need of love at the moment. In particular on the Destruction and Death sides. I get the feeling that Death will get some of that attention this year, while Destruction may just have to wait for an opportune moment. 

That I think in part, is just a big problem of Destruction not really being narratively important. They don't have agendas nor goals nor plots, its basically whatever they can do to find a good scrap. Which isn't appealing to build a narrative around. 

But who knows, perhaps GW have some storyline thought out where Destruction will be a major player, but certainly it's not something we really know about to date. Which isn't a huge amount anyway since we're in the middle of Malign Portents, really just whatever Nagash' big plan is and the escape of Slaanesh.

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8 minutes ago, J.J said:

A lot of people would argue that Sylvaneth aren't an Aelf faction, with them having none of the keywords, but I can see what you mean.

I agree - Death and Destruction could do with some fleshing out, but that has never stopped them being ignored in favour of Order (or Stormcast) so far. So I could completely see them pushing more Order armies out in the next year or two, especially when the old world Aelfs are still so splintered as a faction.

Yeah Syvaneth aren't Aelves (rulwise nor fluffwise), but they are inheritor (algondisde Wanderers) - at least thematically - of the Wood Elves ; they kind of fit the the same niche, and the Tree-Revenant are the only unit directly influenced by the elvish part of the Wood Elves (the Protectors in the fluff).

Between the Daughters of Khaine, the Idoneth Deepkin, their Sylvaneth cousin, and all the Alves of the Free cities factions, I can't see 1 (or 2) new aelves army this year - at best in 2019 algonside maybe a Slaanesh release (because they are strongly linked together in the fluff). 

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2 hours ago, Aryann said:

If I were to guess I'd say new aelves are more likely to happen in 2020. We already have 3 aelven factions (Sylvaneth, Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin) while there are still needs in Destruction and Death. This however doesn't have to prevent Slaanesh from appearing. Nobody said there must be a Slaanesh - Aelves campaign. 

I think it is important not to confuse “faction’s or GA’s needs” with commercial needs. What takes precedence in GW’s releases is obviously commercial thinking. Because of that, it is important to understand that they will keep on pushing order factions (specially SCE’s chambers), maintaining a much slower but still reliable frequency of chaos releases, and a much more sporadical frequency of death and destruction releases. And aelves are a major selling machine. 


That being said, I am 99% sure that no new aelven faction is coming on 2018. We kinda know that a new chamber and Nighthaunt are being released during this year, and that already makes for the by far biggest AoS ever year. But 2019? I wouldn’t discard it. There might be some surprises on the road, but it seems that after SCE and Nighthaunt, the next factions to have major releases should be (in no particular order): Slaanesh, Khorne (because of 40k), Moonclan and Darkoath. None of those is order though and I am sure they will keep on pushing order factions in between.

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