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They are superb, very happy to see some refresing designs. Than Avatar/aspect of Manthlan is a fantastic sculpt. Great designwork and concepts. The sea horse dragon rider is very cool too.


All round looks like a soild releas

Edited by Kronos
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35 minutes ago, rattila said:

Hey, i know we're in AoS section, but i think the big big thing is plastic sisters of battle confirmed for 2019!

Honestly, couldn't care less. Not, that I don't like Wh40k. I've never understood people's love for sisters. Wh40k is much too conservative for me in terms of evolution. Same factions all over again. 

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4 minutes ago, Aryann said:

Honestly, couldn't care less. Not, that I don't like Wh40k. I've never understood people's love for sisters. Wh40k is much too conservative for me in terms of evolution. Same factions all over again. 

Not going to lie my group has been pretty bored if 40k. 8th promised to be new and amazing and it’s been endless power armor and now an imperial knight wooow.However AoS is impressing many and gaining traction. Also the new 40k lore is basically a repeat of 30k but less interesting. Chatter around the net many think  AoS stole the show barring sisters. If it wasn’t for sob propping it up would have been a loss for 40k. 


There is a real chance GW coy,d mismanage 40k and at the same tim3 manage AoS so well we see AoS being the number one game and setting. 4 armies in one year is huge if d4ath comes out with one as rumoured. AoS releases if they keep accelerating will equal 40k in terms of support in a year. 

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Blimey, you go to bed and wake up and the internet has exploded :S

Quite liking the Deepkin (heads would make a good Vampire kitbash head).  Snippet of the Black Coat does give me hope that we'll see all of the finecast Death models be replaced (plus was that new scenery?)

Exciting times!

New Knight & Codex has also meant that this year shall be known as the Year of Poor

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Love the Deepkin, this is exactly the sort of creative insanity that shows why GW are #1.

Nighthaunt update = bring it on! I like to see smaller factions updated, particularly when their outdated models get a revamp.

Magic thing. Ok i like that crazy giant skull cloud thing, but im not keen on more unnecessary layers of rules - keen to see what they come up with tho.

New shadespire - hanged ghost looks cool, stormcast wizards (like space marines) manage to be both cool and boring at the same time ? 

I will be genuinely surprised if there is a new AoS starter set on the cards, Ive not seen any real evidence for this, but happy to be proved wrong.

The Legends idea is probably the best way they couldve dealt with discontinued models to keep them out of matched play. Will be interesting to see which models/ranges join them in future (seraphon? Non-primaris marines?) 

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9 minutes ago, Sadysaneto said:

So, over 500 more new cards (more than the first "wave") and a nem (expansion) symbol.





Exactly 120 more cards, so 10 factions this time then.  I am really glad this has done well enough to get a season two. I have all six warbands currently available but collecting 18 sounds like a lot. I may have to start being selective especially as I will be investing hundreds of pounds into the Deepkin. 

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So, we know the icon for Shadespire Season 2. And not with "only" 130 ne cards but probaly 557 new ones, at least if they follow the path of other TCGs, where each itteration gets thier own new range of cards, that is marked by a little symbol. See MTG for example.

34 minutes ago, Aryann said:

Honestly, couldn't care less. Not, that I don't like Wh40k. I've never understood people's love for sisters. Wh40k is much too conservative for me in terms of evolution. Same factions all over again. 

Sisters are a classic army for 40k, which was long overdue and denied updates, kind of the Bretonians of the far grimdark futur. Its nice to see them coming back, but what is more important this shows that GW listns to thier customers big time. And the open presentation of the design process might allow intersting insights in thier workings as well as the chance to give input on the development! The return is ok-ish, the implications are outlandish!




Intersting artwork, ehy the inclusion of classic dark elves?


Edited by Bloodmaster
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7 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

Intersting artwork, ehy the inclusion of classic dark elves?

Classic Dark Elves is likely because the first wave of Made to Order will be focused on them

Just now, Trayanee said:

I am worried about the Legends stuff. I just hope it's not an excuse for discarding compendiums and phasing out other legacy factions from matched play in the future

I think this may well be the beginning of the end for compendium armies.  What I would say is that the Legends description says "While not intended for matched play", suggesting they'll still receive points.

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I have mixed feelings about the Idoneth Deepkin. They're excellent models, as we've come to expect from GW these days, but they're not quite what I was hoping for personally. In some ways their aesthetic shares more in common with Dark Elves than High Elves, but nevertheless I was hoping for something even more twisted and abhorrent - more Lovecraftian and less Atlantean. Clearly all the talk of 'C'thulhu aelves' and 'failed experiments' led me astray there. I think the right paint job and swapping the heads for suitably gribbly Genestealer Cult Hybrid Metamorph heads could bring some of the models more in line with what I had in my head, but others are just too clean and refined to be made truly twisted.

I think I could definitely talk myself into liking this army a lot, and it's been growing on me over the course of the morning, but there are some elements that I don't think I'll ever be sold on. The turtle is a big one. It looks very plain and doesn't push the fantastical and otherworldly possibilities far enough for me. It's pretty much just a regular turtle with two extra flippers. I can't help feeling that there was a missed opportunity there to do something really wild, rather than having it based so closely on a real world animal. Use a turtle as the inspiration by all means, but why not push it much, much further? I feel the same way to varying degrees about most of the creatures in the army. The creature designs play things a bit too safe I think.

Actually, it's the infantry that I like the most - they do have a pretty sweet 'dark cultist' vibe about them, and their faces do at least look like a slightly more monstrous take on beautiful aelven features. I still would have liked to see a little more deformity though. Some of the models riding the various creatures also look great - appropriately 'eldritch' in the Lovecraftian tradition. But for every model that appeals to me there's another that doesn't. I once said on Twitter 'please don't just be high elves with shell-shaped helmets' and unfortunately there are a few models here that fall into that category, most notably the big hero with a wave for a cape. He just looks like a goofy goodie-two-shoes to me despite being a superbly well executed sculpt.

So yeah, excellent models, but the aesthetic is a real mixed bag for me. But undoubtedly my favourite model is the guy with the octopus.

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Really interested, the deepkin might be the right fit for me, but I am interested to see rules. The infantry are the least inspiring but I wouldn't call them bad. If they can run all mounted except characters that would be intriguing, also who their allies are. Wouldn't mind grabbing some cold one knights or a hydra to join them.

Really happy to see dark elves on made to order, some bits I want to just collect even if I don't use them.

Fingers crossed the magic changes will be a magic table to choose spells from for those that don't have one, destruction sorely needs it.

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20 minutes ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

I have mixed feelings about the Idoneth Deepkin. They're excellent models, as we've come to expect from GW these days, but they're not quite what I was hoping for personally. In some ways their aesthetic shares more in common with Dark Elves than High Elves, but nevertheless I was hoping for something even more twisted and abhorrent - more Lovecraftian and less Atlantean. Clearly all the talk of 'C'thulhu aelves' and 'failed experiments' led me astray there. I think the right paint job and swapping the heads for suitably gribbly Genestealer Cult Hybrid Metamorph heads could bring some of the models more in line with what I had in my head, but others are just too clean and refined to be made truly twisted.

I think I could definitely talk myself into liking this army a lot, and it's been growing on me over the course of the morning, but there are some elements that I don't think I'll ever be sold on. The turtle is a big one. It looks very plain and doesn't push the fantastical and otherworldly possibilities far enough for me. It's pretty much just a regular turtle with two extra flippers. I can't help feeling that there was a missed opportunity there to do something really wild, rather than having it based so closely on a real world animal. Use a turtle as the inspiration by all means, but why not push it much, much further? I feel the same way to varying degrees about most of the creatures in the army. The creature designs play things a bit too safe I think.

Actually, it's the infantry that I like the most - they do have a pretty sweet 'dark cultist' vibe about them, and their faces do at least look like a slightly more monstrous take on beautiful aelven features. I still would have liked to see a little more deformity though. Some of the models riding the various creatures also look great - appropriately 'eldritch' in the Lovecraftian tradition. But for every model that appeals to me there's another that doesn't. I once said on Twitter 'please don't just be high elves with shell-shaped helmets' and unfortunately there are a few models here that fall into that category, most notably the big hero with a wave for a cape. He just looks like a goofy goodie-two-shoes to me despite being a superbly well executed sculpt.

So yeah, excellent models, but the aesthetic is a real mixed bag for me. But undoubtedly my favourite model is the guy with the octopus.

Never had a comment sum up my feelings about the Deepkin as well as yours. This was exactly what I felt during the reveal. I had expected a bit more creativity.

The models I like the most are the guy with the octopus, the scythebearer and the guy on the gaint seahorse (not the guy especially but the seahorse). I also find the rest of the models a bit underwhelming. The eels and the sharks also look kinda derpy. 

The turtle looks also cool but for me it is also based too much on a real turtle. The Mathlann avatar also looks too aelvish for me. I think I would like him better if he didn't have such a "perfect" face or would have looked lesser "humanoid"

But you pretty much sum up my feelings with your comment. Nevertheless they look cool. But I would have expected more creative experiments. ;-)

But the style of the Deepkin fit Order. If GW would have designed them the way I would have wished for they propably would have been part of Destruction.

Edited by Infeston
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The pose of the female character (wizard?) at 1:03 in the deepkin trailer is really familiar but I can't think from where.

I love how unified the aesthetic of the faction looks. Sweeping curves coming to sharp points (collars, elf ears, turtle scales, armour), jagged or serrated edges to armour plates/weapons, fins on fish/crests/banners, underbites on the fish/turtle and some helms, scalloping or ridges on armour, eyelessness on the thralls and war beasts. It's great.

Some influence from WHFB stuff but an entirely new range, no legacy models repurposed, a new visual language. Not to put down the evolution of particular subfactions we got with DoK or Sylvaneth, but this feels bigger. Only the Kharadron and Fyreslayers have had that so far.

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4 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Some influence from WHFB stuff but an entirely new range, no legacy models repurposed, a new visual language. Not to put down the evolution of particular subfactions we got with DoK or Sylvaneth, but this feels bigger. Only the Kharadron and Fyreslayers have had that so far.


I would say Kharadron and Stormcast. Fyreslayers aren't even DoK level. Just old slayers with new lore each unit looking almost the same.

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1 minute ago, Aryann said:

Is there any info of how Scourge Privateers relate with Deepkin? I thought that SP would be incorporated to Deepkin. 

I just hope they will be allowed as allies for the Deepkin. Kharibdyss should be paintable to match them...

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1 minute ago, Trayanee said:

I would say Kharadron and Stormcast. Fyreslayers aren't even DoK level. Just old slayers with new lore each unit looking almost the same.

Partially agree, the look of them pushes beyond the old slayers but they're pretty one-note, there's buggerall variation between them. 

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