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16 minutes ago, hauteclere said:

@Kramer it looks to block line a sight a bit more. Maybe putting them on a small hill as well would help? The map I'm sure looks much more detailed under inspection. Hopefully we can see more of it soon.

Still not convinced on the line of sight thing but we'll see! As a related remark.  I would recommend everybody to use a lot of Line of sight blocking terrain. It just adds so much! Last campaign day, we used this:


It was made just to function for the day. But to be honest it was the best terrain we used in a while (built about 10 in different shapes and sizes). No fiddly trees, or unclear elements. It blocks line of sight and movement, and thats that. Now that's just gameplay wise. If that mat will look good enough I might get it, work on the basing of these walls and tie it all together. Maybe a magma lake or something to block movement not line of sight. Maybe a small vulcano to get a bigger impact on the space available on the board. Dang, now I got myself all excited, as it could easily match the basing of my slaanesh and Daughters of Khaine force. :D


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Not really something concrete, but in one of the AoS facebook groups I am in, a person said that the "he has on good authority that GW will from now on will have monthly AoS releases". So no more situations when it is 4 - 5 months 40K without a single AoS release and vise versa.

It seems plausible to me as it seemed that GW upgrade it's production facility and etc.

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5 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Not really something concrete, but in one of the AoS facebook groups I am in, a person said that the "he has on good authority that GW will from now on will have monthly AoS releases". So no more situations when it is 4 - 5 months 40K without a single AoS release and vise versa.

It seems plausible to me as it seemed that GW upgrade it's production facility and etc.

It would be boarderline insanety. Combine that with monthly 40k releases as well as a BB, a Necromunda, and a LotR relase every quater. We will drown in stuff....

Guess it will be more like in the old days, alternating AoS and 40K relases every two months

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12 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Not really something concrete, but in one of the AoS facebook groups I am in, a person said that the "he has on good authority that GW will from now on will have monthly AoS releases". So no more situations when it is 4 - 5 months 40K without a single AoS release and vise versa.

It seems plausible to me as it seemed that GW upgrade it's production facility and etc.

I wouldn't read too much into this. Releases does not necessarily mean new minis.

Last year they had tzeentch in January, Stormcast in February, Khorne in March, Ko in April and may, skirmish in June, path to glory in July, ghb 2 and blight war in August,  firestorm in September,  and I forget the rest.

I think six or seven waves of minis this year is likely plus additional stuff like ghb2019,  start collecting, battleforces etc.

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19 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

It would be boarderline insanety. Combine that with monthly 40k releases as well as a BB, a Necromunda, and a LotR relase every quater. We will drown in stuff....

Guess it will be more like in the old days, alternating AoS and 40K relases every two months


9 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I wouldn't read too much into this. Releases does not necessarily mean new minis.

Last year they had tzeentch in January, Stormcast in February, Khorne in March, Ko in April and may, skirmish in June, path to glory in July, ghb 2 and blight war in August,  firestorm in September,  and I forget the rest.

I think six or seven waves of minis this year is likely plus additional stuff like ghb2019,  start collecting, battleforces etc.

Maybe, but since 2018 it are monthly releases.

Maggotkin, Malign Portents heroes, new AoS terrain, DoK and than late march it would be Sea Aelves. The DoK counted as a february slot. There were rumours late 2017 that GW would release an awful lot of stuff in 2018 and it seems to me that it will be true.

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On 2/28/2018 at 9:05 AM, WarbossKurgan said:



Yep. I stand corrected. :D

I think the hooked blade will be the "leader" option and we just haven't seen it yet. It's too similar to be something else! (IMHO!!)

Nope, we can confirm that number 7 is definitely not Khinerai. They're up for pre-order now, and the "leader" has a special hairdo and outfit, but her hook doesn't look like number 7 at all, nor do any of the other ones in the kit.

Edited by Rou Dantes
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I would like to see GW taking a bit the warmahorde path with releasing few units for several armies Time to Time than army X, then army Y then army Z

Like 2 new units for ironjaw, 2 for nighthaunt, 2 for sylvaneth and two for slaneesh, then X month later, 2 units for 4 other armies etc

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Honestly with the way they are spreading out both their core games with so many new armies and sub-faction armies (well everything in Sigmar seems to be going subfaction splits whilst Marines are splitting up all over the place at least); it wouldn't shock me if they did take on that approach in the future. 

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6 hours ago, Sete said:

Idoneth are an April release according to rumours. 

After payday GW drops a faction=monies

Yes, that's  why I believe that Idoneth pre-orders are late march. GW increased it's production capacity last year so to me it seems plausible that we will see more AoS plastic kits (miniatures / scenery) than previous years.

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6 hours ago, Overread said:

Honestly with the way they are spreading out both their core games with so many new armies and sub-faction armies (well everything in Sigmar seems to be going subfaction splits whilst Marines are splitting up all over the place at least); it wouldn't shock me if they did take on that approach in the future. 

Let''s just hope they don't overextend themselves. The more factions they release the harder to achieve some semblance of balance. 

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@Kramer I think they are doing fantastic job with balance right know, I read throught latest 3 Battletomes - Maggotkin, Legions of Nagash and Daughters of Khaine and they are very balanced - there isn't one combo option (so far) and so on, also those armies has some kind of answers for popular tournaments builds as well (Clown-Car will be having big problems with Nurgle and DoK). I still believe they should do something with DoT as this army is broken as hell, jsut because it : forgives mistakes like no other army, with Gaunt Summoner has all others options covered. I believe that changing Summoner keyword - to for example Everchosen or some new Tzeentch keyword so he couldn't be taken with DoT allegiance would fix the issue - as then DoT would struggle much more against horde armies. But DoK  and NurgleI believe could give DoT some problems and wouldn't be easy prey anyway. I think what DoT is doing is limiting somehow design space for new armies - Deepkin are rumored to be elite army with expensive heroes, big monsters etc. If so they will suffere a lot against DoT as Sylvaneth, SCE suffer. Changehost is just bad for the game and I don't want it totally nerfed but taking away Summoner would do wonders as horde armies will be tough for DoT = DoT would need some changes in lists = it would open up new lists from other armies. 

I am Sylvaneth player and the state this army is in is horrible (competitve wise) mainly because of DoT, there is a problem with SCE as well. Just imagine how much healthier competitive scene would look without DoT, so I was very disappointed that it didn't get any nerfs in FAQ (and simple nerf to take away Gaunt Summoner or nerfing his spell to something like arcane bolt  would help a lot). 


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I think GW's former release policy made balance for their game a nightmare. 

In the past armies that weren't poster child armies (basically anything that wasn't marines) could go years without a codex update and could even miss a whole rules edition release (I think Dark Eldar wound up two editions behind at one point). With a longer and longer gap each release of a faction was essentially like relaunching a brand new army; old fans would have drifted away, new people wouldn't be as interested in the army that performed poorly for years. So there was every bit of pressure not just to have new rules and new models but also to make the faction really stand out on the table; which tended to (esp in 40K) make them a bit (to totally) overpowered when they came out.
That and any faction without new rules could often be underpowered until they got new rules; so you could go years before your army would get updated to be "on par" with the others.


New GW has turned that whole model aside. Even though 40K isn't perfectly balanced (and lets face it chances are it never can be) the strides they've made over the last year or so have been huge. All rules updated at once with the index; new codex that are much more about internal variety of choice and balance between them - and because they are coming out so fast one after the other there's far less need to make each one a full relaunch.  It's a huge feat for GW to achieve, but I'd say they've done it in a big way and set the ground for further improvement. 


We might even see a time when editions go away and instead we see rolling releases of dataslate new units; chapter approved every year or so and then a big codex and rulebook update every few years that collects all the published changes up to that point togethr in a single updated volume (along with likely new things and all the lore and artwork we expect). 


Fantasy is starting to follow that very same pattern, though its lagging at present because 40K is the current focus. I think mid-way this year it should flip around and fantasy should become much more the focus. 

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3 hours ago, Overread said:

I think GW's former release policy made balance for their game a nightmare. 

In the past armies that weren't poster child armies (basically anything that wasn't marines) could go years without a codex update and could even miss a whole rules edition release (I think Dark Eldar wound up two editions behind at one point). With a longer and longer gap each release of a faction was essentially like relaunching a brand new army; old fans would have drifted away, new people wouldn't be as interested in the army that performed poorly for years. So there was every bit of pressure not just to have new rules and new models but also to make the faction really stand out on the table; which tended to (esp in 40K) make them a bit (to totally) overpowered when they came out.
That and any faction without new rules could often be underpowered until they got new rules; so you could go years before your army would get updated to be "on par" with the others.


New GW has turned that whole model aside. Even though 40K isn't perfectly balanced (and lets face it chances are it never can be) the strides they've made over the last year or so have been huge. All rules updated at once with the index; new codex that are much more about internal variety of choice and balance between them - and because they are coming out so fast one after the other there's far less need to make each one a full relaunch.  It's a huge feat for GW to achieve, but I'd say they've done it in a big way and set the ground for further improvement. 


We might even see a time when editions go away and instead we see rolling releases of dataslate new units; chapter approved every year or so and then a big codex and rulebook update every few years that collects all the published changes up to that point togethr in a single updated volume (along with likely new things and all the lore and artwork we expect). 


Fantasy is starting to follow that very same pattern, though its lagging at present because 40K is the current focus. I think mid-way this year it should flip around and fantasy should become much more the focus. 

Bretonnians are another ewample : more than 10 years and several édition ( 4 ?) without a new army Book

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1 minute ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Isn't it strange that we didn't get any "next week" news (without counting, ofc, the Open Day missing reveals...) ??

Not really, considering the very bad weather conditions around Nottingham this weekend. GW employees might not have been able to get to their job.

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55 minutes ago, Yokai said:

Not really, considering the very bad weather conditions around Nottingham this weekend. GW employees might not have been able to get to their job.

At least the next week post should be done before hand an get an timed publication date. 

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4 hours ago, Malakithe said:

More new aelves, a potential new Nighthaunt faction, and updating the last of the non-battletome faction...a release a month for the whole year is very doable

Very much this. 

Nurgle = Jan

LoN = Feb

DOK= March

Idoneth = March/April

Nighthaunt = April/May

Moonclan (Minimal new releases) = May/June 

Darkoath = June/July

Slaanesh for December, fill in the middle with 40k and non-model battletomes. 

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