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I'm impressed the AoS writing team is actually willing to have things occur in Broken Realms. If this was 40k's Psychic Awakening, Anvilgard would be saved (at great military losses) by the Stormcast at the last second, with Morathi scowling that she'd take vengeance, but it turns out she secretly planned to lose all along as part of her master plan (which is never brought up again).

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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17 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I'm impressed the AoS writing team is actually willing to have things occur in Broken Realms. If this was 40k's Psychic Awakening, Anvilgard would be saved (at great military losses) by the Stormcast at the last second, with Morathi scowling that she'd take vengeance, but it turns out she secretly planned to lose all along as part of her master plan (which is never brought up again).

This is actually a huge problem in 40k in my opinion, largely the lore in the psychic awakening books kinda sucked. Normally I have no interest in supplements due to this very reason, but the AOS ones always seem to capture my interest because things actually happen. 

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5 minutes ago, michu said:

I think that 40k writers have this problem that (reading 40klore subreddit), no matter what they do there will be riot so they play a bit too safe.

I agree with you in a sense, but normally I find it's how they do it. A 40k supplement has never made me go holy *beep*, instead it makes me groan in annoyance with how they treat the characters and use them. I took a peek at the link above, the one you posted. (Spoilers don't bother me) Just reading the summary has made me excited for the future and I'm eager to get my hands on Broken realms Morathi. 

Overall, what I've noticed is that when this topic comes up many people on the 40klore reddit are coming around to the idea that they wished 40k lore was handled in a similar way to AOS. Each faction gets their time in the sun, cool narrative hooks are made, factions get wins and losses and in turn it makes a more believable world.  

Edited by shinros
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40K actually does do a lot of things in the story setting. I think part of the issue is that there's a somewhat jaded fanbase who refuse to acknowledge many of the changes because it never really filters through to the "game" side of things as such. In AoS a city swapping patrons is still going to be a Free Cities army. It's basically the same as losing Cadia is to 40K. 


The big difference is, as noted above, 40K is mostly all told from an Imperial perspective with Xenos factions having a vastly inferior position in the lore. Even stories that focus on those xenos are often from the Imperial perspective. It's got better in later years, but there's still a long way to go. AoS on the other hand the writers are clearly far more free and encouraged to write about every faction. Even though Stormcast feature heavily there's a clear move away from them being the only perspective.

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39 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Okay. Mind blown.

There are THREE MAPS in that book, including one of a part of the Realm of Shadows, Ulgu itself ! ❤️❤️❤️

Also, 70 pages of fluff, new artworks, cool paginations, "three acts" structure, a Dramatis Personae section (like Horus Heresy or Forbidden Power had) ? Recent 40k books are so low quality compared to that.

100% SOLD. 

Maybe Blood Bowl ?

Had to make this for you mate!!


Edited by KingBrodd
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16 minutes ago, michu said:

I think that 40k writers have this problem that (reading 40klore subreddit), no matter what they do there will be riot so they play a bit too safe.

Which is funny considering they were moving the timeline forwards in order to have the freedom to progress events, but they now seem to have rolled back on that and 9th lore is stuck in this awkward purgatory of the Indomitus Crusade period with no finale for things like Dark Imperium in sight. 

I think places like /r/40klore have more a problem with the Imperium - specifically Space Marines - getting their noses bloodied than progression though. People still REEE to this day that Shadowsun managed to kill an unknown Chapter Master of the Raven Guard (which was obviously so Shrike could get a promotion) and eek out a pyrrhic victory as proof the Tau are unstoppable Mary Sues. The lore just serves as a backdrop to make Marines look BADASS and EPIC and GGLLOORRIIOOUUSS and everything must revolve around that. 

Compare that to the Stormcast, who definitely get their noses bloodied a lot these days, which is great, because when you crank open these books there's more tension to them than basically any 40k product featuring Marines.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Yeah. R/40klore is not a group I would consult for "how things should be done". Most of their topics are "my primarch is better than yours" and "here is my essay why any development of lore is bad and at the same time why I want more lore development ".

Oh, @Clan's Cynic. It's less purgatory and more: "we told you about this period of time but skipped it entirely. Now we show you what happened." Dark Imperium will still have it's final (Guy Haley says that 3rd book will be published). I actually enjoy the lore (I love those small lore tidbits in WD).

EDIT: As you said - they are angry when it's all SM wins, but when they lose the outrage is bigger. So what the writers can do?

Edited by michu
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24 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Which is funny considering they were moving the timeline forwards in order to have the freedom to progress events, but they now seem to have rolled back on that and 9th lore is stuck in this awkward purgatory of the Indomitus Crusade period with no finale for things like Dark Imperium in sight. 

I think places like /r/40klore have more a problem with the Imperium - specifically Space Marines - getting their noses bloodied than progression though. People still REEE to this day that Shadowsun managed to kill an unknown Chapter Master of the Raven Guard (which was obviously so Shrike could get a promotion) and eek out a pyrrhic victory as proof the Tau are unstoppable Mary Sues. The lore just serves as a backdrop to make Marines look BADASS and EPIC and GGLLOORRIIOOUUSS and everything must revolve around that. 

Compare that to the Stormcast, who definitely get their noses bloodied a lot these days, which is great, because when you crank open these books there's more tension to them than basically any 40k product featuring Marines.

This is why I cannot get into 40K. Nothing changes and nobody wins...except Marines. Shadowsun killing a Chapter Master should've been a glorious moment and people just cant deal with the fact that a Marine lost to a Xeno!? I love AOS and the fact that everyone is more or less on even ground. Chaos can get beaten back and lose ground such as WOTE and Stormcast can get stomped as well as do the stomping.

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man, some massive spoilers flying around... this book seems to move the story forward a lot! gotta say I'm getting a lot more excited reading some of the things to come. Let's not dwell on why 40k isn't moving forward, but rejoice in how AOS is:)

gotta say I'm a little surprised how much of the content of the lore is already spilled by these reviews flying around. 

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9 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Damn they're going all out with this book. Wild. 

It's very small fry compared to the big implications but the idea of a free city that's like an auxiliary force for the DoK is cool, both in the background and for anyone who has an old WHFB dark elves army.

Yeah, the old dark elf army has essentially been rebuilt in a sense. Also the lore implications in this book, both big and small has made really excited to see the future of the setting.  

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15 minutes ago, Enoby said:

Without saying much of why for spoilers, I'm starting to think these rumour pics may be from a Slaanesh release 



AoS is like 3 armies behind its release schedule due to corona. I expect Vampires, Umbraneth and soome destruction ogor army releases from the recent rumour engines

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I've ordered a nice batch of Broken Realms bits. I've been crying for decent narrative supplements/campaigns since AoS first dropped. I love malign portents but felt that one book for it wasn't enough and the last one they did (The chaos one, the name is escaping me right now) I didn't bother with as it seems a bit too rules heavy and I tend to avoid any book now that is too rules heavy.

I don't think Anvilgard is being removed from the game or rules. I don't really follow it as I don't play RPGS, but didn't the AoS RPG just release a Anvilgard sourcebook. Seems weird they would write and release a sourcebook for a town that was about to become old news and no longer matter. I'd not put it past GW to do so, but I had thought that the RPG team were pretty heavily connected or at least very well communicated to and with the AoS design team when it came to lore/rules.

Good things:

  • GW are pushing the 'narrative' side of the game, where I think AoS really does best its best work.
  • Those gorgeous new boxes/art for the battalions. One of my biggest gripes with 'new' gw is how sterile both the stores & White dwarf look now. The plain white boxes- 'eavy metal miniatures-'start collecting' look feels so generic for a hobby that is (usually) so heavily creative and bold.
  • The book doesn't appear to be numbered. Such a small thing, but as someone that wants buy things that interest me and leave things that don't, numbering books makes it hard to be a collector that doesn't want 'all the things'. I've skipped on buying the yearly novellas & the one or two 40k campaign books I'd have otherwise brought. Its a small, silly thing, but it really annoys me having books numbered on the shelf.
  • Morathi (the book) looks fantastic. That red spine is going to look fantastic next to the dark covers of the core rules/Malign Portents/my collectors gloomspite book. And the logos & titles are not wildly out of place like the Adeptus Titanicus books. 11/10 for that cover & spine.
  • I love the idea of Stormkeeps. This could be one of the most exciting changes. Which I will mention more on below.
  • Looks like I collect Slaanesh as well now 🙈

Bad things:

  • Whilst I appreciate that rules are a big(gest) deal for a lot of folk, there are a lot of complaints already cropping up about the rules and I've seen a few people huff and puff about 'having' to buy a book for a couple of pages of rules. Yet, had this been flipped, more in line with the 40k books, there would have been complaints that they had to buy a book of rules that will be 'invalidated' in a couple of months, had it been packed with rules. 🤷‍♂️
  • I wish GW would be a little more transparent and up front on releases. Would telling us how many books there will be affect their bottomline that much? Maybe popping up a timeline like the necormunda books had, even if they can't currently give dates. Yes, I'm aware that they probably avoid doing this due to the folk that freak out when something is delayed and perhaps I'm being spoilt by other companies announcing well in advance.
  • Nothing is selling out quickly (or at all, at the time of writing) Whilst the 2nd hand/Scalper market for AoS never seems to be as big as 40k (understandably) I don't think this is a good sign for AoS as a game. The edition has already shifted into a more meta-rules-faster release cycle, much like 40ks community wanted. This could be the start of AoS no longer being the 'in' thing. Even more so as people are waiting on the old world release (when ever that may be)
  • Whilst I think November has always been their month to release the 2 force sets, I'd much rather have seen this closer to December, would have made for an awesome bundle for Christmas.
  • Whilst thematically the big box is spot on, I would have like to have seen 5 less Melusai and a set of Witch Elves in there.
  • Looks like I collect Slaanesh as well now 🙊

Things I'm basing off nothing but pure speculation:

  • Stormkeeps. I think this is such a cool addition. Whilst often being compared to space marines as a negative, I'd love if they just embraced it at this point. Stormkeeps make me think of stormcast that are settled, that get to be part of the town/area they live in.  No more popping in, killing chaos and buggering right off back home after. Whilst they kind of had this with CoS, making stormcast more 'human' seems the way to go now. Maybe they are looking at humanising them more in preparation for the 'big changes'. Perhaps we see Sigmar mirror the 40ks Emperor more, either powered down or for some reason unable to continue to put so many resources into stormcasts, to the point that it matters more when they die/get reforged. Could just be a small addition and no grand plan there. But I'd like to think that we might see tighter stormcast lore in the future.

Keeping my fingers cross for a skaven-Duardin-KO-Gits broken realms book. A sort of  'As above, so Below' battle, with sky battles & cave warfare going on at the same time. That would be fantastic.

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15 hours ago, Doko said:

So anvilguard is lost and with it we loose too the mount traits doing more useless even umplayable models as black dragons,good way to sell the new box with the dragon games workshop.


Also as city of sigmar player i get great bives having one of my alegiances being deleted.......i feel so safe to buy more models knowing that these models and rules gonna stay for a while and wont be deleted as were the 50% of dwarfs...........


I told to my local store that i wanted the preorder of the new black dragon box,now i dont know if cancel it seeing this....


So idoneths that were allready a top army even with 2.0 tome get mount traits and huge buffs to warscrolls but citys get useless new alegiance,no new warscroll for the worst unit of aos(black dragons),delete one of our alegiances(anvilguard) and also with this we loose our mount traits.


Haven't seen if anyone replied, but according to guerilla something that reviewed the book, it seems like you still can play anvilguard. 

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