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2019 What Army/Armies do you play poll?


337 members have voted

  1. 1. What Age of Sigmar army/armies are you primarily a collector of as of 2019?

    • Aelves (Darkling Coven and Wanderers included)
    • Daughters of Khaine
    • Dispossessed
    • Free Peoples
    • Fyreslayers
    • Idoneth Deepkin
    • Kharadron Overlords
    • Seraphon
    • Stormcast Eternals
    • Sylvaneth
    • Beasts of Chaos
    • Blades of Khorne
    • Disciples of Tzeentch
    • Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness
    • Hedonites of Slaanesh
    • Maggotkin of Nurgle
    • Skaven
    • Flesh-eater Courts
    • Legions of Nagash
    • Nighthaunt
    • Beastclaw Raiders
    • Bonesplitterz
    • Gloomspite Gitz
    • Gutbusters
    • Ironjawz
    • Grand Alliance Order
    • Grand Alliance Order
    • Grand Alliance Chaos
    • Grand Alliance Death
    • Grand Alliance Destruction
    • Legions of Azgorh

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So my current collection is:

Free Peoples/Grand Alliance (basically old Empire mix, and started from the start of what was going to be my Empire army)

Stormcast Eternals (mostly Sacrosanct, with a few random bits. Mostly gotten either by accident or as a side thought.)

Legions of Nagash (Started due to Coven Throne and converting Blood Knights, shelved for now due to conversions not panning out and LoB focus felt 1 dimensional)

Flesh-Eater Courts (Ironically started to "flesh" out from LoB, since I had the Dragon, Varghests, and some Ghouls from a Start Collecting kit. I dived in because they could be super Dragon heavy, which is what I wanted for my LoB in the long term. More ironic, I haven't taken the real plunge and still only have 2 monsters.)

I have a scattering of other armies, thus the "Grand Alliance Order" banner. I have a big interest in many other armies, and depending on support, whether I commit to finishing my current backlog or not, and where my fancy takes me, any of these interests could be a big project. If Warcry gives me a lot of Skirmish rules, that will be dangerous as I will undoubtedly make a dozen or so Warbands.

Potential armies: Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Beasts of Chaos, Chaos Dwarves, Ironjaws/Bonesplittas, DWARVES of some sort, Trolls?

I am all over the place. Send help, preferably in the form of more money and time.

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Started with both Sylvaneth and Daughters of Khaine around November last year. 

Currently I have 2700 points of Daughters and 2300 Sylvaneth. 

For Daughters I need to get more numbers for Witch Elves/Sister of Slaughter and the Melusai. 

For Sylvaneth I want more Kurnoth Hunters and get a couple of Tree Revenants and Spites. 

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My primary army is Sylvaneth (I have around 3500 points and I will probably expand my army a bit more in the future).

Besides Sylvaneth, I also have a pretty large Blades of Khorne army (around 2800 points) as well as Wanderers and Stormcast Eternals (around 1000 points for each).

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Started AOS when GHB 1.0 came out with khorne demons. Didn't like the play style and switched to Nurgle almost immediately.  I have been playing them exclusively since.  I have about 3000 points fully painted. I do have a fledgling Spiderfang army, with about 1000 points built and 500 of that painted. 

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Legion of Azgorh -- I'm obsessed with this army, they are so fun to play.

Seraphon -- still waiting on an update but I do love them.

Order Draconis -- an easy to play, single strategy army for a fun, quick game

Beast of Chaos -- have always loved them

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I've got a bunch of armies but am currently focusing on Fyreslayers and getting a Gloomspite army going. I've got a Khorne army but I haven't been liking how much power seems focused into the Slaughterpriests. I'm looking at trying a Daemon focused build but am kinda burned out on painting them. Nurgle was my main army last year but I've shelved them for the time being. Pretty much played them ad naseum so I'm waiting for the new GHB to see if it makes some alt builds more viable.

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I'm working on Hedonites, though that's mainly a 40k project. I'm also starting a Free People's army to paint up in the old Nordland colors as a break from all that purple and pink I'm doing, but I'm still mulling over some things (like which realm they should be from for doing my basing and considering if I want to commit to something crazy like using them to practice NMM on).


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Really surprising numbers so far! Looks like there are almost as many Gloomspite players as Stormcast. 😮 This might be tied to the fact that there are so many armies within that army namely Squigs, Grots, Trolls, and Spiders and the box set just happened but interesting nonetheless! 

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Interesting survey.

I have a theory that faction sales revenue is inversely proportionate to their power level in the game. Or will eventually be after 6 months.

<looks over at all the now worthless Knight Castellan in 40k>

But I wonder with DoK having such a low pick-up rate even after a year since release, will they still be re-adjusted in the upcoming GHB 2019? 🤔

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I feel like DoK have a low pick up rate because they are a horde focised army with expensive kits. That and their elite build of monstergirls aren't that great to build a more elite army with them.

Well that and Morathi is a massive model that can intimidate new players.

I'm hoping we see some nerf hammers hitting the game because DoK have some stuff that needs to be brought down, as do FEC and LoN. All three armies have a large win rate lead on the game that tips the game in too heavily in favor of those three armies.

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21 hours ago, Lord Veshnakar said:

Really surprising numbers so far! Looks like there are almost as many Gloomspite players as Stormcast. 😮 This might be tied to the fact that there are so many armies within that army namely Squigs, Grots, Trolls, and Spiders and the box set just happened but interesting nonetheless! 

Now think what would have happened if the skaven got a model update!

Probably the downfall and the destruction of Sigmars forces😜


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22 hours ago, Lord Veshnakar said:

Really surprising numbers so far! Looks like there are almost as many Gloomspite players as Stormcast. 

Obnoxious band-wagon young'un gitz...  Get outta my cave an off my fungus lawn before I sick Chompaz on you!  No respect for elders and them that was here first...


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20 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

Obnoxious band-wagon young'un gitz...  Get outta my cave an off my fungus lawn before I sick Chompaz on you!  No respect for elders and them that was here first...


I imagine it'll go back to normal once box set FOMO wears off haha. That being said I have seen a lot of "jumping into AOS for the first time" or "been away from the hobby for about 6 years" posts on the gloomspite facebook group when the Looncurse box came out. I think it garnered a lot of new blood into AOS in general, whether its 40k players, brand new players, or people that left because of the old world exploding etc. 

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9 minutes ago, Lord Veshnakar said:

I imagine it'll go back to normal once box set FOMO wears off haha. That being said I have seen a lot of "jumping into AOS for the first time" or "been away from the hobby for about 6 years" posts on the gloomspite facebook group when the Looncurse box came out. I think it garnered a lot of new blood into AOS in general, whether its 40k players, brand new players, or people that left because of the old world exploding etc. 

I was just being silly.

I have played primarily goblins for over 25 years now and my enjoyment of the army has nothing to do with anyone else's opinion - or even how good it is.  In fact, prior to the Gloomspite Book there was never really a full Goblin army and they were generally just a niche way to play a small portion of the broader greenskin army.  The fact that they have a full book, which I never thought would happen, makes me ecstatic.  More people liking the army is great and does not bother me at all.  From a selfish standpoint - if the army is more popular then it is likely to get more updates in the future and the more goblin, squig, and troll models GW makes the better it is for me (although not my wallet).  And the more people that get into the game, regardless of what army, the better for everyone that plays the game.

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17 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

I was just being silly.

I wasn't taking you totally seriously. 😉 And I actually did the same!  I began my foray into WHFB in 1995 (late 4th edition I believe) with Night Goblins. I very rarely took anything more than just Night Goblins+fanatics, Squigs, Netters/Clubbers, Trolls, and the occasional giant, so the Gloomspite release was pretty huge deal/nostalgia trip for me.  My first miniatures were the metal squigs + squig herder and the old metal river trolls. Loved them so much!  Later in 6th moved to Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarfs and bounced back and forth between the three until the AOS drop where I went to Moonclan, Fyreslayers, and Daughters (prodominately Fyreslayers/Moonclan though). 

And I'll admit I used to be a bit of a "hobby hipster" in that I always gravitated towards the lesser played armies. Beyond love of the aesthetics its partially what drew me to Dark Elves in 6th edition since no one played them hardly and everyone said they were trash. I was actually on the team at Druchii.net working on the revision back when a lot of us had to develop strategies like MSU/MSE etc to have any hope of success with the army.  

But yeah, playing unpopular armies is a bit rough. It ended up biting me in the rear for the reasons you mention; the most popular armies get the most attention, and armies like Chaos Dwarfs/Tomb Kings go by the wayside, so I learned my lesson! 

Also to keep it on topic,  I forgot to mention in the title, I currently collect Daughters of Khaine, Gloomspite,  and Fyreslayers,

DOK are shelved until they are a little better balanced so people don't hate me before I even put my army down, and so I dance between Gloomspite and Fyreslayers now. 

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40 minutes ago, Lord Veshnakar said:



more words...

Man, if there was ever a unit that I would love to return to the game - it is this one.  This is the goblin unit that I miss more than any other.  The original rules were admittedly a bit of a mess since the unit itself activated at 2 different initiative steps and you generally had to really micro-manage the unit composition & model placement, and they often were not even very good, but boy was this unit so much fun.  I still have somewhere around 20-30 of these guys although over the years I did convert up a few heroes from some of the Clubber models.

It was just the most fun unit concept.

For those that don't know about this unit - it was basically the goblins that go deep down in caves and hunt & capture squigs.  The method they used is to lure squigs out of their holes and then a few goblins would toss nets on the squigs and the rest of the goblins would bash them senseless with big clubs.  Then they would drag the unconscious squigs back to their goblin lairs to then use as either entertainment, food, or herd into combat.  On the table they worked similarly in that the netters would attack first and then the clubbers would attack second and just bash whatever enemy was caught in the nets with their giant clubs.  This unit was the precursor to netters being added into standard units of night goblins.

If this unit were to be brought back to Age of Sigmar Gloomspite Gitz in some form I would try to make a full army from them.

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48 minutes ago, Lord Veshnakar said:

I wasn't taking you totally seriously. 😉 And I actually did the same!  I began my foray into WHFB in 1995 (late 4th edition I believe) with Night Goblins. 

Yep, that was when I began my goblin obsession - except I started before you by at least 5 minutes...  😉


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Early days, but Beasts - and to a lesser extent, Nurgle and Ironjawz - are way lower than I expected.

With regards to DoK/FEC, I have already noticed in previous polls that "Tier 1" armies don't necessarily have high representation outside the competitive subset. That said, they are both still lower than I expected - especially with FEC being easy to collect and paint.

In the other direction, Dispossessed going toe-to-toe with many battletome armies is no longer a surprise.

Gloomspite and Sylvaneth are not the two armies I would have pictured being up there with Stormcasts. If I was a betting man, I would have put my money on Nighthaunt and Khorne.

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14 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

Early days, but Beasts - and to a lesser extent, Nurgle and Ironjawz - are way lower than I expected.

With regards to DoK/FEC, I have already noticed in previous polls that "Tier 1" armies don't necessarily have high representation outside the competitive subset. That said, they are both still lower than I expected - especially with FEC being easy to collect and paint.

In the other direction, Dispossessed going toe-to-toe with many battletome armies is no longer a surprise.

Gloomspite and Sylvaneth are not the two armies I would have pictured being up there with Stormcasts. If I was a betting man, I would have put my money on Nighthaunt and Khorne.

Well it's hard to glean anything at all from this data really.  It is only for these forums, people could pick multiple selections, and it does not even cover the entire user-base of these forums.  Also Gloomspite & Sylvaneth just had a combined box set that sold quite well - so a lot of people that bought that probably marked down both.  I bet you the number of primary Gloomspite players is much lower than what is represented by that poll.  Goblins have generally been an fun army that a lot of people dipped a toe into and had some of, but not that many people usually used them as their primary faction.

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2 hours ago, Blightzkrieg said:

Seraphon! But would eventually like to start collecting Daughters of Khaine. Or Skaven. Or Deepkin. Or Beasts of Chaos. Or...well you get it. 

Skaven are very good-good.

we have many kill-toys to use-try out.

good-good at kill-slaying foe-thing and traitor-things alike.

Makes you feel-feel great-Great!

Yes-yes perfect time to scurry-start the skaven, true children of chaos!

Now Rise-scurry it is time, time to kill-slay



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