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Competitive Top Tier Armys

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Hey guys, a lot of people ask which armys are effective for the competitive scene metawise.

so i thought it would be a nice idea to create a list with „ Top Tier armys for the competetive scene.“

which armys do you think fit into this category and maybe why.

(maybe a specific list or units that synergize perfect together)


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Unless a drastic faq happens, I'm expecting Fyreslayers to start topping events once players catch on to their stacking potential. The wildcard factor on that point is that I have no idea of how many competitive Fyreslayer players there are, and I don't expect to see people switching to them before they start axing through the opposition, which could be a slow journey if not piloted properly. 

So maybe they'll go under the radar for a while. Who knows?  Crazy times :D

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31 minutes ago, Mayple said:

Unless a drastic faq happens, I'm expecting Fyreslayers to start topping events once players catch on to their stacking potential. The wildcard factor on that point is that I have no idea of how many competitive Fyreslayer players there are, and I don't expect to see people switching to them before they start axing through the opposition, which could be a slow journey if not piloted properly. 

So maybe they'll go under the radar for a while. Who knows?  Crazy times :D

I think they will perform well, but I don't see them sweeping events. I think they might make the occasional top 10 every now and again like gloomspite, but nothing like Skaven/FEC/DOK. The guy that won Brisvegas  5/0 with them has been playing Fyreslayers from the get-go, and he is very experienced with them. The 30 Hearthguard block is a good wildcard if you don't know what to do against it or weren't prepared and walk right into it "push up the board and hope for the best" style, but even just sniping out the priests/battlesmith with shooting/magic (which is fairly easy to do for the non-melee focused armies) totally neuters the army. And they just FAQ'd battlesmith stacking too.  Plus if they aren't running Vostarg, the lack of movement will be a definite liability.  

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14 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

Gloomspite is going to be at the bottom because they live deep in caves and so obviously that means lower tiers rather than higher.

Yeah!! Right next to Dispossessed ;) 

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10 hours ago, Lord Veshnakar said:

And they just FAQ'd battlesmith stacking too.

There we go. That was the thing that would see them dominate everything if it wasn't FAQ'd :P Then we are in agreement. 

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God tier: FEC, DoK, Skaven (point and shoot)

Tier 2: Idoneth, LoN, Fyrefestival, Slaanesh,  SCE, Gloomspite (almost all builds competitive and strong) 

Tier 3: Seraphon, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, Beasts of Chaos (specific builds within these factions are strong and competitive)

Tier 4: Ironjaws, BCR, Bonespitters, Kharadron, (books need re-works to be competitive)


This is how I PERSONALLY see the tier system.  Top two tiers are there for the dough. Tier 3 are the 3-2 type armies. occasionally pop into the 4-1 realm. Tier 4 armies are there to have fun. Might catch a couple opponents off guard.  There ALWAYS exceptions to this but this is how I see it playing out. 

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9 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

God tier: FEC, DoK, Skaven (point and shoot)

Tier 2: Idoneth, LoN, Fyrefestival, Slaanesh,  SCE, Gloomspite (almost all builds competitive and strong) 

Tier 3: Seraphon, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, Beasts of Chaos (specific builds within these factions are strong and competitive)

Tier 4: Ironjaws, BCR, Bonespitters, Kharadron, (books need re-works to be competitive)


This is how I PERSONALLY see the tier system.  Top two tiers are there for the dough. Tier 3 are the 3-2 type armies. occasionally pop into the 4-1 realm. Tier 4 armies are there to have fun. Might catch a couple opponents off guard.  There ALWAYS exceptions to this but this is how I see it playing out. 

I think this is spot on. Not long ago I would put Idoneth up there in God tier, but the FEC and skaven books changed that. Gloomspite is a far better book as it really pushes some more diverse armies on the table and a great faction to get into, with plenty of model variations and list building options which are playable at a good level. 

These are sad times to be an orruk player though 😕

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10 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

God tier: FEC, DoK, Skaven (point and shoot)

Tier 2: Idoneth, LoN, Fyrefestival, Slaanesh,  SCE, Gloomspite (almost all builds competitive and strong) 

Tier 3: Seraphon, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, Beasts of Chaos (specific builds within these factions are strong and competitive)

Tier 4: Ironjaws, BCR, Bonespitters, Kharadron, (books need re-works to be competitive)

I don't think that's too far off, I would bump Bonesplitters up a level though.  You can still win a lot of games with Kunnin Rukk. 

Having used both extensively, I find them much easier to win games with than Ironjawz!

Maybe Gloomspite could drop down a notch too, sitting alongside the likes of Khorne, Nurgle and BOC.  I am yet to see them consistently achieve the success of Idoneth and LON for example, despite the book having been out for a good while now.  

Overall I would agree with most of the above though.  Pretty accurate I think.

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You will also get people arguing about "you can't put this army in T2 / T3". 

Those people would generally want to split hairs between high / mid / low T1, and preserve that label of T3 or maybe even T2 for the strugglers.

But at that point it's mainly a calibration / labelling debate. 

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10 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

God tier: FEC, DoK, Skaven (point and shoot)

Tier 2: Idoneth, LoN, Fyrefestival, Slaanesh,  SCE, Gloomspite (almost all builds competitive and strong) 

Tier 3: Seraphon, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, Beasts of Chaos (specific builds within these factions are strong and competitive)

Tier 4: Ironjaws, BCR, Bonespitters, Kharadron, (books need re-works to be competitive)


This is how I PERSONALLY see the tier system.  Top two tiers are there for the dough. Tier 3 are the 3-2 type armies. occasionally pop into the 4-1 realm. Tier 4 armies are there to have fun. Might catch a couple opponents off guard.  There ALWAYS exceptions to this but this is how I see it playing out. 

Was curious about the Gloomspite position here - I’m only new, so have only my basic impressions and what I’ve read/listened to so far to go off, but I’ve not actually seen people regard them this highly anywhere else yet. Is there a list/set of lists, or a particular playstyle maybe, that you’ve seen from them that has made you arrive at this conclusion?

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12 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

God tier: FEC, DoK, Skaven (point and shoot)

Tier 2: Idoneth, LoN, Fyrefestival, Slaanesh,  SCE, Gloomspite (almost all builds competitive and strong) 

Tier 3: Seraphon, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, Beasts of Chaos (specific builds within these factions are strong and competitive)

Tier 4: Ironjaws, BCR, Bonespitters, Kharadron, (books need re-works to be competitive)


This is how I PERSONALLY see the tier system.  Top two tiers are there for the dough. Tier 3 are the 3-2 type armies. occasionally pop into the 4-1 realm. Tier 4 armies are there to have fun. Might catch a couple opponents off guard.  There ALWAYS exceptions to this but this is how I see it playing out. 

Yeah for me, hits the nail on the head. 

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45 minutes ago, Alexonian said:

I cant wait for Kharadron overlords to get a new book, hopefully they can do for them what they did with fec and fyreslayers

Somehow I hope not, even though I know what you mean. Making god tier books just makes the rest even more invalid and continues the cycle of powercreep. I'd prefer a balanced tome over having that army where people roll their eyes from the get go.

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1 minute ago, Scurvydog said:

Somehow I hope not, even though I know what you mean. Making god tier books just makes the rest even more invalid and continues the cycle of powercreep. I'd prefer a balanced tome over having that army where people roll their eyes from the get go.

I agree with you that I don't want them to be to good, I already play slaanesh so would be happy with kharadron just being middle tier ;)

what I was getting at was that both became much better, kharadron is so bad currently though if they get the same treatment they probably would be middle tier...

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On 5/5/2019 at 9:48 AM, Platypus said:


On 5/9/2019 at 7:47 AM, ledha said:

i would note those results only take in account a few country : USA, Canada, Sweden, UK, Australia and Norway.

Nothing about france, germany or italy, for example, who have big communities as well, and their own local Meta.

In addition they lump all 4 LoN allegiances together. Blood and Night are far less popular and consistent performers than Grand Host and Sacrament. Lumping them all together like that skews things.

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6 hours ago, Draakur said:

Was curious about the Gloomspite position here - I’m only new, so have only my basic impressions and what I’ve read/listened to so far to go off, but I’ve not actually seen people regard them this highly anywhere else yet. Is there a list/set of lists, or a particular playstyle maybe, that you’ve seen from them that has made you arrive at this conclusion?

I think gloomspite are not as good isoneth, fyre dwarves, Lon etc..but better then the khorne/Nurgle/seraphons of the world. So I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Mangler Squigs alone push me his over the edge for me. I’ve seen them do some ridiculous things. Boingrot Bounderz at 100 for 5 is an insane value. I hope they don’t change in points, as it’s really the one thing that makes them tournament competitive. So naturally I’m building an all Spiderfang Army to be a special snowflake and prove people wrong 😅

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18 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

God tier: FEC, DoK, Skaven (point and shoot)

Tier 2: Idoneth, LoN, Fyrefestival, Slaanesh,  SCE, Gloomspite (almost all builds competitive and strong) 

Tier 3: Seraphon, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, Beasts of Chaos (specific builds within these factions are strong and competitive)

Tier 4: Ironjaws, BCR, Bonespitters, Kharadron, (books need re-works to be competitive)


This is how I PERSONALLY see the tier system.  Top two tiers are there for the dough. Tier 3 are the 3-2 type armies. occasionally pop into the 4-1 realm. Tier 4 armies are there to have fun. Might catch a couple opponents off guard.  There ALWAYS exceptions to this but this is how I see it playing out. 

I would put lon at god tier and fyreslayer tier 3 but agree with all other

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