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Liberator (1/10)



  1. I quite like the Tree Revenants now, they don't need trees to move around nor do they have to be near a board edge. Imho they are good MSUs that grab objectives to put pressure on your opponent to do something about them. People complain about the Hunter's points, I'm happy they didn't go up and as it has been stated before shooting in AoS is at a premium so I'm happy that Sylvaneth has a decent shooting unit.
  2. I'm going to wait until the new Sylvaneth Battletome drops before answering this question. May shake a few things up, you never know...
  3. Just wanted to add what I'm currently putting together as my army, I'm sticking with Beasts of Chaos only, with a couple of horde units and some big boys, haven't chosen what artefacts to give my General and Heroes yet. Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome... GREATFRAY Darkwalkers LEADERS Doombull - General Great Bray Shaman Great Bray Shaman UNITS 6 x Bullgors -Great Axes 6 x Bullgors -Great Axes 20 x Bestigors 1 x Tuskgor Chariots 10 x Ungors -Shortspears & Half-Shields (used as sacrifice on the Herdstone) 20 x Ungor Raiders 20 x Ungor Raiders BEHEMOTHS Ghorgon BATTALIONS Desolating Beastherd
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