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Lord Krungharr

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Lord Celestant

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  1. I have magnetized nearly all my Chorfs for the Old World to their bases for use on AOS bases as other various armies...wonder if there will be enough parallels to use them. Horns of Hashut have no shorties amongst them for example, and the Iron Golems only had 1. Thought there was another Chaos Dwarf looking guy in some other modern recent kit, but can't think of where I saw it or if I actually saw it. One thing is for sure; they'd have a ginormous evil cannon! More uncertain is the bull-centaurs. They're so classically Chorfy, and IMHO need to be in any Hashut themed army, for they are blessed.
  2. If one cannot source anything but 3D printed or resin recast models for a beloved old army that is no longer produced, and is super difficult and expensive to convert.... not really a bunch of other options besides spending between $1000-2000 US for a real genuine metal Chorf or resin Forgeworld army. Furthermore, this is violating the forum rules, as I am not asking nor telling how to obtain illegal IP. No links nor instructions nor solicitations have been made. Just observations of the limitations GW has put upon us for wanting to play certain armies by taunting us with rules and nothing else besides. End rant.
  3. I mean, those look pretty good, but those old Warriors are so cheap, why not just buy some on eBay? By contrast, recast resin big hat Chorfs, that makes more sense, morally speaking. And by morally, I mean financially.
  4. I got the Almanack, but apparently the warscrolls (datasheets?) for the Trolls themselves are not in that tiny book. Do I actually need to get the Ravening Hordes big book? Or can I just go off the Old-World-Builder stat lines for the Trolls? Wasn't sure if the Ravening Hordes has other important rules for Orcs and Goblins that might be needed. Guess it's good exercise carrying around twice the book-weights....
  5. I haven't yet played a game, but I think that is looking like a much more competitive Troll Horde than mine. But I have what I have, and don't want more stuff, so mine is 2 Hags, 9 and 9 of Stone and River Trolls (all great weapons), and 2 Giants (because mancrushers are meh and look way better with spare Dankhold bits on their heads and arms ).
  6. Decided to keep my AOS Troggoths on their 50mm rounds, and make trays to accommodate them in TOW. Here's what I came up; gonna try out the CNC machine at the library. Magnet holes in the center. Figured 3 wide is fine, though I see some people like 4. But others say even 4 monstrous infantry/cavalry can get unwieldly on the tabletop with maneuvering, etc. If they suck in 3s I'll just make some in 4s to try. The 120mm blocky front edge is for a clear line of engagement which seems kinda necessary in this particular game.
  7. Love that word, I'm adding it to my lexicon!
  8. Excellent conversion! I had to do a double-take before I realized it wasn't an old metal one.
  9. Is Fabelzel 3D files that we could buy? Haven't looked into them other than seeing their sculpts, which are AWESOME! Nice paintjobs on those. The magma cannon looks like a Forgeworld one? Working on my Troll Horde for now, but have some big-hats in the mail from the UK, and then I can get the Core done, and finish my warmachine and other conversions/kitbashes. Gotta figure out how to make some old-school looking Kdaai Fireborn. I think those could prove useful.
  10. Khul Ascendant was in a vision of a Slaughterpriest when they were in battle in one of the stories on WHC I think? Pretty darn cool, and I very much expect that after the year of the index, the next Khorne tome will have him go the way of Angron in 40k.
  11. Guess I'm just not eager to paint all the Night Goblins. I might be painting a bunches of Skaven, and I know I'll be painting bunches of Chaos Dwarfs
  12. I picked up a box of Fellwaters that someone had exchanged today at GW store, got lucky there. But after reading through this and other forums it does seem like I'll need to have some non-Troll Shaman or two in there as well. On Goonhammer they suggest perhaps a Level 4 Weirdnob with some Boar-boyz. Those might look good with some swampy and or crystalline cavern bases; I could see boars sniffing around for mushrooms or something. Was also thinking perhaps Spider Rider screens but are those Night Goblins? The Old World Builder app doesn't have all the restrictions built in. This coming week I think I can get the OG Almanack. I just have so many Troggoths from AOS that I feel highly compelled to run them in both games, similar to Daemons who could be in 3 different games if cleverly magni-based. Though I guess Night Goblins could also do that. Shame that they can't hang with Trolls in the Old World though 😛
  13. Wasn't there a thing where we can fill ranks with a couple bases worth of decorative stuff and it's alright rules-wise or something? That would help round out the scenic vistas of foetid swampyness for my River Trolls.
  14. As much amazing hobby goes into AOS stuff, I think because of the different basing with trays and 'fillers' we will see even more amazing amounts of hobby go into TOW. I know I have much more elaborate plans for my Chaos Dwarfs and Troll Horde.
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