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Stormvault: The New Lore

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If it is a return of the Lich Master, it’s plausible it’s a play in the old WD article where kemmler returns, bringing krill back and awakening the Barrow Kings.

Won’t happen, but I’m all for flying chariot “death rattle” king 

units of animated statues, mummies, ghosts and of course skeletons.

essentially it was a unique mix of old VC & TK units, a soup really

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13 hours ago, Acid_Nine said:

I really hope it is a new mortarch like Vlad, Harkon or Isabella. Someone very recognizable but not from an oop army. As much as I would like tomb kings back, I don't think it's going to happen yet despite the very Egyptian look of the temples.

Harkon I'd doubt despite how badly I'd want him, he just isn't as popular as the others and would require gw to design an entire pirate themed army again (which I'd buy in a heartbeat.) Abhorash would be awesome, could even make Vordhai relevant again as the blood dragons would sooner follow their sire and patriarch or a crazed traitor. I'd even be down for the return of Ushoran for some proper FeC/LoN soup. Ushoran, Mortarch of Madness or Mortarch of Feasts sounds cool. Then again so does Abhorash, Mortarch of the Blade or Mortarch of the Hunt.

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4 minutes ago, michu said:

@Lucky Snake Eyes I think that Harkon's popularity has risen after Vampire Coast in the TW:W2.

Yeah, but I feel the irons gone cold on that one and GW has missed the window to capitalize on it. Still wouldn't complain to see Harkon wheeling out old bess again and to throw walking boats at my opponents, but it seems unlikely at this point. Then again production time for GW is far from speedy so maybe they started a Vampire coast revival project after seeing the success of the VC dlc. Still you'd think that if that where the case they'd tease something by now just to say "hey we heard you like vampire pirates?". Besides our own Mortarch of night(betrayal, scumbaggery, failure) killed off harkon in the end times if I remember correctly. Would be cool to see Harkon or Vlad come back for a bit of revenge against Mannfred though.

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10 hours ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

If it is a return of the Lich Master, it’s plausible it’s a play in the old WD article where kemmler returns, bringing krill back and awakening the Barrow Kings.

Won’t happen, but I’m all for flying chariot “death rattle” king 

If Arkhan doesn't get his kickass flying chariot and has to ride a zoid, then nobody gets one.




essentially it was a unique mix of old VC & TK units, a soup really



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2 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

Ushoran, at least from what ive read about him, despises Nagash and wants to shut down his plans as revenge. if he comes back, he aint no ally of Nagash

He honestly should be a FEC character to begin with

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12 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

If Arkhan doesn't get his kickass flying chariot and has to ride a zoid, then nobody gets one.





Yeah.. this WD article was beyond this codex. Which brought a lot of the cool stuff back.

I’d be shocked if it happens. However if you red string all the coincidences together you might have something haha.

I’d settle for some new unique army combos which would require no new models or some bonkers wargear for everyone.

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20 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

If Arkhan doesn't get his kickass flying chariot and has to ride a zoid, then nobody gets one.





I loved that book, even with its crazy Scooby-Doo villain cover art.

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 As I understand it the ‘thing’ in the background is probably what Sigmar locked away in Stygxx and the Nighthaunt & Stormcast are now fighting over in the climax to the Forbidden Power mini-campaign, 

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So I've now had a chance to sit down and read the latest WD and the article in question (which seems to think Forbidden Power came out last month) describes Nagash's ally imprisoned in the Mindnight Tomb as also being a servant; so yeah, chuck the hat/helmet/crown of your favourite WFB undead character in the ring and wait and see I guess.

Azhag the Slaughterer would be a pretty hilarious surprise reveal imo.

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‘They will secure their interests in Hysh with wearying efficiency, and do little else. The Luminous One has no love for Sigmar. Not since that barbarian fool wasted Teclis’ kingly gift on his own short-sighted agenda.’

The Quote is from the Malign Portents short story A Rescued Soul, where Malerion and Morathi are talking to each other about the Twin Light Gods relations to Sigmar among other things. 



Now with Forbidden Power we might know what Teclis is angry about. 


During the Age of Myth, the aelven god Teclis sought to share wisdom and knowledge with Sigmar and his subjects. To do this, he built magical devices known as Enlightenment Engines, machines imbued with a portion of Teclis’s own knowledge that opened the minds of all nearby to the mysteries of the universe.

After centuries of study, Sigmar’s arcane experts discovered that the Enlightenment Engines could be inverted, clouding the minds of those nearby rather than opening them. Working with the smith-god Grungni – who was more than happy to subvert the work of his rival – Sigmar remade the Enlightenment Engines as Penumbral Engines, devices with the power to magically obscure and conceal.


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