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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

Call To Arms 2016 - Warhammer: AOS Army Lists

The Wellington Warlord's annual gaming event Call To Arms is this weekend, and they were kind enough to let us run Warhammer as one of the events on offer. We ended up with 11 entrants (plus one ringer player), and it has been great to meet with all the new players (over the internet so far, but in person this weekend) and share in their enthusiasm in the build-up to this event. For some it will be their first tournament, and for others it will be their first games of Warhammer: Age of Sigm

Tronhammer NZ

Tronhammer NZ

Operation Clear the Backlog

Hey guys! Time for my next major project; Operation Clear the Backlog. Anyone who's been following me on twitter knows that I've been buying a ludicrous amounts of models. It's silly. But when you're offered Tomb Kings models for half of retail, you take the offer. Normally TK stuff runs for more than retail on Ebay, and the supply isn't going to grow anytime soon. So I've picked up a lot of stuff.    I feel bad letting it lie around though. These are toys, after all. So I decided to s

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

News @ Digital Sales

Excited about all the new Games Workshop ventures?  We are developing and expanding the Warhammer Digital department (apps and digital content) and we are looking for a Digital Sales Lead and a graphic designer. Links to the ads here: http://jobs.games-workshop.com/2016/07/30/digital-sales-lead-nottingham-uk/ http://jobs.games-workshop.com/2016/07/28/graphic-designer-web-marketing-print-digital-design-nottingham-uk/  



Slashing My Own Hamstrings

This weekend I got in my weekly game with @Sunchaser at Desert Sky Games in Phoenix, AZ. I showed up with the same mixed Nurgle list I played last time. We had agreed that we wanted to try a Battleplan from the SCGT 2016 Tournament Pack and we set that game up. I can't remember what the Battleplan was called, but it's the first one in there and it's like, you have to control altars in order to move a storm. Anyway, to control an altar requires a Hero or Monster and so @Sunchaser (who plays



Of Daemonsmiths and Rules

As promised in the last entry, the update to the army this time is a Chaos Dwarf Daemonsmith from Forgeworld. Forgeworld has done a great job with their Chaos Dwarf characters, they've kept the core elements from the previous ranges - the scale mail, curly beard, tusks, bull imagery - but updated it to fit in with the modern GW aesthetic. This also means that they fit in pretty well with the Chaos Dwarf ranges of the past. A side by side comparison certainly demonstrates the advances i



My first steps in the depths of the Silver Tower

Welcome to my first ever blog! Recently I fell in love with the wonderful game and stunning miniatures of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower. I decided to share my painting process with you as a way to keep me motivated. I really like to paint miniatures, but being a full time working husband and father with a passion for photography, painting, graphic design, going to concerts, running, reading and loads of other stuff, my miniatures don't get all the attention they deserve. So this blog will ho



Path to Glory Has Issues

I take a look into what may be a massive problem with a new format of the General's Handbook. To let you know ahead of time, I consider points the primary consideration through this entire piece. Bringing up tactics like use of hordes, fast units, elites, summoning, and monsters is a good point, but I'm going to bust it open at the very end. Did you choose Chaos for a Path to Glory Campaign? No! Don't worry! I won't judge harshly! Yet... So which god did you pick? From what I'll show



The Warhoof Arrives

While Shartok Dragonchewer continues his journey of bringing the Shard of the Herdstone to Beastlord Kaamagruul tribe, reinforcements arrive.  Fooves pound across the plains, and drunken yowls piercing the treeline.  The Sons of the Warhoof arrive - united in devotion to their father and a love of good drink.   Ghorros Warhoof - here to drink, fight, and rut.   The Centigor Herd - Born from regions across the Realm of Life, willing to defend their father with their



What's needed to make a competitive army?

So time to get this blog going again.  I've been spending a lot of time recently thinking about what's needed to build a competitive army list.  These ideas are for any method of playing not comp specific. 1.  A damage dealer Every list needs something that can be relied upon to go out there and kill enemy war scrolls - this can be a big monster, a killer combat unit, warp fire throwers, anything that can deal consistent damage. 2.  Better make that at least two damage dealers.



Opportunities 29/7/2016

Hi, wow 159 views and counting..... Thank you for the warm welcome and to all the people who have followed me on twitter @GWUKRecruitment. We have a lot of jobs, globally, so please make sure you regularly check our jobsite http://jobs.games-workshop.com/ and I will do my best to keep you up to date using this Blog.   If you have any questions, please contact me either here or on my twitter account. Thanks Prince    



Bulltribe Battle Reports

Ok so i promised some battle reports from the tribe, so here is the first.   Played vs TK last night, teh game was from the generals handbook, using teh metor strike scenario (number 6) He had (from memory) Settra 3 Chariots 6 Snake Knights Necrosphinx 10 Tomb Guard 2x10 Tomb Skeletons Lich Priest 2 x Catapult Turn 1, He elected that I went first.  I jostled my forces around, planting the banner, shielding my Doombull, and making it so

Paul Buckler

Paul Buckler

Kurnoth Hunters - Completed

Just a quick apology for not getting a post up over the last few days, but I've been busy and not had much time to complete anything! However this morning I was able to get the Hunters on to their bases. The bases are just smaller versions of the base that you can find details of how they are done in this Drycha article. One thing that might be of interest is how the flock stays on - I very rarely have any issues with the foliage falling off the models. I use Superglue Thick from GW and am quite



Rotbringers - The Road to Fully Painted/100% Converted

Here are some pics of the Nurgle Rotbringers army in it's earliest days. These were taken 072616. As of right now my Army consists of: - Lord of Plagues - Chaos Sorcerer Lord - Great Unclean One - 12 Chaos Warriors w/ MoN - 17 Plaguebearers - 1 Chaos Chariot - 5 Chaos Knights w/ MoN My goal is to have a 2000 point army, 100% converted and fully painted by this time next year. I was hoping to have the first 1000 points done by January of '17 but becaus



Chaos Treachery in the Realm of Life

This weekend @Sunchaser and I met up with our new gaming buddy Dave at Desert Sky Games in Phoenix AZ. There were three of us and we wanted to get in a game so we played a multiplayer mission from the new General's Handbook. I have to say, it was the finest 3+ player experience I have ever had. The mission was really well thought out and super fun to play. @Sunchaserbrought his Sylvaneth and Dave brought his filthy Skaven horde. The battle was on for control of the battlefield and while the firs



Bring on the Big Hats

Firstly, a little tale... Way, way back in the distant past, i was thirteen, a Tale of Four Gamers was running for the first time in White Dwarf and myself and a friend decided we'd go along with it. Unfortunately i only had £18 for the first purchase, which meant there was a hard choice ahead. Back then Warhammer had army books for £15, and most armies had a small £5 box set. Which left me in a quandry. I could buy an army book, i could buy a set of models. But not both. Until i saw a



The first batch = Tzeentch

Hi everyone.  Warhammer Quest Silver Tower has brought me back to the hobby after many years.  In the past I have been a Chaos collector (and occasional player), though my first love were the lizards (which is the last time I seriously tried painting).  Since then it has been Cult of Slaanesh, Chaos Daemons and Skaven, though all largely unpainted.  So here's my first batch painted, and its Tzeentch Daemons + Arcanites vs a lone warpriest and his hound.  Someone's not making it home tonight!  Ap



Painting styles...and time!

We have those moments when we realise out painting style has changed. This is normal over time as we pick up new skills as improve outr hobby life! It seems overnight my paint style has changed and it's all a bit weird! I picked up Scyla Anfingrimm recently to enter into my local GW store competition. It seems I've changed tack completely on how I approach miniature painting but only a week or so since I painted my last mini! I'm putting this down to inspiration so will chalk

Tim the Enchanter

Tim the Enchanter

First project on the blog

I'm skipping the introduction for now. Many of you may know me already. If not, I'm a Norwegian guy, I wrote the Battletome: The End Times and I'm a mod right here on TGA!       First up on the block are my 10 skeletons. Nothing impressive, really. It's the start of a 40-bone unit, so I wanted it to be quick and efficient. Bases aren't done, but otherwise I'm calling them finished for now.       Next up is a WIP. Neferata, the Mortarch of Blood! I'm g

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Kurnoth Hunters WiP

Here is a quick photo of where I'm going with the Kurnoth Hunters. I used the Airbrush to lay down some base coats and then went in with a dry brush of Underhive Ash. I then fixed the white areas which I had done in a very round about manner. I like the contrast between the White and the dark brown. The bow was done in dark reaper with the brown details picked out. Overall I am quite happy with the scheme so I'll be doing the others in the same way.    



Goreblade Warband

The Goreblade Warband And here we are, the other half of the starter set. I admit, in my days as a WHFB player, I never really "got" Chaos. Sure, the sculpts were cool, and even with my mediocre painting ability I could make them look decent on the table, but something about wanting to see the world burn never really resonated with me. I hate to say, but that hasn't changed in Age of Sigmar.  It might be the lore side of things -- or, having devoured every bit of the stuff from the Bla



Derby Wargames Monthly Challenge 3 - Objectives Finished

In an attempt to try and keep the blog updated regularly here are the finished Objective markers for our club monthly challenge. I just tried to keep them in the same style as the rest of the army when painting them, and I added a green glow to the acorns to try and give them a mystical seed pod effect. I'd like to make more terrain to go along with the army now. The pictures are a bit over exposed again. I seem to lose the light colours a lot   



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