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My blog about the City of Silence, a Death army. Tomb Kings and modern Death in beautiful harmony. Occasional work on Order and Chaos.

Entries in this blog

2016 round up, Return of the Rise of the Tomb Kings

What is dead may never die, baby. The Tomb Kings may be discontinued, but they live on in our hearts. I actually started with Tomb Kings 15 years ago. Threw out a lot of old models when I quit. Then I came back. After I started the Death army, I had a clear theme in mind for them. But I couldn't stay away from the sandy skelletons. So I built a few, then a lot. Now I have a lot, and am building more. But that's for another time, now to get into the stuff I painted in 2016.    

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

2016 round up, Death! And Death to the bringers of Death!

I painted a few Death models... Quite a few actually. I started painting Death in 2015, after AoS dropped. I had originally started in the hobby with Tomb Kings, and now was the perfect time to refind that love. But since TK were on the way out, I went with pure Death. That didn't last... But for today, here's all the regular, non TK stuff I've painted!     First up today are the troops!   40 skeleton warriors... Ugh. This was a grind! I wanted skeleton hordes

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

New Year, old year round up

It's 2017. That means I'm doing my now-yearly model round up. It's a simple thing, really. Take a picture of every model that I painted in 2016, host it, and write a little blurb about them. I have done a ton this year, much more than I expected! So strap in. This is going to be a three parter, and not one to miss!   First up is Order! At the tail end of the year, I started up my Duardin force again. Didn't get to do much, but I'm very proud of what got painted!   First up is

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Lahmanet, Warrior Aspirant

Lahmanet, my Warrior Aspirant for the RAW: Legends event, is done! “He does not see it. Very well. I am tired of fighting a lost war. Not when there’s a cause that can be won. I need to get a message to the Lightning Men. A parley. An alliance of our might to theirs. The Order can’t fulfil its vows if every battle is lost before we fight it. With them though, there may yet be a chance. Only Ahken-Sur stands in the way. The Holy Order of the Guardian Moon is an old order, stretchi

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Krell, Mortarch of Despair

I've finished Krell, and with that Clear the Backlog: Phase 2!     Krell is progably one of my favorite models. It's big, tough and looks deadly. Krell seriously looks like he'd turn any opponent into several small pieces. Fun fact, this is the last of the "classic" VC character models in my collection. Some clear evidence of progress there. I actually put him together more than a year ago, but never got around to him. Now I'm only really missing Arkhan, and I'll have all the

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Warsphinx completed!

Phase 2 is running on schedule! The newest addition to the growing horde is the magnificent Warsphinx. Such a lovely model!   The full thing, in all its glory. I remember the day when the Bone Giant was a large model. Now it's small, almost weedy compared to this. The Tomb Kings continue their triumphant model line with this thing. As a lover of the Tomb Kings, getting my hands on this was a triumph. They were OoP when I bought it, but @Dangermouse425 provided.    

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

End Times Battlereport!

So I finally had a chance to do a little Battletome: End Times playtesting! For the game, we rocked up with regular all-round armies (this wasn't planned), and picked a battleplan slightly at random. It needed to fit two regular-ish armies. So for this game, we went with the Battle of the Blighted Isle (Khaine 4 IIRC)! It's a pretty big battle, fluff wise. Malekith is racing towards the Blighted Isle to sieze his fathers blade, whilst the defenders and Tyrion race to stop him. The defenders are

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Heroes for the Realms at War!

Akhen-Sur could not see it. He had always been a fool. He had always had hope. “This is where we break them”, “We draw the line here”, always, always with the speeches. For weeks and months and years, we’d fight for one kingdom or another, but they’d always fall. We’d flee. And the next little realm would accept our help. Over and over and over again. For two hundred years we have been fighting against Chaos. Hopeless battles for doomed mortals. I guess that makes me a fool as well. The lightnin

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Khalida finished!

High Queen Khalida is such a wonderful model. She's small, but so commanding. It's one of the really iconic Tomb King models for me. It's just so easy to imagine her standing in a temple, or on a sand dune, gazing across a battlefield. She looks ancient, but graceful. The model is actually quite small, a fairly realistically scaled female. She's actually smaller than the skeletons released at the same time! They weren't to scale, being as large as a man with his flesh still on. Basing

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Phase 2: Khalida WIP

Featuring basecoat and advanced WIP!   Finally started this model. When I started back in the day , she was one of the real beauties of the Tomb Kings faction. The sort of model you didn't buy, but wish you were good enough to justify doing so. I feel like I'm there now. Trying a new marble technique on the face and body, so that's exciting. It's the marble guide from Duncan over at Warhammer TV, but it should be really good. The basecoat shows the major elements; bandages, marble

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Clear the Backlog, phase 1 complete!

Finally finished my first part of the project. It's been a long time, unfortunately. For almost the entire month of August, I've been too ill to really paint anything. That left these three sitting around not getting finished. But now they're done!   They are the first of 4 identical units. Due to a brilliant deal, I now have more than enough chariots to build a full Royal Legion of Chariots. This is the long term plan (think years). In the shorter term, I plan on adding another unit o

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Operation Clear the Backlog

Hey guys! Time for my next major project; Operation Clear the Backlog. Anyone who's been following me on twitter knows that I've been buying a ludicrous amounts of models. It's silly. But when you're offered Tomb Kings models for half of retail, you take the offer. Normally TK stuff runs for more than retail on Ebay, and the supply isn't going to grow anytime soon. So I've picked up a lot of stuff.    I feel bad letting it lie around though. These are toys, after all. So I decided to s

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Battletome: The End Times

So I picked these beauties up from the printer today. 8 months of work, bound and covered. It's strange, but very satisfying.   Hope you guys check out the battletome. It's got everything you could want from the world that was. Except ogres. Because they got nothing

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

First project on the blog

I'm skipping the introduction for now. Many of you may know me already. If not, I'm a Norwegian guy, I wrote the Battletome: The End Times and I'm a mod right here on TGA!       First up on the block are my 10 skeletons. Nothing impressive, really. It's the start of a 40-bone unit, so I wanted it to be quick and efficient. Bases aren't done, but otherwise I'm calling them finished for now.       Next up is a WIP. Neferata, the Mortarch of Blood! I'm g

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

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