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Everything posted by Cambot1231

  1. Is it possible to summon a herald on Foot + blue horrors at the end of your movement phase if you have the points for both? Is there any cap other than the amount of summon points you have on a turn basis? Could I summon in two units of blue or brimstones?
  2. The obligatory addition of chaos trolls with rend 3 vomit attacks would be great too!
  3. I'm a little bothered that these backwoods elves decided to steal their adversaries fyreslayers orange mowhawks. Not only that but next to wildriders and the sisters of thorn they kindof look like they got a little too bored out there in the woods with all the feral animals if you know what I mean *theme from Deliverance plays*😥
  4. All this talk of Glade Guard being removed... don't forget destruction still have old models like Shootas and Stabbas in their line. Also weird that they would repackage Glade Guard only to retire them less than a year later. Lastly they have been the only basic battleline choice for Wanderers and there will be somewhat of an outcry from all 25 of us that play them if they do get squatted. 🌲🦌🌳🏹
  5. I like how if the unmade eat a hotdog and spill ketchup it still ends up landing on their face.
  6. Have the Gorebeast Chariot hit like a truck. Put it on par with the slaanesh chariots. Maybe the beast goes out of control and will continue punching for every continuous role of a 4+. Bring back the hellcannon and a sweet new model for Bel'akor
  7. Probably the best new slaanesh ability is locus of diversion, which requires demons. This makes an enemy unit fight last. What I am doing is running slaves to darkness with one keeper of secrets and a big unit of daemonettes. They provide the hard punch units while the slaves anvil and grind behind them.
  8. Looking at warscroll builder the exalted forgeworld keeper is still listed at 440 points is this correct or did it get a price drop with it's new warscroll?
  9. Question I dont have my hands on the battletome yet and wanted use StD as my base for a slaanesh army. In order to take pretenders/ godseekers etc Do I need to run specific units/ battalions or can marked chaos warriors/ chosen/ knights still be considered Pretenders / Seekers and get the slaanesh buffs associated with each?
  10. Slaves to Darkness lack a murder machine at the moment. The closest they get are chosen with either Khorne or SLaanesh buffs. Their other units provide nice anvils but are outclassed on offense level. My chaos army is composed of a core of chaos warriors taking up battleline and then depending on what God I devote to I take the best offensive units from that faction. If you wanted to go purely slaves to darkness I would invest in knights, chosen, chaos warriors and chaos lord on mount.
  11. There is a little potential for a Wanderers VS the Gits instead of Sylvaneth box in that trailer. The loss of Glade Guard a few weeks ago might represent them taking sprues off the market to repackage into the VS box. Grasping at straws here but what the hey... gives them an excuse to drop our battletome.
  12. Let's have a moment of silence for the once great high King who in the end bent the knee to Sigmar 😫
  13. I like the idea of a new daemon prince with multiple build options. One of those options could be a Lord option for ol' Bel'akor too😁
  14. How have you been doing in games with this force? It looks something similar to what I hope to run this year. Any standout units?
  15. What do you think would be the centerpiece model for the rumored Darkoath release? We have Archaon already, but perhaps we can see a new large Be'lakor? Something akin to this:
  16. What's the status of our old friend sayl the faithless these days? Any luck running him and punting chaos chosen or the like across the field? He looks somewhat over costed now that he has to bring the chaos spawn with him from first glance but if anyone has had some good experiences including him lately I'd like to hear about it.
  17. Fantastic work! Really enjoy seeing all of your progress. I was wondering if you remember what the painting scheme or colors you used on the attached guys claws. I'd really like to use it on the Pincer demon I got from creature caster I've been looking for painting scheme for him for a while and thought it wouldnt hurt to ask. Thanks and keep up the great work!
  18. Its funny having one unit of 10 eternal guard outside of my battalion i put them on the battlefield and the rest are deployed off table. I let the opponent go 1st and everytime they get charged from accross the table and blown up. Makes me realize how much we can kneecap our opponents if we null deploy and rob them of all that ground that they would otherwise get in the charge phase.
  19. I used this tactic comprised of Spellweaver, Sisters of the Thorn supporting Wild Riders as a flanking objective grabber. A nice little detachment from the rest of the battalion. Healing up the lost calvary units and giving sisters plus one to cast from the shawl can be good and make up for the individual weaknesses of each unit while the shooting units are on the other side of the board doing their thing with the battalion.
  20. Hmmn I wonder if this can be taken as confirmation that Kurnoth is dead.
  21. Cambot1231


    I think this is my favorite scheme I've seen for these guys so far! Great ice basses to boot
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