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Cambot1231 last won the day on September 11 2017

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  1. Sylvaneth2022.pdf Here is the list that has done the best with our glorious Queen of the forest!
  2. What if anything do you use to protect the flamers? do they just teleport up with the gaunt and kill anything that would hit them back?
  3. "Godsbane" and the Gotrek Series have been my fav's so far. Any audiobooks with skaven pretty fun voiceacting too, but can wear on you after a while.
  4. Im surprised people aren't running more daemon focused lists- maybe the pinks are a barrier to entry but pinks with a Dameon hero nearby is -1 to hit then if you go with flamers as your damage dealer unit and have the Fatemaster (+1 wound buff) and exalted flamer (+1 attack to flamer units nearby) all of that wrapped up in the -1 rend subfaction things start getting real interesting. Add the purple sun on top of all that (throw it into their line with arcane sacrifice) and you have a pretty potent house of cards!
  5. What is that word on Fimir? Are they really coming back in April?
  6. Darn I was hoping the daemonprince would be able to use both the claws and weapon option with the faq
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