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Everything posted by TheWilddog

  1. With the new Legions Of Nagash Battletome finally giving Death some love I have started the process of rebasing and finishing my Death army. My first goal is to focus on getting both a Grand Host Of Nagash and a Legion of Sacrament list up and painted. I have most of the cheap units painted (80 skeletons, 60 zombies, 10 Black Knights, 10 Dire Wolves) just need to get them rebased. I also have Nagash and Arkhan in the box ready to be built. My first step to getting this project going is converting a Mortis Engine. I had an old Screaming Skull Catapult lying around from the End Times when I converted one up to go with my Vampire Counts stuff. I loved the model so I decided to add some bits and turn it into a Mortis Engine. So here is my first completed model for my Legions of Sacrament list.
  2. I of course have not seen the book and the full rules but from what we have seen Morathi looks prettttty good at 480. I had money on at least 550 with my buddy. Will be interesting to see how she plays.
  3. That makes more sense a lost experiment by Teclis with an Atlantis feel. Could be cool.
  4. Man all this sounds pretty sweet. This makes it sound like the sea release is a completely different and new faction, entirely separate from the rumored second elf relief.
  5. I am not sure about the ruins. Honestly I find them a little boring. Most of the previous AOS terrain has had oodles of flavor. These seem a little bland. If I wanted this type of stuff I would just go with the Hobbit kit, has more vertical levels.
  6. Thx for the effort to build this place and keep the lights on Ben. I would definitely give a few bucks a month to support the site. That is my vote instead of ads.
  7. Loving these, both in terms of fluff and paint job. Great job overall.
  8. Some of the High Elves had a sea theme (Sea Guard and the the other Lothernmodels) as well as the Dark Elf Corsair stuff. I could see them rolling these all together with some new models for a big release. Would be cool. But who are they tied to, Tyrion, Teclis or big Mal? Guess we will see.
  9. “Battletome: Legions of Nagash is designed to make sure that Death players have just as many options as their counterparts. Inside, you’ll find the warscrolls for every single Death model (so far) These two thing seem to contradict each other. Every single death model, does that not include ghouls? Will be interesting to see if the ghouls get any love at all.
  10. Thanks for the feedback. Yea I probably need to put in a little more contrast on the key areas. My bad picture taking washed out some of the highlights but I also thought the prophet's face area looked a little flat and needed a lit more pop. So I will most likely go back and try to bring a few spots up a bit more. Agains thanks for taking a look and offering a few words.
  11. I see your squigs and raise you a big squig. Here is my Colossal Squig that I am painting up for an ally for my Bonesplitterz.
  12. Daankop, has not been the leader of the Da Big Blue Fist clan for long. Always gifted in the shamanistic ways of the tribe, he had served the previous Prophet as a Wardokk for many years. A few years ago the simple nomadic existence of the tribe had been interrupted by the appearance of strange warriors from the heavens. Wrapped in gold and bathed in blue lightning these warriors descended from the sky and waged war across the plane of Ghur. Da Big Blue Fist met them on the field of battle and were impressed by their martial prowess and stoic resolve. When Daan first saw the warriors from the sky he immediately thought back to his clan’s myths about the hammer of power that fell from the sky in a storm of blue fire. During the battle Daankop struck down one of the heavenly warriors but as he died his form returned to the heavens in a stroke of blue lightning. The blue bolt struck Daankop as it surged skyward and threw him backward, unconscious and tumbling away from the battle. Daankop awoke hours later surrounded by his fellow Fists. They had won the battle but they were not celebrating as normal. Instead a group of Morboys were huddled around him starring in awe. As he looked down at his hands the reason for their fascination became apparent, a soft blue fire was emanating from the blue warpaint on his fists, wrapping him in a pale blue haze. Unsure what was happening Daankop stood there just as transfixed as the crowd grew around him. The stunned silence was broken by the approach of the the Prophet, Kurkuk. Waving his staff at Daankop, the Prophet screamed, “Dat one as been spoilt by da magik of da sky, git him.’ The assembled Fists hesitated. They had all heard tales of the past power of the clan that fell from the sky and they now looked puzzling from Daankop to the blue warpaint that covered their own bodies. Seeing their confusion and overcome by a burning fire inside him Daankop reached forth his hand and let out a great scream. From his hand a stream of blue flame surged forth enveloping Kurkuk. In a matter of seconds Kurkuk was reduced to a pile of ash and the Orruks of Da Big Blue Fist clan were kneeling at Daankop’s feet. They had accepted their new Prophet. In the days that followed Daankop has led the Fists on successful hunt after successful hunt, nothing able to stand against the power of his blue flame and the fervor it inspires in the Fists. In his dreams Daankop sees a vision of himself bathed in blue fire leading the Fists in a great battle against a massive army full of strange and grotesque monsters. Daankop can feel the fire inside him leading him toward this battle and he pushes the Fists ever forward, hunting this prophetic scene. DaanKop’s lead Wardokk is Furkup. An Orruk of unusual intelligence, Furkup had always been fascinated by the tales of the Fists' past glory. This obsession led him down the path of the Wardokk and made him one of Daankop’s first and fiercest followers. For his fervent devotion Daankop rewarded him with a warmask touched with Daan’s blue flame, capable of unleashing the blue fire from its carved eyes. Here are my finished Prophet, his Bale Wind Vortex and my Wardokk. Hope you guys enjoy the fluff, will get some battle reports up soon.
  13. Fantastic. Love your work on the blue skin and the basing is over the top amazing.
  14. Great video. I have been thinking about picking this guy up and seeing the model parts helped. I must say I am still worried about getting those arms to stay. Will have to pin that thing to death.
  15. Long ago in the Age of Wonder the Bonespitterz that would become Da Big Blue Fist were just one clan among many that roamed the jungles of the Plane of Beasts in search of their monstrous prey. This all changed when a great blue star fell from the Heavens and crashed into the jungle. The prophet of the clan saw the star fall and thought it might be either a sign from the gods or a great celestial beast to slay and led his Bonesplitterz to the site where the star touched down. They arrived at a huge crater with a warhammer at its center, engulfed in magical blue flame. Fearful at first, the prophet eventually leap into the crater and claimed the hammer in his hands. When he did the magical flame washed over him filling him with a rush of magical energy and changing his hands to a deep azure blue. On the spot the prophet rechristened the clan, Da Big Blue Fist. The Fists began a rampage across the jungles of Ghur using the power of the hammer to defeat all who crossed their paths. However, as time passed the hammer began to exert a strange influence over the Bonesplitterz of the clan. Gradually the boyz began to loss the the call of Gorkamorka in their hearts. They slowly lost the driving need to chase their prey and test their worth against the beasts of Ghur. At the same time the intellectual curiosity of the boyz grew by leaps and bounds. No longer did they grunt at each other with crude rudiments of speech. Words came easily into their minds and soon the clan was filled with the constant chatter of intellectual discourse. This continued until one day the prophet stopped the roaming of the clan deep in the jungle and declared that Da Big Blue Fists were home. There in the deep jungle they built a magnificent city out of stone cut from the nearby hills and enshrined the magical hammer in temple in the heart of that city. As time progressed the Fists gave up their warlike ways and turned to intellectual pursuits. They made stone sculptures of exquisite beauty and learned to study the movements of the stars in search of the origins of the hammer that had so impacted their lives. They learned to cultivate the land around their city and create aqueducts to bring water from nearby lakes. In less than a decade they had seemingly created a complex society from nothing. So they existed for centuries hidden in the depths of the jungle left to their contemplation of the universe and themselves. Then almost 500 hundred years after they had found the mysterious hammer from the heavens, fate intervened again in the lives of the Fists. Gorkamorka finally noticed the the fate of his wayward Bonesplitterz. Looking down on the society they had created he screamed in rage. Reaching forth his foot he brought it down upon the city of the Fists in a rain of destruction. Their buildings were laid low. Their fields were turned over. What was left of the clan was scattered into the jungle. Their sacred hammer itself was shattered in a storm of blue fire. In the years that followed the Fists returned to their old savage ways. They rededicated themselves to the hunt and the cunning and brutal ways of Gorkamorka. However, they never completely forgot their past. The prophets kept stories alive of the blue magic that fell from the sky and the power it brought. So in an attempt to invoke that power the clan uses the blue blood of squigs to adorn themselves with blue tatoos, particularly their hands. Also, no matter their wanderings in search of prey they always return to the ruins of their great jungle city somehow unable to totally give up the memory of what they were. This is the back story for my Bonesplitterz Clan. It covers the major modeling decisions I made while putting the army together. I went with blue war paint to compliment the green skin tone. With my basing I went with a ruined jungle city theme. I greenstuffed tiled floors and cut up various lizardmen bits to give it a lost world feel. With this blog I hope to chronicle my completion of their painting and the battles we shall get into. Right now I currently have painted: Savages x10 Arrowboyz x30 Maniac Boarboyz x10 Big Stabbas x8 Savage Big Boss x1 Maniac Weirdnob x1 I am currently working on the Prophet (along with his custom Balewind Vortex) and my Wardokk. I will throw some pics up of them as I finish them up. Thanks for looking all, I hope you enjoy seeing a little bit of my hobby journey.
  16. The Great Horned Rat is pleased. Like the classic red and khaki scheme. Those clan rats sculpts are just such fun models, even after painting over a hundred of them I still get urge to pick up a few more and through some color on them.
  17. TheWilddog


    Yea these are sweet. Orruk heads are a great touch.
  18. Yeah this app looks neat. The paint by model function seems great. Being able to pull up hundreds of stock paint schemes is a great tool for people just starting out.
  19. Let the guessing begin. The Order one will probably be Stormcast. For Destruction I would lean Ironjawz. Chaos could be about anything but I am going to say Skaven, because that is what I want.
  20. Cool color scheme. I have always loved pastels for the wood elves.
  21. I have seen this one used from mierce miniatures. Looks fairly nice after a few orc bits are added but is a little pricey. http://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_dkl_abn_ftu_mbs_901_000
  22. I love the Brass Orb for Clan Skyre: You can use this artifact once per battle, in your shooting phase. When you do roll a dice. On a roll of 6 or more, the closet enemy model within 6" of this model is slain. Harkens back to the randomness/craziness of the Skaven. I can not wait until this thing kills a Stonehorn for me. It might take me a few tries but I assure you it shall happen. (Also I am still holding out hope that one of the other items is a Doom Rocket).
  23. I second this. Great conversion job. The Great Horned Rat would be proud.
  24. Where is the chaos preview? I need some Clan Skryre info. If the Clan Skryre artifacts do not have an item that has the words "doom" and "rocket" there will be riots in the streets.
  25. So what can we infer from this aesthetic? They seem more like old VC skeletons than more down the road to Tomb Kings or a Death Lords look. Overall I like the sculpts just not what I was expecting.
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