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Everything posted by Redmanphill

  1. What happens if the Maggotkin player casts it first and teleports Arkhan to the far corner of the board?
  2. What are the chances we get some generic battalions? A hero and some battleline for instance. That could balance the lack of good/useable battalions that some armies have.
  3. I wonder if we are going to see more Etheric Vorticies?That might explain what Raw Magic is going to be. Also maybe this is how we eventually see the balewind get fixed! I intend picking up a Gloomtide Shipwreck just as a normal terrain piece. It looks generic enough that I think some other fantasy systems could use it too.
  4. I didn’t realize the kit had different ruins. I’m holding off on getting any until I see what their future plans for the range are.
  5. So Teclis screwed up and now he’s been demoted to Tyrion’s talking steed?
  6. I certainly would but the rules don’t add anything to the factions, the units are too small and won’t last long enough to be really useful. If they could have a bit more of a support role they’d be great.
  7. How about a giant ship on legs rather than a castle. We’ve seen the Marienburg land ship before, maybe it can be more akin to this? A combination of wheels and legs to provide better balance? The prow could form an assault ramp... hmmm to the drawing board!
  8. The old Death Knell Keep kit with some appropriate legs could easily be a forward reconnaissance ‘cog bastion’
  9. We play every second Thursday at TTS in Sternschanze, we play in English. If you want come along this Thursday for a game. @Asor let’s us know if/when you’ll be around for a game too. We’ve a Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/476493606015928/ Feel free to jump on!
  10. A proof of concept for an upcoming project

    © Redmanphill 2018

  11. Excellent @Asor where do you guys play?
  12. Finecast doesn't seem to have effected the model. He looks really good.
  13. You've selected a great color palette. Those colors work really well.
  14. I use Bone White for all of my highlights, white is just too extreme... I have never even seen Pallid Wych Flesh.
  15. Now that is an excellent colour choice, I hadn#t considered how I would paint mine but this guy is definitely inspirational. Have you got a list of the colours used?
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