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Everything posted by Urauloth

  1. Bladegheists? These look incredible. I wonder if we'll see a 5 or 10 model kit for these... they have a minimum unit size of 5.
  2. The Tauralon's face is absolutely horrifying. For my money it's a scarier beast than most of the monsters of chaos out there. It's a really good model, too, great pose, fantastic wings. I'm mad about that because I'm going to have to buy one now. I think I like the Dracoline? I want to see it in the flesh, so to speak. I'm glad there are more fantastical monsters in Age of Sigmar though. Unique creature designs is something that helps make a house a home, so to speak, when it comes to fantasy settings.
  3. I think it's pretty certain the KoS will get a warscroll overhaul when the battletome drops. He might just get the same command ability as the mounted version (I hope not, for variety) but if he doesn't then at the very least the wording will be changed to reflect the way command points work now.
  4. Maybe he's early access at the event, and going on general release later? ...please?
  5. Wow those Sacrosanct minis look really good as Hallowed Knights. Guess that settles my indecision over what stormhost to go for when I get my starter. I can't imagine them trying to dump those awful old berzerkers on us again. World Eaters deserve a full line and a complete codex like the other traitor legions, and I'd expect to see them held back till next year to make that possible if necessary.
  6. I've been contemplating a Sylvaneth warband for a while, and seeing those Kurnoth Hunters is making it very difficult not to drop everything and go and start it right now. Great work!
  7. You've got some excellent minis here! I really love that Stonehorn, particularly. I'm super impressed by the basing on your BCR army as well, those are some of the nicest winter bases I've seen. Do you happen to recall the colours and processes you used? I'd like to try a similar thing, if you don't mind.
  8. Really great work on all these warbands. The Duardin look good in that scheme, the high contrast suits the minis. What did you end up using for the dark skintones on your reavers?
  9. I haven't even finished building mine yet! Fast work for such quality. The base looks absolutely fantastic, really looking forward to seeing more of it as it develops. Can you tell us a bit about how you made it?
  10. Liking that dirty metal on the pauldron. I see you built him with the Tzaangor head, looks good! As for the skulls, well... have you seen a Bloodsecrator?
  11. Thanks! Nice work getting the drybrushes on the khorgorath to come out with such a smooth end result. I like the idea of the skintones getting darker grey with increasing power, I'm doing a similar thing with my Flesh-Eater Court. Cryx Bane Highlight seems like an interesting colour, if I recall correctly it's one that doesn't have a direct GW equivalent?
  12. These are really fantastic. Very unusual as well, of course! I like the way the blood stands out against that yellow armour (they probably do too). The basing looks great, the broken ground and scattered skulls are an iconic Chaos look and suit the atmosphere and aesthetics of AoS in general. What are your skin recipes, if you don't mind?
  13. An orruk stonehon is a magnificent conversion. Nice work! I really love the colours you've used, too. The skin is looking great, is that a similar baneblade brown/grey to the lower fur?
  14. Very nice. I love the blend of greens on the skin and the incongruity of the flowers on its base.
  15. We.. we don't talk... about that book. No. I'm going to go and hug my Bloodbound now. In all seriousness, I agree, a revamp is exactly what 40k needs. It doesn't have to be stripped right back to AoS levels (that is, 4 pages of rules -- although it could certainly be done), but restructuring would improve it immensely and could really help fix its balance and "meta" problems. A system with multiple ways of playing it similar to what we've just seen with the General's Handbook would be ideal imo. I'd like to see it be less self-cross-referencing, for one thing. I like the idea of USRs, for example, but in practise gameplay can get crushed under the weight of them as players who haven't memorized them all have to check specifics in the main rulebook for USRs their units have which aren't explained in their sourcebooks, and so on. AoS uses keywords in a way that aids gameplay much better, I find.
  16. Urauloth


    Nice work. What's the miniature?
  17. Did you look at the Death section of Path to Glory yet, because hoo boy, you really haven't seen "issues" yet if you didn't.
  18. This looks really promising. I'm a huge fan of Nurgle knights, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for those when you get to them.
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