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Range that needs updating


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Skaven are the army that always jumps to mind first. I'd like to be able to buya unit of skyre acolytes and not  sell my house to fund it before hand. I absolutely agree on BOC as well, Grashrak despoilers are such great sculpts and stand in stark contrast to the odd anatomy of the old models

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Outside the obvious picks (Skaven, Seraphon, Beasts of Chaos, Sigmarites or whatever the CoS successor will be), all the small armies from the start of AoS (Dwarfs, Ironjawz, Syvlaneth,...) need additional content. The other forces (Stormcast, Khorne, ....) either need very little or could get small updates in form of a unit and a hero...

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I certainly won't mind a slowing of the place of releases for my faction. I'd like to see Slaves to Darkness get some proper updated warriors and knights, with full load out options; Eschin fully updated, Beastmen combat characters, new cold ones, and, yeah, any neglected ranges to see some love.

GW really ought to take a break from Stormcast to prevent creative burnout and warscroll redundancy.

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There are four armies in AoS 

1) Armies like Stormcast and Nighthaunt with a wide variety of modern models. 

2) Armies like Skaven and Seraphon with large diverse model ranges, but where there are  lot of old legacy sculpts and materials. Room to update them with new plastics and combine some kits (eg the weapon teams for Skaven could easily be combined into a single box with different weapon attachments for the options)

3) Armies like Flesheaters, Fyreslayers etc... which have small ranges of models with limited options. Even though they work well they don't have many tools and sometimes quite a few variations of model are just one or two separate parts from a multi-part kit. The are in dire need of doubling or more the model range and often have big gaps in features and concepts 

4) Cities of Sigmar which isn't really quite sure what its trying to be in some sense. 

In the end there's good arguments for each group to get new things barring option 1. In the end many armies need a big overhaul/addition to them and it is fantastic to think that one day we'll be in a position where many smaller armies are bulked up; where big armies have diverse modern model ranges and can add new ideas without feeling like old/established ones are being left behind.

The barrier is GW can only do so much. 


My hope is that with the addition of Vampires and Malarions shadow aelves we will start to see GW slow down on new armies. Destruction could do with one or two more ideas and concepts ;but Order, Chaos and Death are quite full and it would be great to see GW shift gear from adding diversity sideways new armies) to adding diversity depth wise within armies. GW are clearly doing it - Lumineth are getting a big second wave already and Slaanesh has had two big waves of update taking it from a tiny force to a diverse one. It's just going to take time.

I think for many gamers the sweet spot is to perhaps have two or three armies spread out so that you're not hooked on just the one (you might collect and build one at a time of course); so that steady updates across the game still affect you. That way you're not left waiting years for 1 update for your 1 army etc... 

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Cities of Sigmar from a "can we please just know for certain if they're going to be replaced or they'll actually continue the Cities as a thing beyond the current Battletome" standpoint.

A Cities (I mean the book/concept/warscrolls, rather than the actual kits) squatting would be the most controversial event since AoS started, IMHO.

The effort that many people have put into scratch-building CoS armies (rather than the stereotype that CoS armies are just carried-over WHFB collections, on square bases) would cause an absolute riot amongst much of the community - and rightly so.

Having a "blank slate" army in AoS is vital to allowing model ranges to be phased out, but still usable. This helps to prevent (in many cases, justified) ragestorms, as well as giving customers confidence in purchasing any model made before 2016.

For example, Legion of Azgorh players seem to be leaning into CoS being their best option right now, as most units (aside from Kdaai Fireborn) translate into something in that vast list of warscrolls.

Mercenaries previously allowed for similar options (e.g. the above-mentioned Kdaai Fireborn as Crypt Horrors), but were - in my opinion, wrongly - removed from the game.

Edited by Kyriakin
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I wouldn't expect Cities of Sigmar to be Squatted as a whole; I do expect range updates within it to be pretty major upheavals though. But what GW does with them is really hard to predict right now. Already we've seen that they basically were doing a full range update for High Elves; I'd wager Malarion might well be the same to the Dark Elves remaining line. At which point what does GW do with the established models - pull them or keep them as a range that rarely gets updated? 

Cities is honestly the last confusing element from the Launch days. Will it remain as it is; will it update; will we see slow squatting (old things go but are replaced with new concept sculpts); will it end up like Legions of Nagash and splice off armies from themes. 


Already GW sort of soft did that with the Dark Elf stuff and Morathi, but didn't fully commit either way (they didn't join the Morathi army in full nor did they leave Cities of Sigmar in full). 

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39 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

A Cities (I mean the book/concept/warscrolls, rather than the actual kits) squatting would be the most controversial event since AoS started, IMHO.

The effort that many people have put into scratch-building CoS armies (rather than the stereotype that CoS armies are just carried-over WHFB collections, on square bases) would cause an absolute riot amongst much of the community - and rightly so.

GW are probably banking on those people complaining for a bit and then buying the new stuff anyway. Afterall what're they going to do, buy into a non-GW game? Probably not.

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Skaven also come to my mind first. Some of their resin/metals are relatively modern and still look great (warp grinder and arch-warlock, looking at you) but others really need replacement. Jezzails and acolytes are units that are good and people like but do not run as often because they are difficult to convert making third-party the only practical option. And third party Skaven tend not to be all that good. There are also plastic kits that NEED replacement like rat ogors and night runners.

Beast of Chaos would be my second notable faction in need of updates. A lot of non-plastic hanging about which, like Skaven, brings suspicions that it may be cut and makes customers have even more apprehension about buying (seriously GW you guys really need to communicate better on this front it is costing you sales) on top of the other problems. They need a new battletome too, while BoC are all about primal chaos that shouldn't extend to their internal balance!

And then, again as others have mentioned, Seraphon. A combination of models that are resin & dated and models that are plastic & dated. Skinks have aged pretty well but saurus just don't look good anymore. And saurus knights are simply awful.

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6 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

GW are probably banking on those people complaining for a bit and then buying the new stuff anyway. Afterall what're they going to do, buy into a non-GW game? Probably not.

Knowing what I do of Cities players; yeah, I think they would. They are playing the army because they are passionate about it, and murdering that by cutting Cities would create a huge amount of bad blood. Enough to quit GW entirely.

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1 minute ago, NinthMusketeer said:

Knowing what I do of Cities players; yeah, I think they would. They are playing the army because they are passionate about it, and murdering that by cutting Cities would create a huge amount of bad blood. Enough to quit GW entirely.

Eh, if GW can kill off WHFB and come out swinging a few years later after salvaging 1.0 I'm sure squat'ing one army won't do much. 

GW fans are anything if not extremely, if sometimes reluctantly, loyal.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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21 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

GW are probably banking on those people complaining for a bit and then buying the new stuff anyway. Afterall what're they going to do, buy into a non-GW game? Probably not.

Probably preaching to the choir here, but this isn't a card game. There is immense amount of time, emotion and expense that goes into a fully-painted - and in the case of CoS, perhaps converted - army, and too much more churn-and-burn will really start to spook much of the community.

- Tomb Kings and Brets? Well, it's a new game...

- Silver Tower? Was never intended to be part of AoS, proper

- Greenskinz? Was just a Start Collecting box

- Spire of Dawn? Was just a single battleforce box

- Forgeworld? It's technically a seperate company, and the sculpts are aging anyway

However, losing CoS (or BoC, etc.) would be the first time a fully itemised, white-boxed, battletome-bearing army had been removed since the transition period, and that pretty much changes everything.

Also, there seems to be a mis-conception that newcomers to the hobby know/care about WHFB or the years printed on sprues (etc.). They merely see an army with white boxes and a book - just like IDK, OBR, LRL (etc.). This means that the "you should have seen it coming" defence of GW shouldn't apply either, IMHO.

Hell, even a low-selling new army might not be safe under such circumstances. The only such case I am aware of is Fyreslayers (and this is mostly anecdotal evidence - albeit lots and lots of anecdotal evidence), where GW might either decide the concept is fundamentally flawed - and thus further updates would merely be throwing good money after bad - or that the execution was the issue, and thus maybe try to add to the range in order to make it more visually interesting.

Anyway, let's hope none of these full army squattings ever happens.

Edited by Kyriakin
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44 minutes ago, Televiper11 said:

I fear BoC’s days as an army are numbered.

Not so sure.... I think they could actually go for a mixed army out of the god-specific beastmen (similar to Daemons) when Khorne and Nurgle get theirs. With Slaangors and Tzaangors being much more different to each other than they used to be (well, according to very old minis and fluff), I think the day of classic beastmen (read: 99% of them goat-like) is mostly gone (they'll surely stay as basic troops) but we might get more different types. In theory Khorngors could be new Bullgors seeing how the 2 new god-specific ones deviated from the "norm". Pestigors could become insects for all we know... the background always spoke of very unique Beastmen, something that the old style (which I do love though) never fully represented.

BoC always had a very special flavor to me - they're kinda like the grown-up and scary version of Orks in some ways. No fun, very gloomy and a very important antagonistic force in the old world for they were what made your fear the dark when you lived near a forest. Dropping them would be a terrible mistake IMO.

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I feel "brown" (i.e. ex-WHFB) Beastmen should become Destrction (it could even be a narrative event), and the god-themed Beastmen remain within their god-aligned armies.

Maybe the latter can perform double-duty, but I feel brown Beastmen would feel like a bigger deal - both in terms of narrative and gameplay -  in the "small pond" that is GA Destrction.

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