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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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Oh my god. I've just had a massive epiphany. I've already got a Old World army!

Well, the core of one, at least. I've got a sizeable number of coalition Slaves to Darkness units in my Age of Sigmar Hedonites collection. They're of very little use, tactically speaking. Why the hell aren't I re-basing them and using them in The Old World straight away!? 

This has never occured to me before. I'm seriously thick. 

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49 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Oh my god. I've just had a massive epiphany. I've already got a Old World army!

Well, the core of one, at least. I've got a sizeable number of coalition Slaves to Darkness units in my Age of Sigmar Hedonites collection. They're of very little use, tactically speaking. Why the hell aren't I re-basing them and using them in The Old World straight away!? 

This has never occured to me before. I'm seriously thick. 

When I realise my unstarted S2D army (that I was planning on selling eventually) was pretty much all usable in TOW I had the same realisation. A TOW army using almost entirely gorgeous new sculpts? Yes please!

It's also cool that the Slaanesh, Nurgle and Khorne AoS ranges can make great marked Chaos Warriors too (though Blight Kings might be hard to base on 30mm bases).

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I wasn't sure wich army start with old world, so I think I'll finish an old project 😅, building a couple of 500p forces using the stuff I have left from 4th ed boxset as the core. 


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22 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Remember the Hasting rumour about new plastic Orc boyz and a plastic boss on wyvern ? You can throw that rumour out the window, both old kits are returning, it's not gonna happen.

At the risk of repeating myself, that "Hastings" guy from WoS is either completely out of the loop (as he is consistently wrong this days) or an impersonator of the old Warseer Hastings. 

Anyway, do not trust his rumors. 

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12 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

So mixed feelings about the orcs and goblins reveal.

one the one hand I am ecstatic about a made to order of the marauder giant and the shaman on wyvern…

on the other hand I am disappointed that the rumoured plastic wyvern kit doesn’t exist. 

— got my rulebooks today and the timeline and lore sections have given huge prominence to Cathay. I’d be hugely suprised if Cathay, Kislev and Norse done make factions 10-12 in the long run… (eg next 5 years)


the rulebooks are beautiful 

also very happy that my Troll Hag and forgeworld units are getting rules. 

Heh, I'm still bitter and grudging about "squatting" Greenskiz from AoS. Maybe I do should start that Duradin army after all... ;)

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2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

I'm genuinely surprised by the doom and gloom surrounding the game, especially on TGA. Despite it being a Specialist Game, and GW being GW, I've genuinely not been this hyped about anything Warhammer related in a while. It's Warhammer Fantasy! Just like I remember it! And they're bringing old models back, in metal, that I'd have to sell my kidney for on ebay! Maybe I'm simple but to me that's enough to deter the existential dread of our world irl, at least for a while.

I feel there's a certain apprehension towards TOW on these forums, but if I'd go to the WHFB Reddit communities I'd instead have to see people slagging AoS. Which I don't want either! Maybe things will eventually balance out when/if we get the TOW subforums and people realise its OK to be fans to both.

I don't think there is much doom and gloom, most people are super hyped and rediscovering the joys of rank and flank. 

I got a lot of pleasure of spending the evening writing army lists and it was good when I had a few points left I could spend them on a extra goblin or 2 or put a potion of strength on a character. 

Has the release been perfect? No. 

Was it all GWs fault? No. They can't control the weather or global conflicts. 

Are there lessons to be learnt? Yes. More stock is needed. This has been an ongoing issue not just with TOW. My suggestion would be to build the 4th factory they are thinking of doing. 

Was the release a success. Absolutely. It was like Christmas for me and my gaming friends, most of which we met and became friends because of warhammer fantasy. 

I said it before in the thread but I truly believe we are entering a new golden era for the hobby. 

Warhammer is back with a solid rule set, more models than expected are making a return with some very pleasant surprises. 

AoS is in great shape with the best models that GW have to offer. There is a great narrative happening right now and a new edition on the way with a long awaited and needed refresh for Skaven. 

The skirmish ganes continue to produce fantastic models to complement the main lines and can also serve as a pallete cleanser to paint something different. 

And 40k is well 40k. Kroot is getting an army! Every army has had a refresh at some point meaning they can concentrate on new stuff while also updating the units that need it. I can see AoS being in this situation in a couple of years. 

Drink deep of the hobby goodness my friends, times are good. 

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13 hours ago, Hollow said:

I used Adobe as I have it for work. There are dozens of free programs avalible which you can use to convert. Just google epub to pdf converter. 

Hmm, I need to try it again. Didn't work well when I tried with the 2nd Lrl book a couple years ago. 

I never really played Warhammer fantasy besides space Marines as proxies for the Empire as a kid with my brother. I will however probably buy a launch box for wood elves box so that my old CoS living city with "wanderers" get an army. I also ordered Orion from eBay, a couple years that would fit in that army.

I understand those that feel it's lame that they sell old models, but I would say that it's better than nothing!

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4 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

How long do Grail Knights live. Just occurred to me that Repanse de Lyonnese is about 80 years old when this is set as she was born in 1990 so you could have an elderly magical version of her as a battle standard bearer special character. That would be very cool

Grail Knights live longer because the Lake Lady blesses.

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3 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Are allies a thing in the old world? And if so are my freeguild/empire crossbowmen (formally from my Living City) likely to be allowed in a Dwarf army?

They are. The numbers you can take depends on the army list. 

Dwarfs can have 25% of their army be from a single ally, which are Empire, Bretonnia (Uneasy) and High E*ves (Suspicious). 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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9 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

They are. The numbers you can take depends on the army list. 

Dwarfs can have 25% of their army be from a single ally, which are Empire, Bretonnia (Uneasy) and High E*ves (Suspicious). 


And hopefully my volley gun can be repurposed as an organ gun.

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20 hours ago, Asbestress said:

And maybe the Fimir Matriarch/Dirach for WoC? Hope the files/masters still exist.

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That would be enough for me to jump for joy! I've loved the fimir design since my first encounter with them in the Heroes Quest box back in the early/mid 90's. Even in my Kruleboyz army, they get to stand-in as trolls. I hope GW takes this opportunity to release all those older designs that never made it to the table for people. That old Bretonnian king on foot could be an indicator?

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1 hour ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

...Repanse de Lyonnese is about 80 years old when this is set as she was born in 1990...

TOW is set around ~2276, so 286.

It seems that the Duke of Lyonesse during this time is Gaulthiere LeGrand. As King Louis the Young gave Repanse the Dukedom in the early 2000's, it's probable that she's passed, though she could be written to have become a hermit or something. I'd not object - after all, Total War has successfully fudged her into being around in the ~2500s (with the justification that drinking from the Grail can extend your lifespan - though she seems to have gotten really lucky and be forever seventeen).

Edited by LordSolarMach
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3 hours ago, Gotz said:

I wasn't sure wich army start with old world, so I think I'll finish an old project 😅, building a couple of 500p forces using the stuff I have left from 4th ed boxset as the core. 


Thise old high elves make me so jealous! Not to mention those sweet night goblins. Nice looking start there. 

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