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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Ragest said:

I feel nothing about those images.

The city invented six months ago has fallen, and the character invented less than a year ago is looking worried at it.

Where are all the stories that started in second edition? The old and (barely) developed characters we had three (or six) years ago? 

It is true that some old characters could have some development, but it is not like the new characters have been the only focus.

- Tahlia, Zenestra and Ushoran needed to be fleshed out as they are basically "a new faction".
- Abraxia, Belthanos and Krethusa give another twist to existing factions. IMO really helps to give depth to the factions.
- We have old characters playing a role: Bael, Callis and Toll, King Brodd, Ionus, Vandus, Gardus, Drycha, Astreia, Neferata, Reikenor, Gabriel, Khul, Kroak, Kragnos, Karazai and his brother... all those just from the top of my mind.

And IMO this is not something isolated from DB, this is going to happen again and again, especially while we don't have all the armies released yet. With Chorfs, they are going to be the focus. With Malerion? The same. It will be a mix of old and new, old and new until there's no more new in substantial amounts.

Edited by Ejecutor
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6 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Kragnos got bored and went back to sleep under a mountain.

Bastion Carthalos has let himself go. He's in new Asgard playing call of duty with his mate Korg.

Kragnos is not the best example as he is part of one of the more prominent plots in DB xD

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22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

We have old characters playing a role: Bael, Callis and Toll, King Brodd, Ionus, Vandus, Gardus, Drycha, Astreia, Neferata, Reikenor, Gabriel, Khul, Kroak, Kragnos, Karazai and his brother... all those just from the top of my mind.

Yes, they are being mentioned in the series, but most of them are just there to move the plot to the new characters. Is not like they have proper agendas or a prominent plays in the setting (like happened in second edition), they are there like NPCs.

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52 minutes ago, Ragest said:

I feel nothing about those images.

The city invented six months ago has fallen, and the character invented less than a year ago is looking worried at it.

Where are all the stories that started in second edition? The old and (barely) developed characters we had three (or six) years ago? 

But Vedra bro ....she like uber cool and like AoS break out character haven't you notice how EVERY character talk about how so complex and tatical Genius she is you have a a high intellect of media literacy to under the complexity of this character /s

Yeah let be know that I'll die on this hill but Talhia Vedra is becoming the moat annoying and boring character AoS made almost borderline OC with how badly GW really want this character to stick. She an intersting concept no doubt and the manticore model is great but when it almost a edition and i haven't even got a single name of her opponent it come off crazy lady yell at cloud and GW asking me to clap for her to do so

But i leave that rant there but when it comes to why some it feel like a lot of the 2 edtion charcter feel like an after though 

Maybe it because 3 edition went bit too "mudcore" it feel like they really didn't want to actually do much with it more high fantasy characters instead needing to always have to tell the narrative through a "grounded average joe" in fear of being too 1e. Even when it came down to the Dawnbringer series a lot of it was kind of a snooze-fest as the human wandering around stumbling around more intersting plots going on in the background before leaving. Stuff like Ionus Cryptborn solo a khorne warband or Belthanos hunt ogres in the rib cage of a giant god is the coolest thing but it not the main plot it what-his-face wandering around aimlessly before getting killed off beacuse we can't have manticore lady commit any flaws and crazy cult lady take control scheme a scheme we have no idea or indication what even about (especially when he debunk the liche theory immediately)

Even Ushron plot line introduce by the human randomly bumbing into his castle before leaving and going "that was weird"

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22 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

But Vedra bro ....she like uber cool and like AoS break out character haven't you notice how EVERY character talk about how so complex and tatical Genius she is you have a a high intellect of media literacy to under the complexity of this character /s

Yeah let be know that I'll die on this hill but Talhia Vedra is becoming the moat annoying and boring character AoS made almost borderline OC with how badly GW really want this character to stick. She an intersting concept no doubt and the manticore model is great but when it almost a edition and i haven't even got a single name of her opponent it come off crazy lady yell at cloud and GW asking me to clap for her to do so

But i leave that rant there but when it comes to why some it feel like a lot of the 2 edtion charcter feel like an after though 

Maybe it because 3 edition went bit too "mudcore" it feel like they really didn't want to actually do much with it more high fantasy characters instead needing to always have to tell the narrative through a "grounded average joe" in fear of being too 1e. Even when it came down to the Dawnbringer series a lot of it was kind of a snooze-fest as the human wandering around stumbling around more intersting plots going on in the background before leaving. Stuff like Ionus Cryptborn solo a khorne warband or Belthanos hunt ogres in the rib cage of a giant god is the coolest thing but it not the main plot it what-his-face wandering around aimlessly before getting killed off beacuse we can't have manticore lady commit any flaws and crazy cult lady take control scheme a scheme we have no idea or indication what even about (especially when he debunk the liche theory immediately)

Even Ushron plot line introduce by the human randomly bumbing into his castle before leaving and going "that was weird"

100%. This whole narrative felt like "this happens and then this happens, and then this random character reacts to this new thing that happened". 

The whole story of the crusades felt like a season of Red Dwarf with the characters stumbling into wacky highjinks every episode, while looking for something. There's also zero stakes, as the characters with models won't die, and when they fight generic enemy no.347 they will still survive it. As much of a mess as the End Times was, at least some named and established characters actually died early on, setting up the stakes. 

Abraxia will destroy Phonecium in DB6. Ok? After that she will have minimal presence in the story and Archaon will take over.

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As per Asqhy map I can see decent releases (more than one hero)  in 4th edition for :



Daughters of Khaine


And of course Stormcast and Skaven






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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, michu said:

Mhm. Because it's time for other characters. If the story was about the same characters all the time it would be boring.

But isn‘t that exactly AoS? We always hear about the same 15 characters… as someone who likes their own characters or second-tier chars by GW more than the super-duper heroes, I think it would be cool to have more lore where average joes and janes fight, not always demigods vs. creatures of myths or superheroes vs supervillains. It‘s a bit boring to always resort to going back to ultra-powerful beings. I think old Warhammer had it more interesting, where you often read about some random general doing his best to save his underlings/city from some fierce orc warlord, beastmen or Chaos warrior but while all these people were mighty, they were far from super-powerful. 

Edited by MitGas
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16 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

100%. This whole narrative felt like "this happens and then this happens, and then this random character reacts to this new thing that happened". 

The whole story of the crusades felt like a season of Red Dwarf with the characters stumbling into wacky highjinks every episode, while looking for something. There's also zero stakes, as the characters with models won't die, and when they fight generic enemy no.347 they will still survive it. As much of a mess as the End Times was, at least some named and established characters actually died early on, setting up the stakes. 

Abraxia will destroy Phonecium in DB6. Ok? After that she will have minimal presence in the story and Archaon will take over.

This is an inherent problem with the entirety of Warhammer. It's a wargame with miniatures. The books are called campaign books because they describe a series of battles. Pretty much  all Warhammer campaigns have been about putting armies in situations where they have to fight but not to the point where any major characters die. GW tried to avoid this in early AoS by having characters without models taking centre stage. In the realm wars characters actually died, but people want models of their favourite characters and we're now facing the Gotrek problem. He's trying to seek his death but everyone knows he will never achieve it. Callis and Toll are basically immortal as long as their models are around. 

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How are they explaining/handling mortal lifespans in the lore these days, btw? Is there a (solid) lore justification for how Thanquol is still bopping around when Skaven have infamously short lifespans, for example, or could there have been a cooler, more over the top AoS way of explaining how he’s still around, if he should even be around at all? 

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

How are they explaining/handling mortal lifespans in the lore these days, btw? Is there a (solid) lore justification for how Thanquol is still bopping around when Skaven have infamously short lifespans, for example, or could there have been a cooler, more over the top AoS way of explaining how he’s still around, if he should even be around at all? 

I don't know about Thanquol, but with Aqua Ghyranis you can be almost immortal.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

How are they explaining/handling mortal lifespans in the lore these days, btw? Is there a (solid) lore justification for how Thanquol is still bopping around when Skaven have infamously short lifespans, for example, or could there have been a cooler, more over the top AoS way of explaining how he’s still around, if he should even be around at all? 

In a universe that is so mystical and full of magic, they could probably invent 10000 decent ways for prolonging one‘s life I guess. But I don‘t know the exact reason either. 

edit: just searched the net and apparently in WHFB they already had „magic medicine“ to prolong their life cause they only have 10-30 years max naturally apparently. Poor rats. 

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18 minutes ago, MitGas said:

But isn‘t that exactly AoS? We always hear about the same 15 characters… as someone who likes their own characters or second-tier chars by GW more than the super-duper heroes, I think it would be cool to have more lore where average joes and janes fight, not always demigods vs. creatures of myths or superheroes vs supervillains. It‘s a bit boring to always resort to going back to ultra-powerful beings. I think old Warhammer had it more interesting, where you often read about some random general doing his best to save his underlings/city from some fierce orc warlord, beastmen or Chaos warrior but while all these people were mighty, they were far from super-powerful. 

More Callis and Toll, Skagrott, Elania and Elathor, Cronk, Ionus, minor Vampires etc. 

Less Archaon, Teclis, Sigmar, Nagash super duper gods and entities. 

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3 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

More Callis and Toll, Skagrott, Elania and Elathor, Cronk, Ionus, minor Vampires etc. 

Less Archaon, Teclis, Sigmar, Nagash super duper gods and entities. 

Yeah, it should be something truly special to have the big guys be part of a fight or campaign, not the norm. 👍 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, michu said:

Mhm. Because it's time for other characters. If the story was about the same characters all the time it would be boring.

Yeah but thoose new character also get forgotten as well

when was the last time Khorgus Kull and Vandas Hammerhand where revisited since first edition.

then again I attribute this to the lack of character series in black library 

Edited by novakai
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Man, they even made the gryph hounds edgy.


You’ll be able to watch a special exhibition match of Spearhead between the AEW wrestlers Kip Sabian and Claudio Costaglioni, who will be playing as Skaven and Stormcast Eternals. This will be the first ever live game of Spearhead, and it’s sure to be an absolute treat. 

This is like the 9th and 10th wrestlers who are also big Warhammer fans.

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AEW wrestlers facing each other in the ring of AoS is... I'm not sure if it's daft or brilliant. Possibly both?

I love the look of that gryph-hound. I'm also pretty keen on what looks like, yeah, an enslaver?

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8 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

It could be a Lord Castellant as they come with a Gryph hound companion 

That would be my guess, too. It would be weird if Liberators were the only non-Ruination unit in the starter. Castellant fits thematically with Liberators (he is a defensive hero) and he could be the other non-Ruination unit in the starter box.

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1 minute ago, Acrozatarim said:

AEW wrestlers facing each other in the ring of AoS is... I'm not sure if it's daft or brilliant. Possibly both?

Both. Also I think there's a lot of wrestling fans that work at GW so that's probably why :D 

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