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21 hours ago, Mutton said:

These spells are kind of ridiculous. Game shiftingly powerful stuff. Lumineth, Tzeentch, Soulblight, and Seraphon are going to destroy the world this year.

Miscasting on any double is a pretty major negative though. If you are using the extra dice there's about a 44% chance that you will miscast. 

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The next Harbingers story is up! 



With a crinkled scowl, the little girl placed her hands on either side of her head and wriggled her stubby fingers.

‘Like this, from the sides,’ she added. ‘And then a big swoopy moon in the back, like this—’ she swept her arms over her shoulder in an arc.

Thom finished his charcoal sketch and sat back. What was left was a monstrous heap of darkness borne aloft by four legs and a long smudge of ink with spidery horns sat atop it. He grimaced through a smile as he placed a small phial of Aqua Ghyranis into her waiting palms.

‘I’m sure Mistress Beryn will find this very helpful. You may go,’ he said, waving her away. The girl skittered out of the door and vanished into the overwhelming fug of the settlement. A slender figure in a long jade cape poked her head around the stairwell.

‘Did you get anything?’ she asked, voice feral with curiosity.

‘This is nothing,’ shrugged Thom. ‘An aelf on a deer, maybe. Or perhaps a—’

‘—a portent of doom!’ she declared as she leaned over the shoulder of her tired assistant. ‘Don’t you see it, Thom? I told them I’d prove it. It’s all part of the cycle. The deaths of the animals, the heavy malaise, the flies… they’re all connected to each other.’ And with this declaration, she snatched the drawing from below Thom’s nose and began frantically scribbling notes across it.

‘And what will happen to Furtherfield when the cycle finishes?’ Thom asked, but Mistress Beryn had already stopped listening. He heaved a deep sigh and picked up his bag. ‘I’m going home for the night. I’m leaving, okay?’

After receiving a non-committal grunt and a hand wave, the young assistant quietly let himself out, into air that was far too heavy, and a stronghold that was far too quiet.

The bells began like an itch in Thom’s ears deep within his dreams. They swelled to a horrendous, disharmonic crescendo until he jolted awake so hard that his neck cracked in protest. He plunged his fingers into his ear canals and twisted them until they came away red, but still the bells continued their never-ending peal.

As he stumbled across the centre of the stronghold, Thom noticed dozens of settlers leaning against the sides of houses or resting against the wall, their heads in their hands. Many more were curled up in doorways, unable to even stand as they clutched their temples in pain. He burst into his mistress’s domicile in a fresh panic.

Mistress Beryn was sitting exactly where Thom had left her yesterday. She was reading her notes with a glazed expression, and the ink at the end of her pen had dribbled into a large blot.

‘Mistress Beryn!’ he called over the thundering of the bells. ‘Are you alright?’

‘Hmm…? Ah, Thom. Sorry, time must’ve gotten away from me.’ Whilst her voice had calmed since yesterday, sweat beaded across her pale brow. ‘Where were we?’

‘The bells – the fifth portent,’ he prompted. ‘What do we do about the bells?’

‘Just let me take a break,’ she reassured him. ‘We can deal with it later.’

‘Everyone is—’

‘We’ll deal with it later.’

Thom peeled his master’s herb bag from her limp shoulder. He tore two small strips from the bottom of his tunic and stuffed them into his ears.

‘Join me when you’re ready,’ he said, giving her shoulder a reassuring pat. It dampened his skin with sweat. ‘I’ll go on ahead.’

Across the road from Master Beryn’s hut, the girl from yesterday was standing next to her mother. The woman was half-lying, half-sitting against the wall of her domicile as her daughter tried desperately to push the contents of the Aqua Ghyranis phial past her lips.

Thom crouched down next to the pair, fighting the urge to curl up himself and scratch at his stuffed-up ears until they bled. He gave the girl a shallow smile.

‘Help me get her to bed, eh? There’s a good girl.’ 

They hooked the mother’s arms around one each of their shoulders. She was even colder and sweatier than Master Beryn had been, and her rotting breath caused bile to rise in Thom’s throat. He swallowed it down and began to lift.

The woman was stuck fast. 

Was this part of a previous portent? Was this another? Thom wasn’t sure anymore. He looked down to the woman’s legs. Dark pools of blood had formed all over her dress where the skin of her body had begun to melt away and fuse into the floor. He could see the daughter’s lips part as she screamed, but the fabric in his ears and the distant ringing of the bells rendered him all but deaf. The girl dropped her mother’s lifeless arm and fled into the darkness of the domicile, slamming the door behind her.

Thom made his way across the centre of the settlement. He had to reach the Aqualith. Perhaps he could somehow cleanse the woman’s legs of corruption and help her to stand. His breath had become laboured; the strain of trying to help her up had drained a lot of his strength. He slowed from a run to a walk, before finally stopping a few metres away from the great stone structure. 

He’d sit just for a few moments, and then make the rest of the journey.

By the time Thom came around, the sun was setting – or perhaps rising? – in a sickly green sky. A small part of him thought he should stand, but his body just felt so heavy. He had been on his way to get something for someone. He wasn’t quite sure how long ago that had been.

The fell half-light that had settled over the stronghold picked out strange shapes loping past the walls. Their sallow skin was covered with a sheen of pus. In their centre, he saw a dark blot upon the warping, weeping landscape. A horse so decayed that its bare skull hung out of its shredded neck, ridden by a single robed figure. From the rider’s head sprouted a pair of gore-slicked antlers. 

As his servants laughed and danced around the corpses of fly-pocked settlers, the figure dismounted with a wet thump and shuffled forwards. He rested his great scythe against his shoulder as he knelt by Thom’s body.

‘You have done well to survive thus far, o woeful youth.’

Thom winced as the baleful words echoed directly into his mind.

‘Thy will hath rendered thee a worthy sacrifice.’

Thom dimly felt the tip of the rider’s scythe draw gently across his stomach. A bloom of pain cut through his stupor, but he no longer had the energy to scream. His bleary eyes followed his own intestines as the rider gathered them up and spread them out. The merry creatures around them laughed and offered soft smatters of applause.

‘Sir Jerrion approacheth with his men from the west,’ whispered the man’s voice, though all of his servants seemed to hear and heed his words. ‘We shall meet them at daybreak.’

As his servants scattered to prepare their ambush, the figure turned to Thom and smiled. Flies nestled in the holes of his crusted helmet. ‘Thou hast earned a quick death,’ he said, drawing to his full height and brandishing his scythe.

Then he stepped away. 

‘‘Tis truly too bad that the great Grandfather wishes nothing more than thy slow decay.’

As the authors of Furtherfield’s premonitions scattered and vanished, Thom lay with his back against the stones. His eyes were too dry to shed tears. All he could hear now was the bells’ final knell, hollow and keening, welcoming him home.



Edited by Clan's Cynic
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6 hours ago, EntMan said:

Meanwhile over on the Mortals Redesigned (New Cities) thread...

A Whitefang 'like' reaction, further confirmation of Cities Ogres 😀Screenshot_20230616-074639.png.c17433825b986586f0e0d2a1ad706836.png

LETS MAAAAAAAAW!! Hopefully we get dual builds for Destruction!! For as much as I cannot wait for Ogors if they release them first for a different Faction that isnt made for their own Ill be a little annoyed.

'Look Skaven players, the updates youve been waiting for!! Except these new Clan Moulder Rat Ogors have been hired out by Cities of Sigmar'*


*Same feels.

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6 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:


...Kurnothi confirmed.

GW knows exactly what words they're putting in those shorts, what they mean and what our reaction is gonna be. I don't think it's a red herring. The aelf on a deer is mentioned here for a reason. I would not at all be surprised if Kurnothi make their debut in this campaign. 

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Just now, The Lost Sigmarite said:

GW knows exactly what words they're putting in those shorts, what they mean and what our reaction is gonna be. I don't think it's a red herring. The aelf on a deer is mentioned here for a reason. I would not at all be surprised if Kurnothi make their debut in this campaign. 

I mean, I'm joking, but I'm not. I kind of jolted when I read it, because yes, it felt like it's been put in there for a purpose.

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22 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Teclis/Sentinel castle with Cutting Air for even longer range dakka and even less escape from the dakka. Let's gooo ! 

Think these spells are Locus only so only.non named wizards of 9 wounds or less have access .

Pretty sure as well these ones are fake if its not already been mentioned 👍

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9 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

I mean, I'm joking, but I'm not. I kind of jolted when I read it, because yes, it felt like it's been put in there for a purpose.

It's the nurgle rider the little girl was describing

"What was left was a monstrous heap of darkness borne aloft by four legs and a long smudge of ink with spidery horns sat atop it." 

"A horse so decayed that its bare skull hung out of its shredded neck, ridden by a single robed figure. From the rider’s head sprouted a pair of gore-slicked antlers." 




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4 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Not AoS but the 40k points are now out for those interested (along with the rules commentary) and they've swung 40k into AoS style points with you paying x amount for various blocks of models that make up a unit and options being free which is an interesting change.



Imo, a weird decision. 40k focus on min/max and specialized loadouts.

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18 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Not AoS but the 40k points are now out for those interested (along with the rules commentary) and they've swung 40k into AoS style points with you paying x amount for various blocks of models that make up a unit and options being free which is an interesting change.


AoS style points just doesn't work for 40k in my opinion. There's just too many variable equipment options of drastically different power which have always been balanced around some costing more than others. 

AoS was built around it and even the leftover WHFB units didn't have drastically different options so even those generally worked. But 40k? No, not unless they just started cutting out options, which they'd never do because so many kits - even ones release in the last eight months -  have so many options.  

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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25 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

It's the nurgle rider the little girl was describing

"What was left was a monstrous heap of darkness borne aloft by four legs and a long smudge of ink with spidery horns sat atop it." 

"A horse so decayed that its bare skull hung out of its shredded neck, ridden by a single robed figure. From the rider’s head sprouted a pair of gore-slicked antlers." 




Ah, yes. I completely missed the link there.

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38 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Not AoS but the 40k points are now out for those interested (along with the rules commentary) and they've swung 40k into AoS style points with you paying x amount for various blocks of models that make up a unit and options being free which is an interesting change.



Thank goodness. I was hesitant when AoS did the same but its ultimately a good decision. The amount of granularity you get from running 9 guys to save enough points for a special weapon or something really didn't amount to much in the end.

The complexity it added, for the benefit you get, was just at an absurdly bad ratio.

23 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

AoS style points just doesn't work for 40k in my opinion. There's just too many variable equipment options of drastically different power which have always been balanced around some costing more than others. 

AoS was built around it and even the leftover WHFB units didn't have drastically different options so even those generally worked. But 40k? No, not unless they just started cutting out options, which they'd never do because so many kits - even ones release in the last eight months -  have so many options.  

Aos got around it by splitting warscrolls in some situations, and still having drastically different options in others. Blowpipe Skinks have been the standard for like 3 editions now.
It doesn't really change the reality of 'X' unit being only good with 'Y' loadout either, since that was already the case with the old system, it just makes listbuilding way less painful.
Some of the units are combining weapon profiles too, a friend who owns GSC said they combined a couple of the ranged weapons into a single profile. They've also been enforcing the options in the box more, and a lot of units' best loadouts used to be 5x of a weapon that only had 1 in the box or something.

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50 minutes ago, EntMan said:

What's the latest WarCom posts articles? I'm still desperately clinging to deluded hope because they said they'd reveal miniatures this week and we've only had one.

They meant that the new GHB would be released alongside "the usual goodies and more new miniatures" i.e. the Harbingers and their Regiment of renown...

(At least I came to that conclusion Monday evening, after the Tyranid Reveal and the GHB's article)

BTW ... The 40k forums are NOT doing ok right now... Sad to watch. 

Anyway, the last short story was great. My patron Chaos God decidedly is the BEST :P

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1 hour ago, Mutton said:

I swear...if they make a Cities Ogre unit and don't port it over to Mawtribes...there will be a grumbling. Maneaters are still f*** awful.

If they don't port it... then Mawtribe players will start diggings into their bits box and whipping out the greenstuff, and suddenly a bunch of Maneaters from converted Cities Ogres will grace the Internet. 

39 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

BTW ... The 40k forums are NOT doing ok right now... Sad to watch. 

Has there ever been a time where the 40k forums have been doing ok ? Especially when a new edition is around the corner, which is still not very well known.

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I really didnt expect much in 40k weeks, all what they want is hype everyone to sell more Levithan so there is not much space for AoS or other games. Underworlds didnt even get usual faq/far with new releases which was not case in past (I dont count covid times). But I am sure we will be back on menu in following weeks.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

If they don't port it... then Mawtribe players will start diggings into their bits box and whipping out the greenstuff, and suddenly a bunch of Maneaters from converted Cities Ogres will grace the Internet. 

Has there ever been a time where the 40k forums have been doing ok ? Especially when a new edition is around the corner, which is still not very well known.

God Bless all forms of the warhammer community: Whenever a model doesn't match our expectations we typically complain for a few minutes, then bust out the green stuff, random bits from various kits, and a hobby knife/saw and get to work.

Last time I saw a 40k forum be "ok" was when the Orks got their two massive expansions/updates (speed freaks and Beast Snaggas). 

Edited by Twisted Firaun
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