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6 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

I'm so DONE with Kill-Team getting multiple releases this year! that game has had three boxes this year alone, each one tending to be a two-week release! Give us the AOS Battletomes and the Tzeentch-Lumineth battle box already so we can get on with our lives. Better yet, give us some more hints about The Old World!!! I need to know how they plan to include LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! and whether or not we're getting any new models based off of Total-War!

To an extent I agree with you but it's Kroot! The Tomb Kings have had a major update more recently than the Kroot have had anything more than a single model which you can only buy as part of Warhammer Quest. The last full unit for the Kroot came out 21 years ago! 

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Just now, Chikout said:

To an extent I agree with you but it's Kroot! The Tomb Kings have had a major update more recently than the Kroot have had anything more than a single model which you can only buy as part of Warhammer Quest. The last full unit for the Kroot came out 21 years ago! 

The difference being you don't have to shell out nearly 400 dollars for a new kroot model.

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41 minutes ago, Chikout said:

So gw just did a preview of an awesome new kroot model. (I would buy a destruction AoS army with this aesthetic in a heartbeat.)

It included this info:

"This fantastic new expansion for the finest sci-fi skirmish game in the galaxy is right around the corner, so keep an eye on Warhammer Community this week for more news about Kill Team: Into the Dark."

GW mentioned that we would see more about the future of Warcry this week too so there may yet be a GenCon preview of sorts. 


24 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

I'm so DONE with Kill-Team getting multiple releases this year! that game has had three boxes this year alone, each one tending to be a two-week release! Give us the AOS Battletomes and the Tzeentch-Lumineth battle box already so we can get on with our lives. Better yet, give us some more hints about The Old World!!! I need to know how they plan to include LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! and whether or not we're getting any new models based off of Total-War!

Kill Team and Necromunda just dont stop getting releases. It hasnt felt like AOS has had a proper time to shine since 3.0 dropped!!

19 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:


I absolutely love kroot!! I dont play 40k or any of their other games but will definitely pick up any and all kroot models jusy for fun. I'm hopeful this heralds an update to their line. They're just so froggin cool, their lore, designs, models, all!!


Kroot are also my favourite 40K army!!

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18 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Kroot are also my favourite 40K army!!

They had some of the absolute coolest forgeworld models as well. If they're getting an overhaul i may have to finally dip my toes into 40k, or at least Kill Team. 

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1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

You don't have to use ebay or Facebook to accuire the character models you want, you can either buy the batlebox or wait a while longer and buy it separately. 

It has nothing to do with if GW should provide gaming aids needed to play their games. 

It seems I've gotten under your skin because I disagreed with your opinions and I'm sorry if I've upset you but please don't accuse me of having people down vote you (which isn't even a thing on here), or accuse others of being part of the 'alt confused account brigade', whatever that means. 

Just because we disagree doesn't mean we can't be civil. 

"accuire the character models you want, you can either buy the batlebox or wait a while longer and buy it separately"

Simply put this sales tactic is an insolence. You seeing something positive in it and defending something that goes directly against common courtesy to loyal customers doesn't make it any better. It does reflect badly on GW. It's a hassle. Just like those cards in your Batman game but this one doesn't bother you, so it's fine for you. That's unfiltered hypocrisy. 

I don't want GW to gift me a stupid Curseling (or any other special model - you guys are lucky I don't play Skaven where the one(!!! one, seriously GW?) new model, I'd rant much more (one new model, that is bad comedy at this point when they need so much...)), I want to be able to buy it without extra bullgor-poop. It really isn't much I'm asking for. It's the basic minimum.

You defending such tactics makes you part of a problem this hobby doesn't need - most regular wargamers buy enough as it is.

I hope you didn't work in sales for GW. There's a reason why GW gets so much flak online. And as for you getting under my skin - not, you're actively doing nothing to me but your disacknowledgement of something so obvious makes me wonder a lot. How you can't see that this is basically tremendously bad customer service is beyond me.


Edit: Anyways, wasted enough time on this issue now. But sooner or later it will bite them in the buttocks. And I'm all for it, despite generally wanting them to succeed. 

Edited by MitGas
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35 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

They had some of the absolute coolest forgeworld models as well. If they're getting an overhaul i may have to finally dip my toes into 40k, or at least Kill Team. 

If I may give some advice: go Kill Team. 40k's rules are a mess at the moment (arguably Kill Team is also pretty complicated at the beginning, so if you know someone who's been playing it longer, ask them for a game...I mean it, our group needed a bit to figure some things out but perhaps we're all just morons) but it's seriously cool to be free to simply buy units you dig without needing a huge army to make it happen.

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9 hours ago, Beliman said:

Taken with a bunch of salt, but really curious about this resetting. If this "new" editions needs Index

What do they mean indexes? The 8x11 laminated rules that had all the rolling charts on them? Those were... eugh. Useful for existing players, but did not feel great to bust out for new players. If they want to bring charts back that's another reason to release rules for free and make them easily printable.

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Ive played a few games of Frostgrave and now they have Stargrave so could just as easily give that a go as well. 

Thanks for the suggestion. Thats why ive stayed away from space GW. I've always heard how messy and bloated rules can be there. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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3 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Yes 100% . Again, Why waste all the paper and ink? It would literally cost them LESS MONEY to not print the cards and release all of them for free online. People buying duplicates are already tossing out the extra cards I'm sure... and those of us who wanted one box for the cards now find ourselves with probably-outdated stat cards where the best solution is to toss/recycle said cards in order to save space! We need to start caring about waste in this hobby, and we also need to get GW to care as well.

And especially since the updated cards are being released for free this week, it again begs the question of why they'd waste resources and money printing cards when they KNOW they're releasing a new version of Warcry soon.

I was able to check a couple of the cards from my Thunderstrike box with the new download. They do completely invalidate the printed cards lmao. And not just the points, but also stat rebalances.

@Ogregut well you're going to have to print out these new cards anyway if you play Warcry 2. Any printed ones are now obsolete and I'm not paying another 20 bucks or whatever for cards that replace the box I bought like 3 months ago. I agree that it's nice to have boxes that include whatever you need--that's why I bought the dang boxes. However, GW's model is clearly failing and is costing both us and them more money than necessary.

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9 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:


Ive played a few games of Frostgrave and now they have Stargrave so could just as easily give that a go as well. 

Thanks for the suggestion. Thats why ive stayed away from space GW. I've always heard how messy and bloated rules can be there. 

Well, you already know more systems than I do then! xD A friend tries to goad me into Star Wars (I'm still angry about the new trilogy but I'm an angry man anyways, I'm sure at least Khorne digs me) and I'm actually intrigued because the rules seem to be decent but I don't have the time for even more wargaming. 

I feel like Kill Team is just the perfect way to experience the cool 40k setting (and the terrain!) without having to use the not so cool 40k ruleset. And personally I rather paint a few miniatures really well too so I really like the skirmish setting. It kills two birds with on-  who the hell thought that is a good expression anyways? 🤬  As a Tzeentch player I feel offended by myself and the English language! 

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24 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

What do they mean indexes? The 8x11 laminated rules that had all the rolling charts on them? Those were... eugh. Useful for existing players, but did not feel great to bust out for new players. If they want to bring charts back that's another reason to release rules for free and make them easily printable.

Nobody knows.

I can see something like Ravening Hordes:


But with all the miniatures and armies that War40k has, I think that something like the old 8th editon Index: Xenos, Imperium, Space Marines, etc...


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23 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

What do they mean indexes? The 8x11 laminated rules that had all the rolling charts on them? Those were... eugh. Useful for existing players, but did not feel great to bust out for new players. If they want to bring charts back that's another reason to release rules for free and make them easily printable.

When 40k changed from 7th to 8th they reset everything. All codex were invalid. 

When they released the new rules, they released index books which had get you by army lists for every army in the game. 

The same happened in warhammer fantasy when they changed from 5th edition to 6th edition. 

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30 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

+++MOD HAT ON+++

Enough talk about GW sales tactics. Keep it civil. Back to the Rumours. 

Back to AOS talk... so those Leagues of Votann sure are spiffy!

I am loving the update for Warcry online and cannot wait to jump back into it... of course I now want to build my pile of untouched Stormcast minis to give my chaos cultists and Ogors something to rail against.

In terms of actual rumours I feel like the combination of World Eaters, Underworlds, and even the Warcry map means that Khorne fans are going to have a really really great time soon!

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8 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Nobody knows.

I can see something like Ravening Hordes:


But with all the miniatures and armies that War40k has, I think that something like the old 8th editon Index: Xenos, Imperium, Space Marines, etc...


I feel like if it happen for AoS (not saying it will) it be similar to the 4 GA books back in 1st edition

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2 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

Ugliest dwarfs on the market...

I'd say Fyreslayers have more problems with diversity, but yeah, they are no lookers. But you can replace them with these new ones, especially with Blood Bowl heads!.

Edited by zilberfrid
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