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I dunno about you, but I'm quite interested in this snippet from Shadespire:

"It has been designed specifically for competitive, organised play, to support our growing community of gamers out there."

I'm quite happy with Open and Narrative play, but it's awesome that they've realized organized competition is a huge draw to a lot of players. I can't wait to see what it's about! 

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5 minutes ago, Requizen said:

I dunno about you, but I'm quite interested in this snippet from Shadespire:

"It has been designed specifically for competitive, organised play, to support our growing community of gamers out there."

I'm quite happy with Open and Narrative play, but it's awesome that they've realized organized competition is a huge draw to a lot of players. I can't wait to see what it's about! 

Yeah I'm excited about this as well. As mentioned in the Shadespire thread, I'm expecting the "Shadow Aelf" picture to be something to do with this now. But as a competitive/organised play tool, this sounds exciting and I can't wait to hear more about it

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Glad that so many are excited for this.  I'm on the fence and hoping for really strong fluff to rope me in.  The metal "balloons" are tripping me up and I'm pretty much 100% fantasy/0% sci fi, so this is a huge change.  Fyreslayers did grow on me over time so maybe these will as well.

As others mentioned, it does make me wonder if Dispossed, Greenskinz, Gitmob Grots, etc are really Compedium factions in disguise ultimately.

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10 minutes ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

As others mentioned, it does make me wonder if Dispossed, Greenskinz, Gitmob Grots, etc are really Compedium factions in disguise ultimately.

I'd say this is likely the case for most of these factions. Eventually. There is no rush though whilst the concept of "all descendants of the old world peoples united in the large cities" still exists. There just won't be any updates for them.

I just don't see GW doing new factions that aesthetically match these guys (enabling their reabsorption into a new faction with new rules) going forward.

Not when they can do cooler, more distinct new stuff.

Edited by Turragor
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Moving away from Dwarves a little - are really down on the Thunder and Blood box. Do they really think that everything GW releases has to massage their own private desires? It's clearly a great little start for kids to get into the hobby, like Battle for Vedros. The salt around it is ridiculous, people have no perspective.

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9 minutes ago, Turragor said:

I'd say this is likely the case for most of these factions. Eventually. There is no rush though whilst the concept of "all descendants of the old world peoples united in the large cities" still exists. There just won't be any updates for them.

I just don't see GW doing new factions that aesthetically match these guys (enabling their reabsorption into a new faction with new rules) going forward.

Not when they can do cooler, more distinct new stuff.

Hence why I feel devoted of sigmar might become the "new" human faction perhaps along with free guild/wizards in a tzeentch style book. They would not give the faction a new model for no reason if they weren't planning to do something with them at most I feel many of those factions at most may get a "bonesplitterz/beastclaw raiders" type of tome. 

It's a case of normalish soldiers riding fantasy animals vs crazy zealots, paladins and priests wielding powers of a god similar to odin/zeus. 

Of course I could be wrong but those are just my thoughts. 

Edited by shinros
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52 minutes ago, Requizen said:

I dunno about you, but I'm quite interested in this snippet from Shadespire:

"It has been designed specifically for competitive, organised play, to support our growing community of gamers out there."

I'm quite happy with Open and Narrative play, but it's awesome that they've realized organized competition is a huge draw to a lot of players. I can't wait to see what it's about! 

I'm excited too! (Obviously, I made Hinterlands because this is the sort of game I love).

super out there suggestion, but what if that hint means this isn't going to be a skirmish campaign (which is a better fit for gaming groups than tournaments generally), what if this was some sort of CCG - miniature battlemat hybrid? Somewhere between Mordheim and MtG? Anyway it's 99% likely to be a skirmish game but it is interesting to think about the "what-ifs"

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9 minutes ago, Turragor said:

I'd say this is likely the case for most of these factions. Eventually. There is no rush though whilst the concept of "all descendants of the old world peoples united in the large cities" still exists. There just won't be any updates for them.

I just don't see GW doing new factions that aesthetically match these guys (enabling their reabsorption into a new faction with new rules) going forward.

Not when they can do cooler, more distinct new stuff.

Compendium is only for stuff that they no longer sell. I think it'll be a long time before we start seeing those armies get squatted, though they might not get new books. Greenskinz even have a Start Collecting!

I'm wondering if we'll see updated Grand Alliance books after TGH2. New book with updated Alliance Traits from TGH that expound a bit more on the smaller factions that are unlikely to get their own Battletome. Unlikely, but possible.

4 minutes ago, bottle said:

I'm excited too! (Obviously, I made Hinterlands because this is the sort of game I love).

super out there suggestion, but what if that hint means this isn't going to be a skirmish campaign (which is a better fit for gaming groups than tournaments generally), what if this was some sort of CCG - miniature battlemat hybrid? Somewhere between Mordheim and MtG? Anyway it's 99% likely to be a skirmish game but it is interesting to think about the "what-ifs"

Skirmish is what I'm thinking as well, though I'm hoping for something with a bit of flair rather than "Kill Team but in AoS".

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Broken archway, with a "torn" grid gate. Looks Sigmar enough as the blocks in the arch look more like a stone than a concrete. Could also be a herring in that it could be a drain grating.

Something that's torn and wrecked doesnt strike me as being related to any of the upcoming order rumored releases - there's nothing really on the horizon for Chaos/Destruction in the short term that I remember reading about - (unless you have a breaking out of your cage theme for Slaanesh?)... so I would say its related to Death.

Bet is on a destroyed realms scenery, terrain, basing kits that line up with that death tomb stone.

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24 minutes ago, DynamicCalories said:

Moving away from Dwarves a little - are really down on the Thunder and Blood box. Do they really think that everything GW releases has to massage their own private desires? It's clearly a great little start for kids to get into the hobby, like Battle for Vedros. The salt around it is ridiculous, people have no perspective.

Totally. As other people say, this GAMA show was a conference to retailers, not individual buyers, and its a boardgames conference, not Wargames. The Blood & Thunder its obviusly a pseudo-boardgame to new players to sell in boardgame stores.

Its not the second oficial starter set for Age of Sigmar. At first I think that it was and I was just "Noooo!" but now I see why they did it. 

And a accesible way for people to jump from boardgames to Wargames its only good news in my town. Now we only need to see the price. I think it need to be in the 70-80€ range to appeal to board gamers. People isn't gonna pay 120€ for a boardgame like Silver Tower having Descend and all the big boys of the market in the 80€ range.

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22 minutes ago, Requizen said:




20 minutes ago, daedalus81 said:

Said no one ever.  xD

I'm pretty sure that when I teach my kids to drive (thankfully I have another 8 years before this becomes a real option), I'll be saying this ALL THE TIME.

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++ Mod Hat On ++

Folks, I try not to go down the route of censorship/telling you what to post but can we please limit the amount of these sorts of images? I know they are in jest but (a) some people may not like it and (b (which may be the real reason)) some of us look at these forums at work. ;) 

Also we sort of need to keep on topic?!? 

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