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15 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Do you know the source for these images?

Got them from discord. They are screenshots from a YouTube channel that was reviewing it. Sadly I don't know it's name

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2 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Je les ai obtenus de Discord. Ce sont des captures d'écran d'une chaîne YouTube qui l'examinait. Malheureusement, je ne connais pas son nom

So boring to not have a Death or Destruction Spearhead warscrolls leaks 😔

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1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

What the next preview show?

GenCon in August but from what i hear from that when they're previewing the blood angels there so there should be a preview before since they got to show off the inquisition box

Unless we have a preview similar to the Ochram one, Nova open in August?

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Unless we have a preview similar to the Ochram one, Nova open in August?

Should be one when the edition launch no? Like they did with 3e and with 40k last year

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I wish GW could decide what to do with Orruks already. Getting a bit tired of this soup, desoup, soup, squat, desoup. Would love to build a project that sticks together for a while. And i have my Ironjawz project on hold just in case things get invalidated again.

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2 hours ago, MitGas said:

3rd was responsible for the people in my group playing a lot less as well. Some of the things sound better in 4th but they did bring back a lot of bad stuff too. GW needs talented game designers very fast. And the bullpoopoo with locking new minis behind tons of old minis everyone already has is poor form as well. 


I agree that a lot of people dropped in 3rd and it was a really tough edition to get new people involved. There’s a lot of reasons for this… rules bloat, a release heavily impacted by Covid (didn’t the dragons drop in December?), the team that wrote 3rd edition then largely retired or took new positions so they ended up writing an edition that a different team had to write books for… 

All that being said, I really enjoyed 3rd edition. 

Everything I’ve seen though from 4th looks great apart from battle tactics, which look just fine. 

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5 hours ago, Chikout said:

Why do you feel you need to give gw money to continue playing? The core rules and indexes are going to be free. I'm quite sure wahapedia is going to continue doing it's thing. You've presumably got quite a lot of models. The cut models are going to get rules. If you've got a gaming group you can talk to, there's no reason you have to abide by GW's one year limit. Then there's also 3d printing. Even if you don't have a printer yourself, there are companies that will print and ship something to you. 

Personally I am excited about 4th. Ruleswise, aside from battle tactics, all my personal pain points look like they've been dealt with and as I've said before I genuinely think the launch box looks like a good value set. When I bought Soul wars I bought the four little easy to build sets they released alongside it and the objective markers. I spent the same amount of money as the new box set and still only had 68 models. I'm curious what the pain points are for you in the actual game, because that's the part I'm most excited about. 

I don't necessarily think I need to keep paying to play, as I said I've come to the point where I decided the older models are more than good enough and there's no point in buying the new darkoath right now. 3D printing is tricky as there doesn't seem to be a great provider in the area. The price point seems to have generally hit just shy of GW levels (a touch cheaper, but not really worth the savings given the slight loss in quality). The major problem is I don't have a gaming group to discuss or adjust with, they've all left the game for one reason or another.

I can't speak for everyone, but my main concerns are value and playability. Value is degraded consistently as GW continues to apply price hikes that far outstrip inflation, but perceived value also takes a hit every time they arbitrarily remove things as well. The last round was particularly harsh and has had me reconsidering multiple purchases.

Playability is hurt by continued increase in complexity of the game and how long it takes to play. The previewed rules look nice and clear, but nothing looks like it will speed up the game significantly. Battle tactics have been a thorn in the side for the entirety of 3rd and although I'm sure that people who play regularly have them down, I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like and I need to spend a few minutes every turn deciding how I'd like to proceed. This seems to be common for my opponents as well and a standard 2k game takes a lot longer than it used to (easily 3-4 hours). 

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10 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

Some KO scrolls from spearhead. It should resolve the 2 wounds arkanauts speculation. Also KO seem to have kept their multiple weapons profile...

@Beliman I imagine this is of your interest!

Thanks a lot @Arzalyn!

I'm still trying to figure what has changed and the direction of the army, but it's really hard to tell. There are a lot of subtle changes, but it doesn't seems to change a lot from what we had. 

Arkanauts being in units of 5 seems to be exclusive for the Spearhead mode (and pretty sure that they still have a Champion), same with skywardens with only a volley gun. But everything else seems to be close to the same. Timed Charges was moves from teh Fight Phase to the End of each turn. The Admiral seems to be just an OK buffer.

I suppose the transport rule is still part of the Kharadron Battle Traits. I expect to see all the ship maneuvers there too, maybe even with the Assault Boat because it was the frigatte's most fun ability to play with. It seems that cheap mw damage will still be there (timed charges, bomb racks), that's somethign that I didn't expect.

Btw, anything about formations and battle traits? I'm curious/nervious about the Code and how customizable it will be...


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41 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Btw, anything about formations and battle traits? I'm curious/nervious about the Code and how customizable it will be...


The Code kinda feels weird to me: on one hand, it feels pretty fluffy as a concept. The Kharadron Code is the most important thing about their lore, and you're essentially choosing your forces personal interpretation of that Code. That's cool! But on the other hand, it feels like a bunch of weird arbitrary bonuses at times, like your reading of the Constitution somehow makes you shoot better or makes your ships faster. The whole thing was originally intended to be a "make your own subfaction" system in case you didn't run any of the vanilla Skyports, but then in 3E they made it so you just chose your Code while still taking a Skyport so that element was kind of lost. 

I dunno how I'd exactly feel if it went away.

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1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

I don't necessarily think I need to keep paying to play, as I said I've come to the point where I decided the older models are more than good enough and there's no point in buying the new darkoath right now. 3D printing is tricky as there doesn't seem to be a great provider in the area. The price point seems to have generally hit just shy of GW levels (a touch cheaper, but not really worth the savings given the slight loss in quality). The major problem is I don't have a gaming group to discuss or adjust with, they've all left the game for one reason or another.

I can't speak for everyone, but my main concerns are value and playability. Value is degraded consistently as GW continues to apply price hikes that far outstrip inflation, but perceived value also takes a hit every time they arbitrarily remove things as well. The last round was particularly harsh and has had me reconsidering multiple purchases.

Playability is hurt by continued increase in complexity of the game and how long it takes to play. The previewed rules look nice and clear, but nothing looks like it will speed up the game significantly. Battle tactics have been a thorn in the side for the entirety of 3rd and although I'm sure that people who play regularly have them down, I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like and I need to spend a few minutes every turn deciding how I'd like to proceed. This seems to be common for my opponents as well and a standard 2k game takes a lot longer than it used to (easily 3-4 hours). 

It sounds to me like you’re just a bit burnt out with the hobby in general and maybe it’s time to step away for a bit. I’ve felt that in the past for different reasons. I packed things away, sold some stuff I realised I would never get round to and looked into other hobbies. I stepped away, got into board gaming and replayed a few video games from my youth. In time (maybe a year or 2 for me) the interest and excitement started to come back. I looked through the box of stuff in the loft that I’d kept and felt the desire to get the paint brushes out again. It’s ok to have a break, you may come back renewed, you may not, either way it’s ok.

It sounds like you have quite a fair size collection, is it all painted? Could you find enjoyment in just the painting side of the hobby and forget the gaming for now? Could you push your painting level further on some characters or try some new techniques? Or maybe you feel a bit stung by GW and that has sapped your enthusiasm? Price rises and model ranges suck, but having been in and out of the hobby for 30years you can guarantee that models will be retired and prices will go up. However GW models generally keep their value well over the years (look at chorfs & squats) and there’s a current trend of people rediscovering all things 90’s. I think this will come around for current discontinued model ranges. Someone on this forum recently mentioned about not moving over to 4.0rules, and just sticking with 3rd, which I think is a great way to view it. If you find 3rd clunky and too longwinded, play 2nd! All the rules are out there, 2nd edition tomes are available cheap if you don’t have them. You can still use updated models, or proxies if something wasn’t released at that time. Point is if you’re not enjoying it, find and play what you enjoy!


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1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

I don't necessarily think I need to keep paying to play, as I said I've come to the point where I decided the older models are more than good enough and there's no point in buying the new darkoath right now. 3D printing is tricky as there doesn't seem to be a great provider in the area. The price point seems to have generally hit just shy of GW levels (a touch cheaper, but not really worth the savings given the slight loss in quality). The major problem is I don't have a gaming group to discuss or adjust with, they've all left the game for one reason or another.

I can't speak for everyone, but my main concerns are value and playability. Value is degraded consistently as GW continues to apply price hikes that far outstrip inflation, but perceived value also takes a hit every time they arbitrarily remove things as well. The last round was particularly harsh and has had me reconsidering multiple purchases.

Playability is hurt by continued increase in complexity of the game and how long it takes to play. The previewed rules look nice and clear, but nothing looks like it will speed up the game significantly. Battle tactics have been a thorn in the side for the entirety of 3rd and although I'm sure that people who play regularly have them down, I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like and I need to spend a few minutes every turn deciding how I'd like to proceed. This seems to be common for my opponents as well and a standard 2k game takes a lot longer than it used to (easily 3-4 hours). 

Thanks for the response. I do think there are quite a few changes that will speed the games up. I watched the match play live steam and both players said the sequencing of abilities helped a lot with speed of play." I do my stuff then you do yours." There's a lot less stopping to check if the other player wants to do something. The combat range change  should also help with the speed of that phase. The units having a health pool also makes things faster. All the universal abilities happen with a crit to hit, so it's always the same dice you set aside at the same time. The last time the two players were in a live stream with the same armies, the game took over five hours. This time they were finished in under three. It looks like the comulative effect of the changes should make games faster, though that will be obviously be determined by everyone actually playing the game. 


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48 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

GW showing how to paint different Stormhosts with the new Liberators:


It would be nice to have a series of videos like this one with all the different minis from the big box.

I hope they'll make a specific tutorial for Ruination chamber, which has its different metal recipe to the regular Hallowed Knights.  Or on the excellent Eavy Metal Archive web site.

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12 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

But on the other hand, it feels like a bunch of weird arbitrary bonuses at times, like your reading of the Constitution somehow makes you shoot better or makes your ships faster.

I never interpreted it like this. I read it as different values between different Skyports. Like Barak-Thryng likes being conservative and religious and Barak-Nar likes science and innovation.

I've always seen it as 'this army emphasizes this part of the code, so of course they focus more on the development of their ships/guns/etc'.

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6 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I never interpreted it like this. I read it as different values between different Skyports. Like Barak-Thryng likes being conservative and religious and Barak-Nar likes science and innovation.

I've always seen it as 'this army emphasizes this part of the code, so of course they focus more on the development of their ships/guns/etc'.

I have the same interpretation. And even with the same Skyport, there are going to be diferent interpretations as we saw in the Drekki Flynt novel (The Shoals are under the Barak-Mhornar flag, but they clearly have a diferent view on The Code).

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2 hours ago, Grimrock said:

I don't necessarily think I need to keep paying to play, as I said I've come to the point where I decided the older models are more than good enough and there's no point in buying the new darkoath right now. 3D printing is tricky as there doesn't seem to be a great provider in the area. The price point seems to have generally hit just shy of GW levels (a touch cheaper, but not really worth the savings given the slight loss in quality). The major problem is I don't have a gaming group to discuss or adjust with, they've all left the game for one reason or another.

I can't speak for everyone, but my main concerns are value and playability. Value is degraded consistently as GW continues to apply price hikes that far outstrip inflation, but perceived value also takes a hit every time they arbitrarily remove things as well. The last round was particularly harsh and has had me reconsidering multiple purchases.

Playability is hurt by continued increase in complexity of the game and how long it takes to play. The previewed rules look nice and clear, but nothing looks like it will speed up the game significantly. Battle tactics have been a thorn in the side for the entirety of 3rd and although I'm sure that people who play regularly have them down, I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like and I need to spend a few minutes every turn deciding how I'd like to proceed. This seems to be common for my opponents as well and a standard 2k game takes a lot longer than it used to (easily 3-4 hours). 

Actually seems like spearhead would be perfect for you and a good way to get your gaming group interested in AoS again. 

Quick, smaller, simpler games using models you've all probably got. It could just be the shot in the arm you and your gaming group needs. Plus the rules will be free for it so you don't have much to lose. 

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14 minutes ago, Draznak said:

I hope they'll make a specific tutorial for Ruination chamber, which has its different metal recipe to the regular Hallowed Knights.  Or on the excellent Eavy Metal Archive web site.

I have the feeling it will be for W+.

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So today is the day when factions focus begin ! Who will it be the 24th faction ?

Dead beastmen walking ???

Orruks unsouped ???

Chorfs ???

Malerion elves ???

Silent people ???

Place your bet !😃


Image from 2021 Faction focus


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6 minutes ago, cyrus said:

So today is the day when factions focus begin ! Who will it be the 24th faction ?

Dead beastmen walking ???

Orruks unsouped ???

Chorfs ???

Malerion elves ???

Silent people ???

Place your bet !😃


Image from 2021 Faction focus


The two legends factions

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9 hours ago, Peacaf said:

In the seventh edition, new plastic chaos knights came out, replacing the new chaos knights that came out in the sixth edition.

Besides, they were much larger and against armies like Bretonnia the scale was ridiculous and still is.

Reading comments I wondered how long some have been in Warhammer or how little they know GW.


I'm all for gassing about scale creep, but...




The 6th ed Brian Nelson sculpts you're talking about, while timeless and imo much better sculpts than the plastic knights that followed, were if anything slightly smaller than they should have been, and distinctly pin headed to look at, likely owing to the fact they came on (already quite venerable, even back then) plastic Empire horses. Even the Plastic Chaos Warrior kit that came out a couple of years later with Storm of Chaos, and took every design cue going from the 6th ed Knights were way, way larger in every respect.

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33 minutes ago, cyrus said:

So today is the day when factions focus begin ! Who will it be the 24th faction ?

Dead beastmen walking ???

Orruks unsouped ???

Chorfs ???

Malerion elves ???

Silent people ???

Place your bet !😃


Image from 2021 Faction focus


Order: Sce, Seraphon, Lumi, KO, FS, DoK, Cities, Idoneth, Sylvaneth

Chaos: Slaves, Skaven, Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Nurgle

Death: OBR, NH, FeC, Soulblight

Destruction: IJ, KB, SoB, Ogors, GG


24 factions

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After quite a hectic few years with family illness and the local AoS group disappearing completely in AoS 3, I'm hopefully not being too optimistic when I say I (alongside the play group) will be returning to Age of Sigmar with 4th edition.

I'm happy with most of the changes presented, and glad that there's going to be a 'simple' spearhead mode for quick games. One of the biggest issues the group had for adopting AoS 3 was how finicky it felt, and that much of the complexity felt tacked on - which hopefully AoS 4 remedies. 

I actually had the chance to play AoS 4 at Warhammer World, and it might just have been the time between that and last playing, but I really enjoyed myself. The gameplay was smooth and nothing felt overly strong.

I think I'm in the minority when I say I'd like to see a few things 'nerfed' - I'd like the game to be a bit less lethal, and for more opportunities to use the models brought to the table before they're destroyed. AoS 3 games relatively quickly began to feel very samey.

So, glad to be back for AoS 4!

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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Enoby said:

After quite a hectic few years with family illness and the local AoS group disappearing completely in AoS 3, I'm hopefully not being too optimistic when I say I (alongside the play group) will be returning to Age of Sigmar with 4th edition.

I'm happy with most of the changes presented, and glad that there's going to be a 'simple' spearhead mode for quick games. One of the biggest issues the group had for adopting AoS 3 was how finicky it felt, and that much of the complexity felt tacked on - which hopefully AoS 4 remedies. 

I actually had the chance to play AoS 4 at Warhammer World, and it might just have been the time between that and last playing, but I really enjoyed myself. The gameplay was smooth and nothing felt overly strong.

I think I'm in the minority when I say I'd like to see a few things 'nerfed' - I'd like the game to be a bit less lethal, and for more opportunities to use the models brought to the table before they're destroyed. AoS 3 games relatively quickly began to feel very samey.

So, glad to be back for AoS 4!

If your based near Nottingham and looking for a play group, we're got a great bunch playing regularly in Boards and Swords Hobbes.  Throw me a PM if you want more details.

Also stoked for 4th.  Feels like they've got rid of lots of the unnecessary complexity (faffy combats, heroic actions and rampages) while keeping the flavour.

Edited by Magnus The Blue
Adding more details
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