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19 minutes ago, Eldarain said:

Bit strange Nagash doesn't have any of the weapon special rules on either of his items.

He doesn’t have them now as-is. He’s extremely basic in melee and most of his firepower was in magic. And now they’ve reworked his Machine Gun into a shotgun that can also heal and give a ward. Very curious to see his points cost. 

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1 minute ago, ScionOfOssia said:

He doesn’t have them now as-is. He’s extremely basic in melee and most of his firepower was in magic. And now they’ve reworked his Machine Gun into a shotgun that can also heal and give a ward. Very curious to see his points cost. 

Was discussing with others that his ability alone to bring back a full strength unit already makes him super viable in my mind unless he’s ridiculously pointed (1k+)

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2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

The hand of dust special rule... Why just not a simple roll instead of picking hands... Still insane powerful rule..

In fairness, this is a level of fun and 'flavour' that is fun. Something 40k killed off.

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I really like this version of Nagash.  Much clearer than past versions, brings him back into keyword alignment with his faction (with separate scrolls for each faction he can be taken with).

He does the things Nagash should do - high end casting power, super versatile signature spell (I like its ability to shield against the double turn - if you make Nagash go first there's a good chance his entire army will come out of the top of turn one with 5++ on everything), solid reanimation from both the repeatable spell and his big 1/game revive, decent offensive power, can at least threaten to kill anything that dares come within reach.  It also removes some of the most annoying aspects of previous versions of nagash for opponenst.  EG - nagash being on the table no longer effectively negates the enemy magic phase (presumably he can attempt to unbind up to 9 times, but he no longer does so with a +3 bonus to the roll), hand of dust is a special ability now instead of a spell so he can't cast it through spellportals to one shot models at range, he can no longer heal himself so opponents can wear him down over time (though other healing affects from core or faction rules may still apply).  He no longer has an ability to bounce mortal wounds back at enemies that target him (that was already removed in the current version, but still).  The only change I'm sad about is the removal of his 'gaze of nagash' ranged attack, I liked the idea that Nagash could kill folks just by looking at them (again, that was already removed, but was present in the versions I have the most experience with).

Whether he's terrible, too good, or just right will of course depend on the points cost and how everything else in the game balances out in comparison, but just looking at it, yeah, this is a significantly simplified and streamlined warscroll that should still absolutely capture the feel of Nagash on the tabletop.

Really good job, imo.

Edited by Sception
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Invocation of nagash combined the old invocation of nagash, morikhane and soul stealer into a spell. The old invocation and morikhane where aura type abilities and now have to cast to get them to work. No need to castle but adds risk to be unbound by opponent wizard. Maybe we will see some heavy aura changes.

Edited by Poryague
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3 minutes ago, Poryague said:

No need to castle

Target unit does need to be wholly within 18", so you can't spread out ~too~ much.  Notably wholly within applies to the enemy as well.  Spread out and it's harder to offensively invoke all your stuff.

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37 minutes ago, novakai said:

Black library AoS books have also been hit or miss, or just no one talks about them in any relevant manner

I'm in the middle of Gitzslayer and I must say that it's crazy how good are some books and how bad are others.

It seems that even the power-level of the books is stupid, sometimes you feel lile you are in the middle of the Golden Voyage of Sinbad, snd sometimes you feel that you are in the middle of Goku and Vegeta (90s cartoons).

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2 minutes ago, Sception said:

Target unit does need to be wholly within 18", so you can't spread out ~too~ much.  Notably wholly within applies to the enemy as well.  Spread out and it's harder to offensively invoke all your stuff.

The ward save was wholly within 12. Going to 18 is a big improvement. Also you can move out of range and hold the bonus till the beginning of your next turn instead of losing it immediately when out of range.  Interesting trade offs. 

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14 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I'm in the middle of Gitzslayer and I must say that it's crazy how good are some books and how bad are others.

It seems that even the power-level of the books is stupid, sometimes you feel lile you are in the middle of the Golden Voyage of Sinbad, snd sometimes you feel that you are in the middle of Goku and Vegeta (90s cartoons).

As someone who has read a lot of Black Library, it has always been thus, even back in the days of yore.

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Just now, madmac said:

As someone who has read a lot of Black Library, it has always been thus, even back in the days of yore.


I've read a few Warhammer Fantasy books (not much, over 12). Yes, sometimes it becomes a bit weird (a tank exploding in the middle of a medieval city like a Die Hard movie) but appart from a few chapters or characters, I had the feeling that everyone was in the same ground. I know, a human fighting a Shoggoth or even a Great Daemon was a bit too much, but if was written as if it was more about luck and the perfect timing than "hey, I'm angry!! I'm going to kill everyone with one hit even if I'm drunk" feeling that Gitslayer has (and yes, it's exactly how the book starts). 

Btw, I'm not used to 40k books. I think that I only finished the Night Lords Trilogy and some Forge world studio books (mperial Armoury and old Horus Heresy's Black Books)

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Oh boy, do they need a creative specialist. As someone working in an ad agency with knowledge on how to display information, the new warscroll is a small step in the right direction (concerning visual clarity). But the overall colors and iconography is not well suited to the different phases or actions…

I wish they would have taken this a little more serious… 

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Between the models left to the void and the new rules you turn away from this thread for a moment and have pages upon pages to keep up with!

I like the look of the new battlescrolls, seems quite nice and clear and eager to see more so we get a good comparison of what is up to offer.

As for the new short story it was interesting and although I am not usually that interested in the Slaanesh side of things most of the time I found it quite an entertaing read and wonder where they will go from here. Interesting having Ogors with them.

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Warscrolls look fine, bit easier to see what can be done in each phase.
Is it just me tho who finds it weird that they’ve changed wounds to health, but then on Nagash’s warscroll it mentions damage points? Wouldn’t it make more sense to reference his health?


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2 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

Warscrolls look fine, bit easier to see what can be done in each phase.
Is it just me tho who finds it weird that they’ve changed wounds to health, but then on Nagash’s warscroll it mentions damage points? Wouldn’t it make more sense to reference his health?


I also thought that lol, "8 health points or less" is much easier to understand than "10 damage points or more"

Overall it seems fine, I don't really like the crit mortal wounds on liberators, hopefully rerolls are limited if that ability is common. Also I can't really explain it but nagash's warscroll feels very cluttered, why could they not have one column of text boxes instead of 2 and just make them wider

Edited by Luperci
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15 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

Between the models left to the void and the new rules you turn away from this thread for a moment and have pages upon pages to keep up with!

I like the look of the new battlescrolls, seems quite nice and clear and eager to see more so we get a good comparison of what is up to offer.

As for the new short story it was interesting and although I am not usually that interested in the Slaanesh side of things most of the time I found it quite an entertaing read and wonder where they will go from here. Interesting having Ogors with them.

Ogors in the short? That's more mentions than BS and BoC had. Imo Ogors would stay.

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Good News Everyone! after lamenting the loss of half the war cry war bands and signing up for the CoS campaign I heard from my local GW Manager (Mike in Deer Grove, Illinois) that the Horns of Hashut may be rolled into an upcoming Chaos Dwarf faction in Fourth Edition. 

Is this true? possibly, after all this is only rumor.

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27 minutes ago, Beliman said:


I've read a few Warhammer Fantasy books (not much, over 12). Yes, sometimes it becomes a bit weird (a tank exploding in the middle of a medieval city like a Die Hard movie) but appart from a few chapters or characters, I had the feeling that everyone was in the same ground. I know, a human fighting a Shoggoth or even a Great Daemon was a bit too much, but if was written as if it was more about luck and the perfect timing than "hey, I'm angry!! I'm going to kill everyone with one hit even if I'm drunk" feeling that Gitslayer has (and yes, it's exactly how the book starts). 

Btw, I'm not used to 40k books. I think that I only finished the Night Lords Trilogy and some Forge world studio books (mperial Armoury and old Horus Heresy's Black Books)

Gotrek has always been like that. He was the Warhammer Worlds least successful Slayer of all time. You also have characters like Gilead Ut Lothain te tuin Tor Anrok demonstrating abilities no other elf is ever mentioned to have. 

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9 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

Warscrolls look fine, bit easier to see what can be done in each phase.
Is it just me tho who finds it weird that they’ve changed wounds to health, but then on Nagash’s warscroll it mentions damage points? Wouldn’t it make more sense to reference his health?


Its an attempt to linguistically differentiate between wounds characteristic(health), wound rolls, and allocated wounds (damage points).
It works the same as it does now.
You take damage, and it accrues (you count it up) and the unit is slain when its damage points (wounds taken) match or exceed its health (wounds characteristic).

You don't actually count down wounds RAW, which is why behemoth damage tables always cared about wounds taken, not remaining wounds.

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11 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I also thought that lol, "8 health points or less" is much easier to understand than "10 damage points or more"

In other games or videogames is normal to make damages, for me is esier to say "that dude has 3 wounds" than "that dude has 15 remaining wounds"

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9 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Good News Everyone! after lamenting the loss of half the war cry war bands and signing up for the CoS campaign I heard from my local GW Manager (Mike in Deer Grove, Illinois) that the Horns of Hashut may be rolled into an upcoming Chaos Dwarf faction in Fourth Edition. 

Is this true? possibly, after all this is only rumor.

GW store manager are not reliable, they are also kept in the dark just like the rest of us.

my store manager was confident that GW was not going to roll out another 40K edition last year and that didn’t go so well lol

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17 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Good News Everyone! after lamenting the loss of half the war cry war bands and signing up for the CoS campaign I heard from my local GW Manager (Mike in Deer Grove, Illinois) that the Horns of Hashut may be rolled into an upcoming Chaos Dwarf faction in Fourth Edition. 

Is this true? possibly, after all this is only rumor.

Seems the most likely. Btw, how is the campaign working? Do you have to play at the store the games?

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