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Everything posted by Cdance93

  1. I mean Wardens literally want to be base to base so nothing too bad there
  2. Unless I am misunderstanding I think people are incorrectly assuming every faction gets 4 battletraits, that was just SCE wasn’t it? every faction will get 4 battle formations.
  3. Ahhhh ok good catch, wonder if "crit" is 1/8 or crit (mortals) is 1/8
  4. I think the rally change is wonderful and a lot more flexible now since it can be used in single models as well. also a great way to counter tactics
  5. I am just not buying this. On any meaningful level only the Group’s balance sheet and P&L matter. looking through the annual report lightly I don’t see any kind of corporate structure but I would be surprised that a design studio would have its own P&L unless each studio was its own subsidiary within the group. sure for budgeting they may want to know the actuals for each studios products.
  6. The tell-tale sign is when they mention a unit in the battletome by name 😂
  7. Was discussing with others that his ability alone to bring back a full strength unit already makes him super viable in my mind unless he’s ridiculously pointed (1k+)
  8. You either remove mortal wounds AND save stacking (like completely get rid of it) Or you have to keep mortals. Save stacking is their answer to having a flat + to wound instead of a table (a much better system TBH and easier to balance). without save stacking little grot rascals would kill kragnos. I have a really hard time seeing them ever remove save stacking.
  9. I think I missed it but where did you see the every warscroll will have a unique ability ?
  10. @Gaz Taylor if I may play a teensie bit of devils advocate. Swearing can help release tension and be cathartic and helpful in processing emotions/events. I don’t inherently think swearing is a bad thing. Also I don’t think anyone on whom swearing can be impressionable can access this forum can they?
  11. Interesting, goes directly against the leak of consolidated weapon profiles
  12. Come on, what do we think? An article with an example warscroll would be excellent …
  13. You’re thinking of maybe protectors? Prosecutors are in 3s
  14. Oh I mean warscrolls, core rules and FAQs Erratas are going to remain free no question - look at 40k
  15. I mean, honestly, you're probably right.. but damn if I am not hopeful!
  16. its a cost/benefit analysis - they may have done a deep dive into how much they're making on GHBs etc and found that free rules = more people diving into AOS = more money. Not so far fetched, especially considering production costs of physical products
  17. TBH, they're putting the GHB in the launch box - I wouldn't be surprised if they're taking steps to certain rules for free
  18. I think a big thing to take away is that the wizards will still exist as heroes but they probably just wont do much outside of the magic module
  19. If i had to take a guess, "Command Models" will probably encompass anyone who can issue a command, so including heroes - maybe warranting a larger section
  20. Yes probably! And capped at 3 like it is now. However I still am a little concerned on balance because right now its outta whack between the endless. They did a decent job but some are just lackluster
  21. mmmm, maybe each lore has a specific endless or something
  22. Agreed! This is one the suspicions is that your faction's endless are included in the lore. I would hope they're not their own lore but hell, who knows?
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