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2 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Aaaah nooo not the warcry bands !

...oh well, they'll make proxies for darkoath, I guess.

So they're really serious about making everything that was still made of Warhammer Battle miniatures go The Old World exclusive. I wonder how they will explain that in the background...maybe something like "undivided beastmen were actually all skaven with goat disguises, yes-yes !"

An interesting point is that Dawis are not there. So maybe CoS get a second wave soon to get them out. Otherwise, I don't understand anything about what stays and what does not between AoS and TOW.

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3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

The idea that Abraxia being released prevents a Valkia update is pretty funny to me. I don't know a lot about Khorne fluff, but I would hope that Valkia has more going on than just "devil woman with spear". But even if not, Khorne seemingly has an endless variety of "muscle dude with axe", so I think GA: Chaos can afford to double up on the concept.

> post that there is no reason to think we won't get a new Valkia model in the future

> Valkia is removed from the game 3 hours later

Wow, how embarrassing. Glad I'm not this cringelord.

Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
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1 minute ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Sequitors and Castigators going is kind of surprising to me. I figured we would keep those sacrosanct units.

And the Ballista!? Who was asking earlier about a war machine? Maybe the Stormcasts going out are a leak about what is being replaced. Liberators are there, for example, as well as prosecutors, JUDICATORS, PALADINS... hi hi Thunderstrike armour.

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8 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

At least this is generous in comparison to how they normally do things:


Dang, riperoni to some of my fav models. Time to proxy/count-as! 🤭

At least the messaging is direct and far enough in advance for people not to be blindsided.

We have been expecting Beasts to go away, but Bonesplitterz and basically all Fatcast leaving on top of that is surprising to me.

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4 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

I can’t believe they killed the whole sacrosanct range as well. Really quite angry about that 

I think it is just a way to say some would get refreshed in the wave after 4th launch.

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4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

> post that there is no reason to think we won't get a new Valkia model in the future

> Valkia from the game is removed 3 hours later

Wow, how embarrassing. Glad I'm not this cringelord.

Don't talk about CoS, please.

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aand that's 7030 pts (at pre-last-battlescroll points) of my SCE gone

luckily I play in a community which has been so far very open to 3d prints and alternative ranges, so it shouldn't be that bad. Maybe. I hope.

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That's horrible. BoC and Bonesplitterz just gone without any good reason. Arbitrary selection of Warcry warbands gone, even some very recent ones. The entire quite recent Sarcosanct range cut with no replacement. All those old Stormcast gone.

It really feels like no faction is safe AGAIN. Which is horrible, makes me way more hesitant to buy anything in the future.

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Interestingly, Horns of Hashut band are out too. Maybe because they may join another battletome later ? After all, they're not slaves to "darkness", more "bulls, fire and ashes"... ;)

For Cities of Sigmar...maybe they'll make another annoucement soon when the TOW dwarves will be close to release....

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Loss of Beasts still baffles me. They're heavily mentioned as a facet of life and danger across the realms in loads of places. They're not all going as we're keeping the god-marked tzaangor and slaangor. So what's the end goal, I wonder? Will we have god-marked gor for Khorne and Nurgle added to, or will they weirdly just be for Tzeentch and Slaanesh? Will we see generic gor added into Slaves as an explanation for where god-marked gor came from in the first place?

Beastmen are such an iconic aspect of Chaos that I'm really sad to see them go, and I think AoS Chaos will be lessened as a whole in terms of feel and theme if Beasts just get totally expunged.


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2 minutes ago, Chikout said:

That's more than half of my Stormcast and a third of my slaves to darkness armies gone. I'm pretty surprised at the severity of the cuts. 

Guys, chill about the Stormcast and Skavens (at least). This is the key from the post:


We know Liberators are not going away. They are going to be replaced. A decent chunk of those minis from the Stormcast and Skavens list would get new shiny versions. It is not like what is happening, sadly, with BS and BOC.

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1 minute ago, Acrozatarim said:

Loss of Beasts still baffles me. They're heavily mentioned as a facet of life and danger across the realms in loads of places. They're not all going as we're keeping the god-marked tzaangor and slaangor. So what's the end goal, I wonder? Will we have god-marked gor for Khorne and Nurgle added to, or will they weirdly just be for Tzeentch and Slaanesh? Will we see generic gor added into Slaves as an explanation for where god-marked gor came from in the first place?

Beastmen are such an iconic aspect of Chaos that I'm really sad to see them go, and I think AoS Chaos will be lessened as a whole in terms of feel and theme if Beasts just get totally expunged.


Just a bad joke or maybe a hint of their new version coming later?


The Beasts of Chaos are leaving Warhammer Age of Sigmar, but they’ll be back in the future… or rather, the past. Yes, the Beastmen are returning to their old feeding grounds in the World of Legend and Warhammer: The Old World.

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Oof. Hurts to see. Poor beasts and bonesplitterz (and surprisingly, stormcasts). At least they get some index rules, but small consolation.

Thankfully I didn't pursue my cultist slaves to darkness idea. That would have sucked badly. 

3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

That's even worse. It means they won't be renewed. 

Maybe the ones making this list forgot that Night Runners existed. 

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1 minute ago, Whitefang said:

It’s so over

Well you did say BoC were going...and they are...real dissapointment tbh

At least I can get my hopes up about chaos dwarves and and Malerion dark elves one day?

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