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So, remember that dozen factions for Dawnbringers?

Book 1: Fyreslayers, Flesh Eater Courts, Gloomspite Gitz, Nurgle

Book 2: Ironjawz, Gloomspite Gitz 

Book 3: Stormcast Eternals, Sylvaneth

Book 4: Flesh Eater Courts, Soulblight Gravelords

Book 5: Daughters of Khaine, Cities of Sigmar

So that only leaves 2 more factions (which I presume will be Slaves to Darkness and Blades of Khorne for Her Highness in Ruin and Khorgos Khul).  Also makes me realize that so far after the first book every book has only ever given new models to two factions at a time. 

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

@MitGas, @Neil Arthur Hotep, @Clan's Cynic, @KingBrodd forgive me....... but if those Lumineth are what we can expect of the river/water caste..... I might have to keep both war bands instead of just buying the night haunt one off of eBay. I agree with @Gitzdee that the Pyregheists are a bit generic for a warband of fallen priests/monks and tomb robbers, but I do love them and will be including them in my undead legions regardless (lorewise this is what happens to the liche priests who fail my Tomb King and his Dynasty).

Yes the flames are fire. I think i just dont like the paint scheme very much. If i picture them like my own army i think i would like them much more. I was still looking for a last unit too fill out the last few points to a 2k army and these might be it. Although i am still waiting for new Hexwraiths, seems like i still have to wait a bit for those.

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Wow krethusa is so good, definitely want to get her box to expand off of my shadowstalkers warband. Already thinking of kitbashing some khinerai with the feathered wings from drukhari scourges. It's a shame the box has darkfire warlocks, that kit has aged incredibly poorly

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Very happy with what was shown. It answers one of the biggest questions I had about AoS in 2024. It looks like we're getting a 6 book series. That's great. Was very pleasantly surprised to see Callis and Toll dragging a squad along with them. Lady Verentia is the star of the show for me. The pet, the pose and the half mask all oose character. Awesome to see a new novel coming too even if it isn't written by Nick Horth.

The underworlds warband strongly reminds me of an AoS novel I'm currently reading. The crone is another great model. I really like her pose. 

Ever so slightly disappointed by the Kroot. I was hoping more a few more dynamic poses, and just a touch more integration with rest of the Tau range. I think I'm going to get a warshaper just to paint though. It's an awesome model. Even more Kroot on the way is interesting  as they've already pretty much covered every preexisting model except the big forge world stuff. 

The war cry units booth look very cool. I especially like the two heroes. 

I was also a bit disappointed with the solar auxilia. One of the things I liked about the resin models is that they really pushed the boat out in some unconventional directions with the giant telescope guy, the surgeon and the big fire axe unit. The new models look a touch too conventional. 

Overall I'm very happy with the show. I'm pretty convinced we're getting more than one Darkoath kit with book 6. That would be a pretty good way to sign off the edition. 

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29 minutes ago, Sception said:

Yeah, those seem like unreasonable expectations.  AoS 4 is still pretty far out to be pushing skaven previews, and while I get that some people think the old world faction line up means AoS is getting chaos dwarfs at some point, I think they're forgetting that Chaos Dwarfs were always a red-headed step child faction and it's entirely possible they won't be a supported faction for either game system.  Even if they do get an AoS faction release, I'd be shocked if it were this year, so while I could sort of get why people might have thought we'd see skaven, chaos dwarf expectations were totally unrealistic.

Chorfs have been confirmed by Whitefang. Nothing else to say :P

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7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Even more Kroot on the way is interesting  as they've already pretty much covered every preexisting model except the big forge world stuff. 

Kroot Hounds are still resin (besides the two that come with the Kroot Kill Team). 

Personally I'd want to see some evolved forms like this art:



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Yay kroot and the prospect of more kroot.🙂 That’s the winner here for me by a country mile.

The croneseer is a fantastic sculpt though. In a sense she’s a bit like Ushoran: a character that offers an alternative to the narrative dominance of their faction leader. Folks are finally getting at least something of the Death civil war they wanted and now it seems like you have a mysterious alternative to Morathi-Khaine being the only game in town for the disaffected DoK, who so far have only been mentioned in the background.

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11 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Very happy with what was shown. It answers one of the biggest questions I had about AoS in 2024. It looks like we're getting a 6 book series. That's great. Was very pleasantly surprised to see Callis and Toll dragging a squad along with them. Lady Verentia is the star of the show for me. The pet, the pose and the half mask all oose character. Awesome to see a new novel coming too even if it isn't written by Nick Horth.

The underworlds warband strongly reminds me of an AoS novel I'm currently reading. The crone is another great model. I really like her pose. 

Ever so slightly disappointed by the Kroot. I was hoping more a few more dynamic poses, and just a touch more integration with rest of the Tau range. I think I'm going to get a warshaper just to paint though. It's an awesome model. Even more Kroot on the way is interesting  as they've already pretty much covered every preexisting model except the big forge world stuff. 

The war cry units booth look very cool. I especially like the two heroes. 

I was also a bit disappointed with the solar auxilia. One of the things I liked about the resin models is that they really pushed the boat out in some unconventional directions with the giant telescope guy, the surgeon and the big fire axe unit. The new models look a touch too conventional. 

Overall I'm very happy with the show. I'm pretty convinced we're getting more than one Darkoath kit with book 6. That would be a pretty good way to sign off the edition. 

A medium size S2D/ Darkoath wave along with book 6 seems to be a very plausible closing ed release now.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

A medium size S2D/ Darkoath wave along with book 6 seems to be a very plausible closing ed release now.

This seems very likely now. If they stick with the pattern it could be small wave for Darkoath and a Khorne hero. This would also mean an end of edition army is very unlikely unless this wave is going to be the big closing of 3rd edition.

Edited by Gitzdee
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15 minutes ago, Chikout said:

... we're getting a 6 book series...

... Lady Verentia is the star of the show...

... Awesome to see a new novel ... even if it isn't written by Nick Horth....

... Ever so slightly disappointed by the Kroot. I was hoping more a few more dynamic poses... 

...I especially like the two [Warcry]  heroes...

... unconventional directions with the giant telescope guy, the surgeon and the big fire axe unit...

... I'm pretty convinced we're getting more than one Darkoath kit with book 6...

Literally me, 100% agree.

NB : the Solar Auxilia Fire Axe is an option in the elite plastic unit, apparently.

BTW I resisted buying the CoS Command Corp and the Blacktalon, but I WILL get the Saviors of Cinderfall for sure!

EDIT : you give me hope for Darkoath and book 6 ! Thank you :D


Edited by HorticulusTGA
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So, I'd say we're having Dawnbringers 6 on spring, with a bigger wave of minis, right? Alltho, I thought the theme for each of these books was one Grande Alliance? What IS the theme on Dawnbringers 5? Didnt we have an Order book already?

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I realized Callis and Toll can make a nice Free Guild Command Corps so long as your opponent is not overly concerned with base sizes.

Callis: Great Herald - An inspiring hero?
Toll: War Surgeon - His faith letting others recover from their wounds?
Lyssa Revenya: Whisper Blade - Rogue archtypes?
Mistress Verentia: Soul Shepherd - Cat replaces spirit?
Valius: Arch Knight - Big armoured knight?
Balthas - Gargoylian?

Okay, maybe if I knew more about Callis and Toll and their companions I could make this less of a stretch, but still a kind of cool option for these awesome models. Okay they might work better proxied as heroes but I am just really happy with how this unit turned out.

Edited by Neverchosen
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11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

A medium size S2D/ Darkoath wave along with book 6 seems to be a very plausible closing ed release now.

Oooo, so I'm guessing there'll be a Dawnbringer box with the Lady of Ruin and all new Darkoath minis?

Perhaps the Horsemen and some new Marauders. That'd be really nice. 

Edited by Black_Templar_Lad
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Now we're talking Darkoath wave, here's what I'd suspect would be in it:

*Her Highness in Ruin, special character.
*New hero: Darkoath Shaman. Less armoured counterpart to the Chaos Sorcerer Lord, maybe has a seperate spell lore based on tribal mysticism. The Darkoath Underworlds warbands and their Warcry warband already have shamans in them, it would naturally fit in. 

*New Marauders.

*New Horsemen.

*New Chariot: May be kind of a stretch, but it could fit in with the theme and the old Chaos Chariot/Gorebeast Chariot is beginning to show its age a little. 


Edited by BarakUrbaz
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Sylvaneth, LRL, DoK all getting significant kit support since their initial range launch as well as continued narrative focus.

IDK had no battletome or model release in all of 2nd edition. In 3rd they've had a battletome and a single foot hero.

They are the most neglected faction released specifically for AoS.

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Really good preview for me, but not particularly from an AoS stand point (although I really like both Warcry warbands). 40k actually won a reveal for once, and I really like the HH stuff. 

I’ve not liked that shadow effect they do any time they’ve tried it and I’m a bit nervous for Shadow Aelves now. 

Edited by Still-young
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