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Nothing for Dawnbringers 4, with two Regiments of Renown still MIA, the Morghast Rumor still unsolved, and the two Warcry warbands were IMO not very inspired, especially off the heels of the previous 4 which were all hits. Dawnbringers 5 also isn't Chaos focused either, and the main character is confined to Hammerhall, so what's up with that? If you aren't into the Horus Heresy, this was half pointless.

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Initial Thoughts: This felt tailor made to my tastes and I really enjoyed all the reveals, but it is making me really wonder what to do in terms of collecting. But I know after the hype dies down that Callis and Toll are likely the only purchase I will make and I think they were my favourites of the evening.

Kill Team Nightmare:
The Mandrakes are spectacular and make me so excited to see Malerion as well as the future of Dark Eldar. The Chaos Side is neat, I will be excited to see them in another colour scheme as I don’t love the Nightlord paint scheme for some reason, (I don’t hate it either just indifferent). The terrain piece is pretty nice and I love the current Kill Team setting, but I think I will probably skip out on this set as I would be far too tempted to start both CSM and Dark Eldar.

Both sides are unbelievable, the Lumineth are really fantastically posed and have some cool aesthetics but those Nighthaunt are next level. The terrain piece is great but I also feel like it is not as interactive as I would like for Warcry. But a great addition to the Warcry season and the models are terrific.

This is all I ever wanted in 40k! I love Tau, and Kroot are the main reason why! These sculpts update them in such a wonderful way and this could easily see me joining the greater good.

Croneseer, that feels like such an iconographic representation of why I love AOS. A high fantasy being that feels somehow dark and also heroically mythological. Daughters of Khaine are the coolest Order army and this model gives a lot of variation that will open them up thematically.

Callis and Toll have helped convince me to focus my City on Cultists and this set will be the basis of my Five Leagues from Borderlands Warband. Plus it gives me a new Stormcast hero so it clearly is a good investment. 

Gravebreakers are fantastic sculpts, the one leaning on the shovel is such a mood that I can feel in my bones. The lore behind these models is also pretty cool.

Horus Heresy:
Wait, isn’t this the Space Marine game? These are unbelievably fantastic models and are way more interesting to me than anything else i have seen for HH and I like more than either Imperial Guard or Space Marines. Love the retro-futuristic look and would love to see them Chaosified or Genestealered up

Overall: I think that this honestly felt like it could have been directed towards me personally but I need to be more focused with my purchases going forward. I think that my big question is wether I sell my unbuilt Chaos Knights in order to fund a Kroot/Tau army?

Edited by Neverchosen
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Man it looks like Kroot took a lot of rumor engine. The Kroot ones that were resolved right now:


This sword is most likely Kroot, but based of looking at the new cav pictures way too long lol it's just not one of the ones revealed tonight. Sorry!




These are most likely future kroot:






Edited by RyantheFett
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Ok, compared with previous dawnbringers releases V seems a bit a let of a letdown. 30k/40k had some impressive previews. Also not a huge fan of the Croneseer? Is she a character for CoS or DoK?

Edit: For Death this seems a bit of a letdown. Hopefully ther Dawnbringers 6 with lots of Chaos!

Edited by Tonhel
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Love the croneseer, the Lumineth, and Callis and Toll. Adore the new Kroot. Liked the new ghosts even though they're not usually my jam. Meh on the zombies, could not care less about the HH stuff. All-in-all a very good review that is very bad news for my wallet.

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- 40k & HH : lovely kits (cool Kroots and human infantry), interesting variations. Next.

- KT : 😡 Not only is the Mandrakes an uninventive plastic copy-paste, but they even stole Khainite Shadow Stalker assets AND TZEENTCH DAEMON HAND FIRE RUMOR ENGINE 😡 

- WHU : After the Electric Zombie, the Beast Bones Zombie ! Lovely team.

- Warcry : FANTASTIC, the River Harlequins are cool, not too over the top yet distinctive, great helmets. And old bit of lore from AOS 1 made into plastic with the Fire Ghosts, nice. The Slaan Statue will be a fine addition to my collection *cough*

- AOS : unexpected but very nice. The Crow Lady, cool, but the Cinderfalls Saviors, REALLY cool : mostly the Stormcast Key Guy and the Cat Spy Lady : she is the winner of the show for me.

Only disappointment : no Chaos, no Darkoath...

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Initial thoughts: not a lot shown but I think what was shown was pretty good.

40k stuff was actually okay. Mandrakes are about as good as HD remake of horrible old kit gets, most of the Kroot are pretty cool, apart from the Rampagers which are awesome. The 30k stuff, even when it's not just more Space Marines, is just so boring.

Warcry: I like the Nighthaunt a lot. I kinda like the Lumineth although the basic guys with no face masks seem a bit boring. It seems we're sticking with the warbands and terrain being 2 seperate boxes which gaurantees I'm not buying them. Will wait to add the NH to my collection when they are sold individually.

Underworlds: I really like this warband. Like, a lot. Really cool crossover between Ghur and the normal Necromance/Zombies set up, there's a bunch of nice stuff in there and much better than what I was expecting.

Dawnbringers: The Croneseer I really like. I'm totally unbothered by the 'I don't like Morathi angle', it's going in my collection when it gets released individually because the box with Doomfires and Aelf infantry is boring as ******.

Saviours of Cinderfall are kinda okay. There is some okay little bits on their (I like that they seem to have keys all over the place) but this isn't the kind of thing I get excited for.

Was dissapointing not to see any more of what will come in DB 4, which maybe suggests their is little more to come in the way of new models for that, although they do sometimes show new models literally days after a preview event so who knows... maybe a slither of hope left for that Morghast hero still. DB5 being a book diving in to the low level underbelly of Hammerhall sounds kinda interesting, but not really for me. I guess that means we're getting at least 6 DB books which will take us through to the end of the edition or at least when Skaven get shown in March/April ish.

Edited by mojojojo101
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Although there weren’t really any big models for AoS I can rate this show higly.

Kill Team

Night Lords

These models are really impressive, looking scary and cool at the same time. Only thing I would get rid off are the bat wings on the helmets and those models without them look more serious but I get that’s their hallmark.


Oh, they are so good. I would really want to see them in Malerion’s forces (or DoK). That’s what I love about Dark Elves – shadowy, lean figures, long hair, mean faces, magic and cruel weapons. I think of picking them up to use them somehow in AoS as a proxy.


Not really. Just a large piece of factory that will be close to useless unless you own some other terrain already. Compare it to Nachmund release.



Good job here. GW managed to twist NH a bit without losing their identity, though it would be better to alter them more. Commander will be a great proxy for most AoS NH Heroes.Flaming gheists are both scary and cool as NL before.

River Lumineth

Cool weapons, Friday the 13th masks, dynamic poses, I’m not sure I like the body armor though.


Same as with the Kill Team one. Unless you already own a lot of other WarCry terrain it’s pretty useless as a starter. But the model itself is great.


I own like 1k points of Tau, pure mechs and fireteams and to be honest I’m skipping on this release. I always thought that Core Tau and Kroot mix as well as Eldar and Orkz – they just don’t. I know the lore, I understand how Kroot are part of the T’au Empire but they don’t fit in my sense of aesthetics. I will just expand my Tau with more mechs.

Kretusa the Croneseer

ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL. She’s the definition of how DoK should look like. Mysterious, dark, lean, cool. Just looking at her makes me respect her. Definitely buying the model even if it’s only shelf decoration.


Well done. I was looking for some “normal” zombies (can zombies be normal?). Despite being an interesting team, we have a new Necromancer model which is so much better than the old one. Three zombies and at least one of them can proxy the CC zombie hero (Gorslav was his name?) And lastly nice monster model. This team is on my list.

Witch Hunters

I’m not familiar with the books and don’t know which one’s which, but to be honest I like two of these models – witch hunter with the lantern wearing a hat and the old Lady with a cat – better the Belladona. Other models not really.


Infantry is boring but the tanks are great models. If I was Astra player I would definitely buy into those.


Great show all in all. Really enjoyed it. Nice that we had a first glimpse of River Elves, some great AoS models and a few 40k ones. It will end up in me doing more shopping than I expected.

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1 minute ago, Garrac said:

So, aparently a lot of people watching LVO were expecting skavens and chorfs, and now are made at GW. ¿¿¿¿¿?????

Yeah, those seem like unreasonable expectations.  AoS 4 is still pretty far out to be pushing skaven previews, and while I get that some people think the old world faction line up means AoS is getting chaos dwarfs at some point, I think they're forgetting that Chaos Dwarfs were always a red-headed step child faction and it's entirely possible they won't be a supported faction for either game system.  Even if they do get an AoS faction release, I'd be shocked if it were this year, so while I could sort of get why people might have thought we'd see skaven, chaos dwarf expectations were totally unrealistic.

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Absolutely in love with the croneseer! Would not have expected to see new models for the beloved murder elves so soon.

I agree with @Neverchosen that this opens a new interesting design space for Daughters. I also like the implications on Daughters lore. It was already foreshadowed, but now we know that the followers of Morai Heg are back. Gives more rebellous forces a new god to flock (he he) to.

Only downside is the box Krethusa comes in. Well enough time to paint my remaining DoK models until she is released solo :D

Edited by foxicious
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Gave it some time- Final thoughts:

Kill Team: Mandrakes look good, Night Lords were already revealed so I do not really care that much about them anymore. The terrain is whatever. Wouldn't be buying it anyways.

Warcry: They didn't push the idea of the ghosts far enough. The fire seems a bit like an afterthought, and I could've sworn I've seen them before. The Lumineth looked bland and I'm suddenly very glad that it wasn't versus Ossiarchs because I'd have to find someone to resell them to and that's more trouble than I care to give the Lumineth. The Big Head is great though, I find it funny for reasons I cannot articulate.

40k: The Kroot look okay, but I don't care much for 40k. No real notes here.

AoS: It's a bit early to be revealing Dawnbringers 5 when we don't even know everything that's coming with Dawnbringers 4, unless it's just the FEC range refresh and the Snake Lady, in which case I'm extremely disappointed! The new DoK mini looks fine, but I'm not interested enough to buy it even for the sake of allying it into my Idoneth, and Callis, Toll, and Friends aren't enough to spark my interest either- I've not read any of their books and hold no attachment to their faction. Good for their fans though.

Horus Heresy: I genuinely do not care.

Overall? I was not particularly whelmed by this reveal. Especially with the Warcry warbands following up the Fyreslayers, Kruleboyz, CoS, and Gorgers, this just wasn't it.

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River Temple Lumineth look fantastic, definitely picking that up.

Skaven or Chaos Dwarves for this reveal are completely unrealistic, not sure why anyone would think they'd see them here. They're not going to release Chaos Dwarves/any new faction this late in the edition with 4E coming, and the 4E stuff won't be shown off until Adepticon if we follow 40k/etc.

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On 1/9/2024 at 1:49 PM, Thaliontil said:

image.png.811fe04912b42e1071fc71db633b2702.pngLumineth spirit of the river with its tail unfolded

As previously said here, behold the spirit of the river.

Jokes aside, I think it was a great preview. I am a bit disappointed for Ossiarch players, I really thought that we would get more minis for book IV today. The Morai-Heg is great and Callis and Toll + Retinue are impressive, but it is true that book IV feels a bit underwhelming right now.

As for the rest, stunning Kroot (I have never been a fan of theirs, I prefer O'Shovah and the whole armoury of Tau) and great models all around. And I definitely think that we are going to get a book VI of Dawnbringers to tie with 4th edition and bring the forces of chaos.

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I was really hoping for more Undead releases from the Dawnbringers campaign.  I know, I know, the entire new FEC range, but that's more of a normal faction release/refresh with a new battletome, and the exciting aspect of Dawnbringers was the opportunity to release new models that didn't have to be tied to a faction release.

And there are so many notable gaps in the undead ranges in AoS - Grave Guard, Cavalry vamp lord, faction terrain, and endless spells for soulblight.  Faction terrain & monster for nighthaunts - along with updates to the painfully dated Cairne Wraith, Tomb Banshee, and Hexwraiths.  that rumour engined new morghast for OBR that now probably isn't coming out for another year or two, not to mention the long wished for mortek archers

But it looks like the only undead release for dawnbringers outside of the fec release (which, again, was very impressive, but also is a normal and frankly long overdue faction update with book, not something that required dawnbringers to happen), is ~yet another~ named vampire foot hero.  A fairly cool one sure, but still literally the last thing the game needed.


Eh, maybe I'm just feeling excessively negative since I really was expecting the morghast from this preview and it didn't happen.  It's not like there weren't any undead previews tonight, the side game models looked cool at least.  I should go back to sleep.

Edited by Sception
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These reveals were phenomenal. Seeing so many new Kroot after this long is amazing. The bow for the Warshaper ❤️

I feel I need those Lumineth because warrior monk aelves looking awesome and dynamic.

I was not expecting a Blacktalon style box for Callis and Toll but thrilled to see it.

Then my issue with DoK is how brainwashed they are and I really want more from those who do not trust Morathi. MAAAAN. What an incredible model that stole the show for me and fits that role. Want is an understatement I NEED it.

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