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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:


My hype swells for you mate!! Youre dream is coming true Im as hyped for your reaction as I am to see the minis themselves!!

I dub the 18th of November...NEHEKHARA DAY!!

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1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

I think people forget Halloween is one day and not a *season*, it's also not a big thing here in the UK. 

It's like when people expected a full Skaven relaunch during the Chinese year of the rat. 

People also forget that they did begin to tease FEC on Halloween itself too. And that we're a small part of the fanbase who follow hints and rumours, unlike most AoS players who don't and will have seen that and gotten excited.

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1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Also has the exact Votann cybernetic hand. Find it pretty funny how some Rumor Engines nobody can figure out while others are almost a joke with how easy they are lol.



I honestly kinda love that about the rumour engine, the community figuring out exactly what faction things are for is cool. But it's also cool seeing something you have no idea what it is that gets people coming up with really wild stuff lol.

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3 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

Halloween isn't as big here in the UK, but we do at least observe it. Unlike thanksgiving which I think is just an American thing. I think most brits would struggle to even tell you when that was, much less plan marketing around it?

Considering Halloween is a Americanized version of a European religious holiday and thanksgiving is about the American (well English) colonist eating with the natives it makes sense.

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Awww man, really sad news, after weeks of such great news, that Thomas Elliot left. 😞


Here’s his deviantart page if anyone wants to look at more of his stuff or even try supporting his work.


Truly wishing him the best going forward, was looking like he was gonna be the big cover artist going forward with his rich eldritch works propping up the epicness of AoS2’s end, AoS3’s climb to success and AoS4’s launch.

Will be interesting to see what the cover arts will look like in the near future, from what I can tell there’s still considerable talent on their payroll. (Honestly wouldn’t mind some steps sideways to how AoS1 art just commissioned anyone it could, some fun experimental results that way which I thought worked with the Realms cosmically varied nature)

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I'm excited by the tomb king release, if only to have access to the sphinx, stalkers and necropolis knights (the necrosphinx being in my top five minatures ever made).

I am ready to be dissapointed, based off the Bretonnian preview, that we are unlikely to see an updated settra, queen, tomb scorpion, screaming skull catapult, casket of souls, bone giant or carrion.

I really hope the very very aged skeleton warriors and chariots are updated. I do not feel they stand the test of time and were already outdated 20 years ago (unlike the Bretonnian men at arms, bowmen and knights).

Would be interesting to see what is released, likely a new liche priest.

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31 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Awww man, really sad news, after weeks of such great news, that Thomas Elliot left. 😞


Damn. He was a paragon of Warhammer art for AoS. Just so everyone knows, he's the guy that did the outstanding covers for the 3rd Ed core book, the Ogre tome, the Dok tomes, and the pinnacle of artistry that has yet to be toppled, the Soulblight cover. And of course others...

With him gone I'm slightly concerned about the art we'll see going forward.

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1 hour ago, Stormy1486 said:

I'm excited by the tomb king release, if only to have access to the sphinx, stalkers and necropolis knights (the necrosphinx being in my top five minatures ever made).

I am ready to be dissapointed, based off the Bretonnian preview, that we are unlikely to see an updated settra, queen, tomb scorpion, screaming skull catapult, casket of souls, bone giant or carrion.

I really hope the very very aged skeleton warriors and chariots are updated. I do not feel they stand the test of time and were already outdated 20 years ago (unlike the Bretonnian men at arms, bowmen and knights).

Would be interesting to see what is released, likely a new liche priest.

Hastings trusted rumormonger said 2 plastic kits : Tomb king on chariot and a new unit of Sand mummies. Plus a couple of FW resin heroes ( we have seen already tomb king on foot) .

but i think it is better to talk about this on the Old world thread .






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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Awww man, really sad news, after weeks of such great news, that Thomas Elliot left. 😞


Here’s his deviantart page if anyone wants to look at more of his stuff or even try supporting his work.


Truly wishing him the best going forward, was looking like he was gonna be the big cover artist going forward with his rich eldritch works propping up the epicness of AoS2’s end, AoS3’s climb to success and AoS4’s launch.

Will be interesting to see what the cover arts will look like in the near future, from what I can tell there’s still considerable talent on their payroll. (Honestly wouldn’t mind some steps sideways to how AoS1 art just commissioned anyone it could, some fun experimental results that way which I thought worked with the Realms cosmically varied nature)

That's a real shame, I didn't know about Dainton and Moss too; wonder if GW still use freelance illustrators or everything is just in-house these day. From stuff I've heard from Peachy's podcast they really do rely on your passion for the setting to keep you there. Here's one of my favourite pieces from Dainton.image.png.a96282f24468571c553e17a1bdbe85d4.png

Edited by Luperci
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1 hour ago, Stormy1486 said:

I'm excited by the tomb king release, if only to have access to the sphinx, stalkers and necropolis knights (the necrosphinx being in my top five minatures ever made).

I am ready to be dissapointed, based off the Bretonnian preview, that we are unlikely to see an updated settra, queen, tomb scorpion, screaming skull catapult, casket of souls, bone giant or carrion.

I really hope the very very aged skeleton warriors and chariots are updated. I do not feel they stand the test of time and were already outdated 20 years ago (unlike the Bretonnian men at arms, bowmen and knights).

Would be interesting to see what is released, likely a new liche priest.

Imo TOW is not about renewing much minis, but about putting the old ones back for sale.

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32 minutes ago, Luperci said:

That's a real shame, I didn't know about Dainton and Moss too; wonder if GW still use freelance illustrators or everything is just in-house these day. From stuff I've heard from Peachy's podcast they really do rely on your passion for the setting to keep you there. Here's one of my favourite pieces from Dainton.image.png.a96282f24468571c553e17a1bdbe85d4.png

Going by this article a few months back it looks like they want to leverage both more in-house and freelancers.


The Citadel Illustrator will be “responsible for helping to develop briefs, create concepts and produce finished detailed, fantastical illustrations for a variety of different print formats” for Warhammer 40k, according to the job listing. That will include creating the artwork for new Warhammer 40k codexes and box sets, bringing the many Warhammer 40k factions to life.

Candidates will need to be skilled at figure drawing and painting, according to the job listing, which adds that the team works “predominantly in digital media, most commonly Photoshop”.

The Art Manager role is a brand new post that will lead GW’s in-house Warhammer 40k illustration team, as well as coordinating with freelancers. According to the job listing, Games Workshop is looking for “an experienced creative leader used to managing high performing art or design teams” for the role.


Don’t be put off applying if you’ve never had a professional job as an illustrator. During our interview with former Warhammer TV presenter Louise Sugden, she explained how she began her career with Games Workshop as a Forge World illustrator straight out of university. The new map of Warhammer: The Old World was one of her very first projects.“


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I loved the recent AoS art very much, i also like to see a different style to fresh things up. No better time to do this to be honest with 4th edition closing in. I loved the whfb style that look like work of the old masters too. Cant wait to see what new talent can bring to the table. 

Edit: I would love to see some John Howe artstyle next.

Edited by Gitzdee
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I wonder if the retirement of John Blanche had anything to do with the recent exodus. The good news is that we still have at least a year of art from these artists to look forward to. 

It's definitely sad to see them go though. 3rd edition AoS art has been great. 


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4 hours ago, lele said:

i heard rumour somewhere, is that King Sigmar will be back, will have Sigmar model in AOS 4.0?

My feeling is no. There's two big hurdles for including Sigmar in game: (i) power and (ii) getting the mini right.

For (i), Sigmar is generally portrayed as being a step about the current god tier models, being perhaps on a par with the Chaos gods (or closer at least). How do you give rules to something like that when already the god models are typically 1/3 - 1/2 of a 2000pts army. Also if you get the rules wrong for the namesake god of your setting (and past experience days it's very easy to get god rules wrong) it's not a good look.

For (ii), you really can't afford to have the mini for Sigmar not be near perfect. Imagine if GW released a Celestant Prime like mini for the namesake god of their game. That would make a lot of people unhappy.

Still, if there's money in it I don't think it's impossible. If even go as far as to say it'll almost certainly happen eventually. I just hope that day is a long time into the future, and that GW gets it right when they do.

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