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In an instant, each crouched hunter shot forth, propelled by hooves, feet and wood-coated claws.

So looking over the story again for hints, yeaaaaaaah. Hooves are obviously for centaurs, or also fauns I suppose. Wood-coated claws are tradtional sylvaneth, (even revenants don't have feet!) and feet, well...that would be for characters like Qualthis. So it's covering all bases there.

If we get a warband, I'm kinda hoping it's more in the vein of Gorgers or Chameleons, basically a coherent unit that's made to be played in AoS as much as warcry, instead of a kitchen sink of Kurnothi types, because frankly I'm greedy and I want multiple Kurnothi units with this just being the first teaser. Give me a centaur warband with maybe a pet or two and then some infantry kits down the line.

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So it appears that the carrion king is imprisoned in the North of ghyran by the OBR and they are seeking reinforcements to help hold him. At the same time the Wild hunt is heading north and I would say the ghyran dawnbringer crusade is also heading in that direction. With OBR calling for reinforcements this would certainly attract the attention of the lumineth to find out what's going on so would introduce them into the dawnbringer story if rumours of a warcry warband for them are true. 

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2 minutes ago, Baz said:

Il semblerait donc que le roi charognard soit emprisonné au nord de Ghyran par l'OBR et que ceux-ci recherchent des renforts pour l'aider à le retenir. En même temps, la chasse sauvage se dirige vers le nord et je dirais que la croisade des porteurs de l'aube ghyran se dirige également dans cette direction. Avec OBR appelant des renforts, cela attirerait certainement l'attention des lumineth pour découvrir ce qui se passe et les introduirait ainsi dans l'histoire de Dawnbringer si les rumeurs d'une bande de guerre pour eux sont vraies. 

would you saying the Ghyranite crusade will be drop out with Sylvaneths hunting and all forces of Cities and Stormcast focus the Aqshyan crusade to win/save her ?

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2 minutes ago, Baz said:

So it appears that the carrion king is imprisoned in the North of ghyran by the OBR and they are seeking reinforcements to help hold him. At the same time the Wild hunt is heading north and I would say the ghyran dawnbringer crusade is also heading in that direction. With OBR calling for reinforcements this would certainly attract the attention of the lumineth to find out what's going on so would introduce them into the dawnbringer story if rumours of a warcry warband for them are true. 

I wonder if Sir Jerrion and the other forces the FEC seem to be gathering from the plague wasted villages in Ghyran are also trapped there or are scuttling around behind the Ossiarch lines waiting to strike and free the Summer King?

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Just now, Danaork said:

would you saying the Ghyranite crusade will be drop out with Sylvaneths hunting and all forces of Cities and Stormcast focus the Aqshyan crusade to win/save her ?

Well we know one crusade will succeed and one will fail. Maybe the one that fails is the one heading to the mortarch of FEC?

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2 minutes ago, Baz said:

Well we know one crusade will succeed and one will fail. Maybe the one that fails is the one heading to the mortarch of FEC?

I think that was the consensus from the beginning, the named CoS characters and a bunch of other heavy hitters are the ones fighting for the Aqashy crusade while the Ghyran crusade is being led by a basically a rando straight into the big FEC threat that was hinted at from the first dawnbringer book. We could always get a curveball though, and personally I would rather get a new Ghyran city than an Aqashy one.

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4 minutes ago, Baz said:

Well we know one crusade will succeed and one will fail. Maybe the one that fails is the one heading to the mortarch of FEC?

I don’t think Ushoran will be getting Mortarchhood without some EXTREMELY heavy lifting. He despises Nagash, the title can only be bestowed by Nagash (Who is currently dead, but getting better), and he’s imprisoned by Nagash’s closest thing to a personal army. The better question is: How long have they been imprisoning him, and if it’s a long time, why is he still alive? Killing him and offering up his head would probably be the only way to make Nagash actually happy and Katakros would absolutely be down for that. 

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Well that story made a lot of interesting reading.. very excited by the main character being a centaur.. not holding my breath but good to see an animalistic kurnothi featured. I'd love a Warband of centaurs,fauns and wild elves but can't see it happening anytime soon. The Ossiarchs being involved with the containment of the Carrion Lord sounds interesting- Death vDeath clash!

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Pretty sure I've heard in interviews with black library authors that GW generally push for any writing to reference existing models and not invent anything too new, so I would think this centaur unit for sylvaneth is more of a when than if. Don't think it'll be the warcry warband though, as others have said Whitefang hinted towards the elf faction by LRL.

Maybe they were meant to come with Belthanos then got pushed back for some reason?

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1 hour ago, Adamcbutton said:

Most Warcry warbands this season have had a ‘pet’ of sorts. I could see OBR having some kind of dog/hyena-like constructs.

Leg-to-tactical_skull size ratio, this might be an OBR 'pet', though the Plaguebearer skull, unless it's random, might indicate a Ghyran setting (for Warcry or Underworlds). The base might also be fully sculpted, as in Underworlds.

The Rumour Engine – 19th September 2023 : r/ageofsigmar

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4 minutes ago, Hawke said:

Pretty sure I've heard in interviews with black library authors that GW generally push for any writing to reference existing models and not invent anything too new, so I would think this centaur unit for sylvaneth is more of a when than if. Don't think it'll be the warcry warband though, as others have said Whitefang hinted towards the elf faction by LRL.

Maybe they were meant to come with Belthanos then got pushed back for some reason?

In the briardark book they call upon nagash version of witch huners and the order of azyr, the nagashi templars that  hunt down chaos and threats etc that would be cool to get models. Would work perfect for an underworlds or warcry warband.

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7 minutes ago, Hawke said:

Pretty sure I've heard in interviews with black library authors that GW generally push for any writing to reference existing models and not invent anything too new, so I would think this centaur unit for sylvaneth is more of a when than if. Don't think it'll be the warcry warband though, as others have said Whitefang hinted towards the elf faction by LRL.

Maybe they were meant to come with Belthanos then got pushed back for some reason?

Kurnothi are a weird case, since they've been extensively referenced in AoS and BL lore since late 2019 when Beastgrave came out with Skaeths wild hunt. There are multiple black library short stories centered on Kurnothi characters, even. It's the slowest of slow roll-outs, punctuated by a trickle of actual models and constant but slow development of Kurnouth as a god that gets increasing focus in Sylvaneth lore and models. But yes, this whole short story is definitely describing a particular model. I won't be surprised to see a centaur with one arm replaced by wood/vines even.

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10 minutes ago, Hawke said:

Pretty sure I've heard in interviews with black library authors that GW generally push for any writing to reference existing models and not invent anything too new, so I would think this centaur unit for sylvaneth is more of a when than if. Don't think it'll be the warcry warband though, as others have said Whitefang hinted towards the elf faction by LRL.

Maybe they were meant to come with Belthanos then got pushed back for some reason?

Or maybe they will set up to be the adversaries of the FEC and come later, Belthanos seems quite interested in the reports of a Carrion King. I still think that Kurnoth could arrive at the ned of 3rd edition as the rite of life ends, although I've seen nothing to suggest this. 

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2 hours ago, madmac said:

Well in theory, an all elf-centaur warband vs an all-mounted (or all centaur constructs?) OBR warband would be a fitting matchup, but yeah I doubt it. Warcry hasn't ventured into Cav units at all yet, much less two all-mounted bands, and there's not enough information to say one way or the other yet.

Warcry does have rules for the kruleboyz killaboss on great gnashtoof, there's also the centaurion marshal. Could be more I can't remember off the top of my head

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1 hour ago, Luperci said:

Warcry does have rules for the kruleboyz killaboss on great gnashtoof, there's also the centaurion marshal. Could be more I can't remember off the top of my head

Warcry has rules for a lot of mounted models, both heroes and plain cavalry, but (with the exception of the marshal, who I believe plays as a monster?) none of them have been warcry specific sculpts as of yet, though that could change, of course, there are specific 'mounted' rules in the system.

Edited by Lucentia
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3 hours ago, Baz said:

Well we know one crusade will succeed and one will fail. Maybe the one that fail is the one heading to the mortarch of FEC?

I've been thinking a lot about this. What if this was just a "joke" in the end and either both fails or both succeed?

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With the rumors circling around the idea of 5 Dawnbringer books instead of 4, I'm curious to see which the next will be. There's been such a constant teasing for The Summer King, it's hard to imagine him being anything other than the finale. But we also have mentions of widespread Khornate mobilization. 

I'm wondering if the next book will be the Summer King, but the final, semi-secret 5th book will be Khorgas Khul's ascendance, bringing him back into the lore in a major way. This would pave a path for the alleged Vandus remaster--the two being rivals. OR...

...I know everyone has basically decided that the 4th edition box will be SC vs Skaven...but what if it's a revamp of the 1st edition box? Resculpted Vandus, prosecutors, liberators, etc., vs. Ascended Khul?

Just some interesting thought experiments.

Edited by Mutton
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