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10 hours ago, Marcvs said:

On the subject of Orruk Warclans, and putting on the "full speculation hat" (may or may not includ tinfoil), the feeling with

  • The "Orruk Warclans" vanguard box being ready to be repackaged as Kruleboyz vanguard box.
  • The number of Ironjawz warscrolls now being sufficient for a full battletome
  • Bonesplitterz being largely ignored in rules, narrative, and releases

is that we are ready to see separate battletomes for IJ and KB in 4th, with a sad farewell to Bonesplitterz

This is not bad speculation. There are two other reasons to skip the Bonsplitterz too:

  • Models aged and need replacement.
  • Very hard to write them without unfortunate racial implications. It was admittedly even worse back in WHFB when savage orcs often were from the Southlands ("Africa"), did a lot of tribal drumming and dancing, and were... well, less civilized than standard orcs. While the Bonesplitterz are less blatant than that, the memory still lingers - at the same time as it's easy to understand why they got rid of the category "black orcs." In general, GW are attempting to tune in to more modern sensibilities, and maybe that means some of the stereotypical bits from WHFB ought to go.

Hence, I guess the Bonesplitterz are in a bit of a Slaanesh situation: either GW has to come up with a way to reinvent them that isn't too offensive, or they might consider dropping them entirely.

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7 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Anyone else just seen the KO army of renown leaks in THWG stream? 

Thunderers can fire twice in every phase, (so yeah that means two lots of unleash hell), and can catch a ride on the gunhauler. There's 4+ rallies/rezzing boats and 5+ wards.

Hoping that troggs, pigs and sons all have broken rules too xD

It's not quite that bad. They can fire a second time if they roll a 4+. The rally and wards and board rezzing are all  command traits so they can only do one of them. Rezzing a boat is on a 6+. 

That said it does feel like they decided to compress all the most unpopular rules of the edition into one subfaction. 

I still don't see this dominating the top tables at tournaments though. The armies of renown have to use their own battle tactics and grand strategies which in KO's don't seem to be super easy. They don't get the sky port rules and they don't get the code. They have a different version of the transport rule. They never count as being embarked so they don't get those defensive bonuses. 

I think it's going to be an NPE army but not a tournament winning one. 

Edit I just read it again. The 5+ ward is a bonus to the all out defense command ability. So you get +1 save and the ward. They also have an artifact that gives a 12inch 4+ spell ignore. They could be pretty tanky especially in the blizzard world that we all live in now. 

Edited by Chikout
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4 hours ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

This is not bad speculation. There are two other reasons to skip the Bonsplitterz too:

  • Models aged and need replacement.
  • Very hard to write them without unfortunate racial implications. It was admittedly even worse back in WHFB when savage orcs often were from the Southlands ("Africa"), did a lot of tribal drumming and dancing, and were... well, less civilized than standard orcs. While the Bonesplitterz are less blatant than that, the memory still lingers - at the same time as it's easy to understand why they got rid of the category "black orcs." In general, GW are attempting to tune in to more modern sensibilities, and maybe that means some of the stereotypical bits from WHFB ought to go.

Hence, I guess the Bonesplitterz are in a bit of a Slaanesh situation: either GW has to come up with a way to reinvent them that isn't too offensive, or they might consider dropping them entirely.

Maybe its just me but i always thought of them as just caveman style. They got the whole flinstones thing going on.

While i do understand some of the arguments agains Bonesplitterz i also think they have a few things going for them. They represent the spiritual side of orruks. They would have to ignore 3 editions of lore. They arent just a subfaction, they had their own tome at one point. I also think they dont have any real value in ToW. Its just a few warscrolls if they go with the WHFB profiles. Imho they should stick with the regular orcs for ToW. I rather see bonesplitterz updated or integrated in the other subfactions instead of just simply removed if gw decides to do that. I love the underworlds warband, they could definitely design more where that come from.

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4 hours ago, Chikout said:

It's not quite that bad. They can fire a second time if they roll a 4+. The rally and wards and board rezzing are all  command traits so they can only do one of them. Rezzing a boat is on a 6+. 

That said it does feel like they decided to compress all the most unpopular rules of the edition into one subfaction. 

I still don't see this dominating the top tables at tournaments though. The armies of renown have to use their own battle tactics and grand strategies which in KO's don't seem to be super easy. They don't get the sky port rules and they don't get the code. They have a different version of the transport rule. They never count as being embarked so they don't get those defensive bonuses. 

I think it's going to be an NPE army but not a tournament winning one. 

Edit I just read it again. The 5+ ward is a bonus to the all out defense command ability. So you get +1 save and the ward. They also have an artifact that gives a 12inch 4+ spell ignore. They could be pretty tanky especially in the blizzard world that we all live in now. 

Completely agree. But that's worst than trying to achieve 5-0. An army that just make the games unfun to play is exactly the worst thing.

Btw, I hope that this detachments are not part of 4.0. A KO army without subfactions or the Code is a big red flag in my book. I want to have fun when I write my list and when I play it.

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

Maybe its just me but i always thought of them as just caveman style. They got the whole flinstones thing going on.

While i do understand some of the arguments agains Bonesplitterz i also think they have a few things going for them. They represent the spiritual side of orruks. They would have to ignore 3 editions of lore. They arent just a subfaction, they had their own tome at one point. I also think they dont have any real value in ToW. Its just a few warscrolls if they go with the WHFB profiles. Imho they should stick with the regular orcs for ToW. I rather see bonesplitterz updated or integrated in the other subfactions instead of just simply removed if gw decides to do that. I love the underworlds warband, they could definitely design more where that come from.

Ignoring editions of lore is not a problem. Just check what happened with CoS.

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6 hours ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

Very hard to write them without unfortunate racial implications.

Eh, I mean they still write stupid characters like Orcs, Trolls and Gargants with working class regional accents from the South of England. 

As someone brought up in that environment, and struggling with the stigma of my accent for most of my white collar career, I find it pretty offensive tbh. 

GW still has a long way to go.

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Bonesplitterz represents Gorkamorka unified while the other two side of warclans represents Gork and Mork.

The underworld warband seems an experiment about some new ideas.

The caveman style seems the way to go,it fits well the destruction as whole and the shamanistic side of them.

I don't think gw will eliminate them,they're more integrated in the orruk lore and aesthethic than the cities elf/dwarf side in cos.

Also bonesplitterz were not cobbled together with other orruk like the cities whfb armies were.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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The harbringer book mentions rules for four themed armies of renown, each with new allegiance abilities: 
Trugg's Troggherd, 
the Grunta Stampede, 
King Brodd's Stomp, 
and the Grundstok Expeditionary Force

Now there's preorder for the Trugg's Troggherd. Is there any word if these other armies of renown come to preorder? Didn't all four sets come at once with the first harbringer book? 😀

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9 minutes ago, DragonRider said:

Now there's preorder for the Trugg's Troggherd. Is there any word if these other armies of renown come to preorder? Didn't all four sets come at once with the first harbringer book?

The rules are in the books, but Trugg's has their own "starter box" for his army of renown. Sadly, there is'nt any "army of renown starter box" appart from Truggs.

That's all

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1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

So, are armies of renown basically new subfactions for a specific army (I assume they will appear in the next armybook for all that get them if that's the case), or can they be taken in other armies like Regiments of Renown too?

Not exactly.

They remove all your battle traits (remember that subfactions are part of the battle traits too), enhancements, grand strategies, battle tactics and Core Battalions. And your army gain a new set of battle traits, new artifacts, commands traits, maybe monstruous rampage, Grand Strategies, Battle Tactics, etc...

But there are some conditions to use this "armies of renown". Grundstock Expedition Force only allows to sue Grundstock Gunhaulers, Grundstock thunderers and any heroe that is not unique.

Grundstock Expedition Force swaps The Code and all Subfactions for:

  •  4+ to double shoot (at -1 to hit) for all units (generic heroes, Gunhaulers and Thunderers).
  • Gunhaulers have the option to carry (not embark) any unit that is not another Gunhaulers.
  • 3 command traits and 3 artefacts.
  • Grand Strategies and Battle tactics.

To me, that's a Casino Army, expect a 4+ for double shoot and stay on board with command+artifacts. Points doesn't allow for multiple small units, so it's all about 1 big blob fully buffed that you need to pray for that dobule shoot or multiple MSU moving around the table with a large ammount of 4+ rolls to do.

Edited by Beliman
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2 hours ago, EntMan said:

Surely you mean negotiate with fate? No praying for Kharadrons! 🤣

As one of your resident Tzeentchians, I'm available to oversee your negotiations if you need an impartial third party! Wait, nevermind, I thought this was about hate, not fate. That's so much less fun then. You're screwed anyways unless you convert to the winning team and frankly, you're most likely screwed on it as well.

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