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58 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

I'm also beginning to wonder, whether we'll see any battletomes' updates before the Fourth Edition drops next year. Once the FEC is done we'll have all armies updated to Third, but there are books from the beginning of the cycle that have now been lagging behind for a while (*cough <Stormcast> *cough) plus, with the new edition presumably to start in the summer next year, that'll potentially mean about half a year period thet will need to be filled with... stuff?

We're still to see other mini-expansions to come out of Dawnbringers, of course, but how about actual battletome updates? Why not Fyreslayers, for example? Is the Warcry expansion the end of love for a while now?

I don't think we would get any BT update. IJ had the opportunity and we got a supplement instead. So imho seems GW doesn't want to update any of them.

SCE could need a BT update, yeah, but they are going to be either the first or the second BT launched for the next edition as always, plus maybe we get something like we got with the launch of Leviathan, a free rule set for every faction, so I don't see it feasible.

About the half a year gap, Dawnbringers book 4th seems to be received early next year, plus we don't know yet if we would have a 5th book. And we always have the shadow of a new army. Imo that, and the neverending hinting game for the 4th edition, would get us covered until the next summer. And if any other faction would get a revamp we would get a free suplement.

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25 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I don't think we would get any BT update. IJ had the opportunity and we got a supplement instead. So imho seems GW doesn't want to update any of them.

SCE could need a BT update, yeah, but they are going to be either the first or the second BT launched for the next edition as always, plus maybe we get something like we got with the launch of Leviathan, a free rule set for every faction, so I don't see it feasible.

About the half a year gap, Dawnbringers book 4th seems to be received early next year, plus we don't know yet if we would have a 5th book. And we always have the shadow of a new army. Imo that, and the neverending hinting game for the 4th edition, would get us covered until the next summer. And if any other faction would get a revamp we would get a free suplement.

first book bring us 4 harbinger from each Grand Alliances and second book the harbinger from Destruction bring us named hero for Destruction factions, so we can expect there are 3 books for other faction.

1. Summerking.
2.The Queen, Varanguards talk about.
3. something led Fyreslayers to fight back troggoth

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I'm honestly not expecting FS to get a new wave with Dawnbringers. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it, but it feels like it's more logical with AoS4.  Most faction updates have been heralded by their major players making moves, and unless we get a surprise 'Somehow, Grimnir returned.' with Dawnbringers, or Gotrek finally taking his place in Fyreslayers as the Avatar of Grimnir, I think we'll be waiting a little more.

Or we're getting a small wave now and a bigger wave in AoS4. Best of both worlds.

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18 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I'm honestly not expecting FS to get a new wave with Dawnbringers. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it, but it feels like it's more logical with AoS4.  Most faction updates have been heralded by their major players making moves, and unless we get a surprise 'Somehow, Grimnir returned.' with Dawnbringers, or Gotrek finally taking his place in Fyreslayers as the Avatar of Grimnir, I think we'll be waiting a little more.

Or we're getting a small wave now and a bigger wave in AoS4. Best of both worlds.




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2 minutes ago, cyrus said:




The first WF comment was about the potential FS warband being basic, and that already turned out to be true (it's amazing). The followup to that comment was this:


So nothing concrete there. I am expecting and extremely hyped for an eventual update to FS, I just really don't see how any of this confirms it to be as part of Dawnbringers.

Edited by Snarff
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39 minutes ago, Snarff said:

The first WF comment was about the potential FS warband being basic, and that already turned out to be true (it's amazing). The followup to that comment was this:


So nothing concrete there. I am expecting and extremely hyped for an eventual update to FS, I just really don't see how any of this confirms it to be as part of Dawnbringers.

Dawnbringer Chronicles Part III – Survivors - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)







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Just saw this from Realms of Ruins. We saw in many photos in Warhammer community and Battletomes what looks to be an expanded version of the current CoS scenery, and here they've put it into the next level.

Could this be a preview/ hint of a modular version of the CoS scenery coming on the next edition?

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13 minutes ago, cyrus said:

I don't get your point here. That one hero could be all the Dawnbringers releases FS are getting (not that there is anything wrong with that). The Warcry warband has nothing to do with Dawnbringers at all, even if it is very welcome. Neither are indicative of an entire Fyreslayers wave anytime soon.

Again, I don't see how any of this 'confirms' that there will be another substantial Dawnbringers release for FS. You are the only one saying that FS are going to get even more during Dawnbringers with a pretty much out of context Whitefang comment.

I would love to be wrong, but I don't see *any* substantial hints that either book 3 or 4 will include more FS.

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1 hour ago, Rachmani said:

I just realised that ardboys boss, 10 ardboys and one of the new boars are 500 points on the nose. Sounds like a vanguard box right there

I think if you're expecting an Ironjawz Vanguard box you will be left disappointed. They have been pretty consistent with Vanguards/Combat Patrols being 1 per Battletome/Codex and, while Orruks are in a somewhat unique position with how the army is set up, I don't think it will lead to multiple Vanguards.


Chaos Daemons for 40k is the biggest indicator imo. Their box is just pure Khorne and their is nothing for the other chaos gods. That and the fact that the new box is not 'Kruleboyz', but is 'Orruk Warclans', which to me says that it is the intended Vanguard for the whole battletome.

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2 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

I think if you're expecting an Ironjawz Vanguard box you will be left disappointed. They have been pretty consistent with Vanguards/Combat Patrols being 1 per Battletome/Codex and, while Orruks are in a somewhat unique position with how the army is set up, I don't think it will lead to multiple Vanguards.


Chaos Daemons for 40k is the biggest indicator imo. Their box is just pure Khorne and their is nothing for the other chaos gods. That and the fact that the new box is not 'Kruleboyz', but is 'Orruk Warclans', which to me says that it is the intended Vanguard for the whole battletome.

I, for one, refuse to acknowledge this. Nobody wants to play Orruk Warclans, people are pulled in either by Ironjawz or Kruleboyz (or this third, almost extinct flavour). With so many new kits for IJ it's either Vanguard or Battleforce, at the very least. 

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28 minutes ago, Flippy said:

I, for one, refuse to acknowledge this. Nobody wants to play Orruk Warclans, people are pulled in either by Ironjawz or Kruleboyz (or this third, almost extinct flavour). With so many new kits for IJ it's either Vanguard or Battleforce, at the very least. 

I agree with your main point 100%, not trying to argue it. I just don't think they'll do a Vanguard. Battleforce? Almost definitely, but probably next year.

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Another Dawnbringer Chronicle.

The Trogg King has been rudely awakened from a long nap, during which time someone’s carelessly, if accidentally, installed a device of tremendous magical power on his back. It’s giving him a headache, and that’s the least of everyone’s worries in this week’s Dawnbringer Chronicles…

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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8 minutes ago, Clan&#x27;s Cynic said:

Another Dawnbringer Chronicle.

The Trogg King has been rudely awakened from a long nap, during which time someone’s carelessly, if accidentally, installed a device of tremendous magical power on his back. It’s giving him a headache, and that’s the least of everyone’s worries in this week’s Dawnbringer Chronicles…

Skaven featuring, interesting. Wonder if this is a hint that they'll appear more in other dawnbringer stuff.

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52 minutes ago, Clan&#x27;s Cynic said:

WarCom posted the 'Eavy Metal recipes for Ironjawz. Guess the existence of 'Eavy Archive there's a bit of an incentive/willingness to post them somewhere official.


Great article for painting yellow. Would love to see the Evil Sunz scheme also.



When you sneak into the bodybuilding competition.

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5 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Skaven featuring, interesting. Wonder if this is a hint that they'll appear more in other dawnbringer stuff.

The way Skaven just kinda randomly show up and save Trugg here, I'd say they're definitely setting up them for the new 4th edition starter. There were hints of Skaven activity in some of the earlier Dawnbringer stories, too.

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18 minutes ago, Clan&#x27;s Cynic said:

Another Dawnbringer Chronicle.

The Trogg King has been rudely awakened from a long nap, during which time someone’s carelessly, if accidentally, installed a device of tremendous magical power on his back. It’s giving him a headache, and that’s the least of everyone’s worries in this week’s Dawnbringer Chronicles…

So Trugg has magical migraines and wants to smash the source with a giant hammer in order to make them stop? I feel him on that one. 

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