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Hell yeah, these guys are dope! The re-imagining of Handgunners I didn't know I wanted.

They look pretty elite as well. Which I appreciate because even though they look fantastic, I don't think I could stomach painting several blocks of 20+ of them.

Also, I feel the need to draw attention to this guy and his little fish friend:


Is that a Dappled Efreet?

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Not quite what I was imagining for standard ranged infantry, but I LOVE THEM! They'll fit in really nicely with the Fusil-Major. And those flip-down blast goggles are so cool! And the decorations and little charms on the pavises and the greatcoats that are perfect for a muddy, rainy, quite miserable Greywater battlefield!

And if someone doesn't like the pavises they don't look too difficult to leave off.

AoS Fusiliers Jul10 Image1

And this formation! YES

Edited by Asbestress
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Just now, Chikout said:

Not what I was expecting but in a good way. It's great to see the cities range bringing new spins on old concepts. I absolutely love the squire mini. The only downside is the lack of a Duardin leader. 

A Duardin leader would not work, because they would need to bring a stepstool to see over their pavise which is logisically impossible given the tech level of AoS, actually. 🤓

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5 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Hell yeah, these guys are dope! The re-imagining of Handgunners I didn't know I wanted.

They look pretty elite as well. Which I appreciate because even though they look fantastic, I don't think I could stomach painting several blocks of 20+ of them.

Also, I feel the need to draw attention to this guy and his little fish friend:


Is that a Dappled Efreet?

Seems the standard size is units of 10.


I'm also surprisingly OK with these being primarily handcannons. They just, work!

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These are great. They look hard bitten, definitely more of an elite or specialist unit than the old handgunners. They fit perfectly into this new elaborate, blustering, rickety, Terry Gilliam/Terry Pratchett-esque aesthetic, especially with the torches and lanterns attached to the pavises.

The Blackpowder squire is a nice feature and I like his little flag but it does seem like a bit of a step down from the literal Powder Monkey than accompanied the handgunners.

Edited by sandlemad
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3 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Seems the standard size is units of 10.


I'm also surprisingly OK with these being primarily handcannons. They just, work!

I also think they come in 10s since the Warcom preview has 10 models in the rotating gallery. Remains to be seen whether they are 100 points like current handgunners or closer to 150, 180, 200... I could see any of those price points and I am hoping for them to be a punchier, but pricier unit.

They definitely pulled off the concept of Handcannons with those models. I know that I and others were kind of apprehensive about Cities tech effectively taking a step back in time when they previewed these guns in the original renders. But it honestly feels like the new handcannon and shield system could be a plausible response to the need for bigger, more powerful black powder weapons in the Mortal Realms.

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I love pavises, very happy with these new models. The new cities range definitely has a very unique feel compared to the other armies of AoS being much grittier and a little more like something I'd see out of something like Elden Ring (I remember the comparison being made when steelhelms were first shown) which I actually quite like, they have a lot of character and I really love the almost crude handgun style blackpowder weapons rather than sleek muskets and the like.

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Hah, those are the first new CoS minis that I haven't loved at first glance!  Though I think that's probably just the shield wall covering up too much of the model for my tastes, but that's an easily rectified quibble.

Also I guess we're doing reroll hits again? I thought we'd moved past that era, but apparently not.

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I like how GW is breaking the trope of the "lightly armoured missile troop" they had from way back in WFB. These guys are protecting themselves and know the benefit of cover - so they bring along their own personal cover with their pavises. 

I love the little ammo guy bringing extra powder to the guys during battle. Gives the minis a touch of realism in a world of floating islands, gods and monsters.

Anyway, do you guys have a good method of painting soot ? I want to smear them with some : gunpowder is dirty after all !

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Wow they are amazing 🤩 the level

of detail on these Cos minis is something else.  I want theM them to work well with the ogre guy. Maybe we will get an elite unit of those ? That would be quite deadly to see a wall of Fusils with ogres behind them 🤩

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4 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

Match really well the esthetics of currently shown models. Just hope they aren't better shooters than KO...

We can somewhat guess at their rules. They probably get ethereal against shooting like the Warhulk. Probably single shot. Probably 4" move because they are heavy. Probably 3+ or 4+ save.


4 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

Hah, those are the first new CoS minis that I haven't loved at first glance!  Though I think that's probably just the shield wall covering up too much of the model for my tastes, but that's an easily rectified quibble.

Also I guess we're doing reroll hits again? I thought we'd moved past that era, but apparently not.

The alternatives to that are +1 to hit/wound or +1 attacks, generally. I think it's pretty likely that these guys will be on 3+/3+, with character or command abilites buffing those stats. If they are really at 1 shot per model per phase, then +1 attack would be very strong. So I think that a reroll once per game probably makes sense for them, and given the low amount of dice rolled would probably not be egregious.

That's all largely based in speculation, of course.

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