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I've read a lot of books recently and nugle does seem to be the easiest to push and hate to say that new harbinger has forced me to buy my first models just for he regiment.

May have missed it, but is the new named general on the manticore part of the launch set also?

Would be nice ro get some updated savage orruk models.

Any news on book 2 been leaked?

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Nurgle definitely feels like a GW favorite of the chaos faction. Do they really need that much more to launch an editon? Anything is possible. 

If any of the major chaos god armies were to get a semi relaunch for 4.0, (excluding Skaven) I feel like Tzeentch is due. Majority of their daemons models are really out of date, and they barely scratched the surface on the mortal side compared to Khorne and Slannesh. 

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3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Whitefang kinda heavily implied its going to be Skaven. Maybe Maggotkin will be playing a bigger role in the upcoming Dawnbringer books.

Edit: could also have been about underworlds warband i guess??

They liked several posts talking about Skaven for next edition. It's definitely Skaven Vs Stormcast in 4th. 

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7 hours ago, Kempak said:

I've read a lot of books recently and nugle does seem to be the easiest to push and hate to say that new harbinger has forced me to buy my first models just for he regiment.

May have missed it, but is the new named general on the manticore part of the launch set also?

Would be nice ro get some updated savage orruk models.

Any news on book 2 been leaked?

All we know is that book 2 has a focus on destruction and is coming with the big ironjawz pig.

I'm expecting a bunch of warclans stuff myself.

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16 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

For FEC players, this artwork is from the current BT, or is it brand new ? Because if it's a never before seen one, that's a big deal. GW never does artwork that doesn't show miniatures. So if this is new artwork... you do the math.


the artwork is from the first editions fec book

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13 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Wow, a lot to unpack!

Andtorian Locus can't be shoot if they are not within 12"

Some of the point changes are bonkers. I don’t usually like to complain without trying things first, but who on earth though it was a good idea to drop points on most lumineth units, whilst handing only only point increases to fyreslayers, right as we go into a ghb period that favours wizards? 

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14 minutes ago, Azamar said:

Some of the point changes are bonkers. I don’t usually like to complain without trying things first, but who on earth though it was a good idea to drop points on most lumineth units, whilst handing only only point increases to fyreslayers, right as we go into a ghb period that favours wizards? 

Some point changes are weird: Vampire Lords, Nagash (even at 900 he‘s trash, rewrite his warscroll already, 15 times is the charm), Lumineth? Daughters (they’re beyond helping at this point, the point drops do not matter).

I like that they tried to fix the LRL shooting - archers hitting and wounding on 2s within 6“ isn’t enough of a nerf (melee snipers of doom)

Edited by JackStreicher
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On 6/29/2023 at 9:55 AM, Flippy said:

We all know that Arkanauts are not the problem. The other dwarfs, though… very resilient, strong shooters, suppressive fire, dealing MWs in melee - for a mere 135 points.  I would expect at least 160.

Spot on 😂

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What an awesome preview that was, despite all the 40k stuff in non 40k preview 😜 

Cities manticore looks amazing like a true center piece, i still think we can get a wagon in the future to support the artillery part of the army.

Kruleboyz look weird but that's what warcry is all about. I'm glad we are getting units that normally would never had a chance to be released in a regular army. Baboons? Great we all need some pets. I dunno why they haven't got a snake tho. When i think of an animal that would suit the army an anaconda is the first thing in my head. Maybe we can get a big snake in the future? :D

And now to the important stuff - new skaven. They look amazing, cartoony but deadlly in a true skaven spirit. Before the preview i was hoping it will be pestilence and here they come! What it shows me that we are in fact getting a big release for skaven in next eddition. I was thinking about new starter set and the skaven line. With semiconfirmed Eshin in the box i don't think they can fill it with only eshin. We usually get a unit o 3 bigger boys and those could be new ratogres. I don't know what eshin model could fit this role otherwise. That would take care of 2 clans with remade of pestilence and Skryre later.  

All aboard the Skaven hype train !


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38 minutes ago, Azamar said:

Some of the point changes are bonkers. I don’t usually like to complain without trying things first, but who on earth though it was a good idea to drop points on most lumineth units, whilst handing only only point increases to fyreslayers, right as we go into a ghb period that favours wizards? 

Listen to the interview. The combination of the points changes and the rules change is to encourage people to move away from the castle build without nerfing the whole faction too much. Whether that works out remains to be seen but the logic is sound. 

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Those kruleboyz changes are rough.
They literally mentioned in an earlier metawatch that you fix external balance by buffing the stuff the army actually takes, and this is like their 4th round of buffing the stuff nobody takes from kruleboyz. Most lists will just save ~20 points on their vulture.
The new battle tactic is a big deal, since it gives kruleboyz a second one in a season where they'll struggle with the core ones (again), but I doubt it'll shift things much. Thats the kind of buff that only helps in close games. Dropping points on boltboyz and hobgrots would actually help the army. 20 points off boltboyz and 10 off hobgrots is like 100-120 points off most lists, which is actually impactful, but those units have remained unchanged since the book released.

Also bonesplitterz have been performing even worse than kruleboyz lately and don't show up at all. They didn't even get a battle tactic after they finally recognized how only having 1 book tactic is such a big disadvantage and gave them to ironjawz and kruleboyz.

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The Coherency changes is massive. EvoCats are back in business!!

Not sure why this took 2 years though.

Change to Look Out Sir! seems a positive and is a pretty big break on shooting castle armies.

The Sylvaneth caster changes are kinda annoying but I get it. Do Primal dice count as a modifier or not?

Points changes are largely a strong meh. Not sure any will have a significant impact on how many factions play but we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully with a longer season and less BT releases there will be more scope for people to try different stuff.

DoK are I'm kind of a wierd place. There's 1 interaction that makes the book(sort of) powerful and just over-shadows what could otherwise be a really cool book. Need to do more than small fiddles to their points to fix them I think.

Edited by mojojojo101
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this edition with mages being broken,atack two ranks gone etc i hope for reductions to fyreslayers but we got increases when almost everyone got decrease......makes sense.

how is posible a unit as hearthguard berzerkers with 8,8 rend1 damage cost 160 but other similar units as idoneths thralls for 120 have 14+ rend1 damage or even seraphons saurius,have same 8,8 rend1  but extra damage with mortals of bites,have 20 wounds(that is the same than 10 wounds with 4++)that is the same than hearthguard but without the wholy within 6" of fyreslayers, AND have save3 and not save 5 as hearthguard for only 20 points.

and his other version with poleaxes in worse even,160 points for 3,3 mortals???? even the nerfed black knigths have same 3,3 mortals for 130 points or lumineths archers for same 160 points do same 3 mortals but at 36" and not melle,is a joke......

hearthguards berzerkers had to cost less but got increase and vulkites now that cant atack two ranks are u playables but got zero changes.

but armys at the lvl or better than fyreslayer as khorne,slanesh,ogres,goblins,lumineths,idoneths,seraphons got huge buffs and fyreslayers only increases? as allways gw dont know math and in 3 months when fyreslayers have 30 win rate they gonna then reduce every unit 


quoting goonhamer that write better than me about fyreslayers changes:


Points increases. Because Fyreslayers were doing really well, apparently? Also, the only army to receive only increases without any decreases meaning many other armies are squeezing in more units. Battlesmiths and Hearthguard Berzerkers are up 10 points each to 160, and each Invocation has increased either 10 or 20 points. The Invocations do give an incredibly easy Grand Strategy to score, sure, but they’re not that strong for what they do compared to many endless spells.

Edited by Doko
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2 hours ago, Azamar said:

Some of the point changes are bonkers. I don’t usually like to complain without trying things first, but who on earth though it was a good idea to drop points on most lumineth units, whilst handing only only point increases to fyreslayers, right as we go into a ghb period that favours wizards? 

Most of Lumineth are in a really bad spot outside of that one Teclis shooting list nobody likes.

Not even sure if the point changes are enough to really do anything (they seem meh)? Maybe the book will help with that, but not sure. Some factions are just broken and will have to just hold out for the new edition next year.

Edited by RyantheFett
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2 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Snarlfang down 15. I was hoping for a flat 100 to fit 4 in a Kruleboyz list.

Sloggoth up 20!! 😯  Hope this means some buffs are coming in the harbingers book for this handsome lad. 

And overall points drops on the Kruleboyz earns a yay!!!

How are you finding Snarlfangs in KB lists? Want to add them ‘cause they look cool but they don’t seem to add anything significant.

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2 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Sloggoth up 20!! 😯  Hope this means some buffs are coming in the harbingers book for this handsome lad. 

I thinks this is because its being used as an ally in Gitz a lot.

Looking forward to the new coherency rules with Spirit Hosts and Troggoths!

Edited by Gitzdee
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