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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

I agree that other armies do need their time in the spotlight, but CoS as a starter/beginner faction is something that I kind of doubt would work well. SCE are easy to paint (and easy to make look pretty good too), don't need much customization and are relatively easy to play.

CoS is one of the armies with the most options. City choice, ally choice, tons of unit options, etc. Models with a lot more details to paint too. And subjectively, they're pretty low-fantasy in the grand scheme of AoS, SCE are a better introduction to the setting as a whole too.

Stormcast are essentially models in 50 mm scale. Especiallythe more recent ones with human proportions. This makes them easy enough to start painting, while not as monumental a task as King Brodd's people. Their design is also quite easy to paint, and some of their models genuinely look good.

Dawnbringers have smaller details, (not to mention things like the Celestial Hurricanum, which is awesome) and the future of some bits of the COS range (basically everything that isn't Dawnbringers and adjecent heroes) is uncertain. You really don't want to have people that just started having their faction stripped or canned.

Edited by zilberfrid
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GHB rumor circulating some whatsapp groups:

Lore of Primal Frost:


Cutting Air: CV7, Wholly within 18", Add D6+6 extra range to missile weapons  or +1 atk to missile weapons.

Ice Capsule: CV6, caster cannot move but gain +1save and Ward4+

Primal Blizzard: CV8, 1D6 visible units take 1D3mw each and 1/2 of their movement.

Primal Magic: Extra dice in casting, unbinding or dispelling, but 1D3mw and the action fail on a double.

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41 minutes ago, madmac said:

If we assume it's true that the next Starter Box is Skaven vs SC, then in terms of large ranges made mostly of old WHFB models and resin, at that point only BoC and Ogors are left to get the big range update treatment, which leaves plenty of slots for updates of smaller factions and/or new armies, and I don't think we're suddenly going to get a ton of new armies in 4th, considering we've so far only gotten KB in 3rd, and technically as a new sub-army only.

I agree.

Personally for me I hope that Chaos Duardin and Malerions Aelves are the last Factions for an Edition or so.

Id love to see the older Factions updated which would just be Ogors and BOC at that point but also Waves 2 and 3 for Factions like Fyreslayers and Idoneth.

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23 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:


Not really. I don't think it's a contraversial statement to say that space marines have carried gw over the years. I remember the old statement that the tactical marine box outsold all of fantasy. I'm not sure how true this is but it's not too much of a stretch to say that GW could easily have gone bankrupt if marines hadn't caught on. 

Fantasy never had a poster faction and arguably suffered because of it. 

AoS has 26 factions. In a hypothetical situation where each army is equally supported and each player picks one faction, if GW releases a new mini it will sell to a maximum of 4% of the playerbase. 

Its better financially to have uneven support. Having a faction that is well supported and sells well allows all the other factions to exist. 

I would very much like to see AoS continue for at least another 20 years. If having a Stormcast release every three years is the price for that, it's a price I'm perfectly happy to pay. 

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Stormcast will always be in the spotlight and even though I don’t collect them. They should. Their characters and lore is what drives the main story. Like them or not, they are a necessity in the AOS world. Now I definitely think they have too many units that people don’t use or now appear out of place but that is more of a rule design thing…

I agree with others points on just because they are making stormcast doesn’t mean that’s not allowing them to make other faction units. If they wanted other units for factions, they would make them. 

Personally, I feel that the majority of armies from a gameplay perspective have enough units. Ironjawz has a small roster, but they have everything they need. Their rules are solid and they have plenty of alternate sculpts through, special edition models, warcry and underworlds. I feel the same for every other army as well. Even though Skaven and Beasts have a lot of old models the range has variety. 

The one AOS army that lacks range and variety is Fyreslayers. I Will completely agree on that point. To me they are the weakest army from a design perspective. Even when they do drop a new hero, he’s hardly unique enough to stand out from the Fyreslayers crowd. 


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37 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

And my point stands as this decision is bad in many ways.

But that's an entirely different point altogether.

I have never defended the current situation myself, I only point out it's not right to blame SCE for cannibalising other AoS releases.

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4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Not really. I don't think it's a contraversial statement to say that space marines have carried gw over the years. I remember the old statement that the tactical marine box outsold all of fantasy. I'm not sure how true this is but it's not too much of a stretch to say that GW could easily have gone bankrupt if marines hadn't caught on. 

Fantasy never had a poster faction and arguably suffered because of it. 

AoS has 26 factions. In a hypothetical situation where each army is equally supported and each player picks one faction, if GW releases a new mini it will sell to a maximum of 4% of the playerbase. 

Its better financially to have uneven support. Having a faction that is well supported and sells well allows all the other factions to exist. 

I would very much like to see AoS continue for at least another 20 years. If having a Stormcast release every three years is the price for that, it's a price I'm perfectly happy to pay. 

Fair point. If you put it that way it doesn't seem that bad. 

I heard a rumour that SM Rhino outsold all Wood Elves. It's becoming an urban legend I suppose.

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1 minute ago, Grungnisson said:

But that's an entirely different point altogether.

I have never defended the current situation myself, I only point out it's not right to blame SCE for cannibalising other AoS releases.

We can't be sure but you might be right.

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4 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

Stormcast will always be in the spotlight and even though I don’t collect them. They should. Their characters and lore is what drives the main story. Like them or not, they are a necessity in the AOS world. Now I definitely think they have too many units that people don’t use or now appear out of place but that is more of a rule design thing…

I agree with others points on just because they are making stormcast doesn’t mean that’s not allowing them to make other faction units. If they wanted other units for factions, they would make them. 

Personally, I feel that the majority of armies from a gameplay perspective have enough units. Ironjawz has a small roster, but they have everything they need. Their rules are solid and they have plenty of alternate sculpts through, special edition models, warcry and underworlds. I feel the same for every other army as well. Even though Skaven and Beasts have a lot of old models the range has variety. 

The one AOS army that lacks range and variety is Fyreslayers. I Will completely agree on that point. To me they are the weakest army from a design perspective. Even when they do drop a new hero, he’s hardly unique enough to stand out from the Fyreslayers crowd. 


The thing you say about Ironjawz can also be said about every other army with perhaps a few exceptions.

I'd rather AoS had like 3 poster factions. It's a bit boring when you already know Stormcasts are in the 4th edition starter. And we know they are. Same as every 40k starter. I would really be more willing to buy Leviathan if there was ANY OTHER faction in the box but SM. Probably it will be same for 4e AoS. I know there are more people who think the same way.

But if that's really the price for keeping this hobby running, then be it.

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Well, lore wise Stormcast are forged from mortal warriors dying in the service of Sigmar.

With the coming of the Dawnbringers into the hostile realms there is going to be a whole lot more mortal warriors dying for Sigmar. So logically lore wise we're going to be getting a lot more Stormcast.

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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:


If there are more people who like Stormcast than Beasts of Chaos, why is it selfish to want more Stormcast?

There are plenty of arguments for why other armies should get model releases. Faux moral indignation is not one of them.

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3 minutes ago, PJetski said:

If there are more people who like Stormcast than Beasts of Chaos, why is it selfish to want more Stormcast?

If there are more Stormcast releases there will be even more people who like Stormcast, as supply creates its own demand. If you follow this path it may soon become apparent that we could use some Dark Stormcast, who betrayed Sigmar... and we all know the rest of the story.

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Forgive me for complaining but is anyone else tired of the 40K articles?! We get it there’s a new edition dropping! But how about some AOS content so we can craft theories about stuff that might be coming?!?! It doesn’t even have to be related to LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! Since CA is teasing Total War Pharaoh (I’m probably maining Rameses or Seti when they reveal him) I have enough Egyptian content to entertain me.

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28 minutes ago, Flippy said:

If there are more Stormcast releases there will be even more people who like Stormcast, as supply creates its own demand. If you follow this path it may soon become apparent that we could use some Dark Stormcast, who betrayed Sigmar... and we all know the rest of the story.

This is something that folks tend to overlook, of course that SCE will sell great if they keep getting new releases. I'm sure BoC would sell great if they kept on getting new models in various waves. 

Personally, I hope we don't get Dark StormCast, to me that would feel too close to the whole space marine dynamic, ngl, I get the distinctions, but still. 

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42 minutes ago, PJetski said:

If there are more people who like Stormcast than Beasts of Chaos, why is it selfish to want more Stormcast?

There are plenty of arguments for why other armies should get model releases. Faux moral indignation is not one of them.

Personally I really dislike CoS and Ogors by design but I wish CoS and Ogor players to receive many shiny new minis the sooner the better. That keeps whole community happy and equal.

Edited by Aeryenn
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8 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Forgive me for complaining but is anyone else tired of the 40K articles?! We get it there’s a new edition dropping! But how about some AOS content so we can craft theories about stuff that might be coming?!?! It doesn’t even have to be related to LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! Since CA is teasing Total War Pharaoh (I’m probably maining Rameses or Seti when they reveal him) I have enough Egyptian content to entertain me.

Blessed Sigmar, someone who has finally decided to move further from the "Stormcast releases bad" debate and decided to do something positive and interesting instead (with no triple posting and calling out members at that !).

We're getting a Dawnbringers short story tomorrow for sure, and we're going to keep getting some random AoS articles. It's also going to be a month since we saw the Freeguild Marshal, which was separated by a month from the Cavaliers. I think GW is revealing a CoS kit a month. And I do think one for June is waiting around the corner. Since they're keeping the rest of the Tyranids/Marines for who wins the mini launch campaign.

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10 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Blessed Sigmar, someone who has finally decided to move further from the "Stormcast releases bad" debate and decided to do something positive and interesting instead (with no triple posting and calling out members at that !).

We're getting a Dawnbringers short story tomorrow for sure, and we're going to keep getting some random AoS articles. It's also going to be a month since we saw the Freeguild Marshal, which was separated by a month from the Cavaliers. I think GW is revealing a CoS kit a month. And I do think one for June is waiting around the corner. Since they're keeping the rest of the Tyranids/Marines for who wins the mini launch campaign.

*shrugs* I quite literally have no skin in the Stormcast Eternals vs COS debate since I mainly collect/paint/play Chaos and Death, and so far my preferred sub-factions have been getting decent releases. Though your prediction does concern me @The Lost Sigmarite, as I thought the roadmap put COS in the mid summer, but the current trend paints them as a fall release (which threatens the rumored TOW drop)....

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4 hours ago, Beliman said:

Not sure where they come from, but new rumors:

Lore of Primal Frost:

  • Hoarfrost
  • Cutting Air: CV7, Wholly within 18", Add D6+6 extra range to missile weapons  or +1 atk to missile weapons.
  • Ice Capsule: CV6, caster cannot move but gain +1save and Ward4+
  • Primal Blizzard: CV8, 1D6 visible units take 1D3mw each and 1/2 of their movement.

Primal Magic: Extra dice in casting, unbinding or dispelling, but 1D3mw and the action fail on a double.


These spells are kind of ridiculous. Game shiftingly powerful stuff. Lumineth, Tzeentch, Soulblight, and Seraphon are going to destroy the world this year.

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21 minutes ago, Mutton said:

These spells are kind of ridiculous. Game shiftingly powerful stuff. Lumineth, Tzeentch, Soulblight, and Seraphon are going to destroy the world this year.

Teclis/Sentinel castle with Cutting Air for even longer range dakka and even less escape from the dakka. Let's gooo ! 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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3 hours ago, Flippy said:


Naked orruks need to just go. Controversial, I know but they do. 

ToW is out soon and the line just needs to go back to its home. 

This opens up more design space for Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. 

You had a good run but time to go. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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2 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Naked need to just go. Controversial, I know but they do. 

ToW is out soon and the line just needs to go back to its home. 

This opens up more design space for Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. 

You had a good run but time to go. 

The objectively best Orc subfaction, Bonesplitters, will stay and get new models. I have spoken.

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1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

Naked need to just go. Controversial, I know but they do. 

ToW is out soon and the line just needs to go back to its home. 

This opens up more design space for Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. 

You had a good run but time to go. 

How about :

Current Bonesplitterz line goes back to TOW where they return to their original state of Savage Orcs.
New 100% AoS Bonesplitterz line is developped for us only.

Or even :
Bonesplitterz/Savage Orcs update for both AoS and TOW. 

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10 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

How about :

Current Bonesplitterz line goes back to TOW where they return to their original state of Savage Orcs.
New 100% AoS Bonesplitterz line is developped for us only.

Or even :
Bonesplitterz/Savage Orcs update for both AoS and TOW. 


Bonesplitterz stay, but instead of naked Orcs they become bone and leather wearing skirmishers. "Naked" Orcs are transferred to new Chorf "Laborers" unit. Both factions become playable in TOW and AOS.

Edited by Twisted Firaun
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