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Whether we get Malerion‘s goons or glorious Skaven, can we please make sure that the inevitable new Stormcast units fill the very same fun roles that the older variants already do? Just for stuff and giggles? 🤭 What AoS truly needs are specific Stormcast chapters! Maybe put some new animal iconography on them and we could have the Stormbears! Hooray for more SC! 👍

It would be rad if some other factions replaced them in the next starter. Any faction, really. Malerion would be nice but I‘d love to see anything and if it‘s beeping Nurgle! 

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Still really hoping for CoS vs Skaven.

But i didnt receive a like from Whitefang a few pages ago, so i guess thats off the table.

Edit: Skaven in the next starter would also be a no no for order vs order. Someone at GW really wants to trigger my inner Sheldon. First with Warcry and now this.

Edited by Gitzdee
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Just a little recap of Whitefang rumours :

- FEC coming later down this year with a respectably sized release
- New Cities units : handcannoneers, bombard, Sigmarite ogres, certain old kits staying
- Kurnothi in the pipeline
- New Fyreslayer units in the pipeline
- Skaven being worked on, possibly for the starter set of 4th edition

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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17 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Just a little recap of Whitefang rumours :

- FEC coming later down this year with a respectably sized release
- New Cities units : handcannoneers, bombard, Sigmarite ogres
- Kurnothi in the pipeline
- New Fyreslayer units in the pipeline
- Skaven being worked on, possibly for the starter set of 4th edition

Ogors were not confirmed by Whitefang

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32 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Ogors were not confirmed by Whitefang

Yes they were. They said 'oops' when another user suggested Ogors were unlikely to come for cities. I believe they then liked a few posts that said. 'what?? Ogors in cities??' or something similar. 

Edited by Chikout
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57 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Just a little recap of Whitefang rumours :

- FEC coming later down this year with a respectably sized release
- New Cities units : handcannoneers, bombard, certain ols kits staying
- Kurnothi in the pipeline
- New Fyreslayer units in the pipeline
- Skaven being worked on, possibly for the starter set of 4th edition



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2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Just a little recap of Whitefang rumours :

- FEC coming later down this year with a respectably sized release
- New Cities units : handcannoneers, bombard, certain ols kits staying
- Kurnothi in the pipeline
- New Fyreslayer units in the pipeline
- Skaven being worked on, possibly for the starter set of 4th edition

Love how subtle our friend has been of late but also providing so much hope with some very well placed likes!

Still would love to know more details on any of these potential releases, but I will patiently wait and follow the reacts lol.

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4 hours ago, Malakithe said:

I hope not. Getting tired of these one off useless named warbands

I hope that they are mainline releases as well but I wouldnt really call them useless.They look absolutely stunning!! From a gameplay perspective (which Im not involved in) if the rules arent great they make amazing proxies.

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8 hours ago, Draznak said:

Unless @Whitefang has given us a glimpse of the very long term future, I'm betting Fyreslayers/Kurnothi will be one of the next Warcry Order's warbands. 

Or maybe the Dawnbringers...

Dawnbringers will for sure have a warband. Every big AoS release of 2023 has been "heralded" by a Warcry warband. StD ? You get Chaos Legionnaires (and Hashut cultists but you know, these guys are more Chorf than StD). Serpahon ? You (finally) get plastic chameleon skinks with the Hunters of Huanchi. FEC are the 2nd last non upgraded BT, rumoured for winter, and they get the Royal Beastflayers. 

I'm not dropping any rumours here, it's just my pattern seeking brain seeing things, but yeah I wouldn't be surprised to see a Dawnbringer Warcry band, but more like "hey took you long enough to release".

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32 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Dawnbringers will for sure have a warband.

By Dawnbringers, I meant the new narrative series introducing next edition of AoS (with book 1, Harbingers, due out this summer).


Sorry for the confusion ! 😅

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Right, baseless speculation time. Each AoS edition launch box has had something new in it: first edition saw the introduction of Khorne Mortals as their own faction (as opposed to ordinary Chaos Warriors and Marauders painted red and bronze); second introduced Nighthaunt as an (almost) entirely be faction; and third introduced Kruleboyz and a new subfaction (let's be honest, a new faction) of Orruk Warclans.

So my baseless speculation is that, assuming Skaven are in the launch box for fourth edition, we won't get be sculpts for any existing Skaven Clan, but will instead get a completely new Clan. Obviously we'll then also get new sculpts for existing Clans a few months later when the Skaven Battletome is released.

Okay, ting this out, it seems unlikely. That would be a LOT of Skaven sculpts. But what is life without meaningless speculation eh?

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39 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Right, baseless speculation time. Each AoS edition launch box has had something new in it: first edition saw the introduction of Khorne Mortals as their own faction (as opposed to ordinary Chaos Warriors and Marauders painted red and bronze); second introduced Nighthaunt as an (almost) entirely be faction; and third introduced Kruleboyz and a new subfaction (let's be honest, a new faction) of Orruk Warclans.

So my baseless speculation is that, assuming Skaven are in the launch box for fourth edition, we won't get be sculpts for any existing Skaven Clan, but will instead get a completely new Clan. Obviously we'll then also get new sculpts for existing Clans a few months later when the Skaven Battletome is released.

Okay, ting this out, it seems unlikely. That would be a LOT of Skaven sculpts. But what is life without meaningless speculation eh?

The Soulblight Gravelords release was not part of a launch, but it managed to include both new stuff and updates to the worst old sculpts.

New stuff was everything Vyrkos (although Cursed City was partially responsible for that) and the Vengorian Lord.

Updates were the Vampire Lord, Wight King, Blood Knights, Dire Wolves, Fell Bats, Skeletons and Zombies.

For Skaven, I think updating five unit kits would have a big effect (some of them can easily be dual build) and that leaves a good amount of room for completely new stuff.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

The Soulblight Gravelords release was not part of a launch, but it managed to include both new stuff and updates to the worst old sculpts.

New stuff was everything Vyrkos (although Cursed City was partially responsible for that) and the Vengorian Lord.

Updates were the Vampire Lord, Wight King, Blood Knights, Dire Wolves, Fell Bats, Skeletons and Zombies.

For Skaven, I think updating five unit kits would have a big effect (some of them can easily be dual build) and that leaves a good amount of room for completely new stuff.

This is what Im hoping for Mawtribes.

New Gluttons.

New Ironguts.

New Leadbelchers.

Dual Build Butcher/Slaughtermaster.

Dual Build Yehtee/Gorger.

Thats 5 kits that updates 7 units.

Throw in Braggoth and Globb as characters and a monster for Beastclaw and that range is nigh perfect!!

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