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3 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Waiting to see if we get new Seraphon and instead we get a painful reminder of how GW see their favourite poster faction verse all other factions:


Came here to say the same thing. Still hoping for Seraphon Pre-Orders... only a couple more minutes

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12 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I do hope they are planning on supporting these agents of the imperium as a fully fleshed out faction!

Not only Ashes of Faith but you have your chance at purchasing this made to order model that is entirely unique and not like any other space marine:

Also I hope you Horus Heresy fans would like another box shaped tank:

I am officially so bored of Space Marines! At least put some spikes on them or wolf pelts... just something other than the billionth space marine model. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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Was never going to be lizards, they aren't being released until summer. 

Next sunday would be the earliest we'll see them. 

Good to see they'll be putting event models on made to order at some point, I'm still after the Kruleboyz shaman. 

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24 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Is anyone else kinda disappointed by the Inquisitorial Kill Team? I love Inquisitors and the weirdos who work for them, but there's something very meh about these ones.

I'm actually quite interested in seeing what this different style of Kill Team promised in Ashes of Faith might be like. Not interested enough to pre-order it, but interested nonetheless.

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19 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Wow! Today is a great day!, They released all the things before Seraphon! Only Seraphon, GHB, Harbringers and LoTR special model are the only releases before Leviathan


Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs

Age of Sigmar
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more
Cities Battletome + Infrantry + Cavalry
Mistery book Winter
Generals Handbook 2023 S1
Dawnbringer: Harbringers
Dawnbringer: Orruks?
Dawnbringer: 3
Dawnbringer: 4
Harbringer of Order - Fireslayers box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Chaos - Nurgle box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Destruction - Gloomspite box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Death - Flesh Eaters box + Harbringer

Underworlds meets Warcry starter Soulblight vs SCE
4 Warbands (Order vs Destro)
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)

Death Note's Warband
Rival Deck 1
Chaos Warband
Starter Set
Core Box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Despoilers upgrade kit
Daemon Assassin
The F* Vindicator
Campaign book

Tank commanders
Librarian Consul
Plastic Lancer
Horus Hero
Fist Hero

Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Lords of War

Warhammer 40k
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum Minska
Leviathan Army Box
Crusade - Tyrannic War
Chapter Approved (Mission Deck)
Index Cards
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Tyranids Codex - Launch Complete Army
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 
Ashes of Fate with tons of plastic

Nazghûl and the Hobbits

Adeptus Titanicus

Old World
Bretonnian Paladin
Tomb Kings Hero

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Blackhoof    

Epic HH


Edited by Nezzhil
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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

I do hope they are planning on supporting these agents of the imperium as a fully fleshed out faction!

At Warhammer Fest there was a picture of all the factions which were getting Indexes (and therefore, likely to get Codexes). "Agents of the Imperium" was one of them.

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26 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

At Warhammer Fest there was a picture of all the factions which were getting Indexes (and therefore, likely to get Codexes). "Agents of the Imperium" was one of them.

Wow I missed that, I feel like that gives a home to any sort of unreleased imperium minis and chaos needs a soup similar to cover Dark Mech, Traitor Guard and Beasts. With that and Emperor's Children I feel like Chaos and the Imperium will be pretty well represented.

Similarly I feel like AOS is shaping up really well but I think the path forward between full releases, soups and subfactions is less clear. Either way I feel like we are at a weird place where soon there will be an actual focus on the existing lines rather than just releasing new factions.

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Assuming the dates we have are correct then we've got two more preorder weekends before Leviathan so it fits quite well. Presumably The Lion, Desolators, Lieutenant, and Brutalis get their individual releases in the next batch and then Seraphon go for preorder on the 3rd June (matching the summer slot they're said to go in). 

I got a Company Champion at an event last year so I'm good but really glad they're re-releasing these as made-to-order models.

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I'm a big fan of them making event minis MTO. I know it lessens the perceived value of those minis, but it also makes it so that people that can't get to those events can finally get one of those minis without paying out the butt for ebay prices. There's a few I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for, like the Chaos lady with the big two-handed maul. 

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8 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I do hope they are planning on supporting these agents of the imperium as a fully fleshed out faction!

Not only Ashes of Faith but you have your chance at purchasing this made to order model that is entirely unique and not like any other space marine:

Also I hope you Horus Heresy fans would like another box shaped tank:

I am officially so bored of Space Marines! At least put some spikes on them or wolf pelts... just something other than the billionth space marine model. 

I am only thankful for Space Marines in that they make GW so much money it helps the business as a whole. If they were to announce an End Times for Space Marines it would be the most excited I could be for them.


I said it.

Please dont heretically burn me!! @Black_Templar_Lad I do enjoy the themes of the more differential Chapters such as Space Wolves and Black Templars!!

7 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Wow! Today is a great day!, They released all the things before Seraphon! Only Seraphon, GHB, Harbringers and LoTR special model are the only releases before Leviathan

  Hide contents

Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs

Age of Sigmar
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more
Cities Battletome + Infrantry + Cavalry
Mistery book Winter
Generals Handbook 2023 S1
Dawnbringer: Harbringers
Dawnbringer: Orruks?
Dawnbringer: 3
Dawnbringer: 4
Harbringer of Order - Fireslayers box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Chaos - Nurgle box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Destruction - Gloomspite box + Harbringer
Harbringer of Death - Flesh Eaters box + Harbringer

Underworlds meets Warcry starter Soulblight vs SCE
4 Warbands (Order vs Destro)
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)

Death Note's Warband
Rival Deck 1
Chaos Warband
Starter Set
Core Box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Despoilers upgrade kit
Daemon Assassin
The F* Vindicator
Campaign book

Tank commanders
Librarian Consul
Plastic Lancer
Horus Hero
Fist Hero

Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Lords of War

Warhammer 40k
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum Minska
Leviathan Army Box
Crusade - Tyrannic War
Chapter Approved (Mission Deck)
Index Cards
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Tyranids Codex - Launch Complete Army
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 
Ashes of Fate with tons of plastic

Nazghûl and the Hobbits

Adeptus Titanicus

Old World
Bretonnian Paladin
Tomb Kings Hero

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Blackhoof    

Epic HH


Mate this list is so satisfying to me and incredibly useful!! Keep up Sigmars work mate!!

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On 5/12/2023 at 7:29 PM, Vicar in a tutu said:

I wish GW would make older Warhammer Underworlds-warbands available again. I'm toying with the idea of starting Ironjawz (the new giant war-pig is very enticing), and I would love to get Morgok's Krushas as a way to add variety to my units of brutes. Especially as I have no interest in ardboyz. Here is an idea: Why don't GW make old warbands available as a made to order when a faction has a new battle tome? 

It's not a perfect solution, but the Hachette partworks magazines include OOP underworld warbands at a reduced price. Unfortunately Stormbringer will be including Ironskull's Boyz rather than Morgok's Krushas for Ironjawz...

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4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:


Please dont heretically burn me!! @Black_Templar_Lad I do enjoy the themes of the more differential Chapters such as Space Wolves and Black Templars!!


That's it! I'm calling the Crusade!

No only messing, I completely understand people who just don't like them. I do wish GW gave that same level of treatment for every faction. In the feedback last year I stated I wanted to see more Xenos releases because well, in the vast galaxy, most of the playable factions are Imperium sub factions. Like, I obviously love them but we need others!

My favourite release over the last year was the Kroot. I absolutely loved seeing new actual aliens and I have loved GW pushing the boat more towards the more varied inhabitants of 40k, even to different human regiments and Chaos Cultists, Beastmen, it's just refreshing to see.

If they announced there would be no further Space Marine releases for the next entire year. I'd obviously be guttered because I personally do wanna see what's in store for the Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Wolves, but I'd have to accept that there is a plethora of models to keep me happy in the mean time. A lot of Xenos fans don't even have plastic kits of their favourite units.

And that's the thing, the lore is so in-depth that it makes each different coloured space marine interesting. I just want that same level of treatment for everyone. I really really do. And I've loved seeing more of that this past year and hope it continues further. 

My exact thoughts on Stormcast imo also. Love them, so much lore, other factions deserve the same.

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4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I am only thankful for Space Marines in that they make GW so much money it helps the business as a whole. If they were to announce an End Times for Space Marines it would be the most excited I could be for them.


I said it.

Please dont heretically burn me!! @Black_Templar_Lad I do enjoy the themes of the more differential Chapters such as Space Wolves and Black Templars!!

Mate this list is so satisfying to me and incredibly useful!! Keep up Sigmars work mate!!

Space marines making GW lots of money leads to GW making space marines (of any place on the colour wheel). Which leads to those fans getting more while others with neglected factions slowly stop being interested in the hobby.

I have 5 from a starter set because I wanted some space skeletons, and can't imagine wanting more. Their infantry is uninspired, and their vehicles seem like they can be folded from the box they came in.

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So we are back at whining? 

There is a new edition of 40k coming, of course they do useless blurb articles to hype it up! 

I must say, however, that i am highly surprised by two KillTeam boxes within three weeks ( aka two "40k" weeks).

Sure, new edition. But still... As a KillTeam fan i would feel like only one box can be seriously bought/played within that time frame. 

( Also the only new thing in the KillTeam box is the 6 inquisitorial retinue guys...)

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Remember, Space Marines are GWs biggest sellers by a wide margin. It makes sense to do a Space Marine made to order semi-regularly to show that there's sufficient demand for older models and build evidence to argue for them continuing to do batches like this. Including the Primaris Company Champion with this one will show there's demand for event minis to be included in this and help them get to wider audiences. I get it's easy to roll our eyes at more of them but someone in GW is almost certainly using this to prove internally that they should bring event minis to made to order after they've finished being the hot new event figure and that benefits us too in fighting scalpers and helping more people get a hold of event minis

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1 minute ago, Gitzdee said:

As much as it keeps me wondering why space murines are the top money makers for GW i still have to accept that it is probably the reason why they could still make the xenos races and other less popular armies.

To an extent they are probably the top moneymakers because they are pushed so hard (every starter, pretty much all promo material), recieve the best support and are the easiest way to get into the hobby. But yeah on the other hand there has to be something there that appeals to people to have started that vicious cycle of: They are popular therefore they get support, because they get support they become more popular....

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I don't mind GW putting out lots of 40k content, it's only logical BUT the rules I see don't give me much hope. Dunno, might be a mistake on my part but I only see GW bringing out one blunder after another when it comes to rules since AoS2.

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