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Just now, Malakithe said:

Barely...they are units that almost never see actual play and Killteam is just upgrade sprues to established units


As a Slaves to Darkness player I like the different Chaos warbands, but i.e if I want to double my Iron Golems unit.. to many duplicates. While I love all the Chaos warbands, I still would rather have a proper multi-part Marauder set. Instead of all those great looking warbands.

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16 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

 Killteam is just upgrade sprues to established units

The starter set of each season is two full new kits. The following boxes are comprise of a full new kit and an upgrade sprue.

If they weren't making kits for these spin-off games there's zero guarantee they'd actually be using that design space/production capacity for making something mainline 40k/AoS instead. They'd probably just use the gap in the factory/warehouse to churn out more Primaris boxes anyway.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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16 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Barely...they are units that almost never see actual play and Killteam is just upgrade sprues to established units

Several of them see play regularly. It's just that STD has like 50 warband options so obviously people only run the best of the best. The Chameleons for Seraphons are literally just new chameleon models and a new melee option+mini pteradons. It's three kits in one.

About half of the Killteam releases are upgrade sprues and half of them are brand new. Corsairs for Eldar are a full-on unit. The Ork Commando killteam is literally just the new commandos replacing the resin versions, etc etc.

My only complaint about sidegames is that as Warcry continues to expand and move further away from being the all chaos barbarian game, it's making Underworlds feel increasingly redundant to me, especially with how bad Underworlds prices have gotten. We still get more stuff having both sidegames than just one, though.


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For last nights reveals, or this morning... I guess?

40K: Wont cover it all as there was a lot. The Tyranids look utterly fantastic especially the larger monsters. As for space marines you can try and convince me that those were not the same model shown 25 times... I will believe you but I will not be able to explain the difference. Since I am splitting the box and ending up with this half I will have to put a piece of tape on all the Vetrans to tell them apart until they are painted. Still great reveal and despite not knowing a phobos armour from a lasbolterfist all the sculpts on both side are great.

LOTR: I like the diorama and think it would be fun to play with the Ringwraith but that is a premium for a single model. But for a pure hobbyist it is a great purchase.

Underworlds: Oh man those are fantastic sculpts. Nighthaunt are maybe the most aesthetically pleasing army and Underworlds has the best sculpts so to no ones surprise these look amazing. 

Warcry: I think this is the first time i have seen a leak and then upon seeing the full models finding them so much better that it is almost incomparable to my expecations. Lots of fantastic options for Stormcast heroes in that set making it more appealing. The terrain is also great and Warcry is my favourite game. I hope we get a Kurnothi vs Ogors set so I can split it with a friend. Was hoping for some reveals for Crypt of Blood maybe I missed it but I am hoping it is a reasonably priced option to get folks into Warcry. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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Not got round to the previous WarCry box yet but the Nightmare Quest seems like it's going to be a buy for me.

Really like the terrain and the FEC are absolutely gorgeous, particularly the dogs... absolutely live them.

I like the Stormcast but they feel a bit lifeless for some reason. I'm not sure the mix of aesthetics actually works or not but I think the Thunderstrike definitely benefit from cloaks and stuff to vary up their look a bit. I like them, just not blown away with them.

Similar woth the NH underworlds band... I like them, just not enough to buy them, especially as the warbands are a bit more expensive than they used to be.

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My fear of monkeys/apes only grows with the new FEC warcry unit. The sculpts are executed well but I will stay far away from that were-ape. 

I love the new roadmap for Warcry and can't wait to see more non-chaos warbands. My hopes for the 4 destruction are

Ogors (Maneaters please?)

Bonesplitter hunting party

Kruleboys something 

Gloomspite Gits, hopefully spider riders. 

For the order, might be a weird flex but I would like it to be all Cities of Sigmar.


So excited for tomorrow! 

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24 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The starter set of each season is two full new kits. The following boxes are comprise of a full new kit and an upgrade sprue.

If they weren't making kits for these spin-off games there's zero guarantee they'd actually be using that design space/production capacity for making something mainline 40k/AoS instead. They'd probably just use the gap in the factory/warehouse to churn out more Primaris boxes anyway.

Your not wrong...

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38 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

For last nights reveals, or this morning... I guess?

40K: Wont cover it all as there was a lot. The Tyranids look utterly fantastic especially the larger monsters. As for space marines you can try and convince me that those were not the same model shown 25 times... I will believe you but I will not be able to explain the difference. Since I am splitting the box and ending up with this half I will have to put a piece of tape on all the Vetrans to tell them apart until they are painted. Still great reveal and despite not knowing a phobos armour from a lasbolterfist all the sculpts on both side are great.

LOTR: I like the diorama and think it would be fun to play with the Ringwraith but that is a premium for a single model. But for a pure hobbyist it is a great purchase.

Underworlds: Oh man those are fantastic sculpts. Nighthaunt are maybe the most aesthetically pleasing army and Underworlds has the best sculpts so to no ones surprise these look amazing. 

Warcry: I think this is the first time i have seen a leak and then upon seeing the full models finding them so much better that it is almost incomparable to my expecations. Lots of fantastic options for Stormcast heroes in that set making it more appealing. The terrain is also great and Warcry is my favourite game. I hope we get a Kurnothi vs Ogors set so I can split it with a friend. Was hoping for some reveals for Crypt of Blood maybe I missed it but I am hoping it is a reasonably priced option to get into Warcry. 

Kurnoth Vs Ogors is such a perfect box that it must now happen lest my dissapointment be immesurable.

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1 hour ago, Malakithe said:

Whats stopping them from making more stuff for AoS vs a hand full of single one off guys in a unit?

It's less resource intensive to make an Underworlds team than it is a full unit. At the same time Underworlds lets the studio try new ideas, allows the sculptors to flex their creative muscles, lets them work on ranges ahead of larger updates to get practice, and lets Games Workshop get feedback on ideas for smaller investment. You can see it with the Sepulchral Guard, they were a project for a member of the studio that was used to test the ideas that would go into the Cursed City Skeletons as well as the full released unit Soulblight got at the end of 2nd ed. Underworlds also is a pretty popular game which brings in more customers to the AoS setting to which is what has justified the continued investment. Plus if it were to stop you couldn't guarantee that would result in more stuff for AoS, those resources would potentially move to Blood Bowl, or MESBG, or 40k.

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I am so conflicted. On the one hand I love seeing more FEC but on the other hand the only stand-out models are the leader-like character with the axe (the bone body mod armour is awesome) and the stupid surprised looking baboons. The rest are barely distinguishable from existing ghouls. Mixed bag but at least we actually got something in the bag... not to mention actually getting something like a bag. 😄

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I think the release of smaller units (that work in the main game) through WarCry and Kill Team is the best thing to happen to the hobby in a long, long time!

Like the Questors, though the duplication of poses/capes is quite noticeable. Flesh-Eaters look cool, feels like an appetizer of what a full release could include. The concept for the Nighthaunt warband is great.

As someone who just turned 30 and started collecting Lizardmen at 10 and Tyranids at 15... This is going to be a very expensive year. Change is scary and some of the new Tyranid designs will take a moment to adjust to. I guess it's mostly that I'm worried that the older (but neat) stuff won't mesh well. So I'm just hoping for an enormous wave of new stuff to really tie everything together. 

I like Space Marines, I like Primaris, but I didn't feel much excitement seeing new stuff. The Gravis apothecary is my favorite. The Sternguard feel weirdly cramped on their 32mm bases. The old kit is way more blinged out. The Terminators are great, but I don't have much nostalgia for them. The flamethrower guys feel nowhere near as exciting as the Assault Intercessors of Indomitus.

Looking forward to tomorrow!


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5 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:



It's official now, they just throw darts at random words that sound "cool" to make up unit names. Questor Soulsworn Errant-Questors and Questor-Prime... probably armed in Questionable Errata-Armor throwing around Questions, Quests and Questor-Sword-Lances.

Edited by MitGas
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Overall the reveals today was a solid B+. I would have just liked to have seen more, with it being WarhammerFest I feel like they could have pushed the boat out, having revealed so much of the starter set already, it lost a bit of its punch. I'm actually surprised that Marines and Nids aren't getting Codexes until Autumn. 

I like the Stormcast, the FEC are decent as well, but not enough for me to consider picking up though. 

The LOTR diorama is really nice, although again, a bit light for the first major in-person Warhammer event in several years.

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My thoughts on today's reveals:

Terminator Captain: he's a Terminator Captain. Not particularly exciting. Hopefully we'll get a multipart one down the line with more options 

Terminator Librarian: cooler than the captain, but I connect Black Templars do he's no use to me.

Lieutenant: meh. I really don't like the whole two knives things. He's a high ranking Space Marine, how does he not have a power sword or something like that?

Apothecary: good mini let down by the fact that the existing Primaris Apothecary is brilliant.

Terminators: these are plastic Terminators. They're probably the best generic plastic Terminators around, but they aren't going to set the world in fire. I look forward to the multipart version with more options.

Sternguard: meh. They can fit into Black Templars fairly easily, given they already have skirts, but I'm not exactly super excited about bolt gun veterans. Also Cawl invented the heavy bolt pistol: why are some marines still using it's baby brother.

Infernus Squad: Black Templars did it before it was cool. I'm also not convinced by an entire squad of flamer dudes.

Ballistus Dread: I guess we were bound to get one eventually. Looks a bit... top heavy though.

Space Marine summary: meh/10

Screamer Killer: gorgeous. Also a real nostalgia trip with the name.

Neurotyrant: cool and weird. I like it.

Neurogaunts: they're fine I guess. Nothing that exciting.

Winged Prime: weird pose ruins it for me. Maybe we'll get a multipart one that looks better.

Definitely not Lictors: better than actual Lictors.

Termagants: they are termagants, which is fine.

Barbgaunts: cool.

Psychophage: okay this really is cool. What a weird and awesome sculpt.

Tyranid Summary: better than marines/10. If I was tempted to start nids these would definitely be in my list, but in not so they're not.

Questor Soulsworn: other than they're dumb name, these are great. They continue the grand tradition of Thunderstrike SC looking brilliant. I might have to get them to go with Xandire's Truthseekers.

Royal Beastflayers: I... I just don't know if I feel FEC. I like the idea behind them, but they just feel so much like GW just needed some cool lore to allow them to keep the various Ghoul minis in AoS. They are probably the army which is least appealing to me. If we could get something that looked a bit more like a knight, though with rotten rusty armour and a ghoulish horse I'd be in, but it just doesn't work for me.

The Terrain: new realmshaper engine hype.

The Road Map: that's a lot of warbands, which is great as Warcry warbands are great. I'd love to see an Ossiarch one for example (maybe we get our long awaited archers this way). Poor Slaanesh though ☹️

The Cursed Executioners: love em. "Hey there, I'm here to chop off your head." "Hey there, I'm here to read out the crimes that result in you having your head chopped off." "Hey there, in here to provide a count block." "I know my place.". If I want so scared of Nighthaunt snapping if I look at them too hard I'd have started an army of them are ago.

Lord of the Dioramas: cool. At first I assumed this was a creation of a painter or someone at GW, but it's actually something they're selling. A nice idea.

All in all, but a bad reveal. I look forward to tomorrow, though I will be in a flight during the AoS portion and an not sure I'll have WiFi. Hopefully I will.

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I have zero interest in Space Marines and a passing curiosity in the Tyranids, so I was prepared to be 'meh' in the face of the starter set. I do wish they'd revealed more of... pretty much anything else. I know Leviathan was always going to be the showstopper, but at least a tease for things other than "well, uhhhh, some armies will be waiting close to two years for their codex... again!" As somebody who collected GSC during the start of 8th you can imagine how 'thrilled' I am about that.

Despite having very low expectations for the Specialist Games preview due to Nightmare Quest having already been spoilt, I still came away from it more impressed than I did the 40k reveal. I know the Nighthaunt warband is pretty marmite, but I love the concept and they've never made a bad Nighthaunt model (at least in AoS' lifetime), so if Underworlds picks up steam again locally I'd definitely grab them.

Lord of the Rings' diorama... I like the idea, but I'm not much of a display piece painter. I know a lot of people in the MESBG community are kind of let down that's all the preview amounted to, but they're used to not getting much anyway. At least they did acknowledge today was very thin on the ground and that more would be coming in the future - for GW that's pretty novel.

Nightmare Quest I'm surprised at how 'fresh' it felt despite the leaks. I think because the potatocam didn't do a very good job of showing the FEC side of things off. Remember when we were discussing 'werewolf ghouls'? I don't think anybody had Were-baboons on their bingo card. Whilst I'm not somebody who usually minds leaks, I think it would have been fun to see the buzz around "New FEC!" here if it had been a surprise. 

That being said, the roadmap was a unusually pleasant surprise. There's a lot more on there than I would have expected and I'm optimistic at the mix of Order/Death/Destruction stuff on there. 

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I do wonder why, as they said, their hands are tied with what they can show for LOTR. 

At first I thought maybe it's something to do with The Rings of Power, but that's already been released. 

I know there is a massive amount of unseen footage and unused scenes for the LOTR trilogy, so could there be a extended, extended cut coming which is why GW can't show anything as it would spoil what's coming? 

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