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2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

I understand. But there are no AoS beast of chaos miniatures, it are the exact same mini's that were in Warhammer before it blew up. Now they bring Warhammer back. The only new miniature Beast of Chaos got, was a new Beastlord, which has nothing AoS specific on him. He is in the same style as the last Beastmen release (Bray-Shaman) for Warhammer.

Soon there will be Beast of Chaos for AoS and Beastmen for Warhammer, both will have same the miniatures. Now if we look how many systems GW has to support nowadays, there is no way that they will make unique mini's for Beasts of Chaos battletome and Beastmen armybook. If there ever will be new mini's, they will probably be in the same style as all the Beast of Chaos mini's, which are Beastmen from the old world. 😉

AoS selling better than Warhammer did in its final years is a bit of a mood point. What matters is how Warhammer the Old World will do financial when it is released this year or the next. It's also the first time that they can compare the sales, which will be very interesting.

The GW of today is not the same GW as it was in the last years of Warhammer. Almost two different companies. Now, we will see how this shift in behavior of GW will reflect on Warhammer "The Old World".

Anyway lets hope that this weekend will bring very cool AoS previews and Warhammer previews! 😄

I think that TOW fans do need the manage their hype just a little (the irony of myself saying this is not lost on me) as TOW will be to AOS as Horus Heresy is to 40K. Its a side game, it wont have all the factions WHFB had and most of the returning minis, probably a good 90% wont be brand new but the same sculpts in plastic.

Id rather see BOC get new minis updated with their AOS afflictions and the like than see them tied to the WHFB aesthetic.

I hope I dont come off as rude or condescending The Old World to me is boring in terms of creativity and a stagnant narrative which for me is one of my biggest enjoyments in this hobby. 


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2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I think that TOW fans do need the manage their hype just a little

Yeah I really don’t want to get into the arguments again but going off what tidbits we know from Runebrush’s 2020 interview and it’s smaller status as a specialist game(one that has to rely on re-releasing old models to just stay relevant) I don’t think looking at it for  new models is a great idea.

Like even ignoring the AoS Studio & TOW FW team having no communication with eachother it’s gonna be a game that’s likely gonna take years to just get the regular factions under control with a few releases per year on possibly Aeronautica levels.

Once AoS gets it’s full steam back as it’s been doing it’ll easily outpace that by miles and be the more sure fire of the two to see Morghur pop up as a new god model and new beasties if I had any wager.

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13 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I think that TOW fans do need the manage their hype just a little (the irony of myself saying this is not lost on me) as TOW will be to AOS as Horus Heresy is to 40K. Its a side game, it wont have all the factions WHFB had and most of the returning minis, probably a good 90% wont be brand new but the same sculpts in plastic.

Id rather see BOC get new minis updated with their AOS afflictions and the like than see them tied to the WHFB aesthetic.

I hope I dont come off as rude or condescending The Old World to me is boring in terms of creativity and a stagnant narrative which for me is one of my biggest enjoyments in this hobby. 


I hope you are right on the "HH to 40k" as I love AoS but still I will consider that a total failure if 90% of the minis are the same as 20 years ago.

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27 minutes ago, Holy_Diver said:

No one has yet wondered what Gorkamorka has to do with Shysh and Ghyran? (the two runes on the photo)

Life and Death are more closely linked for greenskins than any other race if you think about it, since they reproduce by spreading spores once they die/get wounded. Maybe Gork sees all the nonsense in Shyish with the vamps infighting and wants a piece of the action? While Mork is looking to disrupt Alarielle's life quake because it's healing da boys too quickly? we will unfortunately not know the answers to these questions until Sunday at the earliest....

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14 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah I really don’t want to get into the arguments again but going off what tidbits we know from Runebrush’s 2020 interview and it’s smaller status as a specialist game(one that has to rely on re-releasing old models to just stay relevant) I don’t think looking at it for  new models is a great idea.

Like even ignoring the AoS Studio & TOW FW team having no communication with eachother it’s gonna be a game that’s likely gonna take years to just get the regular factions under control with a few releases per year on possibly Aeronautica levels.

Once AoS gets it’s full steam back as it’s been doing it’ll easily outpace that by miles and be the more sure fire of the two to see Morghur pop up as a new god model and new beasties if I had any wager.

I just want new and relatively decently priced Tomb Kings. I'm tired of looking at the scalpers on eBay ask for nearly 100 dollars for 6th edition skeletons, to say nothing of the good 8th edition models.... AOS is the future, this is accepted fact, but I sincerely hope that we see some level of cooperation between the two studios, if only so that we can use the models produced by TOW without too much fuss from the rules lawyers and meta-gamers that are increasingly popping up in the community.

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Just give me this for Bonesplitterz and ill be happy for at least a year. Wereboar Orruks seems like a good guess for the orruk with tusks. This might also lean into Kurnoth somehow. As he is dead at the moment and needs some life. Just making wild guesses.


Edited by Gitzdee
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1 hour ago, Holy_Diver said:

No one has yet wondered what Gorkamorka has to do with Shysh and Ghyran? (the two runes on the photo)

We don't have to wonder :) Alarielle released the Rite of Life to try and negate the Necroquake, but of course that caused all sorts of different issues for the Realms--the Gorkamorka face is going to be one of these consequences and we'll get more towards the namesake of "Era of the Beast" !!

The red energy emanating from Shyish, while the green energy sits slightly under it but still permeates between Ghyran and Shyish... very exciting things for Gorkamorka

edit: @Baron Klatz got me

Happy Bearded Guy Pointing Someone on the Left Stock Photo - Image of  indication, leaning: 53271632

Edited by CommissarRotke
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52 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Just give me this for Bonesplitterz and ill be happy for at least a year. Wereboar Orruks seems like a good guess for the orruk with tusks. This might also lean into Kurnoth somehow. As he is dead at the moment and needs some life. Just making wild guesses.



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3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I think that TOW fans do need the manage their hype just a little (the irony of myself saying this is not lost on me) as TOW will be to AOS as Horus Heresy is to 40K. Its a side game, it wont have all the factions WHFB had and most of the returning minis, probably a good 90% wont be brand new but the same sculpts in plastic.

Id rather see BOC get new minis updated with their AOS afflictions and the like than see them tied to the WHFB aesthetic.

I hope I dont come off as rude or condescending The Old World to me is boring in terms of creativity and a stagnant narrative which for me is one of my biggest enjoyments in this hobby. 


Lol, GW always fuels the hype and than the actual preview happens. 🙂 So, it's better to never expect to much from GW preview events.

There is no other way than bring a lot of old mini's back for Warhammer "The Old World". Even for their main games and their prime game (40K) they can only release so much each year. Warhammer was build up over decades of releases. Lol, it's absolutely impossible to redo everything as new (it will take again decades). As someone else posted. AoS is still using decade old mini's for some of their battletomes.

Man, I can only hope that Warhammer "The Old World" will be treated in the same way as the Horus Heresy. But we will see, as the other ruleset has Space Marines... . Hard to compete against that.

I play CoS and Slaves to Darkness. I can't wait to see what direction aesthetic wise they will take with CoS, but contrary to the people that want crazy stuff. I really hope CoS will be still quite normal.. (Hopefully a mix of Bretonnia/Witch hunters/Empire and riding on normal horses with 4 legs). If everything is a race to be the most crazy / creative thing, it just becomes a joke.

Anyway the result of what the succes or failure for Warhammer "The old World" will only be visible in a year or two.

That said, I am a long time lurker here. I had to check it in my profile, but since november 2017. So almost from the moment this forum is created. I've seen a lot of posts about what things AoS will get in miniature form. From Malerion his elves to Chaos dwarves to lol Wereboar Orruks. But most things didn't happen.

Let us first see and hope, that there will be finally a release for Kurnoth. 😉

3 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah I really don’t want to get into the arguments again but going off what tidbits we know from Runebrush’s 2020 interview and it’s smaller status as a specialist game(one that has to rely on re-releasing old models to just stay relevant) I don’t think looking at it for  new models is a great idea.

Like even ignoring the AoS Studio & TOW FW team having no communication with eachother it’s gonna be a game that’s likely gonna take years to just get the regular factions under control with a few releases per year on possibly Aeronautica levels.

Once AoS gets it’s full steam back as it’s been doing it’ll easily outpace that by miles and be the more sure fire of the two to see Morghur pop up as a new god model and new beasties if I had any wager.

About new models, we will see. There was a Warhammer community post about Kislev in 2020, so that will probaly be a new army in plastic (maybe with resin characters / units as in HH). In the latest post about Warhammer community they talked about dismounted Bretonnian knights of the Realm. That's also something.

I don't know what the future will bring fantasy wise for GW, but don't underestimate the power of nostalgy. If GW brought Warhammer back to soon it would have been different, but now after almost a decade the nostalgy fire is burning strong and with Total War: Warhammer they have a great platform to reach lots of possible new customers. Anyway we will see.

I can understand that for some the reviving of Warhammer can feel threating, but for me after 9 years of playing AoS, I am ready to go back to my first love. 😉

Edit: Don't get me wrong, we currently still play AoS as our main game and we are looking forward to new AoS releases, but damn. We are also so ready to get back for some good old fashion rank and file warfare with a new supported Warhammer ruleset. 🙂

Edited by Tonhel
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5 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

I hope you are right on the "HH to 40k" as I love AoS but still I will consider that a total failure if 90% of the minis are the same as 20 years ago.

90% may be a bit high but Im expecting almost entirely the same minis with the only new minis for most armies being Characters or like AOS currently, single hero updates.

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As someone who never even knew that Warhammer existed before Fantasy died, "We're bringing the old models back." is all I wanted to hear. I'd take the 4th and 5th edition sculpts over the later ones. Inject those janky-ass proportions and 2-dimensional poses straight into my veins. I have my modern AoS armies to take care of such frivolities as "discernible detail" and "faces that don't look like melted candle wax". I want Goblin Green bases and reds so vibrant they make your eyes bleed.


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27 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

As someone who never even knew that Warhammer existed before Fantasy died, "We're bringing the old models back." is all I wanted to hear. I'd take the 4th and 5th edition sculpts over the later ones. Inject those janky-ass proportions and 2-dimensional poses straight into my veins. I have my modern AoS armies to take care of such frivolities as "discernible detail" and "faces that don't look like melted candle wax". I want Goblin Green bases and reds so vibrant they make your eyes bleed.


I agree with all of that apart from goblin green bases! They need to stay in the past! 

I lived through the goblin green bases era and didn't like them then, tho I never thought to do anything else lol. 

My 4th edition armies today have more modern basing and look all the better for it. 

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When it comes to nostalgia the 6th and 7th edition plastics don't cut it for me. At the time those kits were great for the convenience but they hadn't reached the point where they matched the quality of the metals. If they are going to bring back models I'd love to see the really classic dwarves from the 80's. images(7).jpeg.29e91bdac5c5a484783f28b739526ca1.jpeg

This is what I think of when I imagine characterful old sculpts. This is something that the new Gloomspite have but the new Fyreslayers lack. 

Edited by Chikout
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10 minutes ago, Lich King said:

AOS needs more green grass and blue skies . Notice that it’s not in the marketing so much - just abstract realms and dark areas .

That's because we haven't had much going on in Ghyran yet. 

But otherwise, Grimdark is grim and dark. 

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So for today. Full Warcry next box preview. FeC against SC, so probably no suprises there. Very curious what it will be for Warhammer underworlds. Lowest expectation 1 mini of the next warband, highest expectation a full warband + hints for the other warbands.🤞

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

When it comes to nostalgia the 6th and 7th edition plastics don't cut it for me. At the time those kits were great for the convenience but they hadn't reached the point where they matched the quality of the metals. If they are going to bring back models I'd love to see the really classic dwarves from the 80's. images(7).jpeg.29e91bdac5c5a484783f28b739526ca1.jpeg

This is what I think of when I imagine characterful old sculpts. This is something that the new Gloomspite have but the new Fyreslayers lack. 

For whatever reason, this sculpts remind me of the new Cities of Sigmar models.

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7 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

So for today. Full Warcry next box preview. FeC against SC, so probably no suprises there. Very curious what it will be for Warhammer underworlds. Lowest expectation 1 mini of the next warband, highest expectation a full warband + hints for the other warbands.🤞

I am expecting new warband and roadmap which gives warband logos so we might know which one is last from symbol.

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32 minutes ago, Aleser said:

I am expecting new warband and roadmap which gives warband logos so we might know which one is last from symbol.

Looking forward to it. Loved all the warbands (miniature wise) since the first one released. The Warcry set is also a must have, hopefully the price will be reasonable.

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