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7 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Yeah you're right @Beliman. Chaos Dwarfs were already crazy enough in WHF. Satanic Babylonian Dwarfs that use slavery, think they are a superior master race destined to conquer the world, and have trains, missiles, lava spewing cannons, demon-powered mechas, and dwarf-bull hybrids. Is that not crazy enough ? 

Compared to factions like underwater soulless Aelfs with gigantic sea creatures and manifesting the essence of a long lost god, fire duardin who hammer the essence of their god into themselves and ride creatures made out of the mixture of their dead god and the godbeast that died alongside it, Aelves who literally have walking mountain spirits?

Big hats, trains and bulls are quite mundane in comparison.

I can imagine enslaved godbeasts, incarnates, demons forged into weapons, realmstone bombs, a chaos equivalent to cogforts, etc. Just looking at their previous incarnation would be restrictive.

Edited by Snarff
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Not to mention the Realms already make many of their things mundane.

Fire daemons? Aqshy has dancing Fire elementals and flame-djinn listed as common dangers alongside chaos reavers.

Big metal beasts and machinery? Chamon is literally crawling with it.

And of course as mentioned the big hats are taken with even more impressive specimens. ;)


They need to bring their S+ game to stand out in the Mortal Realms.

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3 hours ago, Snarff said:

That's true, but mostly fantasy fans don't want to see the factions change too much. Just look at the 'backlash' to everything that's not almost a copy of their Old World counterparts. I really think they could do insanely cool things with Chaos Duardin in AoS, but not if they're forced back into being mostly 'Dwarfs with silly hats' and the occasional actually decent creatures (I do really like the Fireborn).


Some aspects of the Legions of Azgorh were okay, but I think they could be so much more if they lean into what Chaos Duardin would be doing in the Mortal Realms rather than how they are supposed to look like in the old world.

I agree mate. I dont want AOS to be hampered in its design by what is effectively a sideline game.

Imagine if we started changing AOS sculpts to suit Blood Bowl.

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2 hours ago, Snarff said:

Compared to factions like underwater soulless Aelfs with gigantic sea creatures and manifesting the essence of a long lost god, fire duardin who hammer the essence of their god into themselves and ride creatures made out of the mixture of their dead god and the godbeast that died alongside it, Aelves who literally have walking mountain spirits?

Big hats, trains and bulls are quite mundane in comparison.

I can imagine enslaved godbeasts, incarnates, demons forged into weapons, realmstone bombs, a chaos equivalent to cogforts, etc. Just looking at their previous incarnation would be restrictive.

I would not say no to any of that but looking at other factions (like FS and KO) there's been lots of stuff they could have done but didn't. GW do not give that much attention to smaller factions unless there's some cause or will in the company to do a sudden refresh. Had there been one (or the other) I do not GW would have put them in Legends.

That's why I'd be perfectly happy with updated models and multi-kits. Given the nature of the various daemonic Thomas the tank engines (and more) there's a lot of wiggle-room to make rules which better reflect each game (both as a game and in the lore).

In other words, I hope the combined popularity of TOW/AoS Chorfs is enough to solidify them as a mainstay faction.

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28 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

The making of Blacktalon has some incredible art. I especially love the art for Hammerhal!!





My only peeve would be that we can see the walls of Hammerhal from (around) the center of the city.
I always imagined that if you started walking from the realmgate you'd still be in the city a few hours later, with it being basically the capital City of Sigmar (barring Azyrheim), with a (logical) population in imo the billions if they have the resources to be sending armies to basically every realm.

Just going to headcanon that that's the "inner wall" protecting the inner district before getting to the general population 😛

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

Funny that it took almost the duration of the edition for her to actually get any new lore or presence beyond her Battletome blurb.

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39 minutes ago, Draznak said:

And sadly, there is no sign of any translation of the AoS novels on the horizon... Big mistake on GW's part (although I suspect they don't care as sales must be very low compared to 40k).

As it has been pointed out by a lot of different people GW also has a bad habit of not believing that stuff outside of Space Marines will sell so they do not even try. Which gets us in that feedback loop you can see now.

Glad AoS spreads the love out a lot more.

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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

And sadly, there is no sign of any translation of the AoS novels on the horizon... Big mistake on GW's part (although I suspect they don't care as sales must be very low compared to 40k).

sorry to hear that, I've seen so many FR/DE/ES translations of 40k books I would hope AOS got some itself :(

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11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

sorry to hear that, I've seen so many FR/DE/ES translations of 40k books I would hope AOS got some itself :(

In fact there have been fairly regular translations (at least in French) from 2018 to 2021. In 2022, one and only novel (Soulslayer) translated and since then nothing. It's totally empty.


I think unfortunately that the sales are very low because few people, still comparing to 40k, are interested in the AoS lore. BL must earn very little money investing in translations that will be read by very few people.


It's sad, it contributes to AoS not growing (the feedback loop mentioned by @RyantheFett) and I'm afraid it won't change until GW offers a strong and clearly defined lore context and charismatic pure AoS characters. But that's a different debate from the TGA rumours topic. :)

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37 minutes ago, Ledgington said:

Season of War: Thondia was also predominantly about her 

Which was a sequel to the war at amberstone watch booklet that comes with Dominion. 


59 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Funny that it took almost the duration of the edition for her to actually get any new lore or presence beyond her Battletome blurb.

So that's 4 things about her aside from the battletome which is quite a bit more than other characters have gotten. I don't think there's been anything at all about Astrea Soulbright for example. 

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

Very excited, I feel like Yndrasta has a lot of narrative potential and could really become an iconographic part of AOS lore. More central than Blacktalon or Sureheart, more independent from Stormhosts than Carthalos or Steel Soul, and less narratively constraned than the mysterious origins of the Celestant Prime.

In other words Yndrasta can be a fully realized character that can also feature in major narrative events and not be tied to a specific Stormhost's story or characters. 

Still think that we need to broaden our named Stormcast characters to at least have a major character for each central Stormhost. Then I want to see them loose to Chaos as we need to keep the threat of Chaos real and also support the upcoming release of Chaos Dwarf and line updates for Skaven and Beasts of Chaos... 😈

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8 hours ago, Snarff said:

If Chaos Duardin appear, I hope they're properly crazy and AoS-ified. They can do so much with them in the AoS setting, weapons/armor/crazy concepts wise compared to the old world where they need to fit in.

I'll be very disappointed if they're toned down to also fit the Old World, it's why I'm very concerned about cross-compatibility. Either AoS sculpts need to be less fantastical and more mundane (which I would very much dislike) or TOW is going to have to use much more high fantasy sculpts (which I'm sure not everyone that's going to play that game would be happy with).

Properly crazy and AoS-ified? The fluff of AoS is indeed quite different and more crazy than the fluff from the old world, but when it comes to actual miniatures released since the start of the 3rd edition, how crazy are the mini's aesthetic / design wise really? I just looked at the AoS releases of 2021 and 2022 and I can't say wow, this would never work as a miniature in the old world. :-).

If anything the mini's became more toned down since the end of 2 edition. The most recent releases like Slaves to Darkness and Seraphon are almost exactlty the same as the old world miniatures.

We have no idea what GW is planning to do, but it could be that the new GW fantasy miniatures will be more dual use than we are expecting. Money wise it seems even a good move. There are players that don't want to play AoS, there are players that don't want to play the Old World and than there are players that play both. Now if you can make mini's that would be useable for both systems it just means more money for GW and that in the end is the only thing that counts for a company that is listed on a stock exchange.

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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

In fact there have been fairly regular translations (at least in French) from 2018 to 2021. In 2022, one and only novel (Soulslayer) translated and since then nothing. It's totally empty.


I think unfortunately that the sales are very low because few people, still comparing to 40k, are interested in the AoS lore. BL must earn very little money investing in translations that will be read by very few people.


It's sad, it contributes to AoS not growing (the feedback loop mentioned by @RyantheFett) and I'm afraid it won't change until GW offers a strong and clearly defined lore context and charismatic pure AoS characters. But that's a different debate from the TGA rumours topic. :)

The state of affairs in Hungarian is also pretty bad (although I'm surprised there is a market for ANY Warhammer books here 😛).

Tuan have published the first 3 Realmgate Wars books, Soul Wars, City of Secrets and now Ghoulslayer (which iirc only happened because the publisher pestered GW to let them translate it so much they allowed it)

They have also clarified in social media posts iirc that they are only allowed to publish works if approved by their connector (or if they pester GW enough), and that the only AoS book they've done that wasn't ordered to be translated from the UK was Ghoulslayer, and that they currently don't have any direction in regards of translating AoS, while 40k and HH are full steam ahead (alongside their own projects like the Cyperpunk Red and now-cancelled D&D translation)

Kinda sad in all honesty, I would have loved to have a physical copy of Dark Harvest, English or not.

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13 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

If anything the mini's became more toned down since the end of 2 edition. The most recent releases like Slaves to Darkness and Seraphon are almost exactlty the same as the old world miniatures.

The Sylvaneth & NightHaunt releases were pretty crazy with the bug warriors and three-armed NightHaunt hero, the Sons of Behemat as Brodd is covered in new creatures, Kharadron ruleslawyer with mega-phones and a robotic library on his back and the new Freeguild are looking to balance the line with plate-armored militia as a minimum.

Seraphon are arguable as even the basic troops are taking advantage of their higher tech angle with the Spawn of Chotec even having a cerebral mechanical implant in it’s head.

I think some of the toned down elements are mostly for this season of Ghur. It wouldn’t be as thematically appropriate to release crazy stuff like Stormcast aether-vessels or Skaven parasite engines when the focus is on monsters and hunters in wastelands & swamps while the big threat is Vietcong greenskins.

So if Chuardin release while in Ghur they could get a pass but if we go to the Realm of Shadows and everyone is super magic & shadow daemons charged with illusionist themes then they should up their game again too.

1 hour ago, Kaptinskaggy said:

Never thought I'd see sculpted emo bangs on a stylized full-face helmet. These are the kinds of advancements in fashion only Sigmar's chosen can bring to the table. Incredible how something can be laughably ridiculous but also rad as hell at the same time.

Really wish she got that face-helm as a second option.

Seemed odd she’s the only main hero without the option, the Amberfall project one would’ve been perfect for her playing on the Arcanum’s creepier eldritch masks with a hint of Protector-paladin mask in there.


But at least the Apotheosis banner mask-helm works really well. The forehead comet matched up great with all the other baroque details.


2 hours ago, Ledgington said:

Season of War: Thondia was also predominantly about her 

I hope the new book puts part of her adventures from the Thondia tome in there. 

Loved the part where her retinue was okay with the mutated crowd touching their sacred armor looking for salvation as they’re going to save them(compared to say…Astartes who would’ve started purging the unclean)


And the battle was badass. When she got multi-impaled by the shaman’s Amber Spear spells I thought it was gonna end with her blasting off to reforge but she tanked it, won the day(barely) and even had a conversation with Karazai afterwards. She’s terrifying.

1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

More central than Blacktalon or Sureheart, more independent from Stormhosts than Carthalos or Steel Soul, and less narratively constraned than the mysterious origins of the Celestant Prime.

I do hope the others get some future stories as well.

Aventis deserves a novel with his running of Hammerhal Aqshy, dealing with the emberstone in his chest causing him to contain his fury that blazes out and his friendship with his Tauralon which left it’s litter in Azyr to aid the Stormcast in the desperate wars it saw as a greater cause in keeping the war away from it’s children.

Then a novella for Solbright and the Resurrection Crusades as they explore the underworlds and capture rare undead & god-beasts to study their immortality to improve the Reforging process while Sureheart, Tornus and others can get short stories to explore their current adventures in saving the innocent, redeeming the fallen and liberating the oppressed in the new era.

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