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25 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Hooray! Hopefully means the Seraphon box gets announced next Sunday. 

...now to figure out how to get one of these coins for myself. 

I think there are more probabilities that is a late april release than an early april. 

How long was between Slaves army box and full release? Less than a month? 

I think we should still spect full seraphon release at least late may/early june.  So... late april would work for me...

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38 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Tournaments aren't great for judging popularity as an unpopular army can have a very disproportionate presence if it's strong enough in the meta. Fyreslayers and Genestealer Cults are probably the best example of this - when they're strong they can be quite common at tournaments, but outside of them would still be at the very bottom of armies played.

Conversely, Space Marines can be outnumbered at tournaments but we know overall no other army in 40k comes close to reaching their numbers.


There are very few ways to get an accurate sense of which factions are popular but one place you can get some idea is Instagram. They tell you how many uses of a particular hashtag the site has. Stormcast eternals is by far the most popular AoS hashtag with 124,000 posts containing that hashtag. Slaves to Darkness by comparison has 40,000. Poor old Fyreslayers only have 12,000. To give a 40k comparison #eldar has  175,000.  Nurgle is by far the most popular chaos god with twice as many posts as Khorne. 

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39 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Hooray! Hopefully means the Seraphon box gets announced next Sunday. 

...now to figure out how to get one of these coins for myself. 

Check out this group on Facebook, it's a great group that allows people to get limited edition and rare items at normal retail cost instead of having to pay scalper prices. You can pick the coins up there for £10-£12. 


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15 minutes ago, Gotz said:

I think there are more probabilities that is a late april release than an early april. 

How long was between Slaves army box and full release? Less than a month? 

I think we should still spect full seraphon release at least late may/early june.  So... late april would work for me...

It was a 2 and half month gap if I remember correctly, the box was released in October and the full release in January. 

I expect the lizards next week or the week after at the latest. 

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2 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

It was a 2 and half month gap if I remember correctly, the box was released in October and the full release in January. 

I expect the lizards next week or the week after at the latest. 

That's why I'm assuming late April, most of June will be taken up with 10th ed's release. With how many kits need to be released for Seraphon I'm guessing they'll be July's focus. Late April fits the pattern for how long between box and release things sometimes are.

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6 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Didnt read everyones opinions on this matter but i like the newer SE armour. Might even buy into them at some point. It makes them feel more like knights instead of marines at a quick glance compared to the old models and it makes all thd difference for me. 


For me it’s that they look more like celestial demigods now. Like the mockeries Chaos always done with golden figures like Sigvald impersonates but actually honest-to-goodness divine holy immortals.

That are also so big that cities have to accommodate them with extra large 9-foot doorways and they can straight up strangle hold a daemon with one arm. 😄


Last few months I saw a number of people put wings on them and they fit divinely for that feeling they give me.

Also two twitter ones kinda unrelated to my celestial examples but we’re talking Stormcast wings and these are hella cool.


6 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Spiderfang, could be so much more awesome than just big and small spiders. Looking fowards to updated riders and new kits.

Let’s. 👏 Go. 👏 Scuttlings! 👏 🕷 


17 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

Id be very happy if they resculpted liberators and judicators in thunder strike armour. Stormcast don’t need more warscrolls but they could do with a facelift and diversity lift on their aos1 units 

Well there’s already a hint towards Liberators. You can see what looks like a thunderstrike one in the Kruleboyz art with a Thunderstrike Evocator behind him. (I’m all for how crazier seraphim the halo masks look 👌


On revamps though, how long do you think it’ll be before Plastic Craic has to make this article again for the huge discontinuations CoS is about to get?




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Holy smokes! If not for the Whitefang post, I would have never expected a revamp of earlier Stormcast stuff. I wrote like three different posts on my Thunderstrike thoughts yesterday, but deleted them because I figured no one cared. Model-wise, I think Stormcast really hit their stride with the Sacrosanct chamber and was dismayed to see the changes made with Thunderstrike. The new stuff is wonderfully proportioned and awesome to look at, but part of me has come to love the excessive ornamentation and impractical bulkiness of the older models.

While I don't want to bloat the army further, I also think updating models that are less than a decade old sends an unfortunate message - for owners of the old stuff and collectors of other, more needing armies both. Despite their original conception as a Space Marine counterpart, I would not consider any Stormcast unit to be so iconic as to need an update. Unlike, for example, the refreshed Terminator sculpts has everyone excited.

Whatever happens, I hope they stick with Thunderstrike for the foreseeable future. Or that if they introduce alternatives, that those are presented as actual alternatives rather than strict upgrades. Congruity is important to me as well. While the comparisons to the introduction of Primaris were ultimately unjustified, I really don't think the massive Stormcast model range jells together as well as it should...

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25 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Or that if they introduce alternatives, that those are presented as actual alternatives rather than strict upgrades.

I could see this happening for the beginning and making them proxiable. Like despite Blades of Khorne getting a new Vanguard they still are selling the Starter Box from the chopped up 1st edition set so I don’t think they’re in a hurry to take those out and it wouldn’t be hard to just stamp Thunderstrike keywords on their warscrolls.


25 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

I really don't think the massive Stormcast model range jells together as well as it should...

Aesthetically I say they do. GW’s designers really showed their skill with making the new stuff but it can still go smoothly with the classics as they share the key features that make what a Stormcast Eternal is.


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6 hours ago, MitGas said:

One thing I still can‘t wrap my head around is why Ironjawz got painted in such garrish colors. The minis look 5 times cooler if their armor looks like , y‘know, iron… 

Amen. My army threat hasn't been updated in a while, but that's exactly the loom I've gone for:


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8 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Didnt read everyones opinions on this matter but i like the newer SE armour. Might even buy into them at some point. It makes them feel more like knights instead of marines at a quick glance compared to the old models and it makes all the difference for me. 

As for Ironjawz, i dont think they need an update anytime soon. Maybe new ardboyz if they want to do something. Bonesplitterz really need all the help they can get. The underworld warband just shows what can be done and tastes like so much more.

As for things i would like to see updated.

Skaven - everything

BoC - needs new kits

Ogors - needs new kits

Tzeentch - new mortal kits and some updated flamers, spawn and screamers. 

Orruk warclans - Bonesplitterz everything

CoS - we know its coming but they really need a complete rework.

Spiderfang, could be so much more awesome than just big and small spiders. Looking fowards to updated riders and new kits.

Everything still left over from whfb needs to be replaced honestly. The design is just so updated because of rank and file units.


Skaven, Beasts of Chaos and Ogor Mawtribes HAVE to be updated next Edition.

Especially Skaven because at some point its beyond a joke because some of those minis are older than some users here. And Im talking over 20 years old.

Having so many holdovers from WHFB definitely affects sales and GW knows it. Look how many people are jumping on Seraphon!!

Fyreslayers as an AOS Faction need expansion badly.

8 hours ago, Whitefang said:


Oh yes lets go!!

1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Good news: Beastman!
Bad news: Blood Bowl!



This is an epic mini!! The best looking Chaos Spawn yet!!

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On 3/26/2023 at 10:21 AM, The Lost Sigmarite said:

SCE failed at being the posterboys, which meant more attention was directed to other factions that needed it

not so sure Stormcast failed actually! in this instance I think I'd give GW credit in realizing they can't have another 40k situation. maybe doing more Thunderstrike kits will change this approach, but it does feel like Stormcast are positioned to be posterchildren without the entire setting being centered around them.

I mean hell, the "inciting incident" in AOS is a Pan-Order Pantheon defending/attacking Chaos; in 40k it's a (super)human civil war brought about by Chaos. There's not really room to put Stormcast on the same type of pillar that Space Marines inhabit. They exist because Sigmar allied with Aelves, Duardin, Dracotion, and even Gorkamorka and Nagash (and whoever else I'm forgetting).

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9 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Stormcast are the good guys faction, easy to paint and build with large smooth areas and large sizes, straightforward in their gameplay, and demand less miniatures in an army because of their elite nature, which translates to less money to spend on them compared to other factions. They're the perfect beginner faction, that's why I don't see them going anywhere as the starter set/beginning of edition release faction.

Ironically for playing they're not necessarily great for new players. But hobby-wise yes, for sure intended for new players.

6 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I could see GW using these as the primary faction for each Grand Alliance although I could easily see cases for other factions:
Order - Stormcast
Chaos - Slaves to Darkness
Destruction - Orruk Warclans
Death - Soulblight

if we include the actual hobbying part, I think Death would be OBR? At the least, they look easier to build and paint compared to Soulblight.

GW should absolutely have newbie posterfactions for each Alliance though

Edited by CommissarRotke
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3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

hopefully they will keep their more simplistic designs? I LOVE the new thunderstrike stuff but by golly I'd love it even more if redone Judicators and Liberators had no capes and less greebles!

I personally really hope they're gonna go the opposite direction. The old ornamentation with the new sculpt quality. The new Underworlds Stormcast leader is one of my favourite Stormcast so far alongside the Dragonriders.

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7 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I personally really hope they're gonna go the opposite direction. The old ornamentation with the new sculpt quality. The new Underworlds Stormcast leader is one of my favourite Stormcast so far alongside the Dragonriders.

for leaders i don't mind at all! the new WHU band looks so cool I can't wait to see them in person. for battleline troops it feels bad to make the decision whether to leave details unpainted or to take even more time getting a chaff unit painted. slightly less minute details would be appreciated, especially since there is a good chance these redone kits will not be multipart.

6 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

So if old SCE Models are getting a rework. Would it be a save bet to sell my Dracothian Guard now to buy the new one later this year? 

if you painted them keep them!

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

not so sure Stormcast failed actually! in this instance I think I'd give GW credit in realizing they can't have another 40k situation. maybe doing more Thunderstrike kits will change this approach, but it does feel like Stormcast are positioned to be posterchildren without the entire setting being centered around them.

I mean hell, the "inciting incident" in AOS is a Pan-Order Pantheon defending/attacking Chaos; in 40k it's a (super)human civil war brought about by Chaos. There's not really room to put Stormcast on the same type of pillar that Space Marines inhabit. They exist because Sigmar allied with Aelves, Duardin, Dracotion, and even Gorkamorka and Nagash (and whoever else I'm forgetting).

Yeah, it’s always good to remember that AoS focuses on what multiple factions can accomplish together.

Especially with the Stormcast Eternals who not only are super big on uniting all races and gods but their very creation is thanks to the team-up of Sigmar, Grungni and Tyrion building the Sigmarabulum that encircles the remaining molten core of the world-that-was.


The new armors have even been big on referencing that with those “crescent” designs which are the celestial city’s shape(because of course Sigmar’s connection to Mallus made it spawn twin-tail flares)


Besides AoS3 being bigger on up AoS1 ideas I also take stuff like this to hint at the connections of Order getting stronger especially now with the Freeguild revamp looking to replace Wfb holdovers with closer ties with AoS races(Lumineth coalitions > Asur leftovers).

And as for posterboys I feel Stormcast have pretty much succeeded despite people’s hesitancy towards them. Their face masks are  unique & synonymous with Age of Sigmar to where they’re used in partner programs.


21 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

hopefully they will keep their more simplistic designs? I LOVE the new thunderstrike stuff but by golly I'd love it even more if redone Judicators and Liberators had no capes and less greebles!

I only ask is they keep the bulk, smooth pauldrons and just streamline the extra leg armor a bit but make both feels like mini-annihilators in being unmovable.

Would give them a distinct design difference to the Vindictors & Vigilors who are designed to be lighter and faster where-as Liberators have to get in closer than their spear brethren and Judicators form and hold firing lines instead of Vigilor ranger tactics so extra armor would help them hold their positions.

15 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I personally really hope they're gonna go the opposite direction. The old ornamentation with the new sculpt quality. The new Underworlds Stormcast leader is one of my favourite Stormcast so far alongside the Dragonriders.

Definitely. With Grungni having more time now to work on the new designs hopefully they reflect that with more design embellishments to show he’s been busy after the decades the Thondia campaign’s been through.

Especially bring back the over-detailed animal & dragon masks!


12 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

So if old SCE Models are getting a rework. Would it be a save bet to sell my Dracothian Guard now to buy the new one later this year? 

What do you think?

I doubt those guys are going soon. They weren’t wave 1 with the Warrior chamber but their own wave some time later as Extremis chamber.

Hopefully they’ll get theirs closer to 5th edition and get a full Dracothion legion of dragon-flyers, dracoth-heavy lancers and Extremis foot troops that serve as bulky defenders that support the cavalry but can magically keep up with them(so fast heavy infantry as long as the dragons are around) and Extremis-Questors that go around collecting the Solar Gems of slain Stormdrakes & Dracoths that couldn’t safely bolt back to Azyr so wait in gem stasis until retrieved later(this is what they already do in the lore so a unit collecting them like Sylvaneth beetle cavalry collect soulpods)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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1 hour ago, SunStorm said:

Amen. My army threat hasn't been updated in a while, but that's exactly the loom I've gone for:


Your models look great! But I actually really love the bright armour of GW's ironjawz as well, it makes them really pop on the table and in pictures.

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20 hours ago, xking said:

I hope some of you guys are joking about replacing stormcast models that are basically still new. When there are other models that have not been updated for far longer or there are armies that barely received anything at all.  

Makes me wish we knew how each faction sold and how popular they are with the community. Same with 40k and human factions.

Does GW make more of what sells the best? Or does GW think only certain things sell and just keep on throwing those things at us which limits options. Know this topic popped up when a leaker said they started to cut out certain AoS books, but it is such a interesting topic.

Edited by RyantheFett
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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

if we include the actual hobbying part, I think Death would be OBR? At the least, they look easier to build and paint compared to Soulblight.

GW should absolutely have posterfactions for each Alliance though

I was a little conflicted regarding my choices for Death and Destruction.

I feel like Chaos and Order have clear poster factions, but despite the love given to Orruks in the lore I feel like Gloomspite get more attention from fans. Similarly I feel like OBR were kind of set up to be a poster faction but the love from GW seems to be more on their treacherous cousins although Nighthaunt are a serious contender.

With that in mind it would mean that we could get a slight break in releases from Stormcast and Slaves to Darkness as Destruction and Death would have more of a chance to share the spotlight in terms of big boxes.

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