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Just now, Asbestress said:

We've already seen both reboxed Soulblight and Ossiarchs, so the speed is probably just so that they can get:
-40k 10th Edition out in the Summer
-(Supposedly, although I'd consider Valrak a pretty reliable source) The Old World by the end of the year
-And probably the Cities refresh in Fall-December

I wonder what's happened to Epic, as Valrak I think had a source that that was supposed to be this year. Maybe plans have changed, or just 1 of the rumours is wrong, doubt they will launch 2 game systems in 1 year, especially a year with a new 40K edition.

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2 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

-(Supposedly, although I'd consider Valrak a pretty reliable source) The Old World by the end of the year
-And probably the Cities refresh in Fall-December

I would have said the opposite : Cities around September/October and The Old World for November/December.

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8 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

I wonder what's happened to Epic, as Valrak I think had a source that that was supposed to be this year. Maybe plans have changed, or just 1 of the rumours is wrong, doubt they will launch 2 game systems in 1 year, especially a year with a new 40K edition.

Valrak's job is generating headline grabbing clicks. He definitely has some good sources of information, but he repeats nonsense as often as he does stuff that's correct. People just seem to remember when he's right.

I'll be genuinely surprised if TOW is 2023, especially in the year of a new 40k edition.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Just now, Clan's Cynic said:

Valrak's job is generating headline grabbing clicks. He definitely has some reliable sources, but he repeats nonsense as often as he does stuff that's correct. People just seem to remember when he's right.

I'll be genuinely surprised if TOR is 2023, especially in the year of a new 40k edition.

That's fair, but at the same time I seem to recall that Epic at least was from one of his more reliable ones, but then again it was a while back I may be forgetting and getting mixed up.

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6 minutes ago, Draznak said:

I would have said the opposite : Cities around September/October and The Old World for November/December.

I'd have to agree, although I don't think we'll see the whole refresh released this year (like Sisters getting an Army box in October-November and getting their main release in January/the new S2D and Imperial Guard).

It'll be interesting to see if TOW does materialise this year, as I think it's a bit interesting that they have switched from "an article when we feel like it" to seemingly monthly ones.

Also, if they keep the roughly bimonthly interval for Cities articles (the last 3 since the initial reveal have all been separated by between 52-57 days), then I think we should be getting both a TOW and Cities refresh one the coming week.

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15 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

That's fair, but at the same time I seem to recall that Epic at least was from one of his more reliable ones, but then again it was a while back I may be forgetting and getting mixed up.

Imo Epic seems more likely because it would slide neatly into the usual Q3/Q4 Specialist Game new edition slot. Titanicus has also been suspiciously quiet when it comes to models and rules, despite apparently being a decent selling game which may not be a coincidence. 

So far we've seen nothing out of TOW except concept art and some fluff, plus they forewarned us it was a very long way off... immediately before Covid screwed everything up, and we know they've been scrambling to play catchup on their existing gamelines since. Three years even without Covid would have been optimistic.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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29 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

On an even more positive note, this monday will be the next preview whatever the seraphon will get next. 2 weeks since the last one and 4 weeks since the first one. 

We’re also due a dawnbringer preview. It’s been two months since the last one. 

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57 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Imo Epic seems more likely because it would slide neatly into the usual Q3/Q4 Specialist Game new edition slot. Titanicus has also been suspiciously quiet when it comes to models and rules, despite apparently being a decent selling game which may not be a coincidence. 

So far we've seen nothing out of TOW except concept art and some fluff, plus they forewarned us it was a very long way off... immediately before Covid screwed everything up, and we know they've been scrambling to play catchup on their existing gamelines since. Three years even without Covid would have been optimistic.

Oh I know all about the lack of Titanicus news believe me, been more than a year and a half since we had anything release in plastic, closer to 2 since we had anything completely new in Plastic (the iconoclast was a variant of the Warmaster). Epic does seem like a good shout considering that Titans would be a big part of the game most likely.


I am hopeful for OW especially since other rumours have the starter box including TKs, which I collected when I was 10 and really want to see again, but yeah Epic seems more likely, especially as it ties more thematically to 40K which of course will be the year's headliner.

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54 minutes ago, Chikout said:

We’re also due a dawnbringer preview. It’s been two months since the last one. 

We could have both! Haven't Dawnbringer previews traditionally been Wednesday or Thursday posts while new Seraphon are Mondays? 

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My expectation is we'll see the remainder of the Seraphon stuff at Adepticon, including any Army Set they may or may not get, then Dawnbringers at WarhammerFest.

The Dawnbringer Previews will probably end up being the vague CAD teases, because I like to keep my expectations low.

The 'New Model Mondays' will be a mixture of systems but include the OBR/SBGL obligatory Heroes and Battletome announcements in between the usual Blood Bowl and Necromunda stuff.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Imo Epic seems more likely because it would slide neatly into the usual Q3/Q4 Specialist Game new edition slot. Titanicus has also been suspiciously quiet when it comes to models and rules, despite apparently being a decent selling game which may not be a coincidence. 

So far we've seen nothing out of TOW except concept art and some fluff, plus they forewarned us it was a very long way off... immediately before Covid screwed everything up, and we know they've been scrambling to play catchup on their existing gamelines since. Three years even without Covid would have been optimistic.

The one thing I will concede to people waiting for TOW is that GW seems to have moved to a monthly dev diary schedule this year, which could be taken as a sign it's getting closer. Certainly we get more Old World news than we do Dawnbringers, anyway. Fitting it in this year still seems hard to imagine, though.

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New stuff is neato. The slaanesh fella is a great sculpt. I was toying with an idea for a drow/dark elf themed slaanesh project at some point and may actually go through with  it. 

SBGL realllllly does not need anymore heros. I'm hoping for some updated kits or even new things before that. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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New sculpts for the Khorne and Slaanesh minis look great, but man that rules preview has me nervous for Khorne. Instead of giving us a resculpt of Valkia and providing something that the faction is lacking (a small based hero that can actually fight, not something that you would think is hard to find in Khorne but here we are), they gave us yet another situational buff model with an extremely limited range. Not only that but it's a buff that's redundant with the globally available All Out Attack and can't stack with it. If our prayers haven't changed then it's also redundant with those. It's just... why. Why, when you have the unlimited possibilities of a brand new model, do you make yet another buffing foot hero (Khorne already has 13 foot hero models!!) and make its buff work off a 'wholly within 8" ' bubble (something every Khorne player already knows and hates with a passion) and then make that buff completely redundant with multiple, much easier to acquire, versions of it. 

GW please, if you're listening, stop it. Just stop. I know you like foot hero models, but when you get to a faction that is already drowning in them please, please, please, just use some common sense. It doesn't have to be crazy, a resculpt works perfectly fine. Or a small unit. Or maybe cut a new sprue with those models from the 1st edition starterbox we haven't been able to buy separately for all of AoS. Anything really other than just the exact same thing you've been doing for the last 5 years. I would literally have been happier with no new model at all rather than getting this.

Edited by Grimrock
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2 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Oh I know all about the lack of Titanicus news believe me, been more than a year and a half since we had anything release in plastic, closer to 2 since we had anything completely new in Plastic (the iconoclast was a variant of the Warmaster). Epic does seem like a good shout considering that Titans would be a big part of the game most likely.


I am hopeful for OW especially since other rumours have the starter box including TKs, which I collected when I was 10 and really want to see again, but yeah Epic seems more likely, especially as it ties more thematically to 40K which of course will be the year's headliner.

Would love it. Titanicus is a fantastic game and there were a lot of people hoping for even more. There's still lots of titans and knights that could have been added to the game, including corrupted titans that a lot of people were hoping to see.

If they make the shift to Epic, it could breathe new life into the Titanicus model range and also the Aeronautica model range.

Both games got a raw deal being released right before the pandemic hit, and then the game designer of Titanicus (James Hewitt iirc) left the company. So, we'll see what happens in the long run.

Either way, great to see two more battletomes out soon. Khorne REALLY needed theirs. 

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3 hours ago, Asbestress said:

We've already seen both reboxed Soulblight and Ossiarchs, so the speed is probably just so that they can get:
-40k 10th Edition out in the Summer
-(Supposedly, although I'd consider Valrak a pretty reliable source) The Old World by the end of the year
-And probably the Cities refresh in Fall-December

I have trouble imagining GW is going to release 2 major games (40k 10th and TOW) in the same year. Generally, it's a big game system per year : 2020 was 40k 9th Ed, 2021 was AoS 3rd Ed, 2022 was HH, 2023 is going to be 40k 10th Ed as far as we know. And adding to that, big "main" game releases happen in the summer. End of year is usually for Christmas bundles and holiday stuff like the special holiday minis. Releasing a major game system for Christmas would be unheard off from GW, even if it's for the return of "old Warhammer".

I'll also add that because Valrak is predominantly oriented towards 40k and HH, that's where he gets most of his most reliable rumours. Fantasy is a side-subject at best on his channel with a tiny percentage of coverage, so I would remain even more skeptical from the rumours about it. Also, he's pretty unreliable for "long term rumours". When Valrak says something is coming in a few months, you can safely bet he is right, but for longer term stuff like "end of year", "next year"... that's when he starts to be unreliable ; and that's when you need the extra pile of salt. On TOW/AoS matters, I'd rather consider a Whitefang rumour than a Valrak one.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

On topic of TOW. No I dont believe its coming this year personally. 

Tinfoil hat on : I believe that the original plan when GW announced TOW in 2019 was to have it release in 2023 for the 40 years of Warhammer. Unfortunately, Nurgle's plague hit pretty much soon after that and it took our world, and GW, time to recuperate. Sadly, as for many other projects, by the time things could "go back to normal" much time had been lost (a year, maybe a year and a half) and TOW could not be released on the intended date. 

We'll never know the full story as we're not GW insiders. But this makes some sort of sense as to why TOW is nowhere on the horizon after 4 years.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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23 minutes ago, Lich King said:

SBGL need Grave Guard , Corpse cart and Vampire on Nightmare hero model refreshes. 

Yeah, if SB get the single hero treatment, I hope it is a mounted character of some description. Either just on Nightmare (could be Blood Knight Grandmaster perhaps), or a new version of the old Abyssal Terror to give them a medium monstrous mount.


But then something similat could be said for Slaanesh. Don't know if it is Covid meaning that for smaller releases GW is just defaulting to the easiest possible model release or what, but it is irritating that we are getting a lot of infantry heroes when there are plenty of them and obvious gaps in hero coverage to be filled.

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42 minutes ago, Lich King said:

SBGL need Grave Guard , Corpse cart and Vampire on Nightmare hero model refreshes. 

Grave Guard could do with an update, they're sadly outpaced by the new skellies, and a nightmare-mounted cavalry vamp would be brilliant feels like a real gap... but the Corpse Cart is a great mini, really doesn't need anything changed.

Wouldn't mind seeing something more done with the Radukar's court minis. A generic Gravekeeper hero would be cool, he seems a more popular option than the others. There's maybe less need to the Vyrkos Bloodborn to be the vampire infantry unit everyone wanted now we have the Askurgan Trueblades but would still be cool to see them become standardised.

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