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Everything posted by JohnnyWolf

  1. Legitimately curious; every time Nurgle is mentioned Tamurkhan is the number 1 go to as far as new characters goes. I do not remember anyone ever mentioning the Glottkin. Any reason why they would not be a good pick as well?
  2. I suggested so (and pointed out that this was a missed opportunity to do a dual Ogroid/Bullgor kit). One small point of difference, beside the heads are the fact that Beastman do not have tails.
  3. Looks more than a just a Warcry warband to me.... is it really happening?
  4. Even sillier, it's hard to understand why they thought Vyrkos needed an 8th unique character while all other only have one. At least they could have given the Battletome a new Vyrkos themed cover... Vyrkos: - Belladamma Volga - Gorslav - Kritza - Lady Annika - Radukar (x2) - Torgilius - Halgrim Avengorii: - Lauka Vai Kastelai: - Prince Vhordai Legion of Night: - Mannfred Legion of Blood: - Neferata
  5. What you don't see is the fact that the Slaanesh symbol on the top is actually the tip of a fountain of sweet Slaaneshi nectar of unknown origin. Also I heard that the ribbed texture of the rock provide quite the sensations to anyone wanting to rub his back against it.
  6. Or underworlds for that matter. The lone Warcry Beastman they did in the Spire Tyrants was one of the most awesome model they released. Such a shame he is tied to a StD warband.
  7. look there to get an idea of options https://www.battle-mallet.com/nemesis-decks/ Keep in mind the warband is one of the first ones released and has not aged well (it's probably one of the worst in the game) so I would not recommend tracking them down if you are new to the game
  8. Not sure if it was mentioned, but it seems the Khorne hero is female!
  9. Well they did remove Khorne, Slaanesh, SBGL and OBR books from their website, so there is little chance they do not receive a new one soon.
  10. Hard to say, even the new Cursed City game is pretty bellow average as far as similar dungeons crawler games go. The sad thing is there are fantastic Warhammer games like Chaos in the Old World released in 2009 by FFG, but since GW parted ways with them, I dont know if we ever saw any Warhammer game worth mentioning.
  11. We received a Khorne slaughter-priest not long ago. They have staffs like sorcerers.
  12. That's true and I do love the models (and they are from ghur), though the units are way too cheap in points to build an entire STD army around them, so I had to pass on that. Weirdly enough, they were a Destruction faction before having their city being destroyed by orruks and joining Archaon
  13. The most frustrating part is they seem to be missing easy opportunities. For example they just release a trio of bad-ass looking bull like creatures in the form of Ogroid Theridons; one champion, one musician and one flag bearer. Does that remind anyone of a Best of Chaos unit? They even went the extra mile and made them alternative heads and horns sculpts. Why couldn't they include some bullgors heads as well? Why not do an easy refresh of an old unit?
  14. I never got the last Underworld warband that had a tzaangor in it (they were not good in Underworlds and I dont play Tzeentch), but I am with you on this, I'd like to have the new warband with a lot of varied units: mortal, demons, tzaangor and maybe a curseling? I really hope they are not as boring and uniform as the last DOK warband...
  15. Ferban up there already answered some of that, but I'll add that only registered users can leave a ranking (and only one obviously) and it takes a lot of vote to influence the ranking. For example for Underworlds, there are some 2800 users that rated the game. There is certainly a bit of that, but many other GW games did very well and let's not forget there are more than 125 000 ranked games on BBG, so it is not the worst thing being at 4270. BGG's ranking reflects the opinion of the whole gaming community, not just the wargaming one, so as much as everyone here might like the game, we would be kidding ourselves if we said AOS has the possibility to become a fan favorite game across gamers from all around the World. This is true, but aren't wargames just a subtype of board games? It's been a long time since the expression referred only to traditional games played on an actual board. Sure, but again, the list I gave prove some of GW games are considered excellent as well.
  16. You are right of course, you'd certainly needs some small tweaks to be able to play AOS with tokens. Probably not according to most people definition of wargames and I do not claim otherwise. That is a common misconception. Like I mentioned, basically any type of tabletop game are ranked on there, including Magic the gathering (a card game, actually ranked quite high at 155) and Dungeons and dragons (role-play). There are also many wargames well rated on BGG, though it really depend what someone considers a wargame (X-Wing for example is in the top 200) But that is beside the point I was making. My point was that Underworlds is fantastic publicity for GW as a ton of gamers look at BGG to know if a game is good or not and in doing so, might come in the Warhammer universe thanks to the (excellent) rating of that game.
  17. I guess you could also just replace AOS minis by tokens as well or standees, as long as they have the same base size (not that anyone would do that). For me this is a moot point. One thing that certainly set Warhammer Underworlds apart is that it is currently the best ranked game manufactured by GW on Boardgamegeek.com. Their ranking include all types of games, from cards games to roleplaying games and anything sitting in the top 1000 can be considered to be part of the best 10% of games. Here is the ranking for some of GW games: 868 - Warhammer Underworlds 1104 - Warhammer Quest (1995) 1507 - Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress (2018) 2115 - Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower (2016) 2385 - Kill Team 2449 - Warcry 2822 - 40k 4270 - AOS There are some Warhammer games better ranked than Underworlds, but they are all OOP games from FFG (from the time they had the IP). So if you want an existing Warhammer game or simply one that has GW miniatures in them, Underworlds would really be the recommended option according to BBG (a site widely recognized and used by most gamers as a main reference). Note on ranking: Editions are considered different games on BBG, so I only noted the best rated one for each GW's games.
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